
The head cracked open, and the sky was filled with rosy clouds.

When the crisp sound sounded, the hazy halo spread out.

The aurora rippled at the end of the North Sea, and thousands of gorgeous light bands danced in the sky. The sound of nature echoed between the mountains and springs, playing different tunes. For a time, all things were singing, celebrating in their own way the birth of another sacred person in Kalos, the last god of the Second Age.

This is a vision of the birth of a god, and it is also a wonder that should not appear in this era. Because with the changes of two generations, the world today is no longer eager for the birth of gods, but there are exceptions to everything.

She should have been born in the years when the old king died and the new king was not yet born, stuck in the middle of the two eras, but because of a prophecy and the behavior of Zeus, she was delayed until today. However, the law itself does not care about these, it just makes up for the belated gift to the new god, and also allows the humans of the Third Age to witness this rare wonder.

The source sea is slightly turbulent, and the waves are becoming more and more turbulent. This was because of the birth of the gods and the removal of obstacles, and the ritual of the God King was finally able to continue. At this moment, the new god and the incomplete symbol of [Royal Power] came to this world almost at the same time, as if reminding the master of the ceremony that Metis had devoted herself to his position as the God King, and even she herself had fallen into an unpredictable situation.

However, all this was obviously of no use to Zeus. He was not a person who missed the past. Perhaps in the dead of night, the God King would think of Metis and his past, but compared with the supreme power at the moment, everything seemed pale in comparison.

So Zeus endured the pain and restored the cracks on his head. Without even a moment's hesitation, he opened his arms, laughed and welcomed back his power in the strange eyes of the gods, and then looked up to the east of the earth with the call of his true name that resounded through the world.

Today's movement was too loud, and it finally caused some changes in advance. Under Zeus's gaze, the vast earth trembled slightly, and the ancient will was slowly awakening.

But it didn't matter. The old things of the old times should sleep in the ground. Now, he is the real "God King".


The underworld, the realm without light.

The outside world is so lively, which makes this place even calmer. In this realm that seems to swallow everything, Erebus raised his head.

Although all the turmoil was isolated outside the realm, for the Lord of Darkness, the waves from the source sea were so clearly visible. The turmoil may not be violent, and it is far from being a "huge wave", but it is still extraordinary, because any change depends on where it happens.

The only thing that can really make the source sea raise a "huge wave" is the opening of the spirit world, the change of eras, or the fusion of the nine realms, which are major events that affect the entire world. The turmoil of today is actually the limit under normal conditions.

If you must make a comparison, this is even close to the day when the Titan gods came to the world. However, there are twelve Titans, but only one god descended today.

No, there is another one, but he never really has the chance to come to the world again.

"... Pallas Athena, the first child of the third generation of God King in the true sense, is he also the last one - because he is completely "dead", and his fate has been cut off before it has even begun. So no matter how many descendants Zeus has, they will definitely not be "later" than him?"

"Oh, it's really interesting. The fate of "death" and the fate of "living" are intertwined... It seems that I have underestimated him a little bit?"

His eyes narrowed, and at this moment, listening to the true name calling that resounded between heaven and earth, Erebus completely realized what this special situation represented. God is immortal, so the fate of God is also immortal. After all, as long as he is alive, even if he sleeps forever, there will be a day to return. In this case, the current situation still happened, and there is only one possibility.

The younger brother that Athena should have born, one of his parents has disappeared from the world, even more completely than the eternal sleep. Because there is still a possibility of awakening from eternal sleep, but since fate is "dead", it means that at least at the level of the world, she no longer exists.

"I remember, the woman seems to be called... Metis?"

This name was dug out from the depths of his memory. If it was not related to the third generation of God King, if the Lord of Darkness had not taken some interest in Zeus when the era changed, he would probably not remember this Ocean Goddess at all, but judging from the current situation, since Zeus is still alive and well, the problem can only be Metis.

However, at this moment, although he remembered the existence of the goddess, Erebus was still unsure of her state. If she had completely fallen, the underlying rule of the world about "the immortality of the gods" should have been broken. However, the law did not respond, the innate gods were still immortal, and only the existence of Metis itself seemed to be recognized by the world as her demise.

The corners of his mouth were raised. At this moment, Erebus was not only a little curious, but also a little happy. Before, he felt that it was difficult for him to do something alone, but now, isn't the best "thug" here?

