Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 268 The truth and gains

In the vast void, a drop of 'water' was suspended there. There was no special power flowing out of it, and it looked so ordinary.

It was just a small point, and it gave rise to the real world before. Even for reality, it might be false, but not necessarily for the life inside.

After all, truth and falsehood are relative concepts, and the fate that constitutes it is also the original trajectory of Chaos' world. Under certain conditions, truth and falsehood may not be interchangeable.

Taking a step forward, Ryan stretched out his right hand and carefully caught the 'water drop'. He was ready to deal with unexpected events, but until he held it in his hand, nothing more changed.

Everything was just like this, like a drop of real water, the remnant of the power of creation flowed quietly in Ryan's palm.

Its power is not so strong, but it is so absolute and unfathomable. Sensing its existence, Ryan couldn't help but hesitate a little.

The power of creation has no properties, or more precisely, it will only change its properties according to the user's wishes. It is 'omnipotent'. Except for the inability to self-proliferate, it can accomplish almost everything in this world.

Ryan even has a hunch that if he wants, this power may give birth to an immortal essence that he could never replicate before... or shatter an existing one.

Killing gods, something he has only done in the virtual world, can be done again by this supreme power. However, after just a little thought, Ryan gave up this idea.

Killing a god seems to be very powerful, but it is actually meaningless to do this with the help of external forces.

Perhaps the authority of [Death] will increase significantly because of this, but it is now part of [Reincarnation]. Once [Death] increases unilaterally, even if [Reincarnation] does not collapse, it will take a long time to rely on its own cyclical power to rebalance the two. Before that, [Well of Reincarnation] may be shut down for a long time.

Although overall, the gains obtained in this way are still greater than the losses, but this hard-won power of creation has completely become a disposable item. Besides, it is still unknown whether the world will react to the permanent killing of a god in reality.

"After all, it is just an unexpected benefit. As for the Well of Samsara, let's stick to the original plan."

After making a decision, Ryan lightly tapped his finger, and the "water drop" disappeared and appeared in the spirit world.

It will come in handy soon. As for what the function is - with the first one, it is natural to make it two, three, or even more.

"Then it is this."

After dealing with the remaining power of creation, Ryan finally put his eyes back on his artifact.

The oracle slate transformed by the spirit world was divided into three. The other two pieces have already changed, and only the first piece has maintained the appearance when it was born. But now that it has this experience, it has not only caught up with the progress of the other two, but even looks a little "full".

At this moment, it has restrained all its extraordinary characteristics, just like an ordinary scroll. After absorbing the concept of the virtual world, this artifact named [Book of Years] by Ryan finally began to have its own unique symbol.

However, unlike what it showed before, the true essence of this artifact is not [history], or rather, [history] is only a manifestation of its power, not the root of its existence. After all, pure [history] is not enough to achieve greatness, and it is even the bottom of the powerful divine power. It may become more and more powerful with the changes of the era, but the degree of enhancement is extremely limited.

Even the artifact that really involves [time] is still incubated in the core of the spirit world, and it is a long time before it is fully born. One symbol cannot give birth to two greats, and naturally it is impossible for two [artifacts of creation] to appear in the field of time. Therefore, unless Ryan can find the part outside the world and let them represent the time and light of different aspects of Chaos, otherwise relying on [history], the artifact transformed by the first stone tablet will never be able to go further.

Therefore, the [Book of Years] is not based on ‘years’, and ‘history’ is only its appearance. What it really represents is the unchanging, permanent, and everlasting things. This is a conceptual category with a high intention, but it is very empty, just like the spirituality at the beginning. Although it can be all-encompassing in theory, it needs to be filled up little by little.

Similarly, the [Slate of Civilization], which is far away from it, also has some powers similar to the ‘future’, just like the ‘divination’ extended from it, and this kind of peeping into the future is one of the manifestations. But the composition of the time field is just an embellishment of the [Slate of Civilization], and the artifact itself symbolizes change, creation and inspiration.

Mutually opposed and interdependent, the criterion that connects ‘change’ and ‘unchange’ together is the [order] outlined by the [Code of Creation].

The three artifacts originated from one, which was arranged when they were born. After completing this transformation, the last link of the three finally got on the right track.

