Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 220 Pillars and Kingdoms

Until now, Zeus saw his true appearance for the first time.

With hollow eye sockets and long white beard, he wore an eagle helmet and golden armor. He looked middle-aged but still heroic. ‘Odin’ held a spear and wore the golden ring of Dropnir. Even if it was just a reproduced image, Zeus could easily judge that the spear was a divine weapon that was no weaker than the [Thunderbolt Arrow].

But all this was just an illusion. It was just a regretful scene of the past that was reproduced at the intersection of the power of the two worlds. If Zeus had not come today, perhaps ‘Odin’ would have done the same thing in his memory over and over again until he exhausted his last strength, but when the God King of Chaos received the world’s response in the ceremony, Asgard’s last resistance was also defeated.

If ‘Odin’ was a real god, he might be assimilated by the world and become a member of the new world, but it was just a regret, a thought. So without the basis for existence, it would irreversibly go to extinction.

It didn't know whether its true self had completely died, but as a thought, it was destined to perish along with the remaining nine realms of Asgard.

"Swallowing my wife and treating her as my own wisdom was an unexpected result. Sure enough, in other worlds, how could the calculations of an 'outsider' like me win over the 'own people' favored by fate?"

With a slightly sarcastic smile, 'Odin' was a little pity, but not so pity, because such a result was expected. So he didn't mean to communicate with Zeus, he just took a greedy look at this illusory world at last, as if he was reminiscing about the past.

Like Zeus, he thought he had mastered everything after receiving the revelation, but when he picked up the [Rune], he also saw the arrival of [Ragnarok].

This seemingly equivalent transaction was actually not equivalent. Odin's eyes could be exchanged for the water of the Fountain of Wisdom, but not for the rune secret that analyzes the root of the world. Similarly, the powerless Metis may be more valuable than an eye, but it is definitely not as valuable as the road to the great peak.

So I saw the destruction, what did Zeus see? Or maybe he had seen it, but he didn't know it yet.

From clear to blurred, the figure of 'Odin' finally disappeared, and this illusion from his memory began to break. The real Asgard then appeared in Zeus' perception, but now it is already part of the world.

It is a world of its own like the underworld, with its own portal, and the front of this portal is in Olympus.

"How many secrets of the world of the gods of other worlds are there that I don't know. There are other interfaces besides Chaos, and its final result is destruction?"

Watching the 'death' of 'Odin' indifferently, Zeus gradually calmed down from his joy. The gains brought to him by today's experience are unimaginable, but it is a miracle that cannot be replicated. Even if it is repeated, it is destined to not succeed a second time.

There is no way around it. After all, the whole ceremony was not under Zeus' control from the beginning, nor was it recognized by the underlying rules of Chaos' world. If there were no power from the Nine Realms, the world would not respond to an inexplicable "sacrifice".

The planner is Odin's regret. The power that supports its operation is the world power of the two realms intertwined, and Zeus is just a drifter who was involved and almost got himself involved. Chaos' immortal spirit can't even commit suicide, so how can he sacrifice himself to the world? This is the manifestation of the law from another world.

However, as expected, from then on, because of Zeus' success and because the world itself participated in this ceremony, from then on, sacrificing to the world may really trigger some interface power, but the only place that will be really affected is probably the abyss.

As for Chaos himself, unless someone can sacrifice something outside the world to him, he will just be as non-existent as always, and will not respond to the call of any god or person.

"The world is such a terrible power. But in the trajectory of fate, can I become so powerful?"

He sighed, but was somewhat confused. If there was no accident today, Zeus didn't know how to break through and grow to the level of "future self" in the ritual. At the end of the ritual, that self seemed to say something to him now, but unfortunately the God King couldn't "hear" it clearly at this moment.

That requires him to go one step further to do it. Only with equal power can he hear the "warning" of the false self across time and fate.

Yes, Zeus has seen that the self is not real. It is just a false future that is temporarily materialized by the destined power. If nothing unexpected happens, it will never have a chance to be realized.