Anyway, the "king of gods" must want to rule the world. Of course, the premise of all this is that Zeus is really strong enough.

"Haha, so no matter what the reason is, no matter how you did it... let my sister find out your details first. And now her strength is just right."

The weakest primitive god is best at defense rather than attack, which leads to the fact that the Earth Mother can always hold out for a while in front of people who are far stronger than her, but it is difficult for her to simply defeat some beings that are not as strong as her. So if the third generation of the God King really has some ability, then using Gaia to prove himself is the best choice.

With a chuckle, Erebus's eyes passed over the world. He paused for a moment on the Land of Eternal Night and the Dark Moon, and then took a step forward.

Perhaps he has been a little too active recently, and vaguely, the Lord of Darkness actually has some bad premonitions from the world. But in any case, at least before the end of this era, this will not cause too direct reactions from the laws of the world.

After all, as a primitive ancient god, he is one of the boundaries between the world and the outside world, and he has not really done anything that endangers the order of the world. As for the future...

Shaking his head slightly, Erebus did not think much, and the road still had to be taken step by step.

So silently, the Lord of Darkness left his domain again. This time, his goal is Olympus.

Southeast of the continent, Silver Moon City.

In recent years, the moon has been absent from the night sky from time to time, which is in sharp contrast to the diligence of the sun god. However, the moon goddess also looks at this lightly. After all, compared with the sun, the bright moon is not that important.

Today is the case. There are only stars in the summer night, and the earth is dim. But this is only in other places. Above the Silver Moon City under the starlight, there is a small "moon" hovering.

For gods, it is only a short time, but for humans, it is enough for them to change dramatically. Like a crescent bay, a huge city rises from the ground. Towering spires, exquisite buildings, and towering temples, they form this new city with a certain orderly structure.

There are no torches, because every night, there will be a round of illusory light bodies composed of magic to illuminate the city and dispel the shadows; there are no city walls, but thousands of floating stone carvings are suspended in the air, which together form a defensive structure called [Mystery Lock] by the Goddess of the Magic Net.

Although this so-called [Mystery Lock] has never been used since its construction, its defensive effect is unquestionable. Therefore, under the protection of the [Mystery Lock], the residents of Silver Moon City never need to worry about any external threats. For them, more energy is often spent on learning knowledge and expanding the population.

After all, although this cross-era urban planning gives people a sense of order and civilization, and also reflects the superb skills of the Goddess of the Magic Net, it also directly highlights its shortcomings, that is, the sparse population of Silver Moon City.

In any case, it is impossible for immigrants who once only had one or two thousand people to fill the city in such a short time. Even to this day, more than 90% of its places are still very empty.

At the beginning of the construction of this miracle city, the enthusiastic Hecate reserved enough area. With sufficient supplies, it can even allow millions of people to live in this huge building complex without being crowded. In contrast, the huge city often gives people a sense of desolation.

But today is obviously different, and the noise is heard from all over the city. The strange visions in the sky attracted people from their homes. They gathered in twos and threes to watch this magnificent scene they had never seen before.

"The birth of the gods, what a familiar scene, and her name... the goddess of wisdom, the embodiment of victory and art, Pallas Athena. Her power should be very strong, just like the result of astrology, a god who "surpasses the mother."

Sitting next to the spire, Hecate swung her calves and looked at the aurora covering the sky and the earth in the distance. She held a bright crystal ball in her hand and tapped it from time to time, and in her heart, Hecate couldn't help but recall the memories of the past.

Before becoming a god, she had walked on the earth for thousands of years, but she only felt that time was very short, as if it passed in a flash. But after becoming a god, although it was only a few hundred years, Hecate felt that time was very long, so long that her memory was a little fuzzy.

Although Hecate didn't like Metis very much before she met Zeus, she still felt a little inexplicably emotional when she witnessed her disappearance and the birth of her daughter.

The goddess of wisdom didn't seem to be as wise as she thought. I don't know if her daughter will be the same as her.

"So Al, you should remember to stay away from that golden hair in the future. Although he is your father, he is not a good thing."

With a stern face, Hecate in a red skirt turned her head and warned Artemis again.

Just as Apollo has grown up, the goddess who controls the wilderness and the crescent moon has also grown up. Standing next to Hecate, she was wearing a light green corset skirt, tall and wearing a moon crown, exuding vitality and confidence.

