Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 161 Advice from a Latecomer

The words of the goddess of justice were still effective. After holding a banquet for his three daughters, the king of gods left Olympus.

He planned to meet the two goddesses who were nominally sisters but were actually not as old as him. In the past, whether it was the Earth Mother or Rhea, they both left a bad impression on Zeus, who was now the king of gods.

He needed a queen of gods, but not like those two. She should put the interests of the king of gods first, not anything else. So he had to observe for a while to know what kind of gods they were.

In this way, the king of gods wandered between the sacred mountains and the oceans, the long-forgotten humans walked on the earth, a high tower was built in the moon, and the chaotic weather was gradually calmed down.

Until this day, when the king of gods returned to Olympus with satisfaction, the son of Iapetus, who had not been seen for a long time, suddenly came to visit him.


"Your Majesty, I have lived up to your trust. I am ready."

He looked a little tired, but his eyes were bright. Over the years, Prometheus found his brother, and the two of them created a lot of life together.

Even without the help of Iapetus, the two were still very successful. Now, he felt that everything was done, so the foresight felt that it was time to create humans.

"Very good, Prometheus, you are a little faster than I thought."

Nodding with satisfaction, in fact, the God King has been a little anxious recently.

He wants stronger power, preferably before the Earth Mother wakes up and Oceanus recovers, but he has no idea. Whenever he encounters difficulties, Zeus will think of his father.

If he also has that kind of power, there should be nothing to worry about.

So when Prometheus told him that he was ready, Zeus was very happy.

"Go, son of Iapetus, use the materials I gave you to create new humans."

"No matter what the result is, please tell me as soon as you finish it. I will be on Mount Olympus, waiting to reward you for your work."

Perhaps because fate was twisted, Athena, who was supposed to participate in the creation of humans, has not yet been born, and she may be absent from this event. However, the creation of humans does not require the participation of the goddess of wisdom, just like Gaia created the silver humans.

Even in the five human centuries recorded in later myths, only one century of humans was given breathing by the goddess of wisdom, but this did not prevent humans in other centuries from thinking.

"As you wish, Your Majesty, I will do my best."

Leaving the order was not only the order of the God King, but also because Prometheus himself wanted to do so. So he quickly left the God Mountain and found his brother as soon as possible.

He asked the other party to wait here before, because the foresight also noticed the abnormal enthusiasm of the God King for humans. He predicted Zeus's reaction. Although he didn't know the reason, he knew that he would not stay in Olympus for long.

"Epimetheus, my brother, we can finally start."

On a plain near a river and a forest, Prometheus ordered:

"Just like we tried before, I give life to the body, you give the body potential, and as for the soul, you can only hope for their own luck. In this way, each human has his own strengths, and it is convenient for me to remember them."

Although they are brothers, they have always been like a follower and a leader. The wise man who is aware of the foresight makes decisions, and the foolish man who is aware of the latter follows the work. They have always been like this.

"But brother, why do you remember them?"

The stunned latecomer seemed to be awakened by his brother. He looked at his brother with a puzzled look.

"Everything will die one day, and although humans have wisdom, there will be no exception. Even if you remember each of them, they will not accompany you for long."

". I created them, so I have to be responsible for them, even if they will die."

After a silence, Prometheus explained.

"But we have created many lives before, including birds and fish. Some were created with my father, and some were tried in recent years, but you have never cared about them so much."

As if he didn't see his brother's mood, Epimetheus continued to ask.


There was a longer silence. This sentence seemed to blame him for his partiality, but Prometheus didn't blame his brother. He was always so stupid, and it was reasonable to ask such an inappropriate question.

But reasonable as it was, he really didn't know how to answer. Asking himself, Prometheus knew why he was so partial to humans.

Among the gods, the foresight was never known for strength. He could only rely on wisdom. Among the created lives, humans were never known for strength. Their only characteristic was that they had a similar mindset to that of gods.

Any life would be partial, and the foresight was the same. The reason why he cared so much about humans was actually just seeing another self.

If humans were created by others, they would be similar at most. But if I create it myself, it's like it's not a mortal creature, but a child without blood.

"Just do what I say, Epimetheus. I am Prometheus, the foresighted one, the wise man recognized by the gods, and what I'm going to do will not be wrong."

"Now, get ready, let's complete the order of the king of gods together."

Said bluntly, Prometheus didn't want to express his thoughts to his mouth, even if the other person was his brother. So he turned around, ignored his brother, and began to shape a human body.

Behind him, the foolish fool looked at his brother and felt a little regretful.

He can't see the future, and he doesn't know what human beings actually represent. It's just that past experience tells him that no matter how much emotion is invested in Prometheus, there will be no good results.

After all, the God-King who just took office would not want to create humans for no reason. The only thing that the God-King is keen on is his power. Perhaps there is some special value in human beings that they currently don't know about.

But no matter what this value is, when humans are created, there are only two possibilities.

They are useful, and then the god-king treats them as forbidden, at most sharing them with other powerful gods.

They are useless, so in order to continue his 'attempt', the God King will just overthrow it and start over.

Therefore, it is inevitable that if you pour your emotions into something that is not destined to belong to you, you will not get good results.

"What are you still doing? Why don't you come here quickly?"

Seeing that his brother was still in a daze in the west, Prometheus reprimanded him.

"Okay, I'll come right away."

After shaking his head, Epimetheus stepped forward as instructed. Divine power lit up in his hands, and finally, he decided to do what Prometheus asked him to do as usual.

He had tried to persuade Atlas in the past because he felt that no god could remain a god-king forever, but the other party scorned this. Now, he tried to persuade his brother again, but still to no avail.

Fortunately, the gods are immortal, so Epimetheus accepted this calmly. Maybe when they've been through enough, they won't do it again.

Only when you suffer losses can you learn lessons. This is true for both gods and humans.

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