Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 207 Roads and Biased

There were no complicated changes, no gorgeous lights and shadows, just a very straightforward sword. But everyone who saw it could feel that the owner who swung it seemed a little different from before.

The change was not drastic, more like a beginning, but many times, there was a world of difference between having and not having.


A huge hole was stepped on the wall, and Cohen leaped up with the help of the sun's strange power.

At this moment, he felt that his spirit and will were unprecedentedly integrated, and even the mental disturbances that came from the fragments of divinity day and night seemed like a breeze. The scenes under the collapsed mountain flashed through his mind, and now Cohen had only one thought in his mind.

Defeating this sea god was also to defeat his past mistakes.


Almost instantly, Cohen's figure crossed a distance of thousands of meters and came to Triton. With a sound like a broken leather, the blue light curtain was directly split into two, only slightly delaying the figure of the human king.

If it was on the sea, where the suppression of the law was not so strong, Cohen would never be able to use a copper sword that could be seen everywhere to cut through the barrier containing divine power, but there is no if in reality. At this moment, it was just a water shield enriched with elemental power under the blessing of authority.

At this time, there was no obstacle between Triton and Cohen. The enemy was right in front of him, and the spirit of the human king was even more tense. He had realized that this so-called son of the sea king himself did not seem to be powerful, but the trident in his hand with a gorgeous shape was definitely not an ordinary thing.

Holding his breath and concentrating, Cohen stepped lightly on the surging sea water around him, and his originally slowed speed increased again. He raised the copper sword and prepared to-



The sound of a stream of water exploding suddenly sounded, and right in front of Cohen, Triton suddenly exploded into a stream of water.

After being stunned for a moment, Cohen immediately reacted. This son of the sea god who had been so high and mighty before actually ran away?

"Huh - damn human, do you really think the noble son of the Sea King will fight you in a physical fight?

"That's what inferior people do, go, kill him for me."

Behind the vast ocean, the water flow converged and turned into Triton's figure again. But now, the son of the Sea God was obviously a little frightened.

Just like the wind god can turn into wind, Triton with a human body and a fish tail can also turn into a swimming fish or water. And most importantly, this instinctive change is very natural, almost difficult to be detected by other beings, and there is no time to prepare, which is also the key to his successful avoidance of Cohen's attack.

The anger that had just risen in Triton's heart, who had never fought before, was instantly extinguished. He was almost killed by Cohen twice in a row, which made him completely give up the idea of ​​fighting the opponent directly.

But fortunately, he is not alone.

"Monsters who once bathed in the blood of gods, it's time to serve the Sea King. Go, kill him for me! "

The artifact was raised high, and at the command, the sea beasts in the waves followed. Unlike gods, the power of these sea beasts with divine blood comes from the flesh or supernatural powers. No matter what the environment, they are equally powerful.




Hiss and roars came one after another, and the sea monsters rushed towards the tiny human. This was not only because of the inspiration of the artifact, but also because instinct told them that eating that human would bring extraordinary benefits.

However, in the face of all this, Cohen was not afraid.

"This feeling."

Holding the hilt tightly, the blood flowing in his body covered the sword edge. He felt that his current state was better than ever before.

Something was gathering as if to be extracted from the depths of his spirit and body, and even the world became clear. However, Cohen felt as if something was missing, making them always in a state of being born but not yet born.

But whether the change had completely occurred or not, he felt fearless in this situation.


The sword cut through the air, and the tiny human was like an ant compared to the hundred-meter-high sea beast. However, when the sword cut into the body of the sea beast, it was followed by a thunderous roar.

This sword caused almost no damage to the sea beast's body, but for some reason, the originally strong aura instantly declined.

"Hmph, go up again. "

Hidden in the back, watching this scene, Triton just snorted coldly, then waved his hand.

He can have as many sea monsters as he wants. Without divine power and authority, even the body of a true god will feel tired. Even if he can't beat him, he will be exhausted to death.


Inside the city, on the empty streets.

The heavy rain fell like a torrential rain, hitting the road, making crackling sounds. The battle in the sky outside the city became more and more intense. One sea monster after another rushed towards Cohen, and then was severely injured or killed one after another, blood The nearby water surface was dyed red.

Of course, this is partly because these sea monsters themselves are not very powerful. For example, the son of the original sea god, the first generation of the father of all monsters, is not among them. Those sea monsters that are really powerful and even have names passed down in later generations often have independent thinking. They will not be summoned and dismissed by a divine weapon.

Just like the three Gorgon sisters, the snake-haired banshees with powerful petrification powers, they are like the Cyclops. Although they are not gods, they have innate magical powers that even gods cannot ignore.