"So, people are always contradictory."

"When something doesn't belong to you, you will hate it very much, and then the next step... is to make it something you can control."

Many things are like this, and Ryan is no exception. He hates something just because it is out of his control. Just like now, "unchange" and "change", the rules that define the order of all things... It is obvious what these three artifacts are trying to target.

After repeatedly confirming that the artifact swallowed the illusory world, there was nothing left in the artifact that shouldn't be there, so Ryan sent it back to the spirit world.

When the matter of Hemenu is over, there will be another "big meal" waiting for it, so it is better to digest the gains of this trip quickly. After all, it is not like the other two artifacts, which have been perfected step by step and have experienced the entire Second Age.

Growth that is achieved overnight will inevitably require more time to adapt, so as not to leave some bad consequences. Especially as part of the three artifacts, if there is any problem with it, it will only affect the other two.

"Finally, this is the source of all this."

In the void, Ryan finally put his attention back to the beginning.

He was originally here to check the memory of Zeus, but he didn't expect such an accident to happen halfway. Although the result was also very good, he couldn't forget the main business.

Athena was no longer here at this moment. After all, neither Ryan nor she actually entered here in person.

As the Lord of Spirituality, Ryan could continue to maintain this state of "wandering" and separate consciousness from the divine body, but Athena couldn't do it. So when the world was destroyed, she had returned to her body on the overseas island. And the memory that was originally blocked by the power of the world was naturally obtained by the two of them.

Without the cover and distortion of high-level power, everything became clear. Almost in an instant, Ryan browsed through that past.

Asgard, Odin, World Tree, sacrifice, ceremony... until Metis was offered as a sacrifice to Chaos in exchange for Zeus's ladder to become king.

Seeing these contents, many doubts in Ryan's heart were immediately solved. The first thing to be affected is the changes in the laws of the Abyss and Hell not long ago.

One day hundreds of years ago, a new rule was written into the bottom of the world, which was related to "sacrifice". Although the Lord of the World can choose to accept or not accept, respond or not respond, this change has really happened. (See 3-83)

Before, Ryan once speculated whether this was because the two worlds had the same origin, and both worlds instinctively evolved the ability to accept sacrifices, so that the creatures in their own worlds would sacrifice the existence of the other world to themselves... But he felt that it didn't make sense when he thought about it carefully.

But now it seems that all this actually originated from the sacrifice ceremony in which Chaos personally participated, and it was He who influenced the changes in the bottom rules of the worlds. When the world did it for the first time, then this thing itself would become a destined rule. Perhaps independent realms like the Land of Eternal Night also gave birth to similar abilities, but Ryan didn't know it before.

As for why the underworld doesn't have it... it can only be said that its own world is still somewhat watery at present, otherwise even if Hades only has half of the authority, it is impossible that he has not touched the great realm.

After all, the God King has never been the master of the world, but the Hades is indeed the incarnation of the underworld. So it seems understandable that the underworld has not undergone similar changes.

The first doubt was solved. In addition, Ryan's second doubt was the "death fate" of Athena.

It seems normal. Zeus swallowed Metis, and Pallas could never be born again, so his fate of "death" is natural... But as long as you think about it carefully, you will find that there are loopholes in it.

The gods are immortal, so any possibility will only be postponed, and it is impossible to completely cut off.

What if he was swallowed by Zeus, or even imprisoned in Tartarus, as long as Metis is still alive, there is a possibility of coming out, and Pallas has the opportunity to be born. But his fate is already "dead", which is an ending recognized by the world and cannot be changed. This means that even Chaos denied his existence, and even if he was to use some means to make him "reborn", he would only be destroyed by the world itself.

Ryan didn't understand why this was the case before, why an existence that was originally favored by the world would in turn incur the world's malice... but he knows it now. Metis became a sacrifice, and the moment the world accepted it, Pallas would never be born.

The world will not deny what it has done. If Athena's destined brother is still born, it is undoubtedly denying the world itself. Unless He violates his own rules and "releases" Metis - but this is undoubtedly impossible, so if nothing unexpected happens, Pallas will never have a chance to come to the world again.

