Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 183 The extinguished ‘fire’

In the western part of Aurora City, a residential area that is not a core area.

"Mr. Ryan, have you heard that just three days ago, the temple of the goddess of law collapsed uniformly."

Andre hurriedly walked into Ryan's courtyard, his expression a little anxious. He stayed at home for the past two days and did not go out. He did not expect to hear about this kind of thing as soon as he came out.

In recent years, following Ryan to study drama, Andre also learned a lot of history that ordinary people did not know, as well as the true power of the gods.

The temple of God collapsed. Does this mean that they are dissatisfied with humans? He came eagerly to seek Ryan, who was always knowledgeable and seemed to know everything, but when he walked into the courtyard, there was no one here.

There was a layer of dust on the table, and it looked like it had been two days. There was nothing else on it, only a beautifully-shaped puppet.

"Mr. Ryan?"

Still no response. The door of the house was open, but there was nothing inside, even Ryan's usual things disappeared. Everything seemed to indicate that he had left here, and it didn't seem like a short-term absence.

Instantly, a huge sense of loss surged into Ander's heart. In fact, he had expected what happened today, but when it really happened, he was a little overwhelmed.

Ryan had mentioned more than once that he would leave here one day. But in the past, Ander thought that day was far away, but he didn't expect it to be today.

". It's probably because of the collapse of the temple. Mr. Ryan is a priest after all."

Sighing, Ander looked at the puppet on the table.

This might be the gift Mr. Ryan left for him. He had mentioned this before, saying that he would leave Ander a "gift beyond your imagination" before leaving.

Ander was silent for a while, then gently held the puppet and turned to leave.

No matter what it is, it is something left by the elders who taught Ander for decades, and he will definitely cherish it. However, the next moment, Ander froze in place.

When the puppet touched his palm, an invisible "lock" seemed to be unlocked. In the past, it locked up all the "abnormalities" about Ryan, and everyone subconsciously ignored them under the influence of this power, but from this moment on, it no longer worked on Ander.

Along with it came a message about this puppet.

"This is--"

With his eyes wide open, Ander looked at the "toy" in his hand. Just now, according to what he learned from the message, he knew the secrets contained in the puppet in front of him, which was indeed beyond his imagination.

He didn't know whether this message was true or false, but if it was true.

"Huh--Ander, don't be anxious."

"Your mental power is not strong enough. According to the message, even if you can use external objects, you must first reach the realm of "legend."

Taking a deep breath, Ander said to himself.

Over the years, in order to control the puppet with multiple minds, Ander learned the method of meditation. But as a mortal, he is far from being able to break through the barrier in a short time like a being who is essentially a god, and the meditation he learned is really just meditation, and there is no other knowledge related to mysticism.

If the realm before the legend is divided into four stages, he has now reached the top of the third stage, and it is still a long way from the extraordinary realm.

For power, Ander didn't care much, but now it's different.

"Mr. Ryan - no, His Highness Ryan is actually a god."

Whispering to himself, Ander knew that his teacher, whom he had never acknowledged, was probably not only a god, but also a god stronger than the Creator. After all, Prometheus once said that the boundary between mortals and gods cannot be broken.

But now it seems that this is just that the Creator is not strong enough.

Holding the puppet tightly, Ander's excitement slowly calmed down. So many years have passed, although he has seen many not-so-good things among humans, he still retains the good thoughts in his heart.

Therefore, although he has obtained a huge benefit, he is still worried about the collapse of the temple.

After all, this may represent God's dissatisfaction with humans, and although he has something in his hand, it is only the future.

"Let's go ask the familiar priests first. They should know something."

After making the decision, Ander walked out of Ryan's courtyard. He stepped over the threshold and looked at the sky. It must be said that the weather today is indeed a bit strange.

The dark clouds in the sky seemed to be pressing down, and silver snakes were dancing in them. Especially in the core of Aurora City, the clouds there were particularly thick.

An invisible sense of oppression enveloped his heart, and Ander shook his head to drive away this feeling.

After all, it was the safest place for the human tribe. Although he had never been there in person, Ander knew very well what was there.

It was the residence of the Creator and the temple of the God King.


The sky had darkened, and the dark clouds were gathering more and more. There were no pedestrians on the road. In this weather that looked like it was going to rain heavily, no one wanted to run out.

Sporadic firelight was scattered in the quiet human tribe at this moment, bringing a little light to the dark night where one could not see one's hand in front of one's face. Not long after Momon left, Orson covered himself with a layer of black clothes and walked out of his room silently.

Standing on the street, Orson looked back. This was the wooden house he had lived in for decades, and it was built by the Creator and him together.

At that time, this was used as an example to other humans. Prometheus used it to teach them how to build houses, and Orson has always been proud to live here.

