"Do you have any other solutions to the matter of supporting the sky?"

In hell, the incarnation of Asmodeus asked next to the sapling that had grown to half a man's height in a short period of time.

He came here because of Hypnos' incident. A long time ago, Ryan had already said that he would send a lord to the third level of hell to resist the abyss together with Cleos. After all, if nothing unexpected happened, neither he nor the Lord of the Nine Hells would be able to personally intervene in the future. This war between two realms.

As the founder of the Nine Hells, Asmodeus naturally needs to mobilize the power of the interface to resist the pressure of the abyss itself. Compared to Tartarus, the new Nine Hells are still too weak. And the World Serpent may not be able to take action. He also has to deal with Moya, the mother of demons who gave birth to many demon gods.

After all, it is impossible for the incarnation to mobilize the power of the spiritual world to fight against itself in the body of another primitive god, so with the blessing of only three levels of hell, he cannot sweep them all.

Fortunately, the new god's strength is not weak, and he is still strong enough to fight if he occupies a favorable location.

"I know what you want to say, but this is not a matter of erecting a few more pillars on the Western Sea."

"The sky has both actual weight and conceptual 'weight'. The copper pillars can share the actual weight, but the conceptual weight can only be solved by the symbol of three points, which cannot be replaced by pure quantity. "

Standing next to the Lord of Nine Hells, Ryan's figure was a little unreal.

If you want to take it, you must first give it. The nourishment that can make the sacred tree grow is naturally the power of the world itself. Now, its first main root is rooted at the root of the atrium, greedily absorbing power.

Of course, this was just an extravagant move to rejuvenate the saplings at the beginning. Later, whether it was the Oath-Keeping Tree named 'Nordrassil' by Ryan, or the 'Fountain of Leonor', Everyone will have their own way of growing up.

"What about refining a divine weapon?"

As soon as his thoughts changed, Asmodeus thought of another solution.

In many cases, artifacts can exercise authority on behalf of gods. Since a solar chariot has been built before, it may not be impossible to imitate it again now.

"That's okay, but the artifact that supports the sky must also have authority related to carrying it, such as [Mountain], and [Strength]."

Shaking his head, Ryan said lightly:

"If Atlas is willing to give up all his power and make it into an artifact to support the sky on his behalf, then I wouldn't mind helping you."

Although they said this, both Ryan and Asmodeus knew that the Sky Optimist would not accept such an ending of almost escaping in embarrassment.

In other words, if he really knew how to adapt, he would not refuse to surrender to Olympus. People with a strong will are often paranoid in some aspects, and this is the case with Atlas.

".If a single artifact requires the combination of authority, it may not be possible if the number is large enough."

There was a moment of silence, Asmodeus didn't know what he was thinking. Artifacts cannot be forged casually, but from what he said, it seems that there is a way to obtain the raw materials for forging more than one artifact.

"Of course, supporting the sky is not fighting against the sky itself, it is just lifting it up. Quantitative changes can still produce qualitative changes."

Nodding, Ryan smiled and said:

"But I do have another better way, which may take some time."

"Huh? What do you want to do again?"

Hearing this, Asmodeus didn't seem very enthusiastic.

"It's not about doing anything, it's just because of a prophecy."

Ryan didn't take notice of the slightly cold attitude of the Lord of Nine Hells.


"Yes, prophecy."

Although the so-called prophecy has not been spoken for a long time, this time, it is actually a true prophecy. It's just that the prophet is not Ryan himself, but another being who has a special relationship with the former second-generation God King.

He tried to divine his future and indeed received a revelation of destiny, but he had no idea what this content meant. He asked his teacher for answers, and Ryan listened.

In fact, Ryan thought that because of his destruction of destiny, some things would never happen again, but now it seems that the power of destiny is still very strong. But no matter, he will continue to change it.

"I vaguely see that in the distant future, there will be a human being who has completed twelve feats that are unimaginable for mortal beings. His footsteps will spread all over the earth, the oceans and the underworld, and he will ascend to the throne of God. But unfortunately, , even though I saw this scene, I still don’t quite understand why he can do it.”

"So you want to get involved in this?"

Looking at Ryan, the Lord of Nine Hells asked calmly:

"Then why don't you do it yourself."

"I'll do it too."

Shaking his head, Ryan said lightly:

"It's just a single example. I need samples from different angles to let me see clearly what he gained behind this so-called 'great achievement'."

"You can participate or not. Anyway, this doesn't affect your plan to build the artifact, right?"

". Let's talk about it then. Human beings, the human world, Mephistopheles will take care of them for me. I have to say, at least as far as he is concerned, I see the wisdom of humans."

It is undoubtedly unwise to pin hopes on an illusory future, so Asmodeus only paid a little attention to it and did not have much expectation.

Especially the prophecy. After experiencing the horror of fate personally, the Lord of the Nine Hells kept a distance from it.


On the earth, in a blink of an eye, the sun and the moon rotated several times, and the tide in the east of the continent rose higher and higher.

The low mountains were submerged, the rivers were widened or diverted; the rainstorms continued, as if there was no end.

However, in the rolling waves, there was a small exception, that was a simple raft. The tide stopped around it, and the strange beasts avoided its existence. It just drifted in the flood, carrying the two people on it and wandering aimlessly.

There was no drinking water on the raft because the rainstorm in the sky avoided it, and the sea was not drinkable; there was no food on it because the birds in the sky had drowned in the water due to exhaustion, and there were no fish or shrimps living in the tide that violated the laws of nature.

Fortunately, the two people on the raft were not mortals, they were the descendants of gods. Although the divinity contained in their bodies was almost nothing, making their power not much stronger than that of mortals, it finally saved them from dying of hunger and thirst.

So a few days passed in the drifting. The sea water seemed to be decreasing. One day, after an unexpected collision, the raft landed on an unknown mountain.

Resisting fatigue, Deucalion and Pyrrha climbed up the only land they encountered during the drifting, but when they reached the top of the mountain, they saw an incredible scene.

With this mountain as the boundary, the sea water suddenly stopped, as if some invisible force isolated this place. On one side of the mountain is a vast plain, without a drop of seawater flowing there, while on the other side are endless waves, constantly hitting the mountain, causing a rumbling sound.

It can be vaguely seen that there are some unnatural creations on the plain.

".This is the Parnassus Mountains. Have we been drifting for so long?"

Finally recognizing where he is, Deucalion is still shocked in his embarrassment.

He has heard of this place and even seen images of it. This is what his father Prometheus told him. Originally, this was just a myth and legend to him, until today, he stood here in person, looking at this ancient area from afar.

Perhaps it is such a place that can stop the raging flood, because this is the location of the Great Temple of Delphi, the place where the Earth Mother sleeps. The Golden and Silver Ages opened here, and it witnessed the history of the Second Age. This is an extraordinary holy place.

"Anyway, we survived."

Coming back to his senses from the shock, his mind went from tense to relaxed. Deucalion smiled bitterly. His father was captured and he could only live with his uncle's family. But not long ago, Epimetheus and Pandora left without saying goodbye.

When he and Pyrrha returned to the house with a garden, they were alone. They were confused for a while, but just when Deucalion had just accepted it all, the flood came again.

Now, the forgotten fatigue surged in his heart. He sat on the ground without any image. Beside him, Pyrrha had already leaned on a huge rock on the top of the mountain.

Looking at the tide cut off by the mountains, Deucalion was a little at a loss. Under the disaster, all souls were destroyed. Even if the flood receded, how would he and Pyrrha live?

However, just as he was thinking, a subtle and hesitant voice came from the side.

"It's fulfilled"

"What did you say it was fulfilled?"

Deucalion turned his head and saw that Pyrrha beside him was muttering to himself. The girl encountered such a disaster not long after leaving her parents, which made her feel extremely insecure.

"Disaster. My father once said that one day, the gods would send down a disaster to destroy the bronze humans and the traces of their existence. I always thought that this was what he said to scare me, but now--"

Looking at everything in front of him, Pyrrha's face was a little pale.


Deucalion still knew about his uncle Epimetheus. He was famous among the gods for his stupidity, but now it seems that he had foreseen this disaster?

Maybe it was an accident. It's better to be an accident. Deucalion comforted himself. It's not that he couldn't accept that Epimetheus was not stupid, but that he thought of more.

If the other party knew that humans would be destroyed, does it mean that this disaster was actually premeditated by the gods, and whether it was bronze humans or mortals on the earth, even he and Pyrrha, they were just insignificant sacrifices and pawns.

If this is true, it means that they are actually still in danger, and the danger of death is never far away.

"Did he say anything else?"

After calming down, Deucalion asked again. Hearing his words, Pyrrha was stunned for a moment, and then seemed to suddenly remember something.

"He seemed to have said that Her Highness Themis is the goddess of justice, the embodiment of justice. If we encounter an irresistible disaster one day, we may ask for her help, because she is the most trustworthy among the gods."

"The most trustworthy?"

Her heart sank again. Under the protection of her parents, Pyrrha had never encountered hardships in the past, so she was not sensitive to these things, but Deucalion heard the implication.

Why should he seek the most trustworthy god for help, because others are not trustworthy. Perhaps his guess was right, the real danger for him and Pyrrha has not yet arrived, and only the witness of the Lord of Law can avoid the worst outcome.

"Then do it, Pyrrha, believe in your father, the gift he gave you must be useful."

Deucalion said with a forced smile.


Pyrrha, who had long lost her opinion, nodded immediately, and she and Deucalion knelt on the ground and began to pray silently.

"Themis, the goddess revered by all souls and shining in all directions, your thoughts are always pure, and your judgments are never false."

"Please listen to me:"

"The earth has lost its life, and only we remain in the world. I have lost my direction in the future, and please guide me."

Her voice was not loud, but she was near the oracle, a place where all the gods had left their marks, and her voice was transmitted. For a long time, just when Pyrrha thought that the goddess didn't want to pay attention to her, a voice sounded in her heart.

"I understand. Wait here, descendants of Iapetus, the guidance you need will come soon."

Relieved, Pyrrha couldn't help laughing, and beside her, Deucalion's eyes flashed with a look of surviving a disaster.

The wisdom inherited from his father was particularly effective in difficult situations. During the prayer, Deucalion vaguely guessed something.

They survived the disaster like a joke, and those monsters stronger than them were eaten up by the sea monsters, only he and Pyrrha were unscathed. This is by no means the kindness of the gods, but because they are still useful.

But being useful now does not mean being useful all the time. The existence of the goddess of justice may be to let them escape when they are "useless".

After all, they are not gods, and such weak beings as them can be wiped out by the gods because they are troublesome, and naturally they can also be forgiven because of the attitude of another god.

As for their own attitudes, no one will care about these, just like no one has ever cared about those mortals who died in the flood.

At least humans got some attention, but the gods didn't even bother to look at the rest of the lives.




On Mount Olympus, the gate of the temple slowly closed. The gods sat down one by one, but the atmosphere became even weirder.

The Oceanus couple had already left. Although Zeus invited them to the banquet out of courtesy, neither Oceanus nor Thesis had any intention of staying to make them uncomfortable.

After today, the originally harmonious relationship between the two sides was no longer the same as before, but the Oceanus couple didn't care. Zeus's ruthlessness towards Metis had made them understand the nature of the new king of gods. For him, interests were obviously more important than so-called feelings.

In this case, there was no need for them to maintain this superficial relationship.

On the other hand, facing the adoptive parents who had a legitimate reason and implicit threats, the king of gods finally compromised.

He did not give up his rights over the ocean, even though he didn't actually want to protect Poseidon's interests. But no matter what he thought, Zeus had to allow the Oceanic Gods to intervene in the faith, even though it was a huge threat to him.

The river gods and lake gods of the Oceanic Gods were all over the earth. Although they had experienced several wars, most of the newly born rivers in the world today did not have corresponding regional gods, but their descendants were still numerous. Zeus could almost foresee that his adoptive father would be able to use this to spread his influence to the new human beings.

But he still did it, because if he chose to give up Poseidon first, not to mention how many gods would stand with him in the huge Olympus, Hades, who was far away in the underworld, would completely stop associating with him. And this time, Hestia would never stand on Zeus' side.

So even though he had a lot of opinions about Poseidon, Zeus still rejected another request from the original water goddess, and then ate this bitter fruit alone.

"It's really uneasy. I thought the God King had the final say."

Sitting in her seat, Aphrodite propped up her chin, her bright face was as charming and enchanting as ever, but compared with the smile on her face, her thoughts in her heart were completely opposite.

The original goddess of beauty thought that the God King was very powerful, but now it seems that he is just so-so.

"This is normal. Except for the first generation of God King, there has never been a king who truly ruled the world. Although Zeus has discovered faith, I don't think much of him."

Bewildered by the charm that the goddess of beauty inadvertently showed for a moment, the sun god actually whispered in agreement. But he quickly reacted and looked up at the God King at the top.

Fortunately, I don't know if he didn't hear it, Zeus didn't seem to look at him.

"Well, it's over. In any case, the old human race has perished."

On the throne, Zeus seemed to sense the wavering of people's hearts and said in a deep voice:

"Now, everything is done, it's time to start a new era."


"Your Majesty, please give me your orders."

Standing up from his seat, the wind god obeyed the order respectfully as always.

"When the floods on earth recede, you will find the children of Prometheus and Epimetheus, and let the new human race be born through their hands. But remember--"

Staring at the god of the west wind, the king of gods said lightly:

"New humans don't need guidance, let them complete their initial understanding of the world. The earth after the flood is not so dangerous in a short time, they won't suffer heavy casualties, but it is enough to realize the difficulty of survival."

"Then your majesty, what about Deucalion and Pyrrha?"

Zephyros asked again with a respectful voice.

"They. Humans don't need them, humans only need gods."

After hesitating for a while, Zeus finally gave an ambiguous answer. But looking at the West Wind God who understood, he believed that the other party would know what to do.

Nodding in response, Zephyros turned into wind and left, and the hall became quiet again. But this time, Zeus could see that they were much more focused.

Compared to the fact that the King of Gods was frustrated in front of the Ocean God, their personal interests were more concerned. But before that, there was a small matter to deal with.

"Poseidon, my noble brother,"

Finally, a smile appeared on his face, and Zeus felt that the depression in his heart was relieved a little:

"I wonder if you still remember the bet you proposed before?"

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