"This is a problem... I wanted to let him "live" in another way before, and then impact the fate destined by the world."

Frowning slightly, Ryan felt a little difficult.

Now the original prophecy of the ‘arrogant god-man king’ has been doomed to deny his existence by the world, but if he wants to be born, he must be born in a place covered by the laws of Chaos world, otherwise he will not be able to accept this fate of death, which is simply a vicious circle.

If Ryan has the power to directly fight against the world, then what is the use of him...Shaking his head, Ryan put this matter aside for the time being.

Let's talk about this later. There is still a long time before the end of the era. No one knows how many changes will happen in the middle, just like the remains of the Nine Realms, which is completely unexpected.

Putting aside this difficult problem, when the two major problems were solved, Ryan also recognized the reasons for those minor details one by one.

The transferred priesthood and the surge in Zeus's power were all reasonably explained. Ryan even had a further understanding of this sacrificial ceremony.

The present self sacrificed to the future self, and the self as a god sacrificed to the world on behalf of the world... This was his initial judgment on Odin's ceremony, and later it was confirmed by the wise giant Mimir.

But this was Odin's sacrifice, and Zeus's had two problems. One of them was that the Chaos world did not recognize this sacrificial ceremony at the beginning.

Although because of the interweaving of the power of the Nine Realms and Chaos, different laws took effect there at the same time, causing Him to be forced to accept Zeus's sacrifice, but also under the influence of His power, the reward actually responded to this ceremony was only half.

Odin's [Rune] was given by the world, and he would never have been able to research it on his own. Even after gaining this supreme wisdom, he himself could not bear the mystery of the rune, so he had to record it in the [Original Text], but Zeus's ritual was different.

That ritual was something he could research on his own in his destiny, and the world just further improved it, giving the God King more special and closer authority to the world itself. So from the perspective of harvest, Zeus actually just prepaid the future and gained some extra reinforcement.

And the second question...

"Although it seems that Metis can be understood as 'Zeus's wisdom', the gap between the collision of the two worlds may not completely follow Chaos's rule of 'one god cannot be subordinate to another'... But Chaos is the home court after all, and His power is far greater than the broken interface. Since only half of the rewards have been issued, is this rule really completely ineffective?"

Some doubts, but Ryan has no evidence, because from the current situation of Zeus, it seems that he has not paid anything extra.

So Ryan put this matter aside for the time being and focused on the ceremony.

This is a ceremony with the throne of the God King as the core, and he can't copy it directly. Moreover, as a creation perfected by the world, it actually contains many deep mysteries, which Ryan can hardly see clearly for a while.

He also needs some time to analyze the mysteries and see what he can get from it, and what is the difference between this changed ceremony and the original one.

Yes, after swallowing the illusory world, the original ceremony also came into Ryan's hands. In contrast, what is the difference between them is what he cares about most.

"It just so happens that the positive and negative energy interface is still a while away from stability, so it can be regarded as finding something to do for myself."

"This journey has come to an end."

Everything was handled, and the matter was barely stopped, so Ryan's figure gradually blurred as his mind moved.

He is still in a state of "wandering in spirit", and his real body is still in the fifth level of the spiritual world, and now he is going back. But before leaving, he looked back at the place where the virtual world disappeared for the last time.

At the end of everything, at the node where the virtual world was contained by the [Book of History of Years], the God King who realized his own falsehood also understood that everything was irreversible. But he still persisted to the end, persisted to the moment when the world was destroyed, because he still had things to do.

At that moment, he was infinitely weak, because he almost lost all his existence; and infinitely powerful, because he almost touched the power of creation itself.

Zeus did not have the same essence, so he could not use this power, but with indirect influence, he still saw Ryan's existence and issued a warning at the end.

That was transmitted to another self, following the connection between the two Zeuses in the dark. Under the final influence of the power of creation, his warning did spread, but it was not completely spread, because after all, it was only an indirect influence, so the content directly pointing to Ryan itself was "blocked".

"'The Lord of the Little Spiritual World, He is an outsider'..."

"Yes, ''Quote out of context'', from ''Don't quote out of context''."

Lian smiled and disappeared completely. As for how Zeus in the outside world would understand this warning... he didn't know.

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