Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 168: Plundering Souls

Unlike the present world, in the chaos-dominated outer world, time is always vague.

Maybe fast, maybe slow, it is hard to determine. Even after the birth of "order in chaos", this change can only be slowed down and "anchored", but it cannot be completely erased.

So thousands of years have passed since the giant snake surrounding the atrium began to sleep and his "spirit" walked in the world in the form of a human.

There is no life in the atrium, because its master does not allow it, and there is no existence qualified to set foot here, so this is also the only interface in the Nine Hells where there are no demons.

In the sky of the interface, islands float there. Most of them are vacant and maintain their original appearance. Only the one in the center has a simple wooden house, which does not seem to be in line with the title of "center of one world".

Right here, Ryan's incarnation leaned back in the chair, his eyes looking through the barrier of the interface, looking at the demon god in the outside world whose vitality is becoming more and more obvious.

The mother of demons has not yet been born, because the existence of the Nine Hells has intercepted some of the nutrients that should have been given to her. But the chaotic abyss didn't care about this, he had already let his creation perform its duties in advance.

Therefore, the position that I don't know if it can be seen as the 'abdomen' gradually bulged, and some power flowed into it. Of course, Ryan couldn't recognize Moya's body structure. He barely distinguished that it was the abdomen of the demon mother based on the bulging position.

The premise is that if Moya really used her abdomen to breed her offspring.

"How many demons will there be in the first batch of demons, like the Titans, with twelve?"

The voice came from the side. At some point, Asmodeus had come to the stone table in the wooden house.

The barrier of the interface also couldn't block his sight. Looking at his destined enemy in the future, the Lord of the Nine Hells asked calmly.

His intuition told him that the moment Moya woke up, the first batch of abyss demons would be born.

"No, there are probably only six."

"The present world is one, so there is nothing wrong with twelve. But Tartarus is only the core of the outside world, and six is ​​more in line with His status. In fact, I still doubt whether the demons bred by Him have the essence of immortality, except for Moya, who was formerly a Titan."

"Of course, all this is my guess. If there are more, it may not be a bad thing. After all, there is only so much power. He can create six powerful first-generation demons, but it is difficult to create twelve. If he forces it, he may also become weak."

After drinking from the glass, Ryan was not surprised by the arrival of Asmodeus, after all, he had already noticed it. In fact, just as he could not enter the other six levels without the other party's permission, the other party could not enter and exit his interface at will.

The biggest connection between the two sides is that the root of the Nine Hells is still one. Just as the present world collapsed, the outside world would also collapse. There can be strengths and weaknesses between the two sides, but one side cannot be completely lost.

Of course, Ryan didn't think it would go this far. Although he would be restrained by Tartarus' will when confronting the abyss, the reborn Asmodeus is more cautious and wise than he used to be. Perhaps for some people, the position of the God King is indeed just a shackle.

"Six. I hope that before they are born, Crius can complete the transformation."

"At that time, I will follow the agreement and seal the first layer of hell to him. With the advantage of the terrain, facing six demons suppressed by the power of the interface, he should be able to do it-"

At the end, Asmodeus was a little skeptical.

After all, the transformed Titan gods are not as good as before. Crius's [Weather] priesthood granted by the present world is not only useless here, but also affects his transformation into a devil. So after some bargaining, the God of Weather, who was exiled to the abyss with no way to go, finally gave up his identity as a worldly god.

In fact, if there is a choice, Crius would rather his boss be a ruthless worldly will than a thoughtful Lord of the Nine Hells. So even though there was no way out, he still asked Asmodeus to make enough guarantees.

After that, the three parties reached a consensus. Ryan used the [Well of Samsara] to wash away the present part of Crius, so that he didn't have to bear the priesthood, just like Mnemosyne, the predecessor of the demon mother Moya, who used millions of years of distorted time to complete the transformation.

The Lord of the Nine Hells was responsible for giving him a new life, and made a vow to the Styx in the name of the Lord of the Interface. As long as Crius swore to be loyal to him forever, Asmodeus would never ignore his interests and give him the first layer of hell to rule.

As for the stripped [Weather] priesthood, 70% of the source power was converted and injected into the first layer of hell, making this layer of interface suddenly become the existence second only to the ninth layer.

The remaining three layers were taken away as handling fees, which was also the reason why the Lord of the Nine Hells was suspicious.

After all, in this case, the newborn Crius was probably only at the level of 15 divine power. Even if he could go further with the blessing of the power of the hell interface, whether he could fight six alone remained to be discussed.

"It won't be a problem. It won't be long before my third layer of hell will also welcome a lord."

"The two of them together are enough to stop the other party. Besides, it's hard for me to imagine that the gods born by Tartarus can always be united."

Ryan responded casually, and couldn't help but think of that restless guy.

