Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 163 Fear or Gift

For ordinary gods, the world has not changed at all. But when the bronze man was born, it silently shook the hearts of many gods.

Whether it was the new gods who had eaten the golden apple, or the old gods like Helios who had been restricted to medium power for thousands of years, they all noticed the changes.

So on Mount Olympus, in less than a hundred years, sitting on a bronze chariot, Hades returned here again.

Of course, it may not be described as "short", after all, it has not been long since he was born.

Looking at the rebuilt temple, Hades couldn't help but compare it with his own. Then he easily came to the conclusion that the ground is better than the underground.

It's not a problem with the building itself, but Hades can use as many gems and as precious materials as possible to build a temple for himself, but it can't change the desolate and secluded situation there.

He himself doesn't care, but the gods besides him care, so he has to care too.

"Hades, you are here too?"

"Our good brother is really extraordinary. He can always create something extraordinary. Fortunately, he didn't hide this time, otherwise no one would know what kind of field he would sneak into."

Even though it was still far away, Poseidon's loud voice still came.

Hades looked in the direction of the voice and saw that in the south, the Sea King was flying towards Mount Olympus alone.

This is a good thing. After all, before this, Hades was worried that Poseidon would bring his sea god relatives here. But fortunately, at least in terms of eating alone, his brother has never disappointed people.

"Don't waste time, Poseidon. Our sisters are here too. Don't let them wait anxiously."

Hades said briefly and didn't want to say more. He walked into the meeting hall first, and seeing this, the Sea King had to follow closely.

Behind them, Helios, who had just left to put away the sun chariot, also hurried over. In fact, if the existence of the sun was not too important to mortals, and it was destined that he could not be left out, the God King did not want to let the Titan join this feast of division.


There are many temples on Mount Olympus, most of which are the residences of the true gods. However, near the top of the mountain, the God King ordered the construction of a palace for the gods to resolve conflicts and discuss matters.

He named this temple Rector, which means a fair and honest place.

Today, the gods who received the notice from Zeus gathered together. They were at least medium-level divine powers, and even more powerful. They all knew the purpose of this trip, for the newly born human beings.

Only Prometheus was an exception. As the creator of bronze humans, he was allowed to join this meeting and even sat in a very front position.

Before this, no one understood faith, let alone where this power came from, and why weak humans suddenly had this ability.

Prometheus didn't know, but he at least had in-depth contact with golden humans, which was why he sat here.


Sitting in the main seat, Zeus's majesty grew day by day. Seeing the last participant also enter the hall, he slowly spoke.

"Human faith can enhance divine power, which was proven in the golden age. Unfortunately, for various reasons, the gods at that time did not pay attention to this matter."

The faith of golden humans is weak, and Zeus heard Prometheus mention this. But the king of gods thinks that in addition to their minds being modified, there may be other reasons.

For example, his father god did something secretly and absorbed enough power from it. Unfortunately, the king of gods knew nothing about it.

"It is worth celebrating that the son of the Titan god Iapetus, the wise man of foresight, created the bronze human. Under his advice, the soul of the new human was naturally generated, which made us pay attention to this secret."

Looking around, Zeus continued:

"You are all gods of Olympus, and our interests are naturally one. I am willing to share this discovery with you, but when facing other invaders, we should also unite."

The God King knew very well that among the powerful gods in the whole world, probably only his sister Hestia was really willing to fight for him unconditionally. In addition, without the bondage of interests, they would at most not oppose the God Court.

In this case, Zeus decisively chose to share this benefit, as long as he could get the most as the God King.

And it must be fast and steady. He must obtain enough faith from his adoptive father before several primitive gods notice it. The God King is now very grateful that the Earth Mother has fallen asleep. Otherwise, although he does not know much about the power of faith, as the incarnation of the earth, Gaia will definitely receive a share naturally.

"What about the other Titan gods?"

On the left side of the hall, Demeter, who had completely gotten rid of the influence of the power of time, looked at Zeus and asked:

"For example, your adoptive parents, are they excluded?"

No words were spoken, because Zeus knew that someone would speak for him.

As expected, Poseidon responded directly.

"Demeter, as our sister, I reluctantly understand that you have been on the sea for a long time and may have some respect and affection for those two, but I hope you remember that your brother also has a place on the sea."

Hearing this, Demeter fell silent. She did have a lot of respect for the original water goddess, but it was not enough to make her fall out with her brother for this.

After waiting for a while, seeing that no one had any objections, Zeus slowly said:

"It seems that we have reached a consensus, so the matter is settled. We will share faith and will not be robbed by other gods."

"Now, do you have any ideas about how to make humans offer faith? Bronze humans are not like the golden generation of the past. Although the faith they bring has become stronger, they may not still be pious."

"We need some way to make them take the gods to heart."


Without hesitation, the sun god was the first to stand up. He was only a step away from powerful divine power, and faith gave him hope.

"Let humans build temples for the gods like the golden generation, and offer sacrifices and offerings."

"If they don't obey, bring down droughts, storms, earthquakes, and floods. When they are afraid, they will naturally pray for the mercy of the gods devoutly."

"I object."

Prometheus retorted at the first time.

He was happy to see humans provide faith for the gods. After all, the more important they were, the less the gods would want them to be extinct. But Helios's statement was unacceptable to him.

"Pure violence cannot gain sincere faith, just like the previous god king used violence to make you surrender. From the result, he did not get your true loyalty."


Helios was furious. Prometheus' words pierced his heart. But just as he was about to say something, he stopped under Zeus's sharp eyes.


Turning his head, Zeus said to Prometheus.

With a slight bow, the forerunner continued to state his point of view.

"Facts tell us that suffering can only make people surrender, and grace can make others respect. Just like children treat their parents, they do not do it out of fear, but out of love."

"So the gods should protect humans and bless them, so that humans will believe in gods from the bottom of their hearts, and our faith can be endless."

Nodding, Zeus also came into contact with the power of faith for the first time. In fact, he felt that both sides had their reasons.

It is indeed difficult for power to make people respect from the bottom of their hearts, but thinking about himself, Zeus felt that even if someone had been treating him well, he might not necessarily respond in kind.

Apart from anything else, the baby that was still developing in his body was proof of this.

"Hestia, my sister, what do you think about this?"

It was a bit unexpected that Zeus would suddenly ask her, but the goddess of fire and protection still stood up and expressed her opinion.

"I think anything imposed on others is unreasonable. If it were me, I would tell humans that those who believe in me can get shelter and grace. The more pious, the more rewards I will give; I will not punish those who do not believe in me, but let them go. But if they dare to blaspheme the gods and insult them, I will also bring disaster to them."

"Since God has given humans free will, they should follow it. Otherwise, the faith brought by the golden humans would not be so weak in the past. This may be the warning the world gives to the gods."

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