Her smile was beautiful, because the strange scene in the sky was as gorgeous as hers, which made Artemis happy.

"About this matter... I will go and see it myself. In this world, even your biological parents will hurt you, but I won't."

Raising her eyebrows slightly, Artemis stretched and continued to lean on the top of the tower to enjoy the beautiful scenery. This was not the first time Hecate told her about Zeus, but the answer she gave was always the same.

When she sees it with her own eyes, she will know who this nominal father is. Just like no one believes that the goddess of conservation will not love her own children, before seeing it with her own eyes, any evaluation and impression of others are inherent, which is just mixed with personal prejudice.

"It's always like this, little Al, since you want to see it so much, then go, but I think it's possible that he will come to you first."

Speaking of "little Al", Artemis's figure is actually taller than others among the goddesses, and it is more obvious compared to Hecate. However, the goddess of the magic net has long been accustomed to this situation, so she just smiled casually and said no more.

She is not actually worried that Artemis will make a wrong judgment in the future, because just like when she faced Zeus, she secretly used the crystal ball in her hand to divination the result, at least in terms of disappointment, the third generation of gods never disappoints.

He has a way to anger a goddess, but in the past, when facing his wife and lover, he can still use other ways to ease their anger. But when this goddess was his daughter, his nice words were useless.

"... Olympus, the eastern pillar of heaven, the home of the gods, the place where the king of gods ruled the world - just like Mount Odysseus, it's really not a good place."

Shaking her head, the girl in the red skirt turned her head and looked at the Starfall Lake, where Selene was with the centaurs pulled by the mentor, teaching talented human children to learn witchcraft.

Learn the skills of physical training, temper your will, and then integrate the fragments of divinity, and finally join the church's guards to go to the wilderness to clean up nearby beasts; or learn meditation and witchcraft, master the skills of mobilizing elements, and provide convenience and help for production and work. This is what the talented children in Silver Moon City have to experience now.

Of course, no matter which path it is, it is destined to be a journey for only a few people. Because the extraordinary path is more about talent, it is not like farming and grazing, it is not something that can be learned by hard work, so there are actually not as many children who really learn as imagined.

But no matter how many or how few, Hecate is too lazy to teach others. Mortals have limited talents, unlike the gods who can learn as soon as they are told or practiced. It was not until recent years, when those children grew up and many of the questions they asked gave her a lot of inspiration, that the goddess of the magic network first affirmed the value of humans in witchcraft.

"Slate, slate, so, is this the 'human wisdom' you once talked about?"

Taking out the [Complete Book of All Laws] from her waist, Hecate asked casually.

It's a little useful, but not much, that's her evaluation of it. Just like many other witchcraft created by humans, it looks interesting, but in fact it is not only primitive, but also meaningless.

[Not all]

[Human wisdom is not only reflected here, not to mention that there are still too few people learning witchcraft]

[The time they have been in contact is also too short, so it is only natural that they can only do this step]

The ink marks appear and disappear line by line. Hecate thought for a moment and asked again:

"What good will it do you to perfect witchcraft?"

[It's not about perfecting witchcraft, it's about perfecting the extraordinary system of wisdom and civilization. Witchcraft is only a part of it. This is not only what I lack, but also what you lack.]

[One person cannot perfect a system. It needs not only height, but also breadth. Those useless things in your eyes are the real cornerstone of it...]

[And this itself is also strengthening your power, isn't it? And only when the seeds of magic are spread all over the earth, all over the past and the future, can this book become a true 'Complete Book of All Laws'.]

During the conversation, the vision on the horizon had a tendency to dissipate. Hecate did not ask again about the reply of the stone tablet.

She didn't care about the increase in power. After all, she didn't see the possibility of becoming a primitive god with these powers. But since spreading magic can perfect the 'Complete Book of All Laws'... then she would let her students work harder.

And compared to these boring 'works', what really attracted Hecate now was the rhythm coming from the earth at this moment. With the help of the magic net covering most places in the world, she vaguely sensed something.

The magic net goddess still remembered the battle between the previous God King and the Earth Mother. It was not only dangerous, but also very exciting.

"Slate, slate, if they fight, who do you think will win?"

Hecate asked expectantly, holding her chin with her right hand.

[There will be no winner or loser, but the only thing without winner or loser is the battle itself]

[For some people, no matter what the outcome of the battle is, she has already lost before it even starts]

The handwriting slowly emerged and then disappeared quickly. Others could not tell, but he could see clearly that the vibration of the source sea was not only due to the birth of Athena, but also for other reasons.

