Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 290: Immortality of the Gods

Lightning was flying in the sky. At this moment, Zeus was on high alert.

No matter how he belittled Gaia, Zeus still valued his grandmother. After all, he was able to defeat her before thanks to the suppression of the law, not the victory achieved by hard power.

So no matter what Gaia was doing now, Zeus decided not to give her time to prepare. As for the monster who was born together and whose figure was still hidden under the smoke and dust that stretched for thousands of miles... In fact, the God King did not think there was any contradiction between them.

Who stipulated that Gaia's offspring must be in the same camp as her? The most straightforward example is right in front of us.

Once, in order to release the hundred-armed giant and the one-eyed giant imprisoned in the abyss, Gaia did not hesitate to support Zeus to overthrow Kronos' rule. But until Gaia was defeated in front of Mount Olympus, those giants had no idea of ​​following their mother goddess to rebel against the God Court.

They seemed to have liked the life in Olympus and no longer planned to destroy it all.

"Heh, if you think about it this way, Gaia is still a little pitiful."

"She did so much, but no one appreciated it. It shows that monsters are monsters, and it is reasonable for them to be discriminated by the gods."

With a sneer, Zeus threw these thoughts behind his head.

Zephyros had been left behind by him and he didn't know where he was. He didn't have the ability to cross the ocean in a short time, and Zeus had already come to the land.

As he approached the place where the earth cracked before, the dust that covered the sky and the sun could no longer block the sight of the God King. He could vaguely see that it was a life with hundreds of heads.

Its lower body was a coiled snake body, and the torso was a human shape with four thick arms. Above it was the dragon head covered with phosphorus armor. Two hundred eyes sprayed out flames that burned everything, and snake-like black tongues spewed out from their mouths, and poisonous saliva dripped, looking dangerous and brutal.

"What a natural warrior."

With a sigh, Zeus gradually slowed down. He showed his presence without hiding it, dark clouds and thunder gathered in the sky, and such movement also successfully attracted the attention of the hundred-headed dragon snake.

"Tell me your real name, monster." Standing high in the sky, looking at Typhus who was looking at him, Zeus said in a majestic tone: "Speak to me, and meet the king of the sky and the earth!"

It was hard to tell whether it was the sound of speaking or the roar of thunder, the rumble sounded in this land. The mortals who were running and fleeing seemed to think that they were finally saved. They knelt on the ground and prayed for the protection of the gods, but Zeus did not even look at them.

He just stared at Typhon in front of him and saw it raise its head. The God King looked at his destined enemy, and thunder and fire seemed to intertwine in mid-air.

Then the next moment, without any sign, the dragon head suddenly stretched forward and attacked Zeus!


The dragon head opened its mouth, but was firmly held by the God King's arm. Of course, Typhon's attack didn't work. Zeus, who had experienced many battles, would not be fooled by such a trick.

But at this moment, Zeus's arms were trembling slightly. Obviously, the gap between the two sides in terms of divine body was more than one level.

"Monster, are you provoking the king of gods?"

A thunder exploded, and Zeus's figure exploded back. In just one move, he had realized the shortcomings of his divine body.

But this is normal. Gods don't rely on physical strength to fight, and Zeus doesn't intend to use short to attack long. He decisively pulled away and summoned thunder and lightning.

The power of the kingship was blessed on it, and each silver snake symbolized the punishment of the offenders and the suppression of the rebels. The supreme power was held back. If possible, Zeus still didn't want to fight in the world. And most importantly, Typhon's power was really beyond his expectations.

Even though it was just a tentative attack, the power beyond the gods was already revealed, but Zeus did not see the symbol of the great man in the other party. Although puzzled, the other party's power was real. So the God King did not take action directly, but tried to communicate again.

However, the result was obvious, Typhon still disappointed him. The only response to the God King was the dark hurricane raised by the demon.

"God King? The master of the world?"

"So you are the God King!"