Except for the atrium, Ryan didn't plan to keep the other two layers of hell.

It saves time and effort to seal them out.

Perhaps some beings are not born to stay in a place that is too comfortable. Ryan believes that they can really show their strengths here.

"Speaking of which, compared to those demons, I am more interested in the Styx."

"As early as the last era, I noticed that Styx's body penetrated into Tartarus. And I really didn't expect that the power of his oath could actually work here, and the effect was even stronger."

Aside, Asmodeus had a different opinion. He didn't care why the River of Oath was so special, as long as it was easy to use.

"The 'oath' that takes effect in chaos is indeed interesting, but it is also a good thing. After all, without her, Crius may not believe my promise."

Asmodeus was a little indifferent. After all, this goddess has never had much presence. He asked:

"I heard that she gave birth to three children alone, released the explosive side of her character, and let them serve my rebellious son on her behalf?"

"That's the case. Some people also say that she gave birth to a Titan god. But from what I saw, there are no other traces of divinity in the bodies of those gods."

The violent Bia, the brute Kratos, and their two sisters. There are true gods and demigods, but they really only have the blood of Styx.

"If there is a chance in the future, I would like to let them serve me."

"The goddess of oath, her power is very compatible with the Nine Hells."

With some regret, Asmodeus was silent for a while. Finally, he stretched out his hand and drew a circle in front of him.

On this side of the circle is the atrium; on the other side, tens of thousands of demons are gathering together, bowing to an altar.

Unfortunately, these evil lives don't seem to be pious even to the Lord of the Nine Hells.

"Faith. The golden humans seem to have this kind of power, but it's a pity that I didn't pay attention to it in the past. After all, compared with the power of the God King, my time and space theocracy at that time was too insignificant."

Sighing, Asmodeus felt a little regretful.

If he could have discovered this secret earlier, maybe he could have touched greatness on his own. But the result now seems not bad.

After losing the dark source power that distorted their thinking, the souls of the silver humans who regained their lives gained freedom. Now, their "evil" is more due to the environment here and the memories of the past, rather than the result of forced modification.

This also gave them sufficient faith, and even because of the strength of their individual powers, they seemed to have more than a single human being, so the Lord of the Nine Hells actually discovered this earlier than Zeus.

But he also had to face two problems: First, the devils were not really pious, so the faith that could be obtained from them could directly cut off the part of "pious worship", which was equivalent to directly cutting off more than half.

However, this was acceptable. After all, as the master of hell and one of the creators of the devil, as long as they were still alive, they would definitely provide faith to Asmodeus, but the other problem was difficult to deal with.

Because the reincarnation did not connect to the Nine Hells, Tartarus did not welcome the intervention of the spiritual world, so he only had so many souls here. The faith brought by a mere few hundred thousand intelligent lives was considerable for beings below the medium divine power, but for Asmodeus, the effect was really limited.

"The Nine Hells also have a part of you, why are you unwilling to invest your soul here?"

The Lord of the Nine Hells asked knowingly.

"Because on the one hand, the spiritual world is my foundation, and on the other hand, the souls of the world will eventually return to the spiritual world. If the gods of Olympus dare to intercept a large number of flows, then I can directly cut off their source, but the devils of the Nine Hells will not."

Shaking his head slightly, Ryan once again rejected Asmodeus's request for the soul. It is almost difficult for the devil to die naturally. This is a natural supernatural born in the environment outside the world. But the price is that they have almost no reproductive ability.

"Unless they die in the outside world, even if they die in mutual fighting, their souls will only be used by you as materials for breeding new devils until they are completely exhausted. How can I be willing to do something that only goes in and not out?"

"You are right."

As if he had already anticipated Ryan's refusal, the Lord of the Nine Hells said slowly.

"In that case, I will find a way myself, as long as you don't stop it yourself."

"No problem," Ryan nodded, looking at his old friend beside him: "But aren't you already doing it?"

Under the authority of the spirit, there is no barrier between this special incarnation and the original body. The figure who had passed through the underworld and finally rushed to the earth had always been in his perception.

"I remember his name was Mephisto, right? He was one of the former leaders of the silver humans."

"Yes, a very capable guy. In order to select the best talents among these silver humans, I gave them the same starting point. Only the best ones could stand in front of me, and he was one of them."

"The remaining few relied on force to some extent, but he never used force once, so I sent him out and promised him that the more satisfactory the answer he could bring me in the thousand years in the outside world, the higher the reward I would give him."

He poured himself a cup of tea and drank it all. The Lord of the Nine Hells felt that perhaps this drink was no less delicious than wine.

"He told me that the people who know humans best are humans themselves. Although he is a silver generation and is not the same as bronze humans, I reluctantly believed his explanation."

"Let me see what kind of answer he can give me, and whether he can win half of the interface from me as he claimed."