But in the future, he probably won't have the chance to live there again.

"But there's nothing we can do about it."

Sighing, Orson felt a little emotional.

"You are neither the strongest god, nor can you do everything. I am indeed grateful that you created me, but this is not the reason for me to die with you."

"No - I am the only one who will die, you never will!"

The voice was soft at first, as if he was trying to convince himself, but then it turned into gritted teeth. I don’t know when, Orson felt that he was becoming more and more envious of the gods. Envious to the point of being somewhat resentful.

Eternal life, immortality, strength, appearance, they are so similar to humans, even Orson doesn't feel there is any difference between the two. If I must say it, it's just that the gods are better.

After all, they have been gods since the day they were born.


"This is why faith cannot be discussed."

"Some idiots just can't understand this."

Suppressing his tumbling emotions, Orson laughed to himself.

Look, he's proof of that. Obviously he is the one who has received the most gifts from the gods among humans, but he is the one who least believes in gods.

In the past, he enjoyed fooling the gods. Now, he was betraying his Maker again.

Sometimes Orson feels that he is indeed despicable, but there is no way, reality is like this, this world is like this. As long as you have value, you can live well. On the other hand, whether you are noble or despicable is actually not that important.

Just like him now, isn't he the high priest standing at the apex of bronze humanity?

But now it's time for a change. Once, his 'intelligence' was what distinguished him from other humans and was his value to the Creator. Now, it's time to show value to other gods.

Of course, the premise of everything is that the other party can give him what he wants.

"It's almost time."

After clenching his fists and reaffirming his thoughts, Orson walked towards the core of the tribe.

The dark clouds in the sky became thicker and thicker, making the air seem a bit depressing. Perhaps it was the tranquility before the heavy rain, but there was no sign of wind along the way. By the firelight in the houses on both sides of the road, Orson's eyes, which were no longer bright, could barely make out the road.

He had walked this road many times in the past, but this time it was extraordinarily slow. The further you go, the brighter your surroundings become, for this is the core of Aurora.

Here, the sacred fire used to worship the gods is fueled by animal fat and remains immortal all year round. Even at night and on rainy nights, someone is always watching over them to prevent them from burning out.

"High Priest."


"Sir Orson."


"High Priest."


Gradually, Orson met some acquaintances on the road, and he nodded and greeted them one by one.

As the most central temple of God, it is natural that no one would be left unattended just because of the night. Although the people responsible for guarding the temple were a little confused about Orson coming late at night, they didn't think much about it.

After all, the other party is the high priest, and the temple of the Goddess of Law collapsed a few days ago. It seems that it is not strange for Orson to come to pray to the gods.

Along the way, Orson slowly came to the temple where he had worked for many years. Looking up, even at night, this tall and majestic temple is still solemn and solemn, with a slight luster. This is caused by the influence of the divine power in the statue.

Here, the power of faith, divinity and elements seem to have produced some wonderful reaction after the three merged, vaguely giving birth to a power similar to divine power, but much weaker, but not suppressed by the laws of the world. .

If Orson was from hundreds of years in the future, he might be able to tell that every inch of this temple has been 'consecrated'. It has some extraordinary properties and can contain things that contain negative energy.

At the same time, the spirit body's "wall penetration" that ignores the entity will not be effective here, and they will be blocked like material life. Even the corresponding surface spiritual world appears to be different from other places.

"High Priest."

Seeing Orson's figure, the two young men responsible for guarding the door greeted him in unison.

"Okay, don't pay attention to me, I'll go in through the side door."

After waving his hand to stop the young man from opening the front door, Orson thought for a moment, then turned around and warned:

"After a while, I will use the method taught by the Creator to communicate with God and try to solve the problem of the collapse of the goddess temple. No one can disturb me. Remember, I am talking about everyone!"

"Yes, High Priest."

The young man responded respectfully.

"very good."

Nodding, Orson no longer hesitated. He walked around to the side and walked into the temple through the small door where the worshipers usually came in and out.

Pushing open the small door, and then closing it carefully after entering, the hall was very empty, making the sound of footsteps and the opening and closing of the door particularly clear. Orson didn't light the light, he just walked inside with the faint light from the skylight.

Soon, when he reached the innermost part of the hall, Orson raised his head and looked at the tall statue in front of him, stunned.

In the past, he had offered sacrifices to the God King here countless times, and had also performed similar acts in other temples, but every time he prayed, he prayed for something that was insignificant to him personally.

He wanted eternal life and power, but the gods did not promise this to mortals. Some of them gave fire, some calmed the storm, and some made crops abundant, but none of them were willing to give mortals life.

"You are the only exception, respected Lord of Thunder, King of Gods."