The low voice echoed among the mountains, and Typhon raised his head and made overlapping hisses.

Typhus really didn't expect that before it came to the door, the so-called God King came to it first, but it was fine, it didn't make any difference.

Since he came, let's do it. Beat him to death, or be beaten to death by him, to prove who is the supreme of this world, this is what Typhon wants to do, as for communication?

Demons don't need to communicate, that's the choice of the weak!


While still on the sea, Zephyros had already seen the hurricane and thunder in the east that shook the earth and the sky.

Although he was the god of wind, Zephyros was sure that he could not last even a second in front of the dark storm. But he did not mean to stop, after all, he was not going to join the war.

Even though he was a rare speedster among the gods, it would probably take a long time for him to arrive at the battlefield. By that time, no matter who won or lost, he should have been able to see some clues.

However, when the god of the west wind was on his way, he accidentally bumped into Poseidon, who also rose from the sea due to the shaking of the sea.

"Zephyros! Why are you here?"

"What is Zeus doing, and who is that thing he is fighting?"

A resonant voice came, and the blue hair of the Sea King fluttered. He held his trident and slowly rose from the sea.

Although the distance was far, Typhon's body was too big. It stood up straight, and its head could touch the edge of the sky; it stretched out its arms, and scared the moon to flee in panic.

So even if it just appeared in the world, both the gods on Mount Olympus and the gods in the sea noticed the existence of Typhon. Then soon, they also saw Zeus fighting with it.

"That is the offspring of the Earth Mother, Your Majesty. It looks undisciplined, and Your Majesty the King of Gods is subduing it."

With a calm expression, Zephyros explained.

In front of other gods except Zeus, the God of the West Wind is not so humble. Or in other words, if he is like this to everyone, it does not reflect the dignity and specialness of the King of Gods.

"Hmph, he always finds some trouble. He said before that the theft of the golden apple had nothing to do with him, but in the end, he still found the goddess of life!"

Poseidon snorted coldly, but he didn't say anything more.

No matter how reluctant he was, Poseidon had to admit that Zeus's power was far beyond his reach, and the demons that could fight him were even stronger than him. However, the two people present didn't think that guy would be the opponent of the God King, after all, his appearance was too abrupt.

The beginning of creation has long passed, the world has returned to stability, and even the newly born gods are rarely powerful. At this time, who would believe that a demon that suddenly came out could defeat the God King?

Then the next moment, the two gods had to believe it.

At the end of the distant sky, thunder and lightning collided with the storm. No sound came, because the sound was annihilated by the collision of that great power.

From a distance, the thunder and lightning of the God King even seemed to have the upper hand, which was in line with the initial judgment of Zephyrus and Poseidon. But the scene that followed made them change color instantly.

The hundred-headed monster, the ferocious demon, shook its dragon head, as if it realized that the storm and fire could not do anything to the king of the gods. So he rushed forward without hesitation, leaving the world of hurricanes, and crashed directly into lightning and thunder.

In an instant, pieces of phosphorus armor peeled off from Typhon's body, and black blood splashed on the land and the sea. Even under the power of the king of gods, its head was cut off, fell into the dust, and tumbled away, but it was not afraid at all.

Cut off a head, and another one will grow. Shedding a drop of blood, it will be one step closer to the enemy in front of you! Zeus was retreating, he was even retreating towards the sea, but under the pursuit of the two strongest men, at the junction of the land and the sea, Typhon's sharp right claw finally grabbed the left hand of the king of gods.

"I caught you, bug..."

"You have nowhere to escape!"

With a roar mixed with pain and pleasure, under the horrified eyes of the god of the west wind and Poseidon, the bruised demon pulled hard and injured the king of gods for the first time in this battle.

Zeus' left arm was torn off by him and thrown far into the ocean, stirring up huge waves. This was not a serious injury to the gods, but for some reason, the left arm of the king of gods could not regenerate.

