Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 243 The whole world is the enemy

Deep in the starry sky, as the two ancient gods left one after another, this desolate place also restored its former silence.

Like the edge of the world where the Ring World River is located, the edge of the star field far away from the earth is usually uninhabited. However, just as the edge of the sea is the domain of the Ocean God, the edge of the star is also the same.

So when part of his domain was violently torn apart and reshaped, it eventually attracted the attention of the owner of this place. After a long time, a subtle wave was transmitted in a corner of the star sea.

Two figures walked out one after another. One was a tall middle-aged man with obvious muscle lines. He walked in front and observed this star field that had been restored to its original state. Behind him, the other was a woman in gorgeous clothes who followed closely. Her body was dotted with various rare treasures, but there was a hint of depression between her eyebrows.

Under the gaze of the two Titan gods, everything here was very obvious. The surface of the starry sky has been repaired, but some deep-seated power is still spreading on another level. The gods who arrived late slowly approached the battlefield, feeling the remaining terrible power.

Some power seemed to have permanently changed the laws here. From now on, this would become a "silent" star field. Any existence below the true god could not make or hear any sound here.

At the same time, some kind of life seemed to begin to breed. In those restored celestial bodies, intermittent thoughts gradually emerged. They have wisdom under the power of spirituality, but are affected by the power of darkness.

Perhaps this will give birth to a special star field nymph, or it may be some kind of strange beast wandering in the starry sky. But obviously, the two ancient gods who created all this did not take them seriously. Just like the divine blood beasts born after the previous wars of gods, they have never been noticed by the source of their bloodline.

"Great divine power... Compared with the Lord of Darkness, the [darkness] I master is just the tip of the iceberg, or even just an extension. The lightless celestial body is just a manifestation of [darkness], and it is still far from its essence."

Whispering at the power of the original god, the Titan turned and looked at his wife.

Over the years, the other party has never given up persuading him to leave the starry sky, and his response is just rejection again and again.

"Now you see it, Phoebe, this is the true power of those ancient gods, and why I don't want to go out... I know you don't want to stay in the silent starry sky, but only here can you avoid the turmoil and danger of the world."

The voice is low and heavy, like the heavy rumble when the stars are running. Koos, the main god of the lightless celestial body, is one of the few gods in the world who has reached the level of divine power 20. He has not appeared in the world since the middle of the Second Age.

In other words, except for the fact that this powerful Titan god briefly stood on the side of the second generation of God King to intervene in the starry sky dispute because of his daughter Asteria's marriage, he has basically not been active in the world. Even that brief intervention was hastily ended because of the birth of Hecate.

Like his own priesthood, Koos stayed in the darkness silently. He watched the changes in the world, but never took any action.

However, he thought so, but as the goddess of light, Phoebe obviously didn't think so.

"Coeus, I acknowledge the power of the Great Ones... But isn't that why I want you to do something?"

"The Great Ones are not born, and the Father God is not born great either. He gave birth to us and then ascended the throne. He gained power through his own actions, not by waiting for power to fall from the sky. And Kronos, Ryan... They all took that step unconsciously, and even Zeus is like this now. Since they can, why can't you?"

It was relatively calm at first, but as she spoke, Phoebe's tone became a little high-pitched.

She is the main god of the light body, not the 'Mother of Silence' or the 'Goddess of the Cold Universe'. She doesn't like her current life at all. In the myths of later generations, Phoebe even once had the title of 'Goddess of the Ancient Moon'. Compared with her silent husband, she is obviously not a quiet existence.

Perhaps in her original destiny, she had some deep conflict with the moon goddess Selene. The God of Light tried to bring the moon under his jurisdiction and increase his authority, but the final result was just to give Zeus, the God King, another lover.

Of course, the moon in this life no longer had that kind of power, so Phoebe no longer looked at it. In comparison, the true supreme of billions of light bodies made her more moved.

However, no matter what, that was something Phoebe could not do. Compared with Koos, her power was not just a little bit worse.

"You know what I want, isn't it good for us to dominate the starry sky together? The real master of the sun, Hyperion, is gone... I said before that maybe you should do something. Let the starry sky belong to your authority, or study the mysteries of faith like the gods of Olympus, isn't it good?"

"Three God Kings, an ancient god born in the same generation as the original gods, this doesn't prove anything. That is their own specialness and the favor of fate."

Shaking his head, Koos rejected his wife's request again, just like every time in the past. And beside him, Phoebe finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"So this is what you want, you want to stay here forever, pray that no ancient god notices you, and spend eternity living like a dead person?"

The voice was a little sharp. Phoebe couldn't understand why her husband had no other thoughts and just wanted to stay in the cold and silent starry sky, even though he had such good conditions and power second only to the great divine power?

Even Oceanus knew to try to unify the sea, but an era passed and Koos did nothing.

