Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 247 Pollution and Arrangement

On Mount Olympus, with the joint efforts of the gods, a temporary meeting place was barely built.

Although the environment here seemed dilapidated compared to a few days ago, when the God King took the first place and raised the twelve seats again, the mentality of the gods obviously changed dramatically.

The previous position of Lord God was more like the result of the rise of the God-King. It was a title of only honorary nature. Those true gods with powerful divine power, even if they do not have such a position, can force Zeus to listen to their opinions; and those with insufficient power, even if they sit in such a position, will not really be taken seriously by the gods, more like He is a jester who relies on the power of the God-King.

But things are different now. When the God King has absolute power, everything will naturally change accordingly. No matter who it was, they all had completely different thoughts at this moment.

"Your Majesty, thanks to your supreme power, the sacred mountain was saved from the wrath of Mother Earth."

The gods sat down, and before Zeus could speak, there were gods praising his power.

The other gods also echoed, as if they had not distanced themselves from the God King before. In response, the God King sitting at the top just smiled, and then raised his hand to signal to silence.

Rather than making some flattery, it is better to arrange the business first. Although his incarnation is still on the road at this moment, it is not very difficult to multi-task to this extent.

After solving Gaia, we should be able to have some peace and quiet in the future. But thinking of Mother Earth's final madness, Zeus still had a headache.

He was actually not very afraid of the curse. After all, if the curse could kill a person, then the world would have been at peace. What really bothered him was that what Gaia said happened to be similar to what Cronus had predicted.

A simple curse is meaningless, but if it is actually a glimpse of the future that some great person inadvertently glimpsed, that is another matter. This is not absolutely impossible to happen. After all, since he can see his future self in that sacrificial ceremony, it is naturally possible for Gaia to do the same.

The ancient primitive gods always have some secrets that he doesn't know about. In order to eliminate the uneasiness in the heart, strengthening strength is naturally the most direct and effective way.

"Everyone, let's stop here for the previous matter. Although Earth Mother did make a big mistake, we should still give her the respect she deserves."

With a smile on his face, as if he was not the one who recounted Gaia's sins not long ago, Zeus looked at his son, Apollo, who was awarded the title of Lord God just after he climbed the mountain.

After all, the long time of being free has made this child not so close to him, so he did not stand with Hera before. Of course, it may also be a simple dislike of the Queen, but no matter what the reason is, Zeus believes that time will change All of this.

After all, the God King may not be a good thing to those goddesses, but he has never done anything bad to these children who can maintain their rule.

"Apollo, my child, I am proud of you for your skill in killing the giant snake at Delphi, but this is indeed one of the causes that disturbed Mother Earth's sleep."

"I want you to go to the oracle and guard it there for ten years without using the power of God. Will you obey my decision?"

"I will."

Nodding, Apollo did not refuse.

He obtained the power of the Holy Stone there, so it was only right that he put in some negligible energy for it. As for whether the God King had just offended the Earth Mother and whether he would encounter danger during his trip, Apollo was not afraid.

The immortality of the gods is the greatest reliance, and if the so-called Mother Goddess of the Earth is really angry with Zeus, then he will naturally write it down and fight back one day in the future, even if the power of both parties is the same The natural chasm is still the same.

Gaia cannot be insulted, and neither can Apollo!

"very good."

With a satisfied smile, Zeus expressed his appreciation for the eldest son's decisiveness and courage. Not any god would dare to leave the sacred mountain at this moment, or even run to Delphi.

But with Apollo as the first one, as long as he has nothing to do, the gods' fear of Mother Earth will be dispelled, and everything will return to normal.

After making arrangements for Apollo, the God King immediately looked in another direction. Athena, his first true offspring... While the gods were watching the battle between the two primitive gods, the goddess of wisdom had already completed her exploration, and then silently merged into the gods. At this moment, she also returned here.

Zeus had no scruples about her. As long as the other party is sure that she does not remember what happened before she was born, then everything will be fine. The God King who has "come ashore" will naturally compensate her twice as much to make up for the conscience she lost before she "came ashore" and does not have much conscience now.