"Sure enough, fate is not unchangeable, just like you."

Sensing the life in his head, Zeus thought silently.

"With enough power and wisdom, nothing is destined."

This extraordinary daughter is like this. She herself was delayed in birth and her brother didn't even have the opportunity to come into the world. However, Zeus still had a little fear of her existence.

Although she was not born yet, the moment Metis disappeared, her aura became more powerful, and even the shield beside her became no longer ordinary.

Perhaps because he was too decisive to Metis, or perhaps because of some changes that occurred at the moment of being sacrificed to the world, Zeus felt that the shield turned from an ordinary sheepskin had a special the power of. When faced with other injuries, it may just be a powerful artifact, but when faced with itself, it can even block the attack of [Thunder Arrow].

".It would be best for you and me not to remember what happened before you were born."

"You will be my right hand, if you really know how to respect power."

After a moment of silence Zeus ultimately did nothing. Although he has not been born yet, the child is already growing, even accelerating his growth. She has completely left her mother's body and is already half born, and even her divine power is slowly increasing.

As expected, when she is born, she will come to the world as a girl instead of a baby.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Zeus returned his energy to himself. With the ritual of a new harvest, one's own strength is more worthy of attention than an unborn child.

After carefully sorting out his gains, Zeus also roughly understood the direction of his next step.

There are many essences of rituals, some are imitations, some are borrowings, or something else, and the [Grand Ceremony of Royal Power] belonging to Zeus is both.

It is based on the 'imitation' of the first-generation divine king, and on this basis it has expanded to a higher level, and can finally cover all rituals in theory, because it shapes the 'kingship' and belongs to the gods. It is a 'symbol' unique to the king, and since it is a right, there is no upper limit.

Theoretically, as big as the world is, the scope of rituals can be as wide as possible. Everything in this world can give birth to gods, and all gods can be ruled. Therefore, the scope of 'royal power' can naturally be infinite, and its power can be infinite. powerful. But theory is theory, and when it comes to practice, Zeus is still very aware of the difficulty.

Not to mention having the supreme power to suppress the primitive gods, even if he wanted to construct the most basic part and support the most superficial 'symbol', Zeus needed to have two 'cores' and twelve 'pillars' first.

"The Heavenly Father and the Earthly Mother are facing each other from a distance, so the two poles at the beginning of the ceremony, the Divine King and the Divine Queen, should be equal in a sense and have an innate connection. However, I seem to have achieved this. "

Looking back on the past, Zeus suddenly discovered that his plan to obtain [reproduction] rights and influence his offspring had actually solved a problem for him invisibly. He exchanged their divine powers with Hera, making them indeed equals in a sense. And they are blood relatives, which also satisfies the innate connection.

Even the power of [reproductive] originally came from Mother Earth, so it was perfect for Hera to become the other pole of the great ceremony.

"Beyond that, it's all about borrowing power. Royal power lies in ruling. My own power is insignificant at the world level, but the sum of the gods in the Divine Court is not like that. But a simple superposition is just a superposition of quantity. Only Only a structure that conforms to the ritual can lead to qualitative sublimation, so I want to follow the example of my former Heavenly Father and use the perfect number of 'pillars' as the skeleton of the ritual."

Ouranos gave birth to twelve Titans and established a generation of divine courts, so the number "twelve" has since symbolized the image of perfection in Chaos. Later, Lane divided the time sequence and stipulated the months and hours, which once again strengthened this concept. Therefore, Zeus also needed twelve gods with different powers to serve as the "pillars" of the divine court in order to support his symbols.

However, after some careful calculation, Zeus discovered that the selection of ‘Pillar’ was by no means easy. They need to have some deep connection with him and possess powerful divine power. After thinking about it, the God King found out helplessly that there were not so many qualified gods in the Shenting today.

Two sisters, two brothers, and then no fifth. The connection between the foreign goddess of beauty and him was not as close as imagined, and the same was true for his aunt Themis.