"You are the only one who understands our wishes. There is nothing in the world that you cannot give. You did not define the scope of the reward, but gave us the hope of getting everything."

With hope and praise, as every time in the past, Orson recited the poem describing the God King loudly.

Now, he should show his value to the God King.

"Zeus, honorable god, immortal Zeus!

We pray to you and offer proof of reward!

Supreme monarch, the sacred things are revealed through your head:

The mother goddess of the earth, the shore of the roaring mountains, the sea and all the stars in the sky.

Great Zeus, son of Kronos, the master who holds lightning and descends to the world!

You are the source of everything, the beginning and end of all things!

The shaker of the world, the beginning of growth and purification!

The king of all gods who controls lightning, thunder and thunder!

Great father Zeus, please listen to me:

Your most loyal servant begs you to grant me eternal life, a noble status, and the power to serve you!"

When the poem paused, Orson felt that, as usual, the eyes of the gods were cast.

Recently, because of the frequent sacrifices, the gods have not paid much attention to the sacrifices of mortals. But the call in the middle of the night still attracted the attention of the king of gods.

After all, this was the first midnight sacrifice, and he intended to listen to what this mortal was going to say, and why he dared to pray to him for eternal life, status and power.

So after feeling the gaze of the God King, Orson prostrated himself on the ground. His heart was pounding, but he looked pious and fanatical.

He began to tell how he worshipped the gods, the status of the Creator among humans, and how Prometheus intended to deceive the gods.

He was unwilling to go along with him at first, but the Creator's reputation among humans was so great, and the gap in their power was so obvious. So much so that until today, when the despicable son of Iapetus finally offended the Goddess of Law because of his rampant behavior, he finally had the opportunity to tell the God King about all this.

Finally, kneeling on the ground, Orson said loudly:

"Supreme King of the Gods, as you promised:

There is little in this world that you cannot give me. The secret I brought to you proves my piety to you, and please grant me eternal life as promised."

Orson was full of confidence, because it was always like this in the past.

The gods were far away in Olympus, and they could not tell whether a person was pious or not. Since they used sacrifices to measure faith, the secret he offered was the most solemn sacrifice in the world.

The faint light from the skylight shone on Orson's prostrate figure, and also illuminated Zeus standing behind him.

Someone prayed to him, and he listened; the other party longed for him to come, and he came. The King of Gods demonstrated his power in the world, and the laws were roaring towards him, but this could not hide the anger in Zeus's heart at the moment.

He looked around slowly with a blank expression. The magnificent palace looked solemn and dignified, but it seemed a little ironic at the moment. After all, all this was just for deception.

Finally, Zeus looked at Orson who was kneeling in front of him. In any case, as the king of gods, he should indeed be clear about rewards and punishments.

He knew that this guy was not loyal, but he was still somewhat useful. The king of gods secretly decided that as long as this mortal had a little faith in him, he could give him eternal life and use his existence to promote the kindness and prestige of the king of gods among the new humans in the future.

But after sensing for a long time, the result surprised him. Until this moment, the high priest kneeling on the ground did not notice anything that happened. He was looking forward to the blessing of the gods, but no matter how the king of gods looked at him, he could not see a trace of faith in him.

All he could see was the belief of this humble mortal in himself.



"Oh, I understand. It seems that I was wrong before, we were all wrong - it turns out that this is faith."

With a sneer, as the thunder passed, Orson turned into charcoal without knowing it. Invisible forces acted on his body, and he would remain in the current state forever, crawling in the center of the temple.

Looking through the wall, looking at the human city that was becoming more and more prosperous under the blessing of the gods, the anger of the king of gods became more and more violent. He wanted to destroy these pitiful lives, even if most of them knew nothing about it. Thunder and lightning gathered in the sky, as if they would fall to the earth in the next moment, but the next moment, he stopped his behavior.

Not only because Zeus regained some reason, but also because he had a better idea.

Humans can be destroyed at any time, but there may only be this chance to deal with Prometheus. If there is a next generation of humans, he doesn't want to see this foresight who likes to be with people again. His existence itself is the biggest obstacle and competitor for the gods to gain faith.

So Zeus wants to give him a chance to make Prometheus's rebellion against the gods more thorough, if he really loves the humans he created as much as he shows.

So the God King no longer resisted the suppression of the laws of the world. This incarnation that descended from the air was instantly annihilated, and even affected his original body. But at the same time, accompanied by a thunder, the God King's decree took effect.

At this moment, the sound centered on the temple and the sacred mountain, rang in the ears of all people and gods. Whether they were asleep, awake, on the ground, or in the sky, they all heard Zeus's indifferent voice in the thunder, all the causes and consequences, and the God King's brief judgment:

"From today-"

"Take away the 'fire' given to mankind."

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