Because of this power - or perhaps because of greed for 'beauty' - Medusa, the youngest of the three sisters, was even recruited into the palace by the Emperor of the Sea, so naturally she would not be ordered around by Poseidon's children.

"Did you want to ask something?"

The rain was pouring down, but not a drop of water could penetrate around the two of them. Looking at the two sides fighting outside the city, Ryan also noticed that Huma behind him was hesitant to speak.

"Yes, sir, I would like to know, is he human?"

Raising his head, Huma looked at the figure swirling with golden flames in the sky.

When the bronze human race was about to be destroyed, someone wielded a sword against the gods. This was another event worth recording. But whether the other party is a human or a god is undoubtedly important to what he is about to record.

"Yes, but not a bronze human."

"He is a golden human being, and he is also the first human being I created in the past. As the king of the Golden Age, as you recorded, he once had devout faith in God. As for now, you have also seen it."

It was somewhat emotional. If he hadn't sensed the pure and powerful power of faith a hundred years ago, Ryan might not remember Cohen now. After all, he had never shown anything special before. Although I made him the king of mankind and gave him the opportunity to dream, at that time, the other person's identity was just a 'golden human'.

He was the first golden human being, so he appointed him king; he was the leader of the golden human beings, so he allowed him to view the Civilization Slate. But now, when he noticed him again, Ryan had to admit that Cohen had exceeded his expectations in some aspects.

Thousands of years ago, Ryan personally created the original meditation method according to spiritual authority, and divided non-god existence into seven levels, corresponding to the seven levels of meditation method. But in fact, the seventh level of the meditation method, the state of 'self-generated divinity' in the spiritual realm, actually exists in conjecture. Whether it can be successful or not is completely unknown.

After all, so far, no mortal being has been able to do this on her own. Even Hecate, who has fully mastered the [Seven Phase Meditation Method], is a natural god and does not need to face this at all. level.

Therefore, Ryan himself was not sure whether the path of "understanding the world, gaining insights into the rules, and summarizing his own order of all things" would lead to the gradual transformation of the spirit until the birth of divinity would be successful.

But at the moment, the Golden Man King doesn't seem to be following this path at all. He is using practical actions and his shallow understanding of the nature of power to show Ryan a completely different method in person.

The Oracle Tablets of Delphi, the manifestation of the original order, can even be used to see the destined fate. The first one is engraved with the motto "Know thyself". After being transformed by the spirit world, Lane added a sentence to it - 'Know the world, and then know yourself'.

The meditation method he created is to understand the world, and Cohen's current state is to understand himself. Facts have proved that there may be a difference in difficulty between the two, but there is no difference between them.

"So he is the king of the golden humans?"

On the side, Huma didn't think so much. After getting the answer, he just sighed, then lowered his head slightly and started carving on the stone slab.

This is the third picture, which he divided into three parts again. In the first part, a pair of big hands molded the first human beings, which was a scene of gods creating humans. In the second part, humans are bowing to the gods, and in the third part, someone draws a sword to the sky, pointing directly at the sea god holding a trident.

The expressions of the characters are the core of this part of the stone carvings. The confusion when he was born, the piety when he bowed, and the determination and vague confusion when drawing the sword made the characters appear lifelike. And what is very interesting is that the appearance of the sea god is not Triton, but the appearance of the statue of Poseidon in the temple.

"Confused, did he show it so obviously?"

After coming back to his senses, Ryan looked at the stone carvings born from the old man's hands and couldn't help but asked in surprise.

"A person with such ability has stayed quietly in Aurora for so long, and yet he took action today. I can feel the conflicting emotions."

"Hopefully he can find the answers he wants. That's the only thing I can do for him."

Ryan nodded in approval. From another perspective, he could see that it was precisely because of this that Cohen had not been able to really take this historic step.

Compared to Ryan's idea of ​​"from the outside to the inside" in the spiritual realm, the Golden Man King apparently unconsciously took another "from the inside to the outside" path.

With his own brilliant will as the core, he steps on the unswerving path, completes the integration and sublimation of spirit and body, and finally takes a step forward to give birth to divinity. This is Cohen's current state.

This is undoubtedly feasible. If these conditions can really be met, perhaps Cohen can become the first demigod to achieve his own achievements today. You know, demigods are similar to regional gods, a broad concept with outrageous upper and lower limits. Ryan is not entirely sure what kind of strength this self-promoted person has.