"No matter what you say, Phoebe, I will stay here. In the current world, there is no chance for us at all..."

"If you don't want to stay, then leave by yourself, and I have never stopped you. That's it, I will go back first."

The voice was calm, and Koos took a last look at the starry sky. He didn't say much, just turned and left.


Pointing at her husband who was leaving, Phoebe's arm trembled a little because of the intense emotions.

It was like this every time. Koos had never been moved by her words, but if she really wanted to leave by herself, Phoebe was a little afraid.

The power of the light body was too dispersed. At the moment when the moon was weakened, the sun itself occupied more than half of the light body, which made Phoebe far less powerful than other first-generation Titans. Although she had not fallen to the level of weakness like the God of Speech and the God of Language and Writing, she definitely did not have the ability to conquer the sun.

"You will regret it!"

In the end, the goddess just said a harsh word as always. She found a celestial body to sit down and planned to go back after a while so that the other party would understand her anger.

Anyway, the lightless celestial body in the starry sky is the eyes and ears of Koos. Even if the other party is not here, she is not worried about encountering any unexpected situations. She has been in that quiet and boring place for too many years. If she can leave for a while, she will leave for a while.


I don't know that there was an argument after I left. After repairing the edge of the starry sky, Ryan did not stay any longer.

Compared with other primitive gods, the order of the world obviously takes special care of him as an "outsider", and this time is the second time Ryan has taken action in the world after the change of the era. Compared with the last time, even if he has avoided the earth, the invisible law suppression is still more than one level higher.

Of course, one hundred times one is only one hundred, which makes no difference to the tens of millions. But it doesn't have any effect now, but it doesn't mean it will be the same in the future.

The third time, the fourth time... In the foreseeable future, every time he shows his power in the present world, the oppression from the world will be stronger. Until one day, just stepping out of the spirit world, the order of the present world will make Ryan unable to move.

This is difficult to avoid, not only because of the changes in the laws after the era change, but also because of the increase in the size of the spirit world and the fact that Ryan began to carry the great status. And the only way to end it is to have the same or even stronger power as the present world.

But let's not talk about the difficulty of doing that step. Even if he really reaches that step, Ryan will face another problem. The present world suppresses the great divine power, even if it has been doing so implicitly before the third era. The most fundamental reason is actually easy to understand. The present world itself is only half a level higher than the great, and it is natural that He will suppress those ancient gods who walk in the world and have their own thoughts.

Any existence will be wary of things that may threaten itself, and the best way is to make it cease to exist. In contrast, the reason why the outside world does not have similar behavior is only due to the dominant nature of chaos. This is why the more powerful the world is, the more order is dominant, because it may be rigid, but it does help maintain stability.

It is not just the world, but also the same in the mortal kingdom. The more strict the law, the more unreasonable it is, but on the other hand, it can make a certain order better extended and implemented.

So the problem that follows is very clear. Once the size of the spiritual world expands to a certain limit and truly reaches a state of equality with the present world, it is difficult to say whether Chaos, who is also only "half a level higher" than the spiritual world at that time, will have any direct reaction.

Therefore, Ryan has always tried to use roundabout means to change the fate of the present world, because before, he actually had the intention of actively controlling his power at the peak of great divine power in the future and no longer growing it, and then accumulating extra power through means similar to investing in hell, and then reuniting one day and making the ultimate leap directly. But now, this idea seems too good to be true. Perhaps for a well-running "program", violence is the only way to solve its main body.

Either external violence, internal violence, or both. In short, those means that only involve the corners are meaningless.

"So if there is nothing else, I will go back. Do you have anything else to say?"

As different thoughts collided, Ryan stepped into the underworld, but sensing the breath that still followed him, he couldn't help but ask.

This world is big and small. At least for Nyx, the fight between Ryan and Erebus is so obvious and present. So compared to Gaia's battle that obviously lasted for a long time, she decisively chose to run to the other side to watch the excitement.

However, the excitement has now ended, but Nyx is still following her, and she has no intention of hiding her existence, so it is obvious that the other party has something to say.

"You can ask directly. If I can answer, I will not hide it."

Smiling casually, Ryan looked aside.

"Now that you have said so...then what are you going to do at the end of this era?"

The secret was revealed, and a familiar figure stood in the moonlight. Nyx blinked his eyes behind the veil, and then asked his question directly.

"Um...why do you ask this? Do I have to do something?"

Shaking his head slightly, Ryan did not answer the question directly.

"Every day now, my strength is increasing. When life spreads to every corner of the world, the symbol of spirituality will rise spontaneously. I just need to wait quietly, and everything will come to me automatically. Maybe I It will only witness the arrival of the Fourth Age and the birth of the next God King."

"It's impossible, you don't make that decision."

After a pause, Nyx slowly said:

"Because... there is no Fourth Age in this world, at least while I can still see the future, He doesn't have it yet."