"Athena, my daughter, when I see you, I feel like I saw Metis back then."

"She amazes me so much, and her wisdom has brought me so much help... It's a pity that we separated after all."

Seemingly regretful, Zeus paused slightly.

He paid attention to the movements of the people around him, such as Hera's dissatisfaction, the complex look in Hestia's eyes, and the hidden hatred of Demeter - ever since the second sister gave birth to a daughter under his force, she has It's always been like this.

Even their daughter, Zeus has not seen her, but he doesn't care much. The Goddess of Growth... The King of Gods doesn't think she is a threat, and Demeter's character doesn't seem to be able to make any fierce resistance.

"As I said to Themis just now, Athena, I will double your compensation. Although I hurt your mother goddess, I love you more than any of my children. I will give you the throne of the main god, and I will allow you to live on earth or in heaven according to your wishes, without being bound by anyone or god. Even today, you can make an additional request to me."

Looking at Athena, Zeus smiled warmly, but secretly paid attention to her every look or expression.

"Speak to me, my child, except for my throne, everything I have is up to you."


The armrest of the Queen of Gods' chair cracked, but Hera said nothing. She didn't intend to bother with Zeus' daughter, especially since her mother goddess would never have the opportunity to threaten her position again.

Amid the envious, jealous, or admiring gazes of the gods, Athena just smiled and took out a sheepskin roll from her sleeve.

The God King felt a little familiar, but he had no impression. The sheepskin roll... probably symbolizes knowledge, the same hobby as Metis once had. And Athena's subsequent words undoubtedly proved this point.

"I don't want anything. I don't need artifacts, status, or power. They are pursued by the world, but few people have them forever."

"I just hope that in the future, I can spread any knowledge I want to spread according to my wishes, and safeguard the right of any speech or thought to exist. Apart from that, I have no additional requirements."

"If this is what you want, my daughter, then in the name of the God King, I agree to your request."

Agreeing at once, for the God King, this is just a trivial matter. Since two generations of goddesses of wisdom like to do this kind of thing, let them do it.

After accepting Athena's request, Zeus motioned her to sit in her own seat, and the goddess of wisdom then jumped lightly and came to the first seat on the right.

Another thing was solved, and there was one more pillar as the foundation of his kingship. Feeling the symbol of slightly completed, the God King was still very satisfied. As for whether Athena would have any additional opinions about him, in fact, from the perspective of the Chaos gods, this possibility was really small.

Although Zeus did too much to Metis, he did not do anything to Athena, at most just delayed her birth. But this delay is different from the swallowing of the previous God King. The goddess who has never been born will not even have any bad feelings, let alone pain and loneliness.

'Since that sacrifice, my luck seems to have improved...'

Thinking in his heart, and even feeling the situation on the incarnation side, the God King couldn't help but be happier.

The eighth pillar is about to return, and his son Ares, who has not grown up yet, seems to be not so difficult to put together. So with a happy mood, Zeus looked at his loyal subordinate, Zephyrus, the god of the west wind.

When he didn't know his true strength, he was still willing to stand by his side. Such loyal subordinates should be promoted vigorously.

And the other party's performance reminded the king of gods of the giant god who was still supporting the sky in the west. Coincidentally, the god of the west wind is also related to the "west". Perhaps this is the foreshadowing of fate.

Compared with other gods, letting such a god reach the peak with the help of faith and then sit on the throne of the main god can really make the king of gods feel at ease and show his unquestionable authority. There is no need to question the loyalty of the other party.

At that time, all the gods will see that as long as he is willing, even a true god with weaker divine power can become the leader of the gods.

So Zeus, with a gentler look in his eyes, said happily:

"Zephyros, my subordinate, and also my friend. Over the years, you have done a lot for me, and I have kept them in my heart one by one and never forgotten them."

He didn't mention the previous things, but the gods actually knew that this was the king of gods praising the other party's loyalty.

