Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 210 Infiltration

A world of dreams, a realm where reality and fiction intertwine, where everything is impossible and can be realized. Today, the place where Hypnos is located is exactly the same as Mount Odis.

This comes from the dreams of the creatures who once lived on this sacred mountain. Although these creatures have long since died and perished with the sacred mountain in the disaster, these ancient dreams themselves have continued.

For some reason, Sleep marks it, but rarely comes here. But today, in the former palace of the second-generation God King, Hypnos clapped his hands gently.

"Pah, pah, pah——"

The sound is not loud, but in the world of dreams, size has no meaning. The next moment, light and shadow floated, and passages connecting different dream realms were opened one after another.

As the third spiritual world built on the basis of the dreams of all living beings, time in the dream world is inherently chaotic. The time in the outside world is only ten thousand years, but hundreds of times have passed here. During this long period of time, Hypnos did nothing. He supported many capable spiritual beings and helped them become the lords of the Dream Realm.

A rough calculation shows that there are about one-third of the third spiritual world.

If there is no chance, these lords are just his subordinates, maintaining the order of the three-level spiritual world. But when the time is right, they can also become Hypnos' soldiers.

"They're all here."

After a while, more and more dreamland creatures appeared in the palace. Once upon a time, the second-generation God King entertained the gods here, but now, the place is filled with spiritual beings of all shapes and sizes.

Looking around, the God of Sleep nodded with satisfaction. In the spiritual world, it is self-perception that determines appearance, so these lords are different. Some of them are the result of many spirits devouring each other. After inheriting the incomplete memories, they still think that they are the existence they once were, so they maintain the image of their lives; some are simply born in the dreams of powerful existences, and then gradually become independent. It seems that It is somewhat similar to some gods from the outside world.

Others are full of weirdness and weirdness, and are not even life that should exist in this era. For example, walking dolls and puppets wearing ceremonial dresses. No one knows how they were born. Perhaps it is because of the chaotic time and destiny in the spiritual world that the future shines into a corner.

Of course, no matter what they look like, these spiritual lords have extraordinary power. They themselves may only be extraordinary beings, and only extremely rare ones have divinity, but in the spiritual world, with the blessing of the dream realm, most of them are god-like, which is why Hypnos recruited them.

The God of Sleep doesn't expect these men to have any big effect, but at least they can help him eliminate some trouble.

With a gentle tap of his hand, an invisible stream of information floated towards the coming lords, which was what they were asked to do later. In fact, until now, Hypnos has not told anyone what he is going to do.

Some things are enough for him to know.

"Follow my orders and go."

After the message was conveyed, the young god whispered his instructions. He watched these spiritual world lords leave again in various ways. Soon, the place returned to how it was not long ago.

Time has entered the countdown from now on. Success or failure, those are the only two options.

Sitting on the throne, Hypnos's indifferent emotions also fluctuated somewhat after a long absence. He somewhat understood the psychology of the throne owner. Perhaps Cronus also thought so when he planned to assassinate the Heavenly Father.

"never mind."

"From now on, this will all be mine."

Following the connection in the dream, the God of Sleep glanced at the mortal world. There, guys who have met several times are stealing souls. That wonderful ritual has isolated the spiritual world from its instinctive attraction to the soul, and even a passage is slowly being opened.

Hypnos secretly noted this place, and he planned to pay attention to the place on the other side of the passage later. Although Mephisto's behavior attracted attention for himself, it did not mean that this behavior could be tolerated.

When he becomes the new king of the spirit world, the first thing he has to do is to cut into pieces the guy who dares to steal his wealth, and then track down the mastermind behind the scenes.

"It's almost there. No need to wait any longer. I didn't expect that my good Father God would actually run outside. This actually makes me a little more confident."

He smiled. Although he was very confident in his authority, Hypnos knew very well that only in the case of a sneak attack could his divine authority be brought into full play.

In the myths of later generations, the original God of Sleep was able to put the god-king Zeus, who was near the peak of his powers, to sleep, and he also relied on the Queen Hera to assist him.

Therefore, compared to a battle with Ryan for the authority of the spiritual world, Hypnos wanted to solve everything quietly and secretly.

So he stood up, the gray wings on the back of the God of Sleep vibrated slightly, and his figure disappeared into the third spiritual world.

Except for a few people, even the gods in the spiritual world need layers of climbing interfaces, and that's what happened to him. It's not far off, it just takes a while.


"Your Highness Hypnos, good morning."

Entering from the most formal 'portal' of the fourth level of the spiritual world, just as he was about to leave, a voice came into his ears.

Following the sound, Hypnos unexpectedly discovered that a familiar yet unfamiliar angel from the spirit world happened to be here.

To say familiar, there are only so many true gods in the spirit world, and he knows them more or less. To say unfamiliar, of course, is because the one in front of him never goes out and stays in his own little world. So in fact, the two sides have never had any dealings.

