Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 266: Yes or No

"This is what happened... Hermes, go to the underworld and tell me what happened there."

Outside the sacred mountain, it was bright a moment ago, but now it is dark. The tone of the whole world became a little dark for a while, but standing in front of the throne, Zeus's divine power dispelled the chill in the air, but failed to dispel the chill in his heart.

Hades is dead, and even now the God King still can't believe it. He is even more inclined to think that it is some kind of misjudgment. After all, he had never heard of a god dying since the creation of heaven and earth.

So Zeus called his messenger, and he asked him to go to the underworld to see it in person. After all, when it comes to speed, Hermes may not be the crown of the gods, but he is still the main god worshiped by travelers. His unique authority allows him to easily travel between the two realms and quickly travel between the earth and the underworld. This is why the God King asked him to be his messenger.

However, after a while, no one in the temple responded to Zeus's call, so the God King looked around and finally set his sights on Helios.

"...Your Majesty, Hermes has not returned since he left seven days ago."

Seeing Zeus looking at him, Helios had no choice but to respond.

"...Yes, that's what happened. He went there on my order."

After a moment of silence, Zeus remembered this matter.

He thought that the other party had come back, but now it was obvious that he had not. Although several days have passed, Hermes is still still in the world.

Maybe after completing the tasks he assigned, he went to other places to play, which is what he often does on weekdays. This was not a big deal at first, but now, it was obvious that I couldn't spend time waiting for him.


Exhaling a breath, the hesitation in the God King's heart dissipated.

He admitted that he was a little scared just now, even though he didn't know who his enemy was yet. Although the immortality of the gods has been an iron law since the creation of the world, the movements coming from the source sea are also never false.

If two Absolutes were in conflict with each other, one of them was obviously being violated, and that was what he was worried about.

Therefore, Zeus immediately wanted people to test it first, which was also his consistent habit. But after calming down, he gave up this idea.

If Hades' 'death' was indeed fake, there would be nothing to fear. And if it's true...

"Then everyone, come with me to see it now."

The God King said calmly.

The next moment, with a violent roar, golden light flew from a palace in the sacred mountain and fell directly into the palm of Zeus, which was his [Thunder].

He hasn't used it for many years, because since Typhon, there have been few opponents in the world worthy of using his full strength. At this moment, Zeus's mood calmed down as he held the artifact that accompanied him all the way to the battle.

If Hades is dead, then no matter what caused all this, as long as it has consciousness, it will never be possible for it and the gods to coexist... Since it has to be faced eventually, what's the point of delaying?

The three generations of god-kings of Chaos may be different from each other, but at least they are very similar in one thing. At least from beginning to end, they dared to swing their swords at powerful enemies when there was no way to avoid it.

So he walked out of the palace and stood on the top of the sacred mountain. Zeus looked towards the earth.

First there were layers of gray clouds, which were arranged from bottom to top, as if they were cutting off the sky and the world.

Through these rain-stained clouds, the trembling of the earth continues. The God King flicked his right hand, and the shining silver snake on [Thunder] fell from the sky like a chain, sinking deeply into the four poles of the earth.

"Come on, let me see what you are."

It is naturally impossible to step directly into the underworld. Courage is not recklessness, so he held the other end of the chain and Zeus pulled hard.

There was no change at first, and the roar of the earth was obscured by the original vibration. However, soon, Olympus sank slightly, and the extremely vast strata were uprooted by the God King and flew towards the sky.

If you don't want to go underground, then lift the 'lid'. This is Zeus's idea. So the earth rose under his tremendous power, and all living beings howled in despair. But no one could stop him. Even the gods behind Zeus were shocked by such terrifying power for a while and forgot about life on earth.

Until the next moment, a bright light suddenly rose from the ground, causing the earth to separate from left to right.


"The seventh day."

In just a few days, the appearance of the dark and deep underworld has changed.

The shadow of the sun hung high in the sky, even becoming more solid. It releases more and more powerful light and heat, making the gray earth seem to be purified, revealing a little darkness.

The underworld seems to have lost some of its original characteristics, and it is gradually moving closer to the ordinary 'earth'. This seems like a good thing—if you ignore the other side of it.

At this moment, standing in the sky and looking down, the originally vast underworld has only a radius of less than a hundred miles, and even at the very edge, it is still disintegrating and wasting away. The originally vast space was empty, and there was only the endless void that carried the existence of the world.

The void has no size, and even compared to the matter within the world, it does not even exist. If there is "nothing" outside the world and "being" inside the world, then the void that carries the world is the being in "nothing" and the nothing in "being".

Here, there is no matter, which is also the appearance of the world at the very beginning. Standing in the void at this moment, after he is about to destroy a world with his own hands, Ryan has a deeper understanding of the beginning of creation.

He does not know why the world was born, and how the first concept was produced in the absolute "nothingness", just as the human beings in later generations do not know how the heaven, earth and universe first appeared. They can only try their best to guess the initial state of all things, but in the end they cannot explain how this first came about.

Just like the physical rules of the world, they are objective things. If there must be a reason, it is "everything is born this way".

So if this "initial driving force" must be given a name, Ryan thinks that "Tao" may be more suitable to describe Him. And the first "one" born by "Tao" is the void that carries the world.

It is "there" for the absolute "nothingness", but it does not exist for all things in the world. It is on its basis that "one" gives birth to "two", and the mutually opposing and unified matter and spirituality are born together. The two meet, and all things begin.

