Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 297 One-day Fruit

Under the scorching sun at noon, the Corisian Mountains were as quiet as ever.

Perhaps it was because the most terrifying demon in the world had been here before, leaving behind a kind of breath that ordinary people could hardly detect. In short, not only ordinary things avoided the vicinity, even the monsters were unwilling to approach this mountain.

Standing halfway up the mountain, Zephyros quietly waited for the God King to come out of the cave.

The bone friction sound that seemed to penetrate the soul before had disappeared, and the surroundings also became quiet. In the eyes of the wind god, Zeus should have gotten rid of the shackles of Typhon's power. But after waiting for a long time, Zephyros never waited for Zeus to come out of the cave.

It was as if the movement just now was just an illusion, which made the God of the West Wind a little confused for a while, but if he really wanted him to go in and check, he was not very willing to do so.

If the God King did not encounter any accidents, then he might have his own things to do if he stayed inside, and it would not be a good thing to disturb him at this time. And if the God King encountered an accident... then it is likely that Typhon has left some other hidden hands.

Although no matter how you look at it, the arrogant monster doesn't seem to have a back-up plan, but everything is possible. In this case, Zephyros doesn't want to cause trouble for himself.

So the God of the West Wind didn't move rashly, but just waited outside.

Time passed slowly by one second. While waiting, with the help of the ubiquitous sound of the wind, Zephyros seemed to hear some strange sound for a while. But it seemed to be isolated by some force, just a vague feeling.

However, the God of the West Wind did not devote extra energy to this, and he quickly ignored it. After all, although it is still safe here, no one can be sure that Typhon will not come back here on a whim. Under the tense spirit, a little bit of strangeness was naturally put behind the head for the time being.

Time continued to move forward.

I don't know how long it has been. At a certain moment, when Zephyros couldn't help but want to ask a question, he suddenly felt that something seemed to have changed in the cave behind him.

At this moment, the God of the West Wind shuddered for some reason. In an instant, he seemed to have returned many years ago, when he was still a subordinate of the second-generation God King Kronos... He was ordered to go to the underworld to monitor the movements of the Mother of Night and the Lord of the Spirit World, and then successfully completed his mission.

"A lucky omen... It seems that His Majesty the God King is preparing some killer weapon to deal with Typhon?"

Coming back to his senses, Zephyros regarded this familiar premonition as a terrifying threat of some primitive god level.

But last time, he faced this threat, and this time this terrible thing appeared in the hands of Zeus.

Undoubtedly, this must be a means prepared for Typhon. It seems that as the God King said before, he really has a way to deal with that demon.

"I thought he was just talking casually... Yes, the God King is really good. Before the turn of the era, who would have thought that Kronos was so powerful?"

"Well, but these have nothing to do with me. When this disaster is over, I can probably become the new main god of Olympus."

Silently thinking, although Zephyros's current divine power is still a little short, he believes that this is not a problem.

The God King will find a way... Thinking of this, the God of Wind couldn't help but sigh at his luck again.

Although he has always encountered various troubles and been assigned to do dangerous things over the years, he doesn't know why, but his results are very good every time.

He attributed it to good luck. After all, luck is something that really exists in the mythological world. Now it is another ordeal, and the God of the West Wind believes that the result this time will be no exception.


In the cave of the Corisian Mountains, Zeus has returned to his original appearance at some point.

The blond god stood in a corner of the cave, with a rock pillar beside him. The stratum seemed to have been cut off by something in three layers, and it looked flat and smooth.

The God King had no expression on his face, but subconsciously pressed his right hand on his stomach. Although everything was over, waves of non-existent phantom pain continued to surge into Zeus' heart.

The God King admitted that, like many gods in Olympus, he did prefer many "beautiful" things, and he could even appreciate the beauty of weak men, but in any case, as a standard Chaos male god, Zeus always tended to be the one who took the initiative.

Neither he nor Apollo in later generations had ever been interested in being passive, but today's scene undoubtedly challenged his cognition. For the peace of the world, for the stability of the world, and for the smooth birth of the goddess of fate, he actually made such a sacrifice and did such a thing with the dignity of the God King.

Thinking of this, the God King couldn't help but swear in his heart. He would never allow another thinking life to know what happened today... But fortunately, no one here could notice it.

After all, the human prince had been sleeping soundly under the power of Zeus, and the God of the West Wind had never come in. Let all this be buried in history. After today, the world will only remember that in times of crisis, the God King favored by the world drew strength from fate and gave birth to three goddesses from his blood extracted by Typhon.

Just like Uranus to the three goddesses of vengeance and the goddess of beauty, it is not impossible for gods to be born from the blood of the God King.




Zeus looked forward with his eyes suddenly fixed.

In the center of the cave, where he was before, there were three light cocoons floating in the air. But now they were slowly breaking apart, and bits of broken light shells kept falling from them.

Perhaps because of the special fate, the birth process of the goddess of fate was also very different. Not long ago, Zeus saw with his own eyes how they came into this world and how they expanded from a baby-sized cocoon to a height of one person.

