Crete, where Zeus was born and raised, once again succeeded in making a mortal possess his blood.

However, this time, perhaps because Zeus, who was much more powerful, had made preparations in advance, or because he left his [Thunder] on the sacred mountain to conceal his presence, the Queen of Heaven did not notice anything wrong here.

At the same time, three rafts sailed into the sea from the beach of the Phoenician Kingdom. Without sails, helpers, or even a sea chart, the brave princes set out on a journey to find their sister. They were full of confidence and agreed to meet again in ten years, then waved the heavy oars and sailed away in the direction where Europa disappeared.

This was just an ordinary day, and even just a hunting for beauty when the King of Gods was thinking. However, even Zeus himself did not realize that as the King of Gods who was increasingly connected to the laws of the world, every move he made would actually bring some impact, big or small.

So when the three princes left the kingdom, and one of them finally crossed the sea and touched the land with his feet, deep in the earth, a change that could have happened long ago finally completed the last step.

For outsiders, the best way to integrate into an existence that rejects oneself is to put on a layer of the original skin. And the best "skin" for Chaos to appear in the world is undoubtedly his "fate" that has been riddled with holes.





In the empty cavity, light red liquid dripped from the sky and hit the ground.

Fine lines spread between the rocks. They are obviously natural patterns, but they look like meridians and blood vessels. It seems that as long as you look away, it will beat gently when you are not paying attention.

In the huge cavity, no sound other than dripping water can be heard, and no living creatures can be seen. The only exception is the woman standing on a rock in the east.

That is Gaia, and at this moment, she is looking up in the direction of the sky.

Although there were only rocks in sight, it still did not affect Gaia's passing through the strata, seeing the clouds, flowers, rain and dew in the sky, the rising sun and Olympus in the east of the earth... She had stayed here for many years, as if everything in the outside world had nothing to do with her.

For so many years, no one else had ever come here, and she had only met Helios once. In fact, although Gaia gave the sun god the branches formed by part of the power of the mother tree, she was not very clear about his current fate.

Of course, Gaia didn't really care. After all, although the power of the mother tree was strong, there was not much that He could release. Even if Helios accepted this power, he would not have the power to rival Zeus in the world.

In contrast, Gaia and her offspring were very different. One of them had the status of a primitive god and could bypass the seal of the world to take on as much power as possible, while the other was simply bred by the mother tree itself, and it was born with an indelible connection with the outer god.

So in Gaia's eyes, Helios was just the result of her sudden whim. The opponent was at best a spare piece that might play a role, not the key to victory or defeat. This god and demon who was about to come to the world was her reliance.

It would do what she wanted on her behalf and become the sharpest sword in her hand... Yes, with the lesson from the last time, Gaia no longer planned to do it herself.

Although she was a little emotional sometimes, she was not really born stupid. She just didn't have her mentality right.

When Uranus was still there, Gaia was still a god who knew how to be patient and knew how to plan in secret. But after the first generation of gods fell asleep, the successors were always regarded as juniors by her, especially Zeus.

This difference in cognition made Gaia not face her opponents correctly, and repeated failures eventually led to her madness of trying to break the mountain of gods.

But now she has calmed down and recognized the reality again. So when facing Zeus again, Gaia chose another way to deal with it.

"Just like the silver human before."

"At that time, Erebus was responsible for providing power, and he helped me to find trouble with Ryan. In the end, the matter was exposed, and it was him and Ryan who started fighting. It had nothing to do with me from beginning to end."

Gaia, who still didn't know the reason why the golden apple tree changed its owner, made the above judgment and felt that it was time for her to face Zeus, the third generation of the God King.

She didn't need to do it herself, which would only further cause the world to sanction her. Let this monster find trouble with Zeus.

Erebus himself didn't have the ability to create life, so he asked her to replace him; now the flesh and blood mother tree can't release too much power through the seal, so she needs to breed it on her behalf. What a similar scene.

She just needs to imitate what she did before. If it succeeds, it will be great. If it fails, let Zeus compete with that terrible thing. You know, in her heart, although Gaia and the mother tree are now considered partners, she actually didn't trust the perfect life that made her feel a little cold in her heart.

This existence sealed by the world has the power to easily make up for the loss of her as an original deity, and can also give birth to a demon god. Just thinking about it will make you realize how terrifying this thing is.

If it weren't for the fact that as a primitive god, Gaia would not have easily accepted the other party's power.

Fortunately, there is no if in reality, so in her heart, Gaia silently praised her behavior.

Sure enough, the biggest failure of her life as a god came from Zeus, and this was only because she did not adjust her mentality. As long as she treated this new god king the same way as other primitive gods, everything would be fine.

"...... Hmm?"

While thinking, Gaia suddenly felt that the surroundings were a little quiet. The dripping sound that had been falling stopped at some point, and the vast and boundless cavity was completely silent.

Just like the calm before the storm, it seemed that some terrible changes had occurred. However, Gaia, who noticed these changes, was not surprised but happy, because she knew very well what the dripping sound was.

It was not real water, but the juice flowing from the branches of the flesh and blood mother tree. It is the best nutrient in the world, and it has been nurturing the growth of underground existence.

And now it has stopped, and the reason is naturally obvious. The 'right time' that the vague consciousness of the mother tree once expressed may be today.






He lowered his head to look at the stratum, and as if in response to Gaia's gaze, fine cracks began to appear among the rocks on the ground of the cavity. The earth shook slightly,

as if something was about to break out of the ground. And watching this scene, Gaia couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Hahahahaha...good, very good, you are finally coming out!"

"I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Happiness climbed onto Gaia's face. Her most proud masterpiece, the offspring who could completely fill her combat shortcomings was finally about to come into the world. Soon, everything she lost would be taken back.

As for now, she only needs to witness the birth of the other party.

"My child... my youngest child, I can't wait to see you!"

"Come on, Typhus, come to this world, go to Mount Olympus, and punish those sinners who offended me, and punish that arrogant God King!"

The voice echoed in the underground cavity, but was easily suppressed by the roar. The shaking of the earth became more and more violent, and dark light poured out from the cracks.

After a while, under Gaia's expectant eyes, a huge head emerged from under the shattered rock layer, and then raised high.

It was a head very similar to that of a dragon - or, if there were no accidents in the Nine Realms, it would be the ancestor of Chaos dragons.

Although the monster called Typhus has more than one head, this one is undoubtedly the most critical one. When its eyes opened, Gaia, who looked at her, seemed to see endless killing and destruction, but this made her more satisfied.

This is the sword she needs, a weapon that can kill the God King.

"Are you awake, Typhus? Can you understand me?"

Gaia floated her body and stood on top of the dragon head. Although everything was as she thought, in order to ensure that Typhus, who had received the power of the mother tree, could communicate, Gaia still made a special confirmation.

The result made her very satisfied. Although the huge dragon head in front of her did not respond, and even raised a second head during the tremor of the earth, Gaia still saw reason in the other's eyes.

It seems to be affected by instinct, but it can still communicate... That's enough. So she let her body fly to a higher place, close to the top of the cavity, and Gaia couldn't help but say loudly:

"Typhus, since you can understand me, then come out quickly. Go and overturn Olympus for me and pull the king of gods off the throne!"


The loud noise came again, and while Gaia was speaking, Typhus's ninth head also emerged from the ground. And perhaps it is its own characteristic, every time a head is raised, the rest will expand a circle.

At this moment, eighteen eyes that were even bigger than Gaia's body looked up at the existence flying in the air. Staring at this existence that was somewhat similar to his own breath, Typhus said his first sentence.

"...Who am I?"

Gaia raised her eyebrows and was a little surprised by the reaction of the giant beast, but she still explained.

