The world has a multi-level structure, and this is often a universal norm. In most myths, the world is divided into two, with an interface that symbolizes the positive side and an interface that symbolizes the negative side.

Even as the myth continues, this subdivision of the world will continue. Just like the thirty-three heavens in the east and the heaven and hell in the west, this seems to reflect a problem: just as the social structure becomes more complex with the development of human beings, the world should be the same. The multi-level structure helps its internal cycle to grow and the stability of the world itself.

So what Ryan did before was actually something similar. He tried to create a circle of [inner realms] at the center of the fifth spiritual world. Their composition does not involve faith, but is simply composed of elements: and the interface like [Seven Hills Heaven], which is constructed by emotions, beliefs and some elemental energy, is the [outer realm], nested on the periphery of the fifth spiritual world.

One inside and one outside, anchoring the chaotic time and space with a three-dimensional ring, so that this layer of interface can support life activities-even extraordinary life like the celestial race.

However, although all this was well conceived, it failed at the beginning. Ryan envisioned that there should be six [Inner Realms], [Earth], [Water], [Wind], and [Fire] in four directions, which classified most of the elemental forces in the world. Those that are difficult to classify are divided into two pure energy interfaces, [Positive Energy] and [Negative Energy], according to their tendencies, located in the upper and lower directions.

The six levels are in a three-dimensional diamond shape, wrapping the core of the fifth spiritual world, and then supporting the time and space of the interface to correspond to the future outer world. In the future, the kingdom of belief in gods and the illusory stars will be mixed in it to form a complete fifth spiritual world.

However, the idea is good, but when it comes to the actual practice, Ryan found that this is completely unfeasible, not only because the spiritual world's control over elements other than fire is not so complete, but also because the underlying logic of the world is like this.

Just as life and death are not balanced, there are also highs and lows between earth, water, wind, and fire. A cycle with a clear gap cannot be constructed unless Ryan can find a way to let the four elements convert with each other and maintain balance, just like the mutual transformation of life and death.

This is not completely impossible. Theoretically, if he changes the position of the four elemental planes and puts them in the fourth spiritual world, then with the help of the complete circulation power of the Well of Samsara, it can maintain stability. But the reason why Ryan wants to establish the elemental plane is to perfect the fifth spiritual world, so how could he make such a choice?

"Compared to it, it is indeed easier to balance the conversion between positive and negative. Even if it only relies on the circulation power naturally emitted by the Well of Samsara, combined with the interface order blessed by the Code of Creation, it should be enough to complete this step."

After a little hesitation, Ryan finally gave up the idea of ​​doing it all at once. It seems that if you want to sort out the order of the last two layers of the spiritual world, you still need to complete it bit by bit.

With a finger, the black light in Ryan's palm spread out and fell to his "lower" side, which was the partial manifestation of the negative energy in the world. At the same time, the negative energy that originally existed in the spiritual world also gathered together and began to evolve a small interface composed purely of energy with it.

And the corresponding positive energy came to Ryan's "upper" side. However, compared with those below, it is very rare.

This is not only because the spirit world itself is not deeply involved in positive energy, but also because in the Chaos world, although life is strong and death is weak, overall, the negative is greater than the positive. Even the number of primitive gods clearly shows this: there are two primitive gods, Night and Dark, in this world, but only powerful gods are born in Day and Light, and even the goddess of daylight is bred by the former's body. The gap between the two sides is obvious.

Although this innate gap has been partially made up with the development of the world, it still exists. So when the positive and negative energies are completed, it is only stable for a short while, and the light ball emitting positive energy shakes slightly, as if it is overwhelmed and cannot exist in opposition to the negative energy interface below it.

But this is the interior of the spirit world after all. Looking at the crumbling prototype of the positive energy interface, Ryan, like before, pulled part of the power of reincarnation and the power of the interface. And just as he expected, after a few sharp flashes, under the subtle influence of the distant Heaven Mountain, this new energy interface finally stabilized.

However, looking at the situation, Ryan needs to stay here for a few more years until the power of both sides is pulled closer under the effect of the cycle, and he can completely let them run on their own.

"Huh - what a trouble."

He let out a long breath, but feeling the more complete spiritual symbol, Ryan still felt that all this was very valuable. The spiritual world is the embodiment of his power. The scope and overall strength of the spiritual world are the manifestation of the expansion of spiritual symbols in the world. In his estimation, even if there is no other benefit, just the improvement of the remaining few layers of the interface itself, each layer is enough to bring him a symbolic increase equivalent to one level.

The same applies to other interfaces. If the Lord of the Nine Hells can find a lord with enough "potential" for each layer of the Nine Hells, improve the mechanism of the natural birth of the devil, and even allow the main forces of different levels of hell to cooperate, then his power can also rise, and then get rid of the current state of being the bottom of the great. However, the foundation and size of hell are far inferior to those of the spiritual world, so this increase will not be as high as Ryan's.