Under the gaze of the two, the ferocious dragon head opened its bloody mouth, bit Zeus into its mouth, and then chewed it. Thunder and lightning exploded in the mouth and abdomen of the demon, and blood flowed like a column, but Typhon seemed even more pleased.

"The king of gods... was defeated?"

The expression was stunned. It was clear that he had the upper hand just now, but the situation suddenly took a sharp turn for the worse. However, the next moment, the two of them were no longer shocked.

Because at the end of the sight, the dragon snake with a hundred heads seemed to notice something. One of its heads looked to the east, and the direction it was looking at was exactly where Zephyrus and Poseidon were.


Without a sound, Poseidon exploded into a ball of water. Then, in the distant ocean, a stallion appeared out of thin air and fled madly on the sea.

As for the god of the west wind, he had long disappeared. He turned his divine body into thousands of air currents and scattered away, without any intention of staying even for a moment.


Watching this scene, Typhon did not pursue, he just roared to the sky, expressing his joy and disdain. Is this the so-called god? It's not even as interesting as those ants that turned into dust under his eyes. At least they dared to attack him, while these gods could only run away.


He chewed the god king in his mouth hard, and now only this guy is left.

Typhon intended to put an end to this enemy, but to his surprise, despite the large amount of blood spurting out of his mouth, Zeus's breath of life showed no signs of weakening.

It was a bit unexpected, but the demon king at this moment did not realize the key to the problem. Typhon mobilized his innate ability to once again prevent the instinctive regeneration of the divine body, and then bit it with the greatest strength, but the result disappointed him again.

Even though the blood of the god king was drained, he was still conscious; even though his limbs were separated from his torso, his life was still alive. In Typhon's perception, the tenacious breath seemed to be mocking it, no matter what he did, it was just doing useless work.


He opened his mouth and spit out Zeus, who was already somewhat inhuman form, and Typhon reached out to pick him up. He hit the opponent's head against the ground, and even created a gap in the ground. He pulled out the opponent's muscles and bones, and then penetrated the God King with it... Zeus seemed to have given up struggling, and the thunder and lightning gradually disappeared from his body, but no matter what Typhon did, his breath showed no signs of breaking.

He just wouldn't die, which was completely beyond Typhon's expectations. Because it knows very well that it will die. Since it can die, why can't the God King die?




What started as joy turned to anger, and eventually to annoyance at being fooled, and Typhon couldn't understand it all. One hundred of his heads roared at the same time, emitting a roar that shook the world.

"Tell me the god-king of the earth, tell me!"

"Why did you just! Yes! No! Die!!!"


The sea stirred up waves and the stars swayed, but Zeus's life remained strong. Typhon's destruction of the world has caused a violent reaction from the law, but it doesn't care at all. It just stared at Zeus with a hundred pairs of eyes, looking at this immortal existence.

"The gods are immortal, monsters."

After a while, a weak voice came from Typhon's men. Although he was in a state of embarrassment, Zeus was not panicked at this moment.

He looked at the huge monster and said in a determined tone:

"You are not the true god in this world, and you cannot take away my throne. As long as the gods die, you can't do anything to me."

"The more you do now, the greater the world's punishment will be on you, and you will eventually fail. Let me go, you have such power, you should have a place in the divine court. I can give you the best To me——"


Pushing Zeus' face into the ground, Typhon no longer wanted to listen to his nonsense. Dragging the body of the God King and flying high into the sky, the King of Demons looked around.

Immortal? It doesn't believe it. All things are mortal, that was the answer he got from the root of his power.

Even the world will decline, let alone the gods? What the God King on this earth said is nothing more than a lie. Since the most powerful god can't be killed yet... then let's see how the weaker ones can kill him!

Looking around, Typhon soon found its target.

There are many gods in its perception, and the place where the aura of gods is densest is Olympus in the distance, which supports the heaven and earth.

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