Staring at Ryan in front of him, Nyx narrowed his eyes.

"Don't you want to tell me, or are you scared? I remember that in the last era, you didn't have the power you have now, but you still said in front of me that you would be the 'God King for a Day'."

"I saw your later performance, which was very interesting, but in this era... what are you going to do?"

"Or to be more precise, when is the end of your so-called era?"

The scene was quiet for a while, and Ryan was a little surprised when Nyx looked at him, but not that surprised.

There is no Fourth Era... What that means is probably not that the world will have no set destiny by that time, but that the world will be completely stable in the Third Era, and there will be no possibility of further changes.

"...I have to admit that I wasn't very sure about this before. But whatever you say now, I have to make up my mind."

Smiling again, and changing the subject, Ryan returned to Nyx's previous question.

"There's nothing I can't say about what I want to do. After all, some things can't be changed just by knowing. It's just that the answer this time may not be what you want."

"What answer does it have to do with me?"

It's a little strange, but Nyx doesn't think this has anything to do with him.

"Do you still remember why you came here at the end of the first era and why you blocked the door to the spiritual world?"

Asking in return, Ryan smiled and spoke.

"Of course it's because you took the opportunity to open up the spiritual world, so that the world gave the 'instructions' to the gods..."

Somewhat suddenly, it seemed that he finally understood something, and Nyx's eyes couldn't help but look strange.

"So are you going to do something similar this time? Hmm - but you'd better be prepared in advance. If there is a chance to hit you then, I may not hold back."

"It should be said that for the sake of past friendship, I will be merciful."

Smiling, Ryan turned around and disappeared into the dark void.

"But you don't have to be too afraid, because by that time, everyone will be your 'teammate'."

Turning around and leaving, Ryan had no intention of further answering, and Nyx didn't ask any more questions. Just like last time, Ms. Ye did not ask what the 'One Day God King' was. She always seemed to like this feeling of decryption and anticipation, so after just thinking for a while, she continued in a good mood. Went to 'watch' the battle on the ground.

She couldn't figure out why Ryan had such confidence, but if she couldn't figure it out, she couldn't figure it out. Time would give her the answer. On the gray earth illuminated by the dark moon, only Nyx's faint laughter remained.

"The third era is different from the first era. This time, there is no replacement of god kings and birth of gods to buy time."

"Invincible in the world? So if you want to avoid being beaten to death, are you telling me that at least for that day, you have to be invincible in the world?"

No one can answer her question, everything has been [hidden], only the water of the River Styx is still flowing slowly, never-ending.


In this world, outside Mount Olympus.

The power that shakes all things is still continuing, but three days and three nights have passed, and now the situation outside the sacred mountain has changed drastically.

The whole world is the enemy, this is what Mother Earth is really thinking at this moment under the gaze of the gods of heaven and earth.

Three days ago, although the brief and unexpected change alarmed the God King, Gaia had no intention of stopping. The power of the earth continued to impact, and even though Zeus had tried his best to pay attention, cracks were still knocked out of the sacred mountain.

Fortunately, this is the body of an ancient mountain god. It can be repaired spontaneously over the long years, so there is no irreversible impact. However, this also proves from the side that Gaia's judgment is not wrong. Without the suppression of the laws of this world, Zeus would not be able to stop her from destroying the sacred mountain.

However, there are no ifs in reality, and the laws and regulations never change according to the will of the individual. So at this moment, even though power was still pouring into her body from the earth, even though there was still a power that frightened the gods when she raised her hand, standing between heaven and earth, the oldest innate god still felt the inner strength of her body. The feeling of inner exhaustion and the desolation of being abandoned by everything in the world.

Opposite her, the God King was still pouring out his power wantonly, and Gaia was like a ruler and a useful tool to prove his power. Around the sacred mountain, the originally awed gazes of the gods gradually changed. For the first time, they realized that perhaps this noble Earth Mother was not as powerful as they thought.

The third-generation God Queen wears a golden crown. Her majestic and solemn look at this moment reminds Gaia of her past self: so young, so confident, and they even have the same power, the authority divided by the world. But her first era has passed, and now, Gaia is just an uninvited guest.

Even in addition to this, Earth Mother also noticed the auras that flashed one after another.

Ryan and Erebus, two people who have always been suspected by Gaia, but this time, they seemed not to notice her at all.

From attacking the gods, to fighting each other, and then heading to the stars, from the beginning to the end, no one said a word to her, as if she was no longer worthy of attention.

Especially Erebus, he even only paid tribute to the God King, but did not pay attention to his sister who was standing beside him.

And his sister... Nyx has probably been here too, but Gaia sadly discovered that if the other party is not willing, if the Mother of Night in charge of [Secret] does not have her feet on the earth, then she will not even notice it. her presence. Obviously, Nyx had no intention of showing up.

