In the sky, the divine light flew past, heading straight for Eleusis from a distance.

At this moment, Poseidon, who was hit by a golden arrow, had nothing else in his heart, only the blazing love for Demeter. He could not bear any waiting, so the Sea King did not hide his whereabouts at all, but flew towards the great temple in the north of the city.

That was the first temple built by the people of Eleusis for the goddess of agriculture, and it was also the largest one so far. In other words, it is currently only a small part of the core that has been repaired, and other places are still under expansion.

As for why such an important building was built outside the city instead of in the city, it was mainly because the city center had been occupied by the palace.

The residence of the gods naturally cannot give way to people, but it takes too long to flatten the palace. So in the north of the city, people chose another best location and planned to expand the city of Eleusis with it as the center.

In the future new capital, the original city will become the southern city area, and the temple will be the real center. King Chrysos had no objection to this, but agreed with it.

So, unknowingly, some unspoken rules that were passed down in later generations were set at this time. Although few cities later built temples in the center, the South City did become a place where the upper class lived. Over time, this has become a kind of customary culture.

Of course, the future is still far away. In short, at present, mortals who are no longer worried about famine are building a symbol of the goddess of agriculture on the ground.

Tens of thousands of people gathered here, working day and night on the ground and the dome of the building, making this magnificently designed temple change every day.

Until today, a tall blue-haired god came from the south and broke through the wall of the temple directly from the sky.

He went to the place where Demeter's breath was. For a time, the breath of the gods collided, and Poseidon's laughter spread everywhere. Even if the two gods were cautious and did not really use the power of the gods, the holy power of the demigod level has already been tilted out.

Almost just a face-to-face encounter, the two gods themselves did not have any direct conflict, the invisible pressure has made the nearby craftsmen almost breathless.

Some of the people working at high places fell directly down, and after a few muffled sounds, blood flowers splashed.

"Hahaha... my sister, it's been a long time since we last met."

"You are still so beautiful - or, you are getting more and more beautiful!"

Poseidon strode into the inner hall without paying any attention to the mortals who were in the way.

The golden arrow of Volos did make him feel a strong love, but that would not completely change his mind. The Sea King would only express "love" in his own way, instead of taking the words of the goddess of agriculture as the criterion.

And it is obvious that Poseidon's emotional expression could not be clearer - as long as I want it, I will grab it.

"Poseidon? What are you doing here?"

He was startled at first and then calmed down. Demeter, who was resting, frowned at her brother's rudeness.

She had noticed the movement outside. Because of Poseidon's arrival, the temple she had not yet built was stained with blood. The goddess did not care so much about the lives of ordinary craftsmen, but the other party's behavior made her lose face.

"Are you here to lobby for Zeus?"

"Then you may be disappointed... I have only one request from beginning to end, that is, to let Hades return Persephone."

Her tone was cold and hard. Before, the happiness in the human world once relieved the boredom in the goddess of agriculture, but the arrival of Poseidon reminded her of these things.

Not only her daughter's affairs, but also her own. She has never been taken seriously by these brothers with extraordinary combat power. Zeus is like this, Hades is like this, and Poseidon is also like this...

Immersed in her own emotions, Demeter waved her hand, indicating that Poseidon could leave.

She has been very relaxed recently, so she didn't notice Poseidon's increasingly infatuated eyes. The goddess of agriculture obviously didn't expect that someone would dare to do anything to her at this time when she had caused a natural disaster.

But soon, the goddess knew she was wrong. Because Poseidon not only didn't leave, but also approached her with a smile.

"You think too much, sister. Why would I come to persuade you... What does Zeus's matter have to do with me? Humans on the sea only need to catch fish to survive."

"It's you who really made me come here..."

Startled, Demeter raised her head suddenly, but what she saw was Poseidon's face close at hand. Looking at the other's fiery eyes, she didn't know what the other was going to do.