If you want them to be part of the ritual, you need to have a deeper connection with yourself rather than with the divine court.

"There is also power. Even if the most basic grand ceremony is constructed, it is only a symbolic skeleton built by the authority of the gods. I still need the same powerful power to fill it, otherwise it will just be empty person and divine power. Lack. And the best filling is faith. Simple faith cannot touch greatness, but if it is only responsible for providing 'quantity', then it is the most perfect existence."

Silent meditation is not only used to fill one's own rituals, but even the twelve powerful divine powers required by the rituals cannot be solved through the power of faith. At this moment, Zeus once again realized the importance of this kind of mortal power, and his need for them had almost no upper limit.

"Let it be incomplete if it is incomplete. When my daughter is born and I find a way to make Aphrodite 'one of my own', I can at least establish half of the ritual. In this way, I will have the confidence to face Mother Earth directly. "

Exhaling a breath, although the pressure from the original god is still strong, the Earth Mother who is in direct conflict with him happens to be the weakest one. Feeling slightly relieved, Zeus locked the interface attached to Mount Olympus as he watched the illusion slowly dissipating around him.

He was still very curious about what was in this strange world. Maybe the treasure trove of the alien god-king was in it. Since there was still time, he simply went in to explore.

Not to mention an interface. For it, Zeus also has a lot of ideas.


No one knows what happened to Olympus. The collision between worlds is so silent and unpredictable.

Even Ryan, who was far away in the spirit world, just glanced at the east of the mainland in a strange way at first.

Just now, he suddenly discovered that the authority he had left behind had inexplicably shifted its position. Although with the birth of the new god, the authority of [Wisdom] was handed over to the new god smoothly by him, but he still deliberately kept part of it.

The [wisdom] that remains in Zeus's mind can exert special effects in many cases. But at this moment, I don’t know why, those remaining powers suddenly lost their master, and then attached themselves to another god nearby.

Not only was it given by Ryan, but the [Hydrology] possessed by Metis itself was no exception. Sensing that all this was happening, Ryan tried to follow the connection between the authorities to explore what happened. However, there, he only felt two familiar forces isolating everything. Their existence has separated the levels of time, space and destiny, blocking all possibilities of exploration, and covering up what happened behind the scenes behind layers of fog.

"What's wrong, something happened in Olympus?"

Reaching out and handing the [Code of Creation] back to Ryan, Themis keenly noticed that Ryan's mind was not in his right mind. And the direction he was looking at was exactly where Olympus was.

Thinking about what her nephew had done recently, the goddess couldn't help but wonder what he had done again.

"Nothing, just a little accident. Zeus. Maybe he got something special."

With his eyes narrowed slightly, Ryan took the code. Although the world covers everything, the result is nothing more than that.

Appearing in Olympus is also related to the remaining world power of the Nine Realms. There is no other possibility. Zeus probably obtained some remnant of the Nine Realms. The reference fell on Asgard, and the source of the accident was probably Odin.

This veteran god-king is not like the previous two kings of Chaos. He has gone through many trials and tribulations and has presided over several battles of gods, some against giants, some against the Warner Protoss, and some against the Kingdom of the Dead, but he Sitting steadily in that position, Mimir's so-called understanding of him is probably only part of it.

Perhaps because of the tight time last time, Ryan hurriedly explored Asgard and there were still some back-ups left by Odin, but everything was in vain when the world collapsed. Now Zeus has acquired it, which has resulted in the impact it has today.

However, compared to Zeus, Ryan was more concerned about Chaos. What role the world's will played in this was what really made him wary. The priesthood lost its master inexplicably. This was definitely not something Zeus could do, but the world itself was triggered by some special circumstances. What happened to Metis that caused her to fall into such a fate, even the [hydrology] given to her by the world changed its owner?

