Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 195 Treasure House

Leaving the whirlpool in the East China Sea, Ryan had a painting in his hand.

The painting was a semi-finished product, but he didn't need to start the rest. The changes of time and times will add color to it.

This time, Ryan came to see Prometheus, whether it was a painting or a promise, Ryan didn't have any special purpose. He was just interested in his past memories, wanted to do it, and then did it.

As a god, he could do whatever he wanted. The cause of many myths in later generations was just the idea of ​​a god or a person, which then caused a series of changes.

And just as Ryan promised, if someone really worshiped him on the day when the bronze man was destroyed, that person could survive; if all humans worshiped him, the disaster of the God King would become a laughing stock.

Although this is impossible with human nature, Ryan did decide so.

He avoided exerting his power in the world, not because he couldn't, but because it was unnecessary. As he once said, every move in the world would turn into a confrontation between the laws of the world and the spiritual world, and each time it was stronger than the last. But Ryan didn't take the first one or two collisions seriously.

In his estimation, there were not many opportunities for him to take action in the entire Third Age.

"It's time to go back."

Ryan looked at the angels in the spirit world, each doing his own job, and the god of sleep seemed to be conscientiously adding bricks and tiles to the already perfect dream spirit world. This trip to the nine realms has gained a lot, and he should deal with these things.

However, there is no urgent matter in the future, so Ryan just followed the passage he left behind and started climbing from the first level of the spirit world step by step.


The fire that extinguished and rekindled overnight, the sudden disappearance of the creator, the loss of various magical gifts from God, and the beasts that began to attack humans. In just a few days, all these changes caused an uproar in the bronze human tribe.

Especially in the great temple dedicated to the God King, although the charred figure kneeling on the ground could no longer see his face, people still figured out his identity after the retelling of the guard that night.

High Priest Orson, one of the Creator's favorite students, but his current miserable state combined with all these changes can't help but make people easily think that perhaps it was he who angered the gods, so that Olympus brought down such a punishment.

For a time, the old order of mankind even showed signs of collapse, but because the time was still relatively short, people still worked and lived habitually under inertia.

This is also thanks to the arrival of the holy fire, otherwise, under the further punishment of those beasts with extraordinary powers and the gods, this primitive human city would only fall apart in an instant.

"High Priest, can we still hide it?"

In the former residence of the Creator, the priests of Aurora City gathered together, facing the current changes, they were also a little panicked.

Others don't know, but the priests can probably guess the whole story. The reason why the gods brought down their anger is not just because of Orson, but the crime committed by all of them.

But for some reason, the gods did not say it clearly. They took the Creator away but ignored the priests.

"Of course, you don't need to panic!"

Unlike the panic of other priests, Momon seemed very confident. Even many people who knew him felt that he looked more ruddy and energetic than before.

"The Creator brought us fire, and the gods gave up further punishment on humans. This matter naturally ended."

"I don't know if what you said is true, and whether the gods have forgiven us, but if so, do we still need to sacrifice to the gods?"

As soon as these words came out, there was silence in the field. This was actually a very difficult thing.

After all, the blessing of the gods has been taken back. Even if the punishment is eliminated because of the creator, it does not mean that they can still get a response if they continue to sacrifice.

And if there is no response, humans used to get rewards after offering sacrifices to gods. Now suddenly tell them that you offer sacrifices to gods, but there will be no benefits. Then are they really willing?

But it was difficult for the priests to make a decision to stop the sacrifice directly. After all, whether this would cause the anger of the gods again was one thing, and on the other hand, if the sacrifice was no longer needed, the meaning of the priests' existence would be lost.

Even for themselves, they didn't want to stop the sacrifice just like that.

"I have thought about this matter, you don't have to rush."

His movements were neither hurried nor slow, and Momon seemed to have a plan in mind.

"It is indeed easy to cause dissatisfaction if people are asked to offer sacrifices unconditionally, so we have to change the way we say it."

"We have to tell others that not only did the gods take back their gifts, but the punishment they imposed still exists."

At this moment, although everyone knew that Momon was talking nonsense, he looked like he was explaining the truth.

"Wind and rain, wild beasts, frost, these are all part of the punishment. Only by offering sacrifices to the gods devoutly can the disaster be avoided."

"But we all know that this is actually useless-"

"Who said it's useless?"

Interrupting with a cold voice, Momon looked at everyone present.

"If anyone gets hurt or dies, it's because he's not pious enough. It has nothing to do with us or God. And most importantly, the holy fire brought back by the Creator is still here."

"The new holy fire is different from the original one. It is not a flame that is mainly for [guarding], so it will only scare those beasts with powerful supernatural powers and keen perception, but this is enough."

"We are not only priests who communicate with the gods, but also guards who are responsible for protecting the holy fire under the order of the Creator before he left. Except for us, no one knows that the holy fire will not be extinguished or moved. Human beings are at peace because of our existence. Isn't this enough?"