And now, the collapse of the world also follows such a process. As the scope of the underworld becomes smaller and smaller, and more and more matter collapses, Ryan can feel that its spiritual part is also disintegrating. When everything ends, this place will return to the environment at the beginning of creation, with nothing but the void.

"In this way, the latest time I came to this world should be before the birth of this 'two'."

Making a judgment silently, although Ryan didn't know what this was for, it didn't prevent him from remembering it in his heart. He has always paid attention to the period when he was unconscious at first.



With a move of expression, Ryan raised his head slightly. Looking in the direction of the sound, it turned out that not far below him, a small crack appeared on the black chain that locked a group of invisible things.

The body of Hades had collapsed long ago, and it was completely annihilated under the scorching sun. But the chain of [Death] can not only lock up the real existence, so Hades still has no chance of escape.

As for the chains that are beginning to break now... it's not that they can't lock him up, on the contrary, it announces his end.

The black chain of [Death] will only lock up the living. When Hades irreversibly walks into the end, it will naturally have no value in existence after losing its function.

When the chain completely disintegrates, that's when Hades dies. But at this moment, Ryan unexpectedly discovered that Hades' consciousness seemed to be still very clear. Although he could no longer see his body, he was sure that the other party was "looking" at him, and even "saying" something.

What should be done has been done, and the arrangements on Athena's side have been made. So when this is over, Ryan plans to end this world cleanly. So after discovering this, he doesn't mind listening to what the other party is thinking.

Compared to the underworld, it won't take long to completely destroy this world. As he once said, the fundamental reason why he had to wait for these seven days was to verify the process of the world's collapse. Otherwise, Ryan could easily end it all when the world's restrictions on his power were not effective.

After all, the gap between the gods in this illusory world and their true selves is as huge as the gap between the power that built this world and the complete Chaos. Their strength only exists in the "setting". The "skills" that Ryan prepared were to deal with Hermenu. For this world alone, these things are actually not needed.



Where the black chains intersect, a certain concept fluctuates slightly. It can't make any sound, but when Ryan wants to "listen", he can still hear it.

So he nodded and acknowledged the title


Perhaps it was self-help. During these seven days, Hades' will and the gradually disintegrating underworld were unprecedentedly closely combined, and it was because of this that he saw many things that he shouldn't have seen.

The "outsider" he mentioned was one of them. Although Hades still failed to realize his false nature, he still saw that Ryan did not belong to this world.


"...You... want to destroy the whole world?"


Nodding again, Ryan's expression remained the same.



The silence lasted longer, followed by the sound of chains breaking one after another.

The underworld below was less than a square mile in radius. For an interface, this area was like nothing. Just when Ryan thought Hades was about to end like this, he heard the third question again.

"Why... do you want to destroy us?"

Tilting his head, Ryan looked at the concept that was about to completely dissipate. He thought about whether to say something, but finally gave up.

This is just an illusory in the end, he just said lightly:

"If there must be a reason..."

"I think this is the reason."


"He... is here!"


The last bit of residue dissipated, and the shock of the illusory source sea and the last warning of Hades echoed between the worlds, but Ryan didn't care about it.

The destruction of the underworld verified his theory, although there were some unsatisfactory aspects, such as in his perception, the destruction of the underworld did not bring much impact to this world.

Perhaps for the mortal ecology, this is almost a complete destruction, but the world itself has only been temporarily weakened. Ryan could even see that without further interference, the origins that invaded the human world would be squeezed out by the cycle of the world over the long years, and then reunited to form a new underworld in this void.

Although this is destined to be a long time, it will eventually happen. After all, the power of the underworld is part of the world. It will be damaged due to the collapse of a certain part of the structure, but as long as these 'materials' are still there, everything can be repaired.

"However, this is enough... After all, for that world, Chaos is the enemy that he is still fighting against even now."

"When the external pressure is strong enough, no matter how small the internal damage is, it will be magnified tens of millions of times."

Swinging his long sleeves, he put away everything that was left here. After completing the final touches, Ryan raised his head slightly.

Standing in the void, above the concept, he could see that the earth was slowly rising. Someone was pulling it up, and it was the power of [Thunder], and Ryan easily identified it.

Maybe it was to show his strength, or maybe he was using the earth as his 'shield', or more likely because he didn't want to step into unknown and dangerous places. In short, under the power of Zeus, the earth was indeed slowly rising.

But now, he no longer intends to waste any more time. So without waiting, Ryan stretched out his finger and made a slight stroke in the air.

The sound is loud and invisible, the elephant is invisible. It is obviously a sound that can shake the world, but at this moment it seems so calm. The next moment, the land above the void of the underworld was split in two from the middle, and behind it was revealed the sky and the sun, as well as the god-king standing on Mount Olympus.

"……It's you?"

When Ryan saw Zeus, the other party also saw him. And at the first moment, the God King recognized that this was the owner of the phantom a few days ago.

"You are the outsider...what have you done to the underworld!"

The questioning sounded like thunder, but Ryan did not reply. He looked at Zeus, and he was also looking at the sea of ​​​​the world that was connected to the power of the God King. They all looked so powerful, yet so empty.

"it's over."

The figure disappeared in place like a bubble, and in the next moment, an indescribable giant shadow enveloped the world. He stretched out his hand and took hold of the earth and the sky.

A gentle squeeze was like breaking an eggshell... As for Zeus' question, he didn't need to explain.

After all, what does destroying this world have to do with them?

It should be considered. . . Finished? Let's just take it as such. There will be some description later, but not too much. You don't need to fight to pretend to be Zeus.

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