"Your Majesty, this is what I should do. As a member of the God's Court, I should serve you."

Stepping out of the crowd, the God of West Wind saluted respectfully, and listening to the other party's humble words, the God King smiled and waved his hand.

"Anyway, Zephyrus, your contribution is unquestionable, and I admire your ability. So if you don't intend to refuse, then I will marry you my daughter with Eurynome, Euphrosine, and I think it will be a happy marriage."

"It's my honor, Your Majesty."

Without hesitation, Zephyrus immediately agreed, and the God King was not surprised. He didn't think that the God of West Wind would refuse his kindness, and as for what the other daughter thought, there was no need to consider it.

As one of the three Graces, Euphrosine's position in Zeus' heart is no status.

"Very good, then it's settled."

"Your wedding will be held later, and now, I have another thing for you to do."

After a short pause, the incarnation was almost done. Zeus also learned that the goddess who was transformed from the golden apple tree was in charge of the field of life. This is one of the top powers in the world. Even if [life] is actually torn apart, as the ruler of its main part, Moanda must be extraordinary.

However, despite this, the God King did not intend to bring Moanda to the sacred mountain himself. This matter should be left to the God of the West Wind.

"Zephyros, I want you to hold my scepter and go to Mount Parnassus to welcome an ancient god's messenger for me."

Taking out the God King's scepter, Zeus noticed that the gods cared about the name of "ancient god", but he didn't know anything and just continued:

"Her name is Moanda, the true god who controls life and the ancestor of plants in the world. And from today, she will also become the new one of Olympus-"

The voice stopped abruptly.

Seeing this, Zephyros raised his head with some doubts. However, under the gaze of him and the gods, the God King did not move. He just sat quietly on the throne as if he was suddenly lost in thought.

After a while, Zeus seemed to return to his godly state. He forced a smile and handed his scepter to the God of Wind.

"Take it and do your job."

"... As you command, Your Majesty."

He did not know what the God King meant, but the God of West Wind was now the other party's number one loyal minister, so he did not ask much and just took the scepter. But inadvertently, Zephyrus seemed to see something in his peripheral vision - it was the God King's wrist hidden under his sleeve.

There, a dark red light flashed faintly, and the bloody mark rolled and squirmed, as if something was about to be born.

But it was only a moment of trance, and then everything disappeared, as if it was an illusion. Shivering inexplicably, the God of West Wind seemed to have seen nothing, but after another respectful salute, Huafeng left the God King's palace.


On Mount Olympus, the meeting was still going on.

Zeus's trance was just a small episode, and no one cared about it. Half a day later, when Zephyrus brought the goddess of life to the sacred mountain, the king of gods announced the start of the banquet.

This belated celebration was originally for Apollo and for the establishment of the twelve main gods, but now it has become a banquet to celebrate the birth of the goddess of wisdom and the arrival of the goddess of life. However, perhaps because the previous battle was too tiring, the king of gods left the banquet shortly after it began.

The gods also expressed their understanding of this situation. After all, his opponent was the primitive god, and he won the final victory. Therefore, Zeus's departure did not cause any waves. In order to relieve the previous pressure, the gods focused their energy on the wine.

In this case, bypassing the ruins on the ground, in a hidden corner, the king of gods cut through the space and came to the belly of Mount Olympus.

"Huh - damn, what is this?!"

"Come -"

After passing through the space barrier and entering a space attached to the present world, with the call of the God King, a certain power was blessed on Zeus.

His divine power, which was strangely weak in the great realm, suddenly increased a lot, making his power no longer seem so unbalanced. And until this moment, the God King finally breathed a sigh of relief. He pulled up his sleeves and looked at the flesh and blood squirming on his arms.

Just before, he was a little surprised that the primitive god who rarely appeared in the world was so easy to talk to. He sent a gift before the request was made, but in just a blink of an eye, the other party attacked brazenly.

However, Zeus was not too difficult to accept Erebus's behavior despite his shock and anger. He didn't even resist much - after all, it was just an incarnation. He couldn't be the opponent of the other party, and it wouldn't be a loss to be destroyed.