In a panic, the goddess of agriculture couldn't help but change her body shape, and immediately turned into a stream of light and flashed out of the temple.

"Another game of chase and escape, but where can you escape to? You have to run faster, hahahaha..."

Laughing loudly, Poseidon flew and chased after him. Then the dome of the hall was hit again, and a big hole was opened. In the eyes of the people of Eleusis, they only saw two halos, one brown and one blue, breaking through the air, and then leaving behind only a mess.

When the gods left, the original pressure also disappeared. After a while, two figures ran quickly from the direction of the city. They were King Chrysostom and his eldest son Triptolemus.

They were all alarmed by the aura that erupted here in an instant, but when they came here, they only saw the dead bodies that had fallen from high places, the injured who were not dead yet moaning and groaning, and the craftsmen who survived the disaster. Temple with broken top.

"What's going on here?"

Standing on the messy ground, Kelius looked solemn. Upon his inquiry, someone around him quickly stood up and told him what had just happened.


After hearing the whole story, Triptolemus turned to look at Cleus. He vaguely noticed that a trace of sadness flashed across the face of the King of Eleusis, but he knew that it was not because of the dead and injured craftsmen.

"...It doesn't matter, you can stay here. No matter what happens, you are the patriarch chosen by the goddess and her spokesperson in the world."

"You should put the goddess's affairs first, and everything else is just a sideshow."

Kelius spoke calmly, knowing what the eldest son meant, but he just signaled the people around him to obey the prince's instructions. And he turned around and walked towards the old city.

"Don't worry about her affairs...just let me handle everything."

"I will arrange everything quickly and quietly, just like Demophon."


Silent, looking at his father's retreating back, Triptolemus was speechless for a moment. he

Understand that the other party was going to deal with the funeral affairs of Queen Metanera, because just the previous morning, the queen was found dead in her palace. Although it looked like a suicide, there was no sign of anyone entering, and the murder weapon disappeared without a trace.

In grief, the king immediately summoned his son. He wanted him to use that magical 'magic' to help find the murderer. But the movement coming from the temple immediately made Kelius 'understand' the cause and effect.

So the two of them came here directly and saw the injured and corpses all over the place.

"...I know, father, I will do everything well."

Taking a deep breath, looking at Cleus's retreating back, regardless of whether the other party heard him or not, Triptolemus still whispered.

The next moment, he turned around and looked at everyone present with his usual gentle eyes. He could see the hesitation, confusion, confusion and suspicion in people's eyes, but these emotions should not appear in the eyes of the craftsmen who built the palace for the goddess.

So the prince stepped forward and motioned for everyone to look in his direction.

"What happened just now was just an accident. It was a disaster caused by an outsider. It was for our safety that the goddess led him to another place."

Saying something he didn't even believe, Triptolemus folded his hands and placed them on his chest.

A ray of light was released from his hands, and gentle power healed those injured. As a god who prefers the life side, there are many magical arts passed down by Demeter that can easily do this, but resurrection from the dead...

"The souls of devout believers will surely enjoy peace and happiness under the protection of the goddess..."

Speaking in a deep voice, Triptolemus looked at the deceased.

"Now... let us comfort their souls together."

(Writing it directly is still prone to problems. I deleted a section yesterday, so I wrote it from the side. It is a supporting role anyway)

Time passed by, and under the comfort of Triptolemus, the mortals on the ground dealt with everything in an orderly manner.

They collected the bodies of the deceased, believing that not only did this have nothing to do with the goddess, but to express gratitude for her kindness, and most importantly, they reinvested in the repair of the temple.

After a long time, the void flashed, and the figures of the twins emerged. They glanced at the movement on the ground and couldn't help but look at each other.

They had just chased Poseidon's figure and witnessed the two gods' "he chased, she ran, she had no way to escape" in real time. Demeter tried every means to get rid of Poseidon, and even once transformed into a mare and mixed in the herd of mortals.