After finishing the things at hand, he finally relaxed. Although he needed to stay here to maintain the stability of the positive and negative energy interface, it was not a very energy-consuming task. Ryan finally had time to pay attention to what had just happened.

Of course, he could not have failed to pay attention to everything that happened in the Earth Mother's orchard, but Ryan did not really care about the nymph named Mo.

As the Earth Mother's maid and the caretaker of the Golden Apple Orchard, her only role was to act as a tool to avoid Gaia's arrangement in the Golden Apple Orchard. Apart from that, her value was to be a teaching material.

After all, if the other party could backstab Gaia, he could betray others. Although Ryan was not very afraid of his subordinates' betrayal, he was more interested in the original consciousness of the Golden Apple Tree than to keep such a guy by his side.

Moanda herself did not notice it, and even thought that her reincarnation was like this, but in fact, since she had "seen" all the processes of the Golden Apple Tree since its birth, why did that consciousness not share her memory, but was still so ignorant and confused? Everything is not without reason, because this interaction at the memory level was unilaterally blocked.

If the interaction of memory occurs normally, the newborn consciousness will be infected by Moanda's complex memory and become a similar but somewhat different existence to the other party, which is not what Ryan wants to see. So he unilaterally stopped all this, just let the other party's spiritual wisdom wake up, and then let her stay quietly in the body of the golden apple tree, sharing everything that Moanda saw and felt, but without being disturbed by the other party's thinking.

In this case, what she can learn from Moanda's textbook is her own business. Even strictly speaking, the other party is the original consciousness of the golden apple tree, just like a natural god. Ryan helped the other party awaken wisdom and continue the growth interrupted by Gaia. This can certainly be done, but if he wants to do something directly to her, he is still unable to do it.

"But speaking of it, I thought that the elf would go to Zeus, and even find me in the end... It was a bit unexpected to collide with Erebus."

Shaking his head, Ryan was only slightly surprised, and then he didn't care. The present world instinctively hopes that more intelligent life exists, so it is possible that some obscure influence is exerted.

After all, the original destiny trajectory is predetermined, so the sense of existence in the present world seems to be quite rigid and stiff, but facing the underground world, a place outside the original destiny, He can still show a little tendency.

Of course, that is still only a little. The original god still has the possibility of choosing personification, and the world itself has no chance to choose. Unless the world is destroyed, and then a taboo life like the [Mother Tree of Flesh and Blood] is born.

"Besides, there is this "ransom"... Let her stay there."

Looking at the negative energy interface that has just been formed, Ryan chose to go with the flow and acquiesce to this point. Anyway, what the other party is doing is exactly what Ryan wants.

Moanda is indeed very suitable for creating a life population that can reproduce in the underground world. For this underground world that has just appeared not long ago, the surface of the spiritual world has not had time to cover it. If you want to make life there, someone really needs to work hard.


The present world, Olympus.

The underground things are still in the blind spot of His Majesty the God King, after all, he has not yet completely ruled the earth.

When the lightning flashed across the sky, he hurried back to the sacred mountain. It was not until he returned to this place without the shackles of the present world that the divine power in his body made Zeus regain some confidence.

For Artemis, this is the only way to deal with it. It will not be too late to talk about it after he completes some rituals. Now, he needs to consider another thing.

Apollo, his eldest son, he needs him to grow up as quickly as possible and become the first helper who can be dispatched at will by his side. However, if he wants to do all this perfectly, the God King still needs a "good helper".

"Hera, I don't know if she is still on the sacred mountain now. I probably have to find her... huh?"

Just when he landed in front of the palace, Zeus was about to summon the god of the west wind to ask about the situation, but he unexpectedly found that the helpless god of the wind was waiting here with Hera.

In fact, he was ready for Hera to ignore his orders and leave in anger to cause trouble for Leto, but now it seems that his queen still knows how to take the overall situation into consideration.

Of course, it is also possible that she realized that the situation was irreversible. After all, Apollo was born, and no matter what she did, it was meaningless.

"Hera, my love, why did you think of coming here today?"

Thinking about it, but looking as if he knew nothing, Zeus just waved his hand.

Seeing this obvious signal, Zephyros hurriedly turned into wind and left this place to the God King and his wife.

"Why pretend to be confused, Zeus, I use the divine power of [fertility] more handy than you, even if it is not my offspring, it does not mean that I don't know their birth."

Sneered, but Hera waited for Zephyros to leave before speaking. She looked at the God King in front of her, and her mood, which had originally calmed down, became bad again.

If shamelessness is divided into a level, Hera feels that Zeus should be the most powerful primitive god in the world, even comparable to the world.

"...Since you know everything, I won't hide it from you. Hera, as you know, Leto gave birth to a child for me, but all this is irreversible. The eldest son of the God King is no better than Other gods are noble, and they can’t inherit anything from me, so you don’t have to be angry about it.”