But now, the God King regretted it very much. He should have decisively destroyed that incarnation. Because of some unknown means, the Lord of Darkness actually let this strange power follow some kind of connection and act directly on his body.

Zeus wanted to expel it at the first time, but the result was not satisfactory. Not only did he fail, but this power is still eroding and assimilating everything around him, as if he wanted to give birth to a new "pan-consciousness" from Zeus' body. After noticing this situation, the God King immediately chose to come here and suppress it with the help of Asgard's interface power.

Now it seems that his choice is indeed right. After making up for the loss of divine power, the God King can finally resist this strange power. If there is no way to deal with it here, Zeus may even have to give up this divine body and breed a new one again.

But that kind of price... In the last era, a god did something similar, that is, the ancient sun god Hyperion. This Titan god took thousands of years to recover after burning his divine body, and Zeus didn't want to follow in his footsteps.

After all, even though the gods have lost their bodies, they can still move freely in the world, but their enjoyment and actual power will inevitably be greatly affected.

"What a terrible power, but... Heh, I did receive your 'warning'. I also received the secret you 'told' me."

"It turns out that in this world, there are still unknown beings that can rival the original gods... That's right, Asgard, where I am now, has never been known before."

With a sneer, although it was still unclear who the owner of this power was, Zeus could easily feel its essence, which was definitely not a power similar to [Darkness]. Rather than saying that this was a "warning" from Erebus to himself, it would be better to say that he just threw this thing that even he himself was very troubled about to the God King.

In fact, Zeus's guess was indeed very accurate. After cutting out the contaminated flesh and blood, the Lord of Darkness conducted many studies on this power from the foreign existence. In the process, he inevitably got a lot of this highly assimilative energy. However, unlike the part that was transformed from the branches of the Mother Goddess of Flesh and Blood, this second infection of power was still difficult, but it could be erased.

So Erebus did not separate his power again, but slowly consumed it-then today, he directly packed it and gave it to this junior who dared to explain to him.

Compared with the sudden increase in status, the Lord of Darkness saw at a glance that Zeus's body and power were still weak, so he unceremoniously sacrificed this "killing weapon". And his purpose, of course, is not just to vent his anger.

Fighting for a verbal victory is what Gaia would do. In fact, Erebus wants Zeus to realize that his divine body is likely to be eroded and destroyed by this strange power, and the only solution is the goddess of life who came from afar.

In this way, the originally agreed terms will not be changed, and it is possible to go further-just like Erebus asked Moanda to use the [Life Bottle] to dispel the strange power in the flesh and blood, Zeus will eventually realize that only the gods who control [Life] can help him in this regard.

At that time, with the help of Moanda, Erebus will be able to understand the secret of the promotion of this god king more deeply. He doesn't even care if Zeus sees this, after all, the other party has no other choice.

He is not Ryan. The Lord of Darkness does not have an Athena to explore the mystery behind it, but even if there is no Athena, he will still use his own way to get the answer. And what he did today is another process of his trial.

"But arrogant primitive god, you miscalculated after all. You have hidden secrets, and so do I... Although it may take a little longer, it's nothing."

A deep voice resounded in the space. Looking at this interface attached to the present world, Zeus secretly decided that he would not leave Olympus before he completely possessed a divine body comparable to his status.

Fortunately, the biggest trouble, Mother Earth Gaia, had been solved by him and everything was back on track. The rest was a long accumulation.

"When humans spread all over the earth, I can almost solve this trouble. Let the gods fight for their beliefs first, and then I will come out to clean up the situation."

Another incarnation was separated to deal with the things on the sacred mountain for himself, and Zeus stayed here directly. This time, he might have to go through the longest "seclusion" since he was born.

The power of the interface continued to surge, complementing the symbol of [royal power]. At the old site of the Asgard Golden Palace, Zeus fell into a long sleep.

As the God King and Mother Earth calmed down, Chaos World once again returned to its long-lost peace.

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