The scene became quiet, and the priests thought silently, and then nodded one after another. Looking at this scene, Momon smiled with satisfaction.

He actually avoided the most critical point, that is, as long as a real god comes, their lies can be exposed at any time, just like their tricks during the sacrifice before. But not long ago, after drinking the bottle of blood that had been stored for many years, Momon saw the mysterious figure again.

From him, Momon learned a lot, such as the Creator will not come back, such as the gods will not let humans go, and for example, the conditions promised to him by the mysterious man.

If it was a few decades ago, he would have refused outright; if Orson had died and Prometheus had left, he would have hesitated, but now, with nowhere to go, Momon decisively agreed.

Regardless of whether what the mysterious man said was true or not, there was only one thing that Momon believed very much, that is, the God King would not let humans go so easily.

If he had killed all the priests together before to vent his anger, it might really have stopped there. But these accomplices are all alive and well, how can the God King calm his anger?

The only possibility is that he is waiting for an opportunity to solve the problem once and for all.

He is a "big man" among humans, and Momon understands this idea very well. Making everything look "legitimate" without endangering their core interests is what they like to do most.

So now, since the gods are unreliable, Momon simply gave up on them. According to the mysterious man's instructions, he will try his best to ensure the stability of the human tribe and continue peacefully until the day when the gods intend to destroy them. After all, if too many humans die in advance, it will also affect the mysterious man's "income".

His income is less, and the "dividends" given to these accomplices will naturally not be much.

"Since there is no objection, then I will continue."

Thinking about it, Momon did not show it, and he began to arrange specific work.

"In a while, I will select a few people to go to several towns outside Aurora to lead the holy fire. This matter must be done as soon as possible. I don't want to find that there are only ruins left when you get there."

"Also, we need to build a wall, a real wall made of stone. After all, the holy fire can disperse those terrible beasts, but it will not affect ordinary beasts whose senses are not so sensitive."

"We also need to build weapons and establish a team specifically to deal with those threats, whether those threats come from outside or somewhere else."


All in all, about half a day passed. When the last thing was arranged, Momon stood up. Now he looks more decisive and aggressive than before.


Looking around, especially at several priests whose auras were somewhat similar to his, Momon said decisively:

"Whether we like it or not, everything is a foregone conclusion. The gods have given up on us, and the Creator will never come back. Only humans are left here."

"So from now on--"

"The fate of bronze humans is in our hands."

With bright eyes, Momon felt that he had never been so good before.


From this day on, great changes took place inside the bronze humans.

The holy fire was directed to various towns, and the strange beasts that had approached human gathering areas because of the dissipation of the divine aura retreated. The messenger holding the holy fire used this to publicize the changes in Aurora, and then established a new ruling system with the original priests as the head and the craftsmen who had close relations with them and taught them skills as the core.

From then on, in the human society without the Creator, classes no longer existed only in spirit, but also in material.

Some people expressed dissatisfaction, but soon, he died in the mouth of a beast while going out. Without weapons made by skilled craftsmen, humans are far from being able to defeat wild beasts with bare hands, so soon, everything returned to peace.

But peace is only on the surface. After all, with the loss of God's gift, perhaps the accumulation of the past is not obvious now, but soon, due to the reduction in grain production and the death and injury of cattle and sheep during grazing, the overall harvest of humans will drop sharply, and the era when no one worried about survival materials will become a thing of the past.

At that time, even food will become one of the problems that need to be solved.

However, it is interesting that as the saying of "the punishment of humans by the gods" spreads rapidly, some people who began to pay attention to the existence of humans because of deceiving the gods suddenly found that although some people's faith in God has weakened, many have become more pious.

This made them suddenly realize that their previous understanding of faith was still too shallow. Humans are different from gods. The threats to gods often come from another god, and for humans, the world itself is very dangerous to them. In this case, they can't help but have different ideas.

Maybe humans don't need to live too well, and it's good to stay like now.

The gods’ gifts to mortals should be random, not fixed. It is humans who pray for their favor with hope, not an exchange with a clear price.

However, the gods’ attention to humans is only occasional, because the gods have long known the king’s thoughts. They saw Zeus’ will from Pandora, who he asked the gods to create together.

In any case, even for the majesty of the gods, the king of gods will not allow the bronze humans who blaspheme the gods to multiply and become the masters of the earth.

Therefore, they did not notice that on the edge of Aurora, there was a ‘demigod’ in their understanding who began to teach primitive, physical training skills to some people around him with that place as the center.

In other words, they were learning together. Because some people themselves have only a vague understanding of how to obtain this kind of power, he is also distressed about how to let others learn this ability.

After all, when he was born, he was at the peak of the mortal world, and his physical strength was only one step away from the extraordinary, so that when he just mastered this power, he didn’t even think they had any use.

So everything was done in a trial and error manner. For a moment, apart from himself, there was no other human being who could generate power in his body, but their physical strength was significantly improved.

