Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 165 Traveling Together and Brilliance

Undoubtedly, no matter how Prometheus is evaluated from other perspectives, his preference for humans is indeed sincere.

Perhaps there are some other thoughts mixed in, such as secretly being surprised by the increase of his own divine power, but that is not the main reason. He likes his creations, so he is willing to do things for them and always considers them from their perspective. This is the reason for everything he has done in the past, present, and future.

So Prometheus returned to the place where he created humans, which is a plain in the east of the continent, not far from the sea. He flew high in the sky and observed where there were cattle and sheep, where there were grains from the perspective of God, and then guided humans to go and get them back.

He taught humans writing so that they could write and communicate. He taught humans knowledge, which was all learned from the dream of the king of the golden humans in the last era. He also relied on his divine body to drive away wild beasts for humans.

But later, the foresight gradually discovered that this meticulous care made some humans lazy. They enjoyed the gifts of the Creator, but were unwilling to work.

So after thinking about it, Prometheus decided not to do it himself. He would use his wisdom to help humans, and then let them do everything themselves.

From then on, Prometheus lived with his brother in the human settlement, telling them how to solve various difficulties.

Of course, he did not forget the most important thing. The forerunner guided the construction of the temple dedicated to the gods, and told them the greatness of each god one by one. He built the temple of the king of gods the most magnificent, and then asked people to offer tributes to the gods.

The gods responded to humans, just as they promised. When humans offered more and better things to the gods than they had, although the gods did not really care about these tributes, they still blessed them.

From then on, the places where humans lived had good weather and good harvests, and the fruit-bearing plants were evergreen all year round. When people lit torches, ordinary beasts would avoid them, and disasters such as earthquakes and storms never occurred in places where humans lived.

Everything was beautiful, the gods harvested faith as expected, and humans benefited, and even Prometheus, at the order of the king of gods, created humans with the remaining materials. But this time, he created a child similar to the infancy of the gods. The forerunner hoped that in this way, the king of gods would realize that it was time to give women to humans.

In this way, several years passed quickly.


It was another year of harvest, and it was also the day to sacrifice to the gods.

Under the guidance of Prometheus, humans flocked to the temples built for different gods. There, they offered most of the harvest of the year to prove their piety.

Therefore, the lively scenes of the past were gone in the human settlements, but it seemed a little deserted.

Walking on the human street, looking at everything around him, Ryan picked a fruit from the tree on the side of the road and handed it to Lyanna next to him.

The loyal angel took the fruit, but just held it in his arms, without any intention of eating it.

"Lyanna, don't always have a stern face, don't you think it's interesting here?"

He shook his head slightly and looked at the trees full of fruits around him.

Although with the birth of the three goddesses of the world of all spirits, spring, summer and autumn have been more obviously rotating in Chaos, under the authority of Demeter, the fruit trees here are still evergreen.

Even standing on Mount Olympus, the influence of gods on the world is still huge.

"In a few years, without the power of gods, humans have built such a large-scale settlement. If I hadn't seen more powerful ones, I would be surprised."

Admiring the ancient and primitive buildings around, bronze humans are still building houses with wood and stone.

Everything looks rough and orderly, and a thriving atmosphere is generated here.

"But what's the use of this? All it takes is an earthquake or a falling meteorite, and everything they have will return to dust."

Standing beside Ryan, Lyanna asked puzzledly.

If Ryan hadn't come, the goddess of the underworld would never come to any human tribe, and she didn't think it was anything great.

Just like when humans see beasts without wisdom, they will not sigh, "If I don't have wisdom, I can't do as well as them," because wisdom is a natural gift of humans, just as divine power is a natural gift of gods.

So Ryan was not surprised by Lyanna's idea. What gods really value about humans, besides faith, is creativity. Or, it may be because of their creativity that they have faith.

Ryan is not sure about this, and humans have not had time to show the latter.

"It seems useless, but they can generate faith, but you don't know why they can generate it. At least in this regard, they still have something to recommend them."