As for what the reason was, he knew it immediately.


Spirit world, the fifth layer.

One up and one down, one positive and one negative, just like two magnets that attract and repel each other, floating and sinking.

These two interfaces are far from being stable, and there is still a huge gap between their powers, but compared to the beginning, the power that keeps them stable is no longer as strong.

Standing in the chaotic void, smoothing out the conflicts between interfaces with his left hand, Ryan stared at the outside world, looking at the visions between heaven and earth, and the location of Olympus.

There, a breath that surpassed the gods was gradually gathering. I don't know why, this breath gave Ryan a different feeling. It was not similar to other primitive gods, but involved something else.

Maybe it was the order of the world, maybe it was the inverted fate, or maybe it was something else. In short, this was not a simple promotion, or, Ryan didn't think Zeus could go further by relying on his own priesthood for no reason.


"Well... Lyanna."

Called softly, and the next moment, in the chaotic fifth layer of the spirit world, the purple dress of the goddess of the moon was reflected. She gathered her wings behind her and bowed slightly to Ryan.

"I'm here, Your Highness."

"Keep an eye on this place for me, I'm going out for a while - especially don't let Eclipse get close."

After giving the order, after Lyanna expressed her understanding, he temporarily handed over the work of maintaining balance.

The power of the goddess of the moon was far from enough to do this for a long time, but Ryan just wanted her to hold on for a while. He casually opened the portal of the void and stepped out.

No matter what the problem is, you will know when you go there. As early as when he discovered the transfer of wisdom and authority, he was ready to take a look, but the things on hand were not finished at that time. But now it seems that it is better for him to go in advance.

The growth of Zeus's strength seems unexpected, but it is also reasonable, because in the original mythological trajectory, he is indeed getting stronger and stronger until he reaches the top of the world.

Just like the myths of later generations... Ryan only knows that Zeus has developed step by step from needing to build artifacts and unite his brothers to defeat Kronos to being invincible in the world and facing the goddess of night without fear. No one knows whether his change today is a real accident or a destiny under the influence of fate.

Or maybe both. After all, the fate of other gods was changed by Ryan, and there was a reason why their power was taken away in advance. But in any case, since he can't run to the world to compete for the position of the king of gods, Zeus is likely to still take a similar path.

What's more, the world doesn't like primitive gods, nor does it like the existence of wanton destruction of order, but the king of gods...

Ryan is not very sure, but it doesn't matter. Because it is unclear how Zeus in the original trajectory really used faith to break the great boundary, Ryan has always planned that "Zeus can be promoted to greatness".

Now he wants to know more about the reason why the God King was promoted, and whether he can learn from it.


At the same time, at the highest point of the sky.

When Zeus's [Royal Ceremony] slowly started to operate, the rituals that imitated the establishment of the first generation of royal power began to swallow the faith pointing to Olympus and the God King. However, even Zeus himself did not realize that his behavior had another impact.

Following a certain connection, a weak and pure force rose straight up, passing through layers of obstacles and converging towards the original God King.

This force is not much in terms of "quantity", because the ritual itself is not perfect, which makes it not so clear that it is compatible with the first generation of God King, but it is endless, and as long as Zeus's ritual is still there, its convergence will not stop.

So once again, when this power merged into the sky, a vast and hazy consciousness was pulled back a little from the eternal peace. It returned to its own body, causing the sky to shake slightly at this moment.

However, the divine birth vision obscured all this, and the waves of the source sea and the tremors of the earth made the changes in the sky seem unremarkable, so no one noticed all this, only Atlas, who supported the sky, was puzzled for a moment, and then ignored it.

Silently, a certain ancient supreme was revived a little, but perhaps because the power was too weak, the proportion of this consciousness was too small and too meager, and his ability to think at this moment seemed extremely limited. In his remaining thoughts, there was only one obsession, which constantly influenced this ancient god.

So the next moment, under the trend of hazy consciousness, the sky began to "speak".

"Find back... find back my limbs..."

"Whoever... finds it back... you will get everything..."

The vague whisper came down from the sky, but this content that was enough to shake the world was not heard by any existence. Because at this moment, no one in the world remembers his existence.

So the empty voice echoed in the sky from then on, day after day, without end.