At the same time, in addition to studying this power, he was also trying to understand the history of the last few hundred years and the deeds of the gods through various channels. He carved a stone slab with stone in his home, and often meditated silently in front of it, but he had never gone to any temple of the gods to worship.

This attracted the attention of some people, but at this time of change, many humans complained about the disappearance of the gods' gifts, and even hated the gods, but they did not dare to say it out loud, so in the end no one paid more attention to it.

In this case, Ryan, who finally returned to the Sinaia Mountain, stood at the core of the seven-layer spiritual world and took out the Odin treasure house he had put away.

"It does not have the function of self-destruction, it will only shake time and space and let the things inside fall, that's right."

Although he had said it once before and the result obtained by personal observation was the same, Ryan confirmed it again.

There were many gains on this trip, and he needed to arrange them one by one, but the first thing to do was to count them all, and Odin's treasure house was one of the "blind boxes" that no one knew what was inside.

So the dragon egg was placed aside, and Ryan first took out the wooden sphere engraved with runes. It was not large in size, but for a creation of a god king, the apparent size obviously had no reference value.

"Yes, in fact, I also participated in the refining of this treasure house."

Following Ryan into the spirit world, Mimir became more careful.

He was very glad that he did not come to a place like the Land of the Dead, but the spirit world did not seem to be much better.

"For some truly precious things, the self-destruction rune text cannot really destroy them. Instead, it is better to use the power of time and space to send them to the pre-set place before the treasure house is opened."

"Of course, now that the Nine Realms have been destroyed, those set coordinates are also invalid. If it is destroyed now, the things inside will only randomly float in the void."

The real void refers to the nothingness outside the world, but Ryan knows that Mimir is not talking about this. The void in his words is just a concept at the spatial level.

"So, do you want to open it now? Just let me study it for a while, and I can find it."

"No need to be so troublesome."

Shaking his head slightly, whether Mimir really doesn't know how to open the treasure house or wants to show his value, Ryan doesn't intend to spend this time.

This is the spirit world. Even if Odin himself is here, it is impossible to break through the space-time barrier of the spirit world. The treasure house he left behind, even if the power increases a hundred times, there will be no second result.

Stretching out his hand, Ryan gently squeezed the wooden ball. The next moment, the space and time around the ball began to bend, and an invisible force acted on it.

On the texture of the wood, runes lit up one after another, and then went out. Rune runes are runes that explain the rules of the Nine Realms, not runes that explain the rules of Chaos.

Although in some aspects, the rules of the two realms have some similarities, there are more differences. Therefore, this treasure house of the God King, which could be called one of the top creations of Asgard alchemy, was almost instantly broken through the defense, and then touched the warning marks inside.


With a buzzing sound, the wooden structure of the ball collapsed in an instant, visible to the naked eye, and a familiar breath spread out, which was the power of the world tree.

When this sacred tree was alive, it not only had extremely strong life force, but as the support of the space and time of the Nine Realms, it also had extremely high space-time affinity. At this moment, this power was aroused and spread to the surroundings.

Then nothing happened, until the wooden structure of the entire treasure house collapsed, and it did not cause any damage to the surrounding space.


Mimir was a little speechless and a little shocked. In Scandinavian mythology, unlike Chaos, there is no real god in charge of time and space. There are only some beings that are more or less related. For example, Odin is regarded as the guardian of time and space, and the three goddesses of fate are sometimes believed to have the power of time.

Therefore, seeing Ryan's casual operation of space with his own eyes still shocked him greatly.

In the brief battle with the [Flemish Mother Tree], Mimir thought he had understood the powerful power of this outside god, but now it turns out that his power is not limited to [Life] and [Death].

"Okay, tell me what these are. Having been Odin's 'staff' for so many years, you should know something about it."

As the treasure house was shattered, the space inside also expanded and returned to its normal size. Looking at the things in front of him, Ryan did not reach out in a hurry, but asked Mimir first.

Whether it's something from another world, it's better to let the 'locals' talk about it first.


The huge head suppressed the shock and looked at several items floating in the void. Soon, he seemed to have discovered something.

"Sir Ryan, have you seen that book?"

Looking for fame, Ryan noticed the ordinary-looking book.

"Of course, what does it record?"

There have been some speculations. After all, the value of books is to carry knowledge, and what other knowledge can be valued by Odin, but Ryan still waits for Mimir to confirm his idea.

"That is the [Original Book], the first book made from the leaves and sap of the World Tree Yggdrasil. In our world, there are many legends about it, but in fact, I am the only one who really Know what it is."

In some recollections, as the guardian of the spring of wisdom, Mimir sometimes wonders what he has obtained from the spring water. This cannot clear the fog and see the real 'wisdom', but there is still nothing.

"Sir Ryan, it is the greatest result of Odin's sacrifice at the Fountain of Wisdom. It is also the source of more than 70% of the magic and alchemy of the nine kingdoms, the original [Rune Rune]."

"Odin took it out of his own memory and used the only world leaves in the world that can permanently carry its existence as its carrier. The final product created is the [Original Code] in front of you."

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