"You are a monster, a demon, and Typhus who is destined to destroy Olympus. Destruction is the meaning of your birth. You should also be able to feel the restlessness in your blood."

"... Then, who are you?"

Eighteen dragon heads were suspended in the cavity, and this space that was originally like an underground world seemed a bit crowded.

However, Typhus didn't seem to care about this. He just stared at Gaia and asked his second question.

"I am the god who gave birth to you, Typhus, I am the earth mother of Chaos. All things are born on my body, and I am the cornerstone of the world."

Gaia frowned slightly, but explained.

"... Then what is the God King you are talking about?"

Thirty-six heads filled the entire hole. This underground world opened up by Gaia could no longer bear the existence of this giant beast. The rock wall trembled slightly. It was on the verge of collapse, but Gaia was a little happy watching this scene.

For these non-god monsters, the small ones may not be weak, but the big ones must be strong. And the one in front of her was destined to be the strongest one in the world.

"The God King is the nominal master of everything in the world, and also your enemy."

Looking at her masterpiece, Gaia spoke slowly, her tone rising slightly.

"And you are going to knock the God King to the ground and take everything that belongs to him into your hands!"



The loud noise continued, and the earth finally began to crack. More and more dragon heads are rising from the ground. This cavity in the ground should have collapsed, but it was lifted up by the giant beast.

It didn't ask another question, as if it already knew everything it wanted to know. A blood-red mist appeared between Typhous's head, like a barrier surrounding it.

"did you mean--"

"--I see……"


"It's white..."



They speak in the same voice, but also mix with each other, the top and bottom are different from each other, and the left and right have the same voice.

When the hundredth head emerged from the ground, Typhous seemed to have completely entered this world. But its body is still buried underground, and these protruding heads are like icebergs floating on the sea.

However, compared with Typheus, Gaia encountered a little trouble. She had not thought that the other party would have such a huge body, and she did not take any precautions, so that with the cavity opened by her as the center, a large area of ​​​​the ground was pushed open.

The surprise at the creation's power made her ignore this before, but the faint pain in her body now reminded her. If Typheus was allowed to come out like this, she would definitely be hurt a lot.

"Stop!" Gaia shouted, "You are too big. Let me separate the strata, and then you can come in and out freely——"


Gaia's voice was interrupted, and Typheus ignored her at all. As if tired of the crowded heads, the hundred-headed dragon snake raised its slender neck, and flames shot out from its two hundred eyes.

Following his movement, the earth fell silent for a moment, and then was torn apart with a bang. What reacted to Gaia's body were bloodstains splitting from the surface of the skin.


With her eyes widened, Gaia didn't expect Typheus to be so indifferent to her words.

She had had many rebellious children, but none of them chose to go against her will when they were born... But obviously, the demon of the Hundred Heads had no intention of paying attention to her mood.

It just pulled hard, pulling its body out of the ground, and then pushed its head upward with all its strength.


The earth stretching for countless miles was pushed open by it, and the evening sky was exposed to the eyes of the demon.

Seeing the outside world for the first time, a strange color flashed in Typhoos's eyes. The newly born Demon God seemed to be intoxicated by this beautiful scene. But the next moment, there was only violence and murderous intent in its eyes.

It was born to destroy, yes, its blood told it so. Typhios saw the god who claimed to have created him also fly out of the ground. It saw the other party's pale and angry face, and Gaia seemed to be saying something to it.

It seemed to be some kind of 'helper', 'sneak attack' or 'Zeus', but it didn't care. Even though he was hurt by its existence, he still had the patience to reason with it. How could such a being point fingers at it?

"But one thing she said is right. If the God King is really the master of everything in this world, then I should replace him."

The low sounds echoed among the mountains, and the silver moon at the end of the western sky seemed to be frightened and speeded up, but Typhoos paid no attention to them. It just raises its head and announces its arrival to the world.

"Because I am the master of demons..."

"I am the King of Demons, Typhon!"

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