As if he didn't hear Hera's sarcasm, Zeus smiled and held Hera's hand regardless of her objections.

"Leto is far from being compared to you. You are the most noble woman in the world. I have been willing to share my authority with you before, and even not long after, I will once again declare that you are higher than the gods and equal to me. Equal status, this is a privilege that only belongs to you.”

"What did you say?"

Somewhat unexpectedly, her struggling hands stopped moving. Hera thought that Zeus would say something nice again, but what she didn't expect was that the other party would actually make such a promise.

"Yes, actually this is what I have planned for a long time."

"As I said, there is no distinction between the status of the gods in the Divine Court. Even the sons of the God King are like this. Everyone is divided into levels according to their own power according to the original rules, but this is wrong. It shouldn't be Gods have power and status, and gods who should be granted status by the God-King will also have power equal to their status. This is the true embodiment of power."

His expression was solemn. At least at this moment, Zeus's words came from his sincerity.

"I will establish twelve main gods who are higher than the gods to rule the world with me. And you are the only one who is equal to me."

"...So, you are trying to persuade me to settle the matter in this way? It seems that you really care about Leto."

He said sarcastically again, but now, Hera was no longer so angry. Zeus was willing to share power with her, and now he was willing to have equal status with her. Although she knew that nominal equality did not mean true equality, it still made her feel the other person's intentions.

And the most important thing is that Leto is not a mortal, or even a regional god. For these two, the Queen of Heaven can really take revenge. But as a true god, the other party is not dead, and no matter what she does, she will eventually die. It has nothing to do with the overall situation.

However, in order to prevent the other party from committing another crime next time, Hera still did not intend to let go easily. She was about to recount the other party's previous 'great achievements', but the next moment, Zeus's words made her think that she had heard wrongly.

"No, I'm not asking you to settle the matter. On the contrary, you can send your men to attack Leto and the child in a few years."

Looking at Hera's surprised expression with a calm expression, Zeus said calmly:

"But the attack is only temporary... After that, I want you to let the attacker go to Delphi. If it hurts my heir, then it will be killed by him in front of the temple of the gods. But no matter what, You're angry, aren't you?"

Somewhat speechless, Hera did not expect Zeus to make such a decision. Although she hated Leto before, at this moment, she actually felt sad for him for a moment.

Wrong choices bring wrong consequences, this is the tragedy of the goddess of conservation. But it was only a moment in the end, and the queen soon came to her senses.

What other people do is their business and has nothing to do with her. What's more, people who destroy other people's marriages deserve this fate.

"This is what you said, Zeus, so don't regret it later."

Pulling her hand out, Hera snorted, turned and left. However, it can be seen from her footsteps that she is much happier than when she arrived.

"Of course, how can she compare with you, Hera, you are the Queen, my only one."

Behind her, watching the queen's leaving figure, Zeus stood for a while longer. After a while, Hera's figure had disappeared, and he returned to his palace.

Sitting on his bed, Zeus stretched out his hand and took out the scepter of the God King. This artifact inlaid with three gems is still so weak, which seems to prove the weak authority of the third generation of God King.

Compared to his own royal power, the God King really didn't care about Leto that much. In other words, the relationship between him and Leto didn't even stem from heartache, so he had no love for the other person. But there was actually another reason why he made that suggestion today.

He did not tell Hera the complete story because there was another unborn son of God in her belly. If he told her, Hera would definitely ask the God King to leave this opportunity to her child, but Zeus didn't want to wait any longer.

All he had to do was wait for Apollo to grow up, declare his existence in front of the Oracle of Delphi, where all the gods have power, and then get the power he gave him. When he welcomed him back to the sacred mountain in the grandest way in front of the gods, and married him the most beautiful goddess by the way, at that time, even if Apollo had resentment towards his father, it would only disappear.

And taking this opportunity, Zeus can also announce his plan to establish the twelve main gods, and then directly turn the canonization ceremony into a part of the ceremony, achieving half of his [kingship].

"Thank you very much for your efforts...but in this world, it is the unscrupulous people who live the best life."

Whispering softly, at this moment, in Zeus's mind, the huge figure that once brought him infinite shadow seemed to shake. The 'father' who made him feel so desperate in the past seemed to be no longer so far away from him.

"Father God... I don't know where you are now. Dead? I don't believe it."

"But no matter where you go, as long as I rule this world, I will find you eventually. When the time comes, I will tell you that I have not only learned the things you taught me very well, but I will also give them back to you."

"And Gaia... Mother of the Gods, you have been present in every generation of God Kings. Since you are so restless, I will use you as my first stepping stone."

[Royal power] lies in obedience. Whether it is the twelve main gods or other subordinate gods, no matter what reason they have for fearing themselves, it can further enhance the power of the God King.

Now, Zeus is no longer afraid of the awakened grandmother. Perhaps her awakening is a good thing.


Time is like water, and there is nothing wrong with the world. So since Apollo and Artemis came to the world, time has passed quickly.

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