"You are not a god."

The shock of the meeting just now faded, and anger gradually surged into Keto's heart.

Although the farther away from Mount Olympus, the weaker the divine power that can be used, but when he calmed down, Keto still explored the details of the existence in front of him.

But the result surprised her. Although the other party also has divinity, that divinity does not seem to come from authority. This power gave her the feeling of a regional god.

But she was sure that she had never seen this kind of regional god before—not the river god or the lake god, not the star god or the mountain god, but a breath that she had never come into contact with, and it was much stronger than the former, but it seemed that the other party was faintly rejected by the world.

This feeling was a bit like the situation when Keto crossed the edge of the sea and the long river that surrounded the world and came to the jurisdiction of the world.

It was a feeling of being out of tune. Although it was not rigidly suppressed, it seemed that many powers in the world were not very useful there.

"Of course, ma'am, I am not a god. I was not in the past, I am not now, and I don't plan to be in the future."

Turning back and smiling politely, but seeing Mephisto's smile, Keto felt that the other party was laughing at him.

Not a god, but deceived himself with a few words, did this make the other party very proud?

"So you are teasing me, teasing the children of the great lord of the sky, the king of all gods, Uranus!"

The little remaining divine power surged and crushed Mephisto in front. But in the next moment, this special 'regional god' blocked this temptation.

The black mist lingered around him, dissipating a little, but not completely collapsing. It was not so easy for the other party to block it, which proved that his power was not strong. But it was not so difficult, which proved that the other party did have the power of a true god - even if it was only at the level of divine power level 1.

"Although I was born not long ago, ma'am, the king of the Nine Hells told me about the past of the present world before I left."

Turning around, Mephisto stopped. He planned to convince the goddess in front of him before continuing on his way.

In the past, he had talked to his old friend that if he was given a chance, he might not be unable to convince the gods. Now, it was his turn to prove himself.

"As far as I know, the King of the Gods has been replaced as early as the last era. And Uranus, the god of heaven, has never had a child like you."

"If I'm not mistaken, you or the lady next to you should - cough cough."

Seeing the other party's expression as if he wanted to fight, Mephisto raised his hand and indicated that he could change the subject.

"Well, anyway, on the day when the God King married the God Queen, you not only did not go to Olympus, but left alone. I'm afraid it has something to do with a certain upcoming god. I guess it's right."

"Why, can't it be that I have a conflict with other gods on the God Mountain, or have something to do?"

Keto was sure that except for himself and the God King, no one could notice the birth of Aphrodite across half a continent, so how did this guy in front of him know what he was thinking at the time when he met him?

"The former is unlikely," Mephisto shook his head slightly and remained calm: "After all, the gods invited by the God King must have been notified in advance. If you had a grudge with a certain god before, you would not have come at all."

"If it was just a grudge - forgive me, ma'am, you probably don't have the ability to make a grudge with others on the day when the God King married his wife, and then ruin the God King's banquet and leave safely."

"So the only possibility is that there is someone who shouldn't have come but was invited temporarily, and she probably doesn't get along with you, and you are very afraid of her."

"As for the latter," Mephisto blinked and said with a smile: "If you really have something to do, why did you follow me here after I tested you before."


At some point, the anger in his heart had faded. Although it seemed that he was fooled by the other party's casual words before, Keto now felt a little curious and expectant.

Since the other party saw so clearly, then he dared to call him here, and there should be a way to help him.

"So who is behind you, the 'Lord of the Nine Hells'?"

"Among the powerful gods of the world, I don't think I've heard of this existence."

The circle of Chaos' gods was not big to begin with, and it was theoretically unlikely that a god that he had never heard of would suddenly appear. And Keto didn't think that powerful divine power could make a non-god become a god.

As for the original god, although the name 'Nine Hells' reminded her of Tartarus, all gods knew that the abyss had no wisdom.

"Haha, I'll tell you slowly about the greatness of the Lord of the Nine Hells later. But now there is something that you can do with me if you are willing."

As his mind turned, Mephisto made an invitation gesture.

"Bronze humans, you have heard of it."

"Yes, the mortal that the God King has paid much attention to recently."

Nodding, Keto didn't know why the other party would bring this up.

"Then come with me, I'll take you to witness why the God King is so concerned about them, and what kind of secrets humans have."

Although she was very dissatisfied with the other party's practice of leaving half of what she said, Keto is no longer thousands of years ago.

Now, her wild side has been suppressed a lot, and she is more like a god.

And it must be said that what the mysterious man named Mephisto said in front of her is indeed very tempting. Who doesn't want to know the secrets of the God King?

"You'd better not lie to me."

"I'll keep an eye on you!"

With a cold threat, Keto knew without looking that the other party didn't take it to heart at all.

So soon, the three of them took off again and flew quickly towards the east.

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