All mixed together, Gaia's desperation and rage are simply beyond description.



Grief and anger turned into strength, and Gaia once again summoned her divine power.

The huge light rose up crazily and collided with [Thunder] again. However, this time, in the eyes of Mother Earth in disbelief, Zeus's hand did not even waver.

"This, how can this be-"

"——Mother Earth, you have gone too far."

He was also stunned for a moment, but then he realized something. Trying to suppress the joy in his heart, in front of the gods, looking at the ancient god who once made him extremely afraid, the God King spoke righteously.

"I know that you may be dissatisfied with me because of the Titan God matter, but Gaia, this is not a reason for you to vent your anger randomly!"

"Making up lies, using the so-called 'golden apple tree' to slander the King of Gods; endangering the stability of the world, trying to destroy the sacred mountain that supports the sky. Gaia, you have felt it, the world has already punished you, and this is His punishment for your wanton behavior. !”

In just a few words, Zeus equated "slandering the God King" with "destroying the God Mountain", and even put those involving himself first, as if the suppression of the law was really because of him. But even in the eyes of the gods who were watching, what the God King said at this moment was not wrong.

Imprisoning Cleos, the god of weather, is just a normal power struggle. As for the 'golden apple tree', that is even more nonsense. Gaia's anger is somewhat ridiculous, so even if she is being ridiculed by Zeus at this moment, it really does not arouse any empathy.

After calming down, throwing away the aura of the original god of the earth mother, Gaia in front of the gods seemed to be an old woman who had been stimulated by unknown means, and then was suppressed when the trouble failed.

"Ah - Zeus, you once didn't even dare to raise your head in front of me, you -"


[Thunder] was thrown and instantly drowned out Gaia's voice. But this time, it seemed that a certain critical point had been passed. The Earth Mother, who was originally at a disadvantage, fell backwards in the collision, and even had red marks on her hands.

It's not that Zeus has become stronger, it's that Gaia has become weaker. The three days and three nights of fighting seemed to have exhausted the patience of the worldly order towards this primitive god. If the huge pressure he lowered fell on Zeus, it would even be enough to make this god-king who had just reached the edge of greatness immediately fall back, or even return. It has reached the point where it is worse than before the promotion, and although Gaia is not like this, it has also been weakened unimaginably.

Now, she once again replaced Zeus and the Lord of Hell, who had just touched the greatness, and became the edge of great divine power.

"It's over, Gaia, give up your meaningless behavior. Under the witness of the gods, and in the name of the God King, I have never stolen the golden apple tree."

With a calm expression, Zeus spoke slowly:

"If you are willing to admit your mistakes now and give up the meaningless accusations against me, then I will respond mercifully and let your transgressions today be forgotten."

After the words fell, the God King looked at the Earth Mother calmly, as if he already had a chance to win, and that was exactly the case. The scene fell silent, and the gods looked at Gaia, waiting for her response.

The Earth Mother had no chance of winning, or even a chance of losing both sides. The only choice she could make now was to leave in a dignified way or in embarrassment. As for suppressing her, that was unlikely, but Zeus never wanted to do that.

The power of the God King has been established, and the rest is more than enough.


There was no reply, and no attention to Zeus's explanation. Gaia, who was knocked back by a blow, just looked at her hands with red marks.

All life in the world seemed to be watching her joke, but when she looked around, she couldn't find anyone who could stand by her side.



"Hahahaha...Zeus, son of Uranus, descendant of Cronus..."

After a while, Gaia raised her head and looked at the God King standing proudly in the clouds. Her voice was a little hoarse, but at this moment, the entire continent seemed to be echoing her voice.

"I curse you."

"I curse you... My time may have passed, but one day, so will yours."

"I will wait for you, Zeus...I will wait for you until the end of all things."


As early as the second sentence of Gaia's words, the [Thunder Arrow] struck again, but this time, the God King failed to do anything.

Gaia's figure has disappeared, and no one can stop her on the earth, even if she is on the verge of falling. And Mother Earth's final curse spread throughout the world along with the tremors of the earth's crust.

The God King's expression remained unchanged, as if he didn't care about the loser's incompetent anger before leaving, but only Hera, who was familiar with him, noticed that perhaps Zeus was not so calm in his heart.

Because she had heard Zeus talk about the 'prophecy' before the second generation of God King disappeared.

"Zeus, a curse without power is meaningless. It is just meaningless words... Now, it's time to do what the God King should do."

Taking a step forward, Hera spoke softly.

"...Yes, it's a joke, it's just a last-ditch show of respect by an old guy from the old days who is unwilling to quit."

Nodding, Zeus took a deep breath, turned around, and looked at the gods who were bowing their heads under his gaze not far away.

Not because of the recommendation of the gods, but because of the supreme power. Compared with the past, now, he is the true king of gods.

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