Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 280: Ice Crown and Broken Monument

In the middle of Chaos's present earth, in a blood-colored cave, an unknown exchange quickly ended.

Everything was covered under the earth, and there was no trace of it even on the trajectory of fate. Because although Gaia herself did not have the ability to cover them, it did not mean that the mother tree could not do it.

Or to be more precise, the flesh and blood mother tree did not rely on any power and authority to cover up this change. He just existed there, and everything was covered up.

The giant tree that already had the characteristics of creation was like a huge "source of gravity". He absorbed all the information and fate related to him and gathered them around himself, so until the moment before Helios left here, there was no accident.

Everything was as usual. Helios continued to complete the task assigned by the God King and went to communicate the contradiction between Hades and the Goddess of Agriculture, while Gaia continued to stay here, prying open the blockade imposed on Niflheim, the country of fog, with the special identity of the original god, and constantly absorbing power.

Of course, correspondingly, the mother tree whose power was absorbed was also generous enough. Whether it was Gaia's growing embryo or the newly joined sun, He would not refuse any behavior that asked Him for it.

So from this day on, a layer of light red halo on the surface of the sun dyed the corona with a layer of brilliance, making it look more magnificent and dazzling. This was originally a very obvious change, but it actually did not attract much attention.

After all, the changes in Chaos' world have never stopped since the integration of the Nine Realms for hundreds of years, so even Zeus in Asgard did not react to it.

Everything was so natural, only at the beginning, Apollo, who was driving the sun's golden chariot, found something wrong, because he felt that the sun was more difficult to control.

Not long after Helios left, in fact, before and after he entered the abyss, Apollo already felt exhausted. Pulling this huge celestial body from the east to the west every day was enough to exhaust all his physical strength, and it became more and more violent as time went on.

However, Apollo did not notice anything wrong, because it all seemed to be the resistance of the sun itself, rather than other gods influencing it with the power of their priesthood. So until he returned the sun chariot to Helios, he was unable to further notice what was happening behind the scenes - of course, even if he really checked it, he couldn't see anything.

After all, only the sun god really understood the sun. As long as Helios said "this is a spontaneous change of the sun", no one could prove that it was not.

In short, everything went very smoothly. At the end of February, in the city of Eleusis on earth, Helios conveyed to Demeter the meaning of Hades, the current situation of Persephone, and the dissatisfaction of the Olympian gods. They all hoped to end it all as soon as possible and get the world back on track.

So after confirming that her daughter had indeed accepted the authority of the underworld, the angry goddess of agriculture finally accepted the status quo. She had to face this reality. In the future, Persephone would spend half of the year on the ground and the other half in the underworld. She was both the queen of Hades and the god of Olympus.

Everything was negotiated, and this joke-like disaster came to an end. Until mid-March, when the trajectory of the sun was about to turn from the twelfth ecliptic plane to the first ecliptic plane, a spring breeze finally blew from the west, bringing long-lost vitality to the earth. This cold winter, destined to be remembered by mortals, has completely ushered in the end of the day.

In the southern part of the continent, on an unnamed mountain.

The golden scepter was held by a not-so-large hand, and fine lines were wrapped around every corner of the scepter. They were glowing, flickering, and resonating with some rules of the world.

If you look closely, you can find that those fine lines actually have another secret. They are scrolls that depict the growth and maturity of every kind of vegetation in the world, and at the top is a very obvious ear of wheat.

This is not something that the artifact is born with, it is the embodiment of the humanistic priesthood. Unlike those innate or objectively existing materials, these humanistic priesthoods that rely on the birth of intelligent life will not directly bring any divine power to its owner, but it does effectively expand the breadth of its authority.

However, at this moment, this artifact emitting light is not releasing any power, on the contrary, it is taking back the impact it originally had on the world.

Under the control of its current user, the power originally released was withdrawn one by one, and the invisible shackles were erased from existence. All things began to grow again-and then the cold weather prevented them from growing.

So the next moment, in the world of all spirits, the well-prepared God of Spring and New Life spread her power to the world, letting the spring breeze begin to blow across the earth, and the complete four seasons began its first cycle. The [calendar] that was formulated in ancient times was also further improved. It was closely linked to the trajectory of the sun and the arrangement of the stars, making the order of the world more complete.

Chaos' world took another step forward, but his "script" also lost another page. At the same time, standing on the top of the mountain, Eros looked at his twin brother.

The moment he put down the scepter, a blue ice crown was placed on Volos' head. The ice and snow on the ground that had not yet dissipated seemed to resonate with him, congratulating the birth of his master.

"It seems that you don't intend to directly integrate it into your body."

After waiting for a while, until the ice crown completely stabilized, Eros couldn't help but ask.

Because of their special identities, the formation of the ice crown was not troublesome, which is why the two of them were responsible for completing this task. And judging from the results, everything is indeed so.

"No need, integrating it will only pollute my pure origin. The separated four seasons are not a powerful priesthood. If it weren't for their cycle itself, I wouldn't be interested in it."

Slowly opening his eyes, Volos loosened his right hand.

[Maidian Golden Staff] slipped from his palm, fell directly to the ground, sank into the soil, and then disappeared.

It probably returned to its owner, but Volos didn't feel sorry. This artifact's only use to him has ended here, and he doesn't plan to keep it in his hands anymore.

"Let's go, we should go back."

Touching the top of his head a little uncomfortably, Volos was still not used to having such a cold thing suddenly. He planned to leave it on the fourth floor of the spirit world and let it participate in the cycle of the four seasons by itself.

As for the two of them... the twins who were born not long ago are still full of curiosity about this world. They have already agreed to visit this world in their own way.

"Well, let's go back then."

Eros nodded in agreement and did not object.

Before leaving, she glanced at the northeast, where the city of Eleusis was located.

A thousand years later, or two thousand years later, she planned to go there to see what kind of legends the king, prince, queen and goddess left for later humans.


Spiritual world, fifth layer.

The vast interface is still empty in the core, and the positive and negative energy interfaces relative to each other are still generating conflicts and barriers.

Since the end of the trip to the virtual world some time ago, Ryan returned directly here and continued to stabilize the cycle of the two inner realms. However, although he still couldn't leave here, as time went by, he really needed to spend less and less energy on it.

So in his spare time, just like before, Ryan naturally put his free time in other places.

The localization of Rune is one aspect. He has even tried to complete a part of it, and then he was dissatisfied and started all over again. However, this time, because of the exploration of Zeus' memory, he had two more topics.

Needless to say, the first one, since the embodiment of the drop of creation power, exploring its existence and understanding how to use it more skillfully has become one of Ryan's most concerned things-however, this is more difficult than the improvement of runes. For this almost omnipotent power, he is like facing the immortal essence of the gods. Although he can use it, he doesn't know more about it.

Therefore, after the attempt failed, Ryan decisively put it aside temporarily. Perhaps just like he can carry great symbols after reaching a powerful divine power, only when he reaches the realm of Tartarus or even the birth of Gaia can he really understand the mystery of this creation realm.

In comparison, the other topic does not seem so lofty. Although Zeus's ritual is also very profound, it can be analyzed and understood by Ryan. This way of constructing symbols by special means is like an introduction, which immediately opened up Ryan's thinking.

If symbols can be constructed in this way, then the authority at a lower level should also be able to do so. It's just that authority itself can be the cornerstone of building symbols, but Ryan couldn't think of what to rely on as the cornerstone of authority.

Faith is impossible, it is too easy to change itself--

"There are exceptions, those beliefs that are not born out of worship and sacrifice, and those that have been born continuously since the past of civilization, they are constant."

"But this kind of power... I feel it's still not suitable for mortals to use. It's probably not a good thing to contact faith before touching the realm of God."

After a little thought, Ryan finally shook his head.

If he has a day to try it himself in the future, he will definitely strip off his humanity completely and thoroughly, and not give it any degree of connection with the original body, because any even the smallest connection will make it easy for other beings to notice the connection between this special incarnation and him, and it will also make it easy for this "road to godhood" to have loopholes.

If he relies on his own characteristics as a god to exempt some difficulties on the road to godhood, it means that his understanding of this section is still blank. His purpose of wanting to walk the long steps to the gods again was to fill in all the "blanks" and thoroughly understand the foundation of his existence from the root. Naturally, he couldn't think about how to take shortcuts before he even started.

"It's still very difficult... but this is also a matter of course."

"I hope that the results can be obtained before the end of this era - no, it must be obtained before this era can end."

With a calm expression, Ryan tapped his fingers lightly, and a strange array with twelve vertices appeared in the void in front of him again.

Zeus's ritual was established based on the throne of the God King. Simple imitation would not have any effect, so Ryan has been trying to modify its form of expression to make it look more useful.

The object he chose to modify at first was naturally the more complete part, which was also perfected by the laws of the world. However, Ryan soon discovered that the version was too deeply in line with the present world. Although it looked stronger, many places were not conducive to his changes.

So he quickly changed his target and took out the original ritual used by the illusory Zeus.

In this cruder ritual, the God King and the God Queen were also one of the main gods, but Ryan still noticed the difference, because in this version of the ritual, the main god was actually ‘Zeus the God of Thunder’ rather than ‘Zeus the God King’.

This effectively avoided the problem of imbalance of power between the twelve pillars of the original ritual - of course, this problem still exists, but it has been exempted to a certain extent.

And the existence of the God Queen is no longer special in this ritual. So in the end, Ryan just got a strange ritual that seemed useless.


"One core, twelve fulcrums, it can be turned into a positive ritual, allowing the fulcrums to provide power to the core, or it can be reversed, allowing the twelve fulcrums to extract the power of the core and turn it into a barrier to seal itself... But what use do I have for it?"

The corners of his mouth moved slightly, and Ryan himself couldn't figure out where this ritual could be used - fortunately, he still had a lot of things like this that he didn't know the use of.

For example, the poison in Odin's treasure house, and the broken stone tablet whose use has not yet been analyzed.

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