"An Yue, Your Highness Yiwen Jielin, what are you going to do-"

"I am invited to come and take care of the reincarnation for a while. Although there is no life in this world that can shake the [Well of Reincarnation], there should always be servants of the Lord guarding here."

The calm expression may be the influence of the priesthood, and Yiwen Jielin's most ordinary voice is like a moving song. At this moment, the god of sleep seemed to hear the echo of nature, the singing of hundreds of birds, and even his soul was purified.

At a certain moment, Hypnos even felt that he should not betray his father god. After all, Ryan is not the father Uranus, and he has never done anything tyrannical. But the nature of the gods is not so easy to be influenced, so this kind of hesitation only lasted for a moment.

But this still made the god of sleep feel a little bit. The authority of the gods is so special. He is confident in his authority of [Sleep]. So are other gods. The difference between Yiwen Jielin's power and his is like heaven and earth, but he is still slightly affected.

Then again, what is Ryan's authority? [Spirituality] belongs to the spiritual world, so which one belongs to him?

"You are right, Your Highness Yiwen Jielin. As you said, [Well of Samsara] needs to be guarded, so I won't bother you any more."

Hypnos smiled gently and seemed polite.

Putting down his thoughts, anyway, this is indeed a good thing, and there is one less trouble expected.

You know, Yiwen Jielin's temple is usually on the Sinaia Mountain. If the sneak attack fails, she may come to help soon.

"Please, may the Lord be with you."

Nodding, Yiwen Jielin did not ask more about the purpose of the God of Sleep. In her eyes, the other party is also a member of the angels in the spiritual world like them.

But when Hypnos heard this, his face stiffened for a moment, then he smiled politely and walked towards the passage leading to the fifth level of the spirit world.

It was like this every time. Obviously, everyone was born from the great and ancient spirit world, but they called Ryan "Lord", as if the other party was so different. Even to show the difference, they always called themselves "angels" instead of calling themselves gods.

Even the gods of the outside world were called false gods by them, which Hypnos really couldn't understand.

As gods born from the spirit world, how could the incarnation of sleep worship others. Even in Hypnos' heart, his real parents should be the spirit world itself and the body of the night, not the guy who exercised the divine power.


Crossing the portal to the fifth level of the spirit world, a more chaotic time and space came. Hypnos glanced at the depths of the misty time and space, and in that direction, there was a faint breath similar to him, but very different.

[Sun Devourer] was also infected by the source of chaos, but the degree was much more serious than his. There was some regret in the eyes of the God of Sleep. If such a powerful life could obey his orders, the chances of success would be higher.

"It doesn't matter."

"In the future, this will all be mine!"

Repeating it again, Hypnos followed the intuition in the dark and rushed to the passage to the sixth level of the spiritual world.

There is the most unpredictable place in the spiritual world. Even though he has not seen it yet, the God of Sleep thinks that the so-called Tartarus is probably just like this.


At the same time, the human world.

On the old site of Aurora City, the sea water is still surging, and it is even more crazy and unpredictable because it has lost its controller.

If nothing unexpected happens, it will wreak havoc in the human world for five days, reaching its peak and then exhausting. The nine-day and nine-night flood will completely clean up the eastern part of the earth.

Humans perished, but most of the strange beasts on the eastern land also died. Except for a few powerful ones, those who are good at hiding, and those who are cunning by nature, the rest have been wiped out with this flood. It will take many years for the strange beasts from other parts of the continent to migrate here.

As a witness to all this, Ryan is still recalling the feeling just now.

"Alchemy is really interesting."

On his finger, the emerald green ring flickered. Not long ago, Ryan used this ring that was said to be able to "turn stone into gold" to change the properties of matter and raised a bronze pillar near the ice sea.

[Gold Ring] Since it can replicate itself and turn stone into gold, it can naturally turn seawater into bronze. The sky-supporting copper pillar was born from the sea under its transformation. After all, the change of matter is not Ryan's area of ​​expertise.

Of course, it also proved its limit again. Even if Ryan poured as much power as possible into the ring, it still failed to turn into copper material containing extraordinary power. This is alchemy. If you can, you can, and if you can't, you can't. If you can't find out the principle, it is meaningless to simply pour in power.

In other words, this is a mythical world, and the laws of physics are different. Otherwise, pure bronze cannot exist as a pillar on the sea, let alone support the sky, and will directly disintegrate.

"Okay, this is the end of what I promised Prometheus. The rest is up to mankind."

Ryan looked at the old man beside him. On his stone carving, the complacent attitude of the son of the sea god and the copper pillar hanging in the west sky were clearly visible. Even gradually, the stone slab itself seemed to have undergone some wonderful changes.

"The flood is still nine days away, and you only have ten days left to live. In these last days, is there anything you want to do?"

The old man should have died of old age. Even if there was no great flood, he would not have lived for long.

"If possible, I want to record this flood in full."

With a calm expression, Huma looked at his feet with emotion. As far as he could see, there was endless sea water, but he knew that what was hidden under the water was his former home.

"A reasonable request." Nodding, Ryan blessed: "May you see everything in the world, and may your records last forever."

He said so, and the law responded to Ryan's blessing. In the last ten days of the old man's life, space will not be able to hinder his sight, and everything in the world will be in his sight; and when the old man dies, his stone carvings that record everything will be shrouded by solidified time. It will stay at this moment forever, and only time itself can touch it.

The sea water parted, revealing a road leading to the underwater. At the end of the road was Zeus's largest temple in Aurora City.

This special place is different from other temples. The God King sentenced the crimes of mankind here and made the faithless madman kneel down for a long time, so the authority of the God King still remains in this temple, and therefore it has not been washed by these ordinary sea waters.

"It is my honor to walk with you for half a day."

Before leaving, Huma bowed slightly.

"This is your own choice."

Waving his hand, Ryan finally said:

"Go, this place will soon become a battlefield again. What to leave for future generations of human beings is up to you."

After Huma left, Ryan was the only one left here. He looked at his feet and noticed the black fog that was trying hard to hide his existence.

Mephisto knew that he could not hide the perception of the Lord of the Spirit World, but it did not prevent him from acting like it was the case. Ryan also knew that Mephisto knew that he could not hide his perception, but he just smiled and pretended that the devil did not exist.

In terms of increasing divine power, the soul is very important to him; in terms of increasing the "volume" of the spiritual world, the circulation of the soul is also very important. But for the "symbol" of elevating spirituality in the world, it is the most effective way to spread the soul to as many places as possible and let its existence be valued by sufficiently powerful creatures.

So Ryan's attitude towards stealing souls is mainly "no fish in clear water". If your means are sophisticated enough to find loopholes in the hands of the gods of the spiritual world, or if it is just a god intercepting one or two souls, he will let it go for the time being.

This can also be regarded as finding something for the gods of the spiritual world to do, so that they don't stay in their own places for a day or two, and don't go out.

"But speaking of it, he is very quiet this time."

"Is it because he was too active before?"

Before leaving, Ryan was somewhat surprised. In fact, he had been secretly keeping an eye on the Hades before, in case Erebus jumped out to cause him some trouble, but nothing happened.

Maybe the other party was busy with other things, or maybe he couldn't come out at all. Anyway, it doesn't matter if he doesn't come, Ryan doesn't really want to see him.

Shaking his head, taking a step forward, Ryan's figure disappeared over this sea area. Next, the things in the world are at most related to his incarnation, and have little to do with him.

Under the water, Mephisto noticed Ryan's departure and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Huh, finally gone."

The ritual could have been changed to the second stage long ago, but he was not a brainless guy like Triton. Try to hide your whereabouts, no matter whether the concealment is effective or not, if others don't want to pay attention to you, just pretend you didn't see it. But if you insist on doing your own things under the eyes of others, it's just uncomfortable.

Adjusting the hem of his clothes, Mephisto sent a message to the distance. Soon, a figure appeared in front of him.

In the previous events, the devil was not confident that the local gods would participate, as they could always turn good things into bad things. But now the time is almost right, and it is time for the other party to contribute.

Looking at Keto, who was swaying, Mephisto smiled and said:

"Get ready, the last step can begin. Next, let me introduce you to the ruler of the world, the king of the Nine Hells, and the creator of the devil, His Majesty Asmodeus. A natural god like you is the most welcome object in the Nine Hells, and His Majesty will definitely be happy to know that you have joined."

"Hmph, I hope so, just in time, let me see his power."

Keto snorted and did not comment.

Although Mephisto said that there are stronger beings than the God King in the Nine Hells, Keto is still skeptical.

"You will see it, I promise."

With a slight smile, Mephisto did not care about Keto's attitude. He knew that people would not understand things beyond their own understanding. Before today, all the people and gods in the world had a fixed impression of the abyss. They believed that there was nothing there, only dead silence and nothingness.

However, this is the end.

Walking forward, standing at the core of the ritual, there is a small groove on the ground here. Mephisto cut his wrist, and although he was in the water, the dark red blood still fell vertically and dripped on the intricate and exquisite patterns. Flowing along the tiny track, the devil's blood seemed to contain a special energy, which made the place where it flowed quickly light up.

It started a little bit at first, and then continued to extend. From Mephisto's feet to the ruins of the entire Aurora City. There is no light under the deep sea water, which makes this dark color more dazzling.

At this moment, a certain connection was activated. Like a huge coordinate, the ritual attracted the attention of a huge existence in the distance. The laws of the world recognized this power, which is a power from the other side of the world. He instinctively rejected it, but the rejection was not so thorough.

"Guard this place well."

Withdrawing his hand, the small wound healed as before. In the void around Aurora City, one powerful breath after another was approaching. Mephisto was not afraid of this, but was a little surprised.

He could understand why the spirit world god came so quickly, but what about the other one?

"It doesn't matter."

With a smile, Mephisto glanced at the densely packed souls.

With so many "achievements" and more than one good god who "took the initiative" to contribute to his career, how many levels should he upgrade?

The devil was really looking forward to this.

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