They didn't seem to need time to grow like other gods, or in other words, for the goddess of fate, the existence of fate was the nourishment for their growth.




Like a domino being pushed down, with the first cracking sound, a series of crisp sounds came one after another.

Under Zeus's gaze, at a certain moment, as if breaking through a critical point, the fragments of the light cocoon fell like snowflakes.

The fragments fell and then disappeared. When the light cocoon slowly dissipated, three goddesses with different appearances immediately appeared in front of Zeus.

They are a girl, a middle-aged, and an old man. The oldest one looks not only like the daughter of the God King, but more like his grandmother than Gaia.

And beside each of them, there is a natural artifact.

The girl-like one is Clotho, and her artifact is a spindle. She can use the spindle to spin the silk thread of fate, and each spindle is a life; the middle-aged woman is Lachesis, and her artifact is a long stick with a scale. She uses the long stick to measure the length of life and determine the length of the silk thread; and the old woman with white hair and chicken skin is called Atropos, and she has a pair of scissors. She can use scissors to cut the thread of fate and make the continuation of life end.

The three goddesses of fate finally came to the world at such a time point. Just like the Titan gods in the past, they were born adults and possessed extraordinary wisdom and judgment.

And just by looking at each other, Zeus understood that they were probably not ignorant new gods who were just born.

They were born from fate, so they naturally know fate... So, apart from things that are isolated and hidden by great power, there are few things they don't know from the past to the present.

Of course, this does not mean that they are omniscient in a certain sense, because they are just the implementers of fate. If they dare to reveal what they know to people who should not know, they themselves will be backlashed by fate.

"But there are exceptions."

"I am the king of gods, I am the indispensable guide for you to come to this world... You should obey my orders, right?"

His expression was calm, as if he had forgotten the previous unhappiness, and the vast power was in Zeus.

However, opposite him, even the smallest Clotho did not show the slightest fear of the king of gods. They looked at Zeus as if they were looking at a stone or a plant, not the powerful king of gods, or their legal parents.

"You gave birth to us under the guidance of fate, but fate has given you enough favors before. So for fate itself, He doesn't owe you anything."

White hair fell on her shoulders, and the same difficult voice came from her withered face.

This old woman, who was born just a minute ago, seemed like an elder who had truly experienced the world, imparting her knowledge to the young.

"But we are indeed different, God King. We came to the world because of you, so our fate owes you, and we can do something for you. But this is only this time, and we can't stop the backlash brought by fate for you."


Zeus frowned and got such a response from the goddess of fate. He didn't want them to obey him. But what he didn't expect was that he actually had to face the backlash of fate-and he had never come into contact with such a thing before.

"Yes,'s just the backlash of fate. Sometimes it's really not a good thing, but sometimes it may not be."

Atropos smiled deeply and didn't explain any more. She just stretched out her hand and gently drew a trace of silk thread in the void in front of her.

In an instant, Zeus seemed to see a lot, but none of them could stay in his mind. He only remembered one, and the breath on that one was Typhon.

"You may want a lot of gods, such as how to become an eternal monarch, such as how to make the original gods bow down to you, but I can't do these."

"I am just the hand of fate, not fate itself. All I can do is give you a choice."

"... What choice?"

With a gloomy look, Zeus looked at the goddess who exuded the breath of "riddles".

The other party seemed to see through a lot of things, but didn't want to tell him anything. This feeling made the king of gods very uncomfortable, but his biggest problem now was indeed Typhon.

Fate... is indeed mysterious. But after he completely completes his ritual, he still has plenty of time to delve into its mysteries. Just put it aside for now, let him listen to what the goddess of fate can do to help him defeat Typhon.

"Destiny is equal. If you want to get something, you have to pay for it."

"If you want to defeat Typhon, you need to put an equal stake on it; if you want to kill it, the same goes."

With his withered fingers, Atropos pointed at the only thread, turned it into a seed, and handed it to Zeus.

"Give it what you can will have the desired effect. Typhon can't do anything to you, so you have to give it the opportunity to do something to you."

"Put your divine power, your destiny, and your position as the king of gods on it, and give it the ability to take everything from you. If you are defeated by it, it will take everything away from you - you will fall into eternal sleep, and Typhon will replace your destiny."

"If I can defeat it," Zeus said coldly in a cold voice, "then what's the use of this seed for me."

"If not, what's the difference between this and giving a gift to Typhon?"

"The difference is that you put your power on it, and it must also put its power on it - as long as you are both willing."

"It will gain the ability to completely solve you, but if it fails to solve you within the specified time, the situation will be completely reversed. This agreement witnessed by fate will extract its power and then add it to you, so that the strength and weakness between you will be reversed. At that time, you will have the power to defeat it."

Hehe smiled, and the wrinkles on her face crowded together, like a vicious witch in a fairy tale in later generations.

Atropos raised his pale eyeballs and finally warned the God King:

"But I want to remