Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 172 Forgotten

In any case, Zeus had promised to be the guardian of the oath. If possible, he still didn't want Hades to have a grudge with Styx, which would make him a little embarrassed.

After all, from the bottom of his heart, the king of gods didn't want to have a rift with the Lord of Oaths because of Hades.

As for Hades, that's easier to say. Zeus can just sit back and watch on the sidelines, saying "give the ancient god of creation a face", and wait for Hades and his neighbor to become enemies, without damaging his authority at all.

It just so happens that Poseidon has his adoptive father as an opponent in the sea. If there is also a counterbalance to Hades in the underworld, it would be even better.


While thinking, Mount Olympus ushered in the third tremor. Zeus knew that he should do something. So under the gaze of the gods, the God King continued:

"In the past, I have made a promise: everything in the underworld belongs to Hades, just as everything on the ocean belongs to the sea god. Even as the God King, I will not interfere in their respective affairs, so Hades has the right to do whatever he wants underground."

"However, his behavior has disturbed the peace of the gods after all, so I think we need someone to check it out and understand the cause and effect."

Zeus looked around, but the gods were silent after hearing this, and they didn't want to get involved in this matter.

Just by listening to the movement, you can know that this is definitely a fight between two powerful gods. Hades himself has a level of 18 or 19 divine power. With the authority to mobilize half of the underworld, he will only be stronger, and the gods fighting with him are probably not much less.

This directly eliminated almost all the gods present, so when the God King couldn't go in person, they couldn't help but cast their eyes on the Sea King and the guardian goddess Hestia who came to the banquet.

Facing the gazes of the gods, Poseidon turned a blind eye. He would not run errands for Zeus. Only Hestia stood up.

Zeus's future offspring have not yet been born, and the goddess of fire and protection is the only powerful fighting force he can command. Just like every time before, Hestia spoke gently.

"Let me go, I will ask about the situation."

"Then thank you for your hard work."

Nodding, Zeus also knew that this was the best result. Then, under the gaze of the gods, Hestia turned into a red light and went straight underground.

Near Olympus, there is a gap that leads directly to the underworld. As long as you pass through it, you can reach the gate of the underworld.


Hua La La——

At the edge of the underworld, where the power of the two ancient gods intersects, the water of the river of pain, Acheron, surges and surges.

Charon, the ferryman of the Styx, sat on the wooden boat that he was born with, looking at the dazzling purple moon in the distance and the gray light that was pouring out from the earth but constantly sinking, and he felt a little emotional.

This was the second time he saw this kind of world-shaking power. The last time was when the era changed, when he saw the darkness spreading from the lightless realm.

But last time, perhaps because the level of power was too high, Charon simply couldn't understand where the two sides were and how they collided, but this time was different.

For the first time, the power of the Styx Moon was released unscrupulously in the underworld, causing the entire underworld to expand for a short period of time. On the desolate land, the riotous magic swept in all directions, the water of the Fire River rolled out of the track, and if the Styx and the River of Pain were not guarded by gods, there would probably be no difference.

However, vaguely, with the collision of the power of the two main gods of the underworld, at the end of his sight, Charon seemed to sense some strange breath.

This feeling made the Styx ferryman feel a little familiar, but he couldn't remember where it was familiar.

"This is the underworld. Although it is remote enough, it has never lacked powerful gods."

Putting the oars into the river, the turbulent Acheron barely calmed down a little. Charon suppressed the restless Styx and couldn't help but sigh.

The gods on earth at least have the vast starry sky and the sea to separate the gods of different camps by distance, but the underworld is different.

Whether you like it or not, Styx is at the gate of the underworld, and you will definitely pass by her when you go back and forth. And the "sky" underground is far less high than on the ground, and the moon and the gray earth are almost facing each other from a distance.

"Fortunately, my neighbor has never had much presence, otherwise it would be a bit difficult."

Glancing at the endless winding Styx not far away, this is conceptually "circling the underworld seven times", but in fact it is across the underworld while going deep into the oath river of Tartarus. Charon is still very grateful.

Fortunately, the eldest daughter of the Ocean God has always ignored worldly affairs, otherwise she would also be qualified to compete for the dominance of the underworld. If the power of the underworld is divided into ten, then Hades occupies two layers, Hades and Hades Moon each occupy three layers, and the Styx occupies the remaining two layers.

If Styx, as the first and most powerful Styx, demands to rule all the rivers in the underworld, then Charon really doesn't know whether he should choose her or Hades.

Although the Hades seems to be stronger


While thinking, a sudden fluctuation in the portal of the underworld attracted Charon's attention. This is a sign that someone has entered the underworld. Under his gaze, a red light flashed and then stopped at the bank of the River of Pain.

The light gradually dissipated, and the gentle guardian goddess appeared. She floated by the river, looked at the core of the underworld where the gray and purple collided in the distance, and then noticed the old man on the River of Pain.

Now the situation is very clear. The one who fought Hades was the rumored goddess of the underworld, an ancient god who lived in the spirit world for a long time. But before going there, the goddess decided to understand the situation here first.

"Excuse me, are you the river god here?"

Hestia looked at the old-looking ferryman in front of her with a calm tone. She did not look down on him because of the difference in strength. On the contrary, she was very polite.

It was her first time to come to Acheron and the first time she saw this ferryman of the Styx. The opponent's strength was not strong, but this Styx seemed to be connected with the power of the underworld, giving birth to a special power.

This power itself is not strong, but it shares part of the essence of the underworld. It can make everything sink, and make the existence that comes into contact with it consume obsession in pain. Neither gods nor mortals can avoid it. Only on the ferryman's wooden boat can this power be avoided.

Of course, this power will definitely not affect her. After all, the underworld is not the spirit world. Even if the river of pain shares part of the essence of the underworld, it itself does not have the symbol of touching greatness.

"As you can see, Your Highness Hestia, I am Charon, the ferryman of the River of Pain, and now I serve His Majesty Hades, guarding the gates between the underground and the ground."

Standing up from the wooden boat, Charon bowed.

"I wonder what you want?"

"The fight in the underworld has affected the ground, and I came here to explore the cause under the order of the God King."

"How much do you know about this dispute?"

Originally, she planned to rush directly to the center of the underworld, but Hestia felt that just before and after she crossed the gate of the underworld, the breath of the warring parties suddenly calmed down.

At the same time, a somewhat strange feeling floated in the underworld.

"I only know that His Majesty Hades wanted to meet the Goddess of the Moon and the Goddess of the Oath a long time ago, but it has never worked out."

"As for what happened today, I know nothing, Your Highness."

Shaking his head, Charon's old face did not show any bad treatment of mortals, only respect and obedience.

Because of the influence of his priesthood, he is actually very keen to bring pain to others. But if he was facing the eldest sister of the God King, he still knew what to do.

"Is that so? Then I'll go and see for myself. Thank you very much."

Nodding slightly, the guardian goddess thought that it was probably because her brother wanted to completely integrate the power of the underworld, and ended up having conflicts with his neighbors.

Without waiting any longer, Hestia prepared to leave. But the next moment, the strange breath suddenly became stronger. The entire underworld seemed to be rejoicing, and at a certain moment, even she was affected by the unknown power.

The goddess stood there in a daze. At this moment, she seemed to have forgotten how she appeared here, the purpose of this trip to the underworld, and even almost forgot how to control her own power.

The divine power therefore produced abnormal fluctuations. Fortunately, it was only a moment, and Hestia quickly got rid of this influence, but it still made her alert instantly.

"That is——"

With a serious expression, this special power was enough to make Hestia feel daunted. Its own strength is very limited, but like the Acheron River in front of it, it seems to share the essence of a certain existence.

Therefore, it also has a certain extremely high status, which makes it difficult for the goddess to be exempted.

". Your Highness, it seems that the new Styx is being born."

Perhaps because he is also a member of the Styx, Charon is not more seriously affected than the powerful goddess. He remembered why he was familiar with this strange breath, because there was a similar situation when he was born.

It's just different. As one of the Styx, the ferryman clearly felt that this new Styx, like Styx, did not seem to be only affected by the underworld.

At the other end of it, a vast and majestic world, just like Tartarus, connected to the underworld with the power of the new Styx.


"What is this?"

Compared with the two gods on the edge of the underworld, Lyanna and Hades were also a little surprised above the Field of Truth at this moment.

The figure of Hades was a little embarrassed, but he did not have any serious injuries. Although she had the upper hand before, Lyanna soon discovered after a brief fight that she seemed unable to do anything to the other party.

This was not because the power of the spirit world was not strong enough, and it could not even match half of the power of the Hades, but because she herself had reached a "bottleneck". Although there was still a lot of power that could be borrowed, Lyanna could no longer bear it.

The power of the interface added to her body, allowing Lyanna, who currently had less than eighteen levels of divine power, to stand at the peak of powerful divine power, and to go one step further to greatness. But the goddess of the underworld is not the master of the world after all. She cannot reach the realm of greatness before her own divine power reaches the extreme, which is a power that she cannot bear for the time being.

In this case, Lyanna and Hades are like two students who already have excellent grades and have received extra points. Although one has 500 points and the other only 50 points, facing a paper with a full score of 100, this is enough for two "good students" to get full marks.

Fortunately, she still has a magic weapon. If in the realm of divine power, Hades and Lyanna, who are blessed by half of the laws of the underworld, are equally matched, but in the realm of artifacts, [Pluto's Invisibility Helmet] is completely not worth mentioning.

However, as the fight continued, an accident occurred. When the power of the spirit world collided with the authority of the underworld through Lyanna, some wonderful changes gradually occurred. In the fourth layer of the spirit world, the artifact used to wash away the memory of the living beings suddenly collapsed and turned into a special spring.

Originally, it only inherited [memory], but now, it has gained additional power.

"New Styx!"

With a heavy face, Hades, as the legitimate master of the underworld, instantly understood what happened.

The birth of the Styx requires inducement. When the authority of the world oath was decentralized, Styx was born; Acheron was born because the underworld had a master, and the fire river was drawn by him personally. The scene in front of him was obviously a resonance between some power in the spirit world and the underworld, and the fourth Styx was about to be born.

This was originally a good thing. Just like in the previous two eras, the birth of the natural god also meant the perfection of the laws of the world. The increase in the number of Styx can also increase the power of the underworld, but Hades was not happy at all at this moment.

Because Hades felt that, unlike the River of Fire and the River of Pain, this new River Styx, like Styx, did not seem to be governed by the laws of the underworld.

"Your Majesty."

When the signs of the birth of the River Styx appeared, the fight between the two main gods also stopped. Lyanna looked at the changes with some confusion, while Hades was thinking about how to end this inexplicable battle.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the terrified water fairy finally suppressed her fear and came to Hades' side.

"Your Majesty, your temple just-"

"I can see that this is not the place you should come to."

The corner of his eyes jumped, and his tone was a little stiff. It's just a palace, Hades doesn't care, but as a place where he lives, it represents his face.

But the problem is that anyone with a discerning eye can see that he has no way to deal with the goddess of the moon, and he can't even make an equal counterattack-the other party's residence is probably in the spirit world. And now Mingta said it again, which made Hades really impatient.

This nymph may not have second thoughts about him, but she is not a smart guy.


"Let's stop here, Lady Lyanna. I have seen your power, but you should also understand that I have some power in the underworld."

Hades spoke slowly and looked at the beautiful goddess in front of him. From the appearance, the other party is not much inferior to the famous Hera, but the style is different.

"I will not mention the previous things in the future. My temple destroyed by you is an apology to you. This meaningless battle should not continue."

With an unchanged expression, Lyanna had to admit that this false god from the outside world did have some strength. Maybe he could be suppressed with the help of the power of the artifact, but in the underworld, Hades was difficult to be truly suppressed.

Among the original 18 spiritual angels, their attitudes towards the creatures of the outside world can be roughly divided into three categories. The Ignoring Party believes that their existence or non-existence has nothing to do with them; the Destroying Party believes that those who do not believe in the Creator should be destroyed; and the Redeeming Party believes that the creatures in the outside world have just gone astray and need to be made aware of the greatness of the Lord and educated.

Lyanna is actually between the latter two. She thinks that all things can be educated, but it is difficult to do so with these false gods. However, she is not as extreme as the second type, so she has not reached the point of taking action when she sees them.

"You call this place the 'Garden of Truth'?"

The voice is cold. Looking at this place that calls itself 'Truth', an idea vaguely floats in Lyanna's mind.

If the name of the Lord can be promoted, then a god who is probably unkillable does not seem to be that important.

"Yes, this is the name I gave to the core of the underworld. I wonder if there is anything wrong with it?"

The expression became alert. After the previous incident, Hades had vaguely realized that perhaps this goddess born in the spirit world might have many different concepts from the gods of the world.

Without replying, looking at this gray plain, Lyanna smiled. Hades was a little surprised for a moment. It was the first time he saw the smile of the goddess of the moon, but the next moment, he realized something was wrong.

In front of him, Lyanna tapped her finger lightly, and an illusory river flowed out of the void.

Perhaps it was a coincidence of fate. As soon as it appeared in the world, it was immediately accepted by the underworld. The breath that made all things forget the past emanated from it. One end of it started from the side of the [Well of Samsara], and the other end extended infinitely, rushing towards the gray earth.

"What are you going to do?"

The divine power emerged, and Hades was about to stop it at the first time, but he found helplessly again that the authority of the underworld did not exclude the other party. Under the protection of the power of the silver mirror space, the illusory river just crossed the old site of the Pluto Palace on the Garden of Truth in front of him, dividing the core of this underworld into two.

Even this long river is still extending. It cuts off some tributaries of the Fire River and explores the portal of the underworld. Finally, it stopped behind the River of Pain.

Hades then noticed that there seemed to be a familiar figure there.

"From now on, this will be Eirene's 'River of Oblivion', and she can be more relaxed because of it."

"The souls of mortals will flow into the spirit world from here, and then be washed away along the way, and finally reincarnate. And where the river flows, all mortals can witness it all, and thus clarify the greatness of the spirit world."

I was very satisfied with my arrangement. The river originating from the fourth spiritual world was located in the middle of the seventh spiritual world, so it should naturally pass through the axis of the underworld.

Turning to look at Hades, Lyanna felt much better. She remembered Kronos, who had visited Lyanna several times. Since everything the Lord said was correct, the goddess of the underworld moon should naturally learn from it.

'This is probably what the Lord wanted me to learn by letting me handle this matter alone. '

I was a little happy, and my tone became much softer. Lyanna looked at the Hades in front of her and said in a flat voice:

"The angels in the spiritual world are only loyal to the Lord who created everything. This is the first and last time I tell you."

"In addition, guard the banks of the River of Oblivion and don't let souls be stolen by other lives. Otherwise, the less souls the spiritual world receives, the less power the light of the underworld moon will have."

"Are you still willing to maintain our previous agreement?"

Hades was a little surprised by Lyanna's words, not caring about his sister who was far away at the gate of the underworld.

He thought that with the conflict between them, the previous agreement between the two parties was no longer valid.

"I hate you, just because of my personal likes and dislikes. But it has nothing to do with the promise you just made."

Since her birth, Lyanna has been influenced by two people, one is Lyon and the other is Themis. Most of her understanding of the outside world comes from the two. The latter needs no further explanation, and the former, except for playing some word games when she was still weak, has always kept her word.

So as Lyanna said, as long as Hades did not break his promise first, she would not mind using the power of authority to give the underworld more light belonging to the moon.

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