However, in reality, Cohen has never been able to find his own 'path'. At this moment, with the resentment of ignoring the gods, his will was indeed shining brightly, but he didn't know what he would do next after defeating the god in front of him.

There is a beginning, but no follow-up, so Cohen's divinity will be born but not yet, it seems to be but not yet.

"It's very difficult, and it's very personal. It's not something that can be achieved step by step like the meditation I imagined. After all, different people's natural wills are not the same, but this is just right. Divinity should be so unique."

Everything now is ultimately for his preparation for the future, so Ryan silently remembers the entire process of Cohen's transformation in his heart. Regardless of success or failure, these are valuable lessons learned.

Time continued to pass, and Cohen's state finally stopped after reaching a certain limit, but the battle did not stop. He seems to be fighting a sea monster, but in fact he is getting closer and closer to Triton.

Apparently, Cohen knew exactly who was the source of all this. As long as this sea god is solved, the abnormal flood will recede, the sea monster will not stay on the land, and everything will be over.

As for what to do next, that is what happens later.

"Will he succeed?"


Shaking his head, Ryan knew that Cohen couldn't kill Triton, not because of his strength, but because someone would go astray.

In any case, Poseidon would not allow Triton to be killed by a mortal in front of everyone, even for the sake of his own face.

"We'll see."

"Whether he succeeds or not, he will get through today safely."

Logically speaking, the Human King who once had strong faith in him is incomparably in line with Ryan's goal of saving today. After all, for the Lord of Spirituality, worship in the heart is undoubtedly more in line with the standards than worship in the body, so today Cohen will definitely not die. In terms of value, it goes without saying.

Before he completely takes the path of self-generated divinity, Ryan will not allow anyone to kill him.



The wine glass was crushed, and the relaxed atmosphere in Olympus just now became audible, which made the sound of the wine glass shattering more clear.

Poseidon looked at the image in front of him with a livid face. The guy who jumped out of nowhere replaced Triton and became the protagonist of the show.

Every time he killed a sea beast, Poseidon felt like the sword was slapped on his face.

"Who is he? Have any of you left any heirs in the mortal world?"

Gritting his teeth, Poseidon seemed to be looking for a punching bag. But looking around, no one stood up.

The expressions of the gods varied. Some avoided his gaze and did not dare to look at the angry King of the Sea; some smiled as if they were laughing at his son who could not even solve a mortal city; some looked at him. Stop on the image and watch this rare drama.

"Why, do you dare to admit it? Only we know about human things. Who did it? It's not too late to admit it now!"

"Ahem, Poseidon, please be patient."

After speaking out to stop Poseidon's increasingly irritable questioning, Zeus looked at Eurynome.

At this moment, the god of water and pastures was stunned. The scene in the video was really beyond her comprehension.

Although she is also a true god, judging from her priesthood, I am afraid that she is not as powerful as the artifact in Triton's hand. A human leader who once built a temple for the gods at the foot of Mount Odiles suddenly possessed such power, and the impact this had on the goddess was by no means easy.

"Eurynom, I remember you told me before that this human looks a bit like a golden human?"

"Yes, but in my impression, that golden human does not have such power."

Looking away from the image with difficulty, Eurynome told the truth. Although I had not seen him a few times, in the goddess's impression, the golden human still fit her stereotype of mortal beings.

"In that case, things are clear."

With a slight twinkle in his eyes, Zeus smiled at Poseidon:

"This is not a divine descendant, at least not the divine descendant sitting here. No matter how he lives to this day or how he got this power, I think the son of the Sea Emperor will not be stopped by him. Wrong."

"Huh, Zeus, you have always been in charge of human affairs. As a result, not only did the Prometheus incident happen, but now even -"

With a trembling face, Poseidon was about to exchange a few more words with Zeus, but mid-sentence, when the corner of his eye swept across the image, the Poseidon's expression suddenly changed.

"--you dare!"

No longer caring about the backlash of the law, following the connection with the artifact, the power belonging to the true god flew away through the air. However, Poseidon still had some sense. He did not use the full power of his powerful divine power, but only activated part of it.

The next moment, the feedback from the law came. It was almost clearly visible that Poseidon's divine power level was directly knocked down, and he could only barely maintain the edge of powerful divine power. This is not a permanent injury, but it may be difficult to recover within a hundred or two hundred years.

Regardless of the loss of divine power, the price has been paid. Poseidon knew that he could only act once, so what was delivered to him along with his power was an angry rebuke.

"Triton, your mission is to destroy mankind, not waste time with the dead remnants of this old era!"

"Now, flood this city. As for other obstacles, we will leave them for later!"

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