Responding to Lyanna's question with easy-to-understand words, Ryan noticed that a young man was sitting there blankly next to a wooden house not far away.

He looked vaguely in the direction of the temple, but did not go to worship the gods like other humans.

"You will understand later, Lyanna. This is civilization. Everything is changing, only change itself remains unchanged. And civilization itself is the source of 'change'."

"Let's go and take a look."

Lyanna seemed to understand, but she followed Lyanna as he moved forward. Soon, the two of them came to the young man.

As if noticing the newcomer, the young man raised his head slightly, and his cloudy eyes instantly became clear.


Calm tone, sure judgment. In the mortal world, it is already difficult for gods to judge whether the other party has divine power, but Lyanna's existence is proof.

There are no women among humans, so the one who comes is naturally a god.

"Well, isn't it the same for you?"

Nodding, he smiled and sat next to the young man. Ryan motioned for Lyanna to sit down as well.

"I brought her with me to see the world. After all, like she is now, it will be difficult for her to go further in the future."

“Whatever you do, you must learn to prepare for a rainy day. You cannot wait until the trouble comes to an end before you think about solving it.”

Eyes narrowed slightly, Epimetheus still did not relax. He didn't think it was a coincidence that he came to the human tribe on this special day.

"I'm afraid there is nothing visible in the world here. Apart from me and my brother, there are just a bunch of ignorant mortals."


With a chuckle, Ryan could feel that Lyanna was looking at the other party a little unkindly.

But the vigilance of the person in front of him was understandable, and he also knew why the other person was vigilant. So he spoke to comfort him:

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not here for your brother. And even if no one discovers his behavior, he probably won't be able to continue to succeed."

He complained in his heart, but then Epimetheus fell silent again. The other party really knew what his brother was going to do, and he shouldn't have been indifferent, but as Ryan said, even if he escaped this time, Prometheus would not be able to succeed forever.

As long as anything has the possibility of happening, it is destined to happen under the endless time of the gods. This is what he has always believed. Epimetheus had not supported Prometheus' actions before, but the other party obviously didn't care about his ignorant brother's advice.

In the past few years, the Illuminati has watched humans dedicate the best parts of cattle and sheep to God, and the best grains as tribute. At first, he thought it was natural. But later, as time gradually passed, Prometheus, who ate and lived with humans, became somewhat unbalanced.

The blessings given by the gods are only a small use of authority and do not affect their power very much, but the tributes provided by humans are real. The more you give to gods, the worse your life will be.

If the gods really needed these tributes, then Prometheus would accept them in exchange for blessings, but he knew very well that the gods did not actually need them. They were happy for the piety of mankind and secretly rejoiced at the existence of the power of faith, but then they discarded these tributes as waste.

Seeing the fruits of their creations' labor being wasted in this way, the Illuminati couldn't help but have some thoughts that they shouldn't have.

"Then why did you come?"

Somewhat irritated, Epimetheus knew that Prometheus would not end well. He tried to persuade the other party, but on the one hand, there was no result. On the other hand, he himself felt that this could not be changed, so he had to let it go, but this did not mean that he felt better.

Even towards humans, this creature that he had some good feelings about, he also developed some bad feelings.

"If I must say it, it's probably to bear witness."

After pondering for a while, Ryan said slowly.

"Witness sins and sacrifices. Of course, you are also waiting for someone."

"There are not many people in the world who meet my requirements and have 'potential', but I think he is one of them."

If Evan Jielin can feel it, Ryan can naturally feel it too. That pure and powerful belief caught his attention at the first moment.

When the Lord of the Spirit World focuses his attention on it, the traces of history will be clearly visible, but this is not enough. The oldest human king still had illusions. After all, he had never really seen the ruthlessness of the gods towards humans. So Ryan was not in a hurry to contact him, but just paid a little attention.

He believes that truly outstanding heroes can bloom the brightest flowers under the strongest emotions.

As for Ryan, he doesn't have to do anything. After all, that's what the gods on Mount Olympus are like.

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