Strictly speaking, judging from the general ability of God Chaos, this seemingly unreliable transformation actually has a certain probability of being able to hide from Poseidon, but unfortunately, I don't know if it is added. The Poseidon's insight also increased with the lust buff, and the true identity of the agricultural goddess was finally discovered.

Then, without any hesitation, Poseidon turned into a stallion, not caring about the difference in race. He even transformed into his human form again halfway through.

This is why the twins left early and looked at each other... Eros hesitated. She was not sure. After all, the golden arrow did not belong to her, but the lead arrow did. So to prevent the induction from being wrong, she still confirmed it:

"Just now...did Poseidon get rid of the influence of the golden arrow halfway?"

"...Well, that's what happened."

Nodding, with a slightly strange expression on his face, Volos said firmly:

"The moment he turned back into human golden arrow failed. After all, it was just an arrow shot by mortal hatred. The limit of what could be achieved was reached."


"But in my perception, Poseidon's 'emotional' fluctuations don't seem to have changed at all?"

Eros asked again, and Volos gave the same answer.


Nodding, Volos said:

"Maybe he has wanted to do this for a long time... Maybe he will have this day without us?"

Looking at each other, the twins actually wanted to see the reaction of the person hit by the golden arrow after the magic power disappeared, so they followed him so actively. But what they didn't expect was that Poseidon's reaction was no response.

"Forget it, this...maybe a little unusual."

Shaking her head, Eros said helplessly:

"Next time, next time we change the target, let's forget about this."

"Let's wait for Demeter to come back - she should come back. Once we get what we want from her, what they do will have nothing to do with us."


Olympus, the Council Chamber.

What happened in the human city-states has not been reported here, and no one knows that Poseidon went to follow the footsteps of Zeus, and even surpassed him.

Here, the gods had just listened to the God King's story, and their first reaction was undoubtedly doubt.


Frowning, Hestia didn't expect that Zeus would create a new one before the recent troubles were resolved.

And what he said...the end of all things? Of course, the goddess questioned this.

"Zeus, it is indeed possible for gods to see the future inadvertently, but there are often special reasons."

"What about you? You woke up in your palace and foresaw the end of the world?"

Hestia's words are not unfounded. As innate gods, while the gods are affected by the present world, they have indeed gained a lot. For example, memories and thoughts that cannot be permanently modified, or the immortal essence, these are what make them different from gods in other worlds.

In this case, some gods will indeed see a corner of the future on extremely rare occasions, just like Iapetus, the god of speech in the second age, who glimpsed the future in the spiritual world. It's just that they can often only see a very small part of it, and then extend all kinds of right or wrong interpretations.

In this case, it seems that Zeus can indeed see the future unexpectedly, but on the one hand this is an extremely unlikely event, and on the other hand it is the content revealed by this prophecy.

The world will collapse and everything will fall into ruins. This kind of statement is somewhat like saying that the world is round in the Middle Ages. It will not have any other result except making the people who hear it think you are crazy.

"Well, Hestia, I know this is hard to believe, but the world...may not be indestructible."

Sitting at the top, Zeus understood the doubts of the Kitchen Goddess. Even he himself would not believe the authenticity of this matter if it had not happened in the ceremony of sacrificing the world.

But his [Kingdom Ceremony] is true, so naturally this news about the future is also true. What's more, there is the most direct evidence right in Olympus.

The wreckage left behind after the death of a world... He foresaw the fate in it and glimpsed the destruction of Chaos. This was simply a normal thing. Especially among some of the damaged remains in Asgard, Zeus also found some documents.

Most of that stuff doesn't make much sense, but there are a few differences. For example, on a broken tablet, Zeus saw records about the God King Odin and ‘Twilight’.

Let the gods fall and the world restart, [Twilight of the Gods], the most terrifying disaster in the world.

"Perhaps it's the same for us. Even before we realize it, the dusk bells have already begun to ring... and the 'outsider' is the 'bell ringer'."

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