A ceremony, a birth, the whole world was shaken because of it. The birth of the new god was just a trigger, she triggered many long-accumulated contradictions, but at this moment in Olympus, no one knew about this series of changes.

In the hall, surrounded by strange phenomena in the sky, a girl with bright eyes jumped out from the top of Zeus's head.

She was wearing armor and skirt. In her left hand, she held the [Shield of Equis], which was infected by the power of the previous goddess of wisdom and witnessed her "love" with the king of gods. In her right hand, she held a spear, which was a symbol of stopping war and always winning.

When she landed lightly in front of the gods, the call of the law finally reached its peak. The sky and the earth called her name, allowing the gods and people of the world to witness her coming together.

Pallas Athena, goddess of wisdom, victorious king!

An inexplicable atmosphere permeated the palace. Under the effect of the returning power, Zeus's cracked skull had long been healed.

At this moment, some gods looked at him with suspicion, and some gods showed mockery on their faces. Now everything is clear. Two generations of goddesses of wisdom, gods born from the heads of gods, as long as they are not too stupid, all gods can guess the cause and effect.

He just claimed that he was different from the previous two generations of gods, and now he has become a laughing stock. For a time, the gods who were originally a little moved by the position of the main god had many more doubts in their hearts.

Although this third-generation god king seems to have been doing things since he ascended the throne, the results seem to be not very good.

Cheating goddesses, even having affairs with mortals, this is actually not what most gods care about. At most, they use this as a topic of conversation after dinner, but this behavior like Kronosthon has another story.

Because the most staunch supporter standing beside the third-generation god king himself was once a victim of all this.

"Zeus, is this what you did to Metis? How could you do such a thing... Have you forgotten our past?"

Scolded harshly, although people's hearts changed, no one dared to face the God King, only Hestia was different.

Looking at Athena in the center of the hall, she doubted for the first time whether it was a wrong decision to support Zeus.

She waited for Zeus' explanation. Although she didn't think he could give any reasonable reasons, she was still looking forward to it because of the rare family affection between Chaos gods. However, in front of her, Zeus ignored her. He just rubbed his head and slowly raised his head.

"In the past, of course I haven't forgotten... Hestia, how could I forget the feeling of being controlled by others?"

Showing a sarcastic smile, feeling the different eyes in the hall, facing the questioning of the eldest sister in front of him, Zeus did not feel the slightest bit of shame.

He just looked at the center of the hall. Looking at the dazzling daughter and her heroic and bright eyes, the God King laughed out loud.

"Athena, my child, you finally came to this world. So now, tell me in front of the gods, who are you fighting for, are you going to point your spear at me?"

"My spear and shield only fight for myself."

Athena spoke her first words since she came to the world with a bright and powerful voice. She looked at the God King above, the man who gave her life, but took away everything from the one who gave her the other half of life, and before today, she had not even come to this world.

Even wisdom would make it difficult for the newly born goddess to make a more direct choice. So she just expressed her rejection to the God King, but did not go further hostile.

She still needs some time... Her wisdom told her that any rash decision would inevitably lead to wrong results.

"Hahahahaha... Very good, that's enough. Athena, my child, for the sake of my giving you life, stand aside and witness everything today with your own eyes."

The laughter gradually subsided, and the next moment, Zeus stood up from the throne. Hestia seemed to want to say something, and the goddess of beauty who had just been forced to make a marriage also stepped forward, but the king of gods didn't care.

Feeling the existence of [royal power], Zeus didn't want to make any more unnecessary excuses. Yes, his previous words were all excuses. The king of gods changed positions. In the end, isn't it still fate and power?

But he now has a grasp of the trajectory of fate. Although there are still many unclear places, he has understood the key to the problem.

The ritual of royal power may not allow him to transcend the world, but his pursuit is not transcendence.

"This is Chaos, you can be bad, but you can't be weak. You can make everyone hate you, as long as you are invincible in the world!"

No one heard this sentence, because the king of gods said it to him alone. The earth trembled slightly, and Zeus knew that the continuous turmoil finally woke up Gaia halfway. He didn't know the changes in the Golden Apple Garden, but even if he didn't consider this, the first person the Earth Mother would look for when she woke up would probably be him.

He couldn't be invincible in the world, of course, but he could try to be invincible on earth. Let this ancient god who always makes his presence felt in the succession of gods understand... Since you are an antique from the old times, immerse yourself in your past and never come back!

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