Maybe after that, he would find a chance to go to Olympus to take a look. After all, there are only two existences in the world that can really pose a threat to him. Apart from the [Flesh and Blood Mother Tree] that is suspected of inheriting the resentment of the world when the Nine Realms were shattered, it is the world of Khaos itself.

Whether it was an accident or something else, he always had to figure out the reason.

"Is it Zeus again? He destroyed mankind in the name of Poseidon simply because Pandora opened the box he deliberately gave. If the son of Prometheus hadn't prayed to me, I wouldn't have even noticed until now. to this point.”

I don’t know what Ryan is thinking, but the goddess of justice looks a little serious. Before leaving Olympus, Themis asked Zeus about his attitude toward humans deceiving the gods, and the other party gave him a satisfactory answer. Everything originated from Prometheus, and when he is punished, mankind's sins will be absolved.

He did, and so the Bronze Man lived a few more years. But he just found a new excuse for his own destruction, so just a dozen years later, mankind finally perished because of this.

"So what are you going to do, question Zeus's justice as a god-king?"

After mentioning it casually, Ryan shook his head again.

If it's him, Ryan doesn't care whether it's reasonable or not. I think you did something wrong, so I'll be done with you. But Themis, on the one hand, doesn't have that power yet, and on the other hand, her character doesn't do it.

Zeus was indeed 'fishing for law enforcement', but the person who actually carried out the execution was Poseidon who took the initiative to join in. Even Hades warned in advance not to open the box. He did not deliberately target humans afterwards, but instead brought plagues and disasters to the earth indiscriminately. In this case, Themis may not have the right one. Reason to do something.

"No, although Zeus acquiesced to all this, silence is his right. So I just responded to the prayers of Deucalion and Pyrrha, and I will also witness the birth of a new generation of humans. As for Poseidon"

With a calm expression, the goddess of justice pressed the golden sword at her waist. It was obvious what she was going to do.

"Okay then."

Nodding, Ryan stopped paying attention to these trivial matters and talked about another matter.

"But besides that, I have another thing. Since you have laid the foundation for the laws of mankind in the future, you can't solve all the problems among mortals by yourself."

"Even if every trial is carried out according to your requirements and in accordance with the rules, you may not even have time to rest at that time, considering the future base of mankind."

Since the last incident with Mephisto, Themis gradually realized that if she wanted to prevent similar things from happening and allow the trials among humans to be held fairly, she needed to set a standard for them.

But as Ryan said, she couldn't supervise the trials of all mortals alone, especially in the foreseeable future, humans with the ability to reproduce would be all over the earth, and even gods, Themis couldn't spend time on these every day.

"So do you have any suggestions?"

Raising her eyebrows, Themis asked. She knew that since Ryan mentioned this, he must have some special ideas.

"I guess so. One of my angels gave me a hint. Maybe you can establish a cult and let mortals guard the justice of the trial for you."

"Those mortals who agree with your ideas, respect your behavior, and are willing to offer their faith to you can be awarded your holy emblem. They will make fair judgments on all things in the mortal world in your name. Only truly major events are worthy of your personal attention. And if they betray their faith, you have a suitable reason to punish their betrayal."

With a slight smile, Ryan said the plan he had made long ago. Opposite him, the goddess of law nodded, but then shook her head.

"But I have nothing to give them, and even if they are my believers, I should not let them serve me for free."

"No, you do."

Facing Themis's gaze, Ryan said slowly:

"For those who are devout enough to follow your path, I can make the decision and give you their souls. You can promise them that after their death, they can enjoy all kinds of beauty in your kingdom and have a longer life than before."

"But I don't have such a place either. It seems that you are ready?"

With an inexplicable look, Themis has already reacted. In this matter, Ryan definitely has other plans.

But she is not disgusted, because since the first legislation ten thousand years ago, although Ryan did gain something, she also gained benefits every time.

"It's not about preparation, but you only need to spend some divine power to build it."

With a slight smile, Ryan affirmed this.

"As for me, I have no other requirements, but one thing, the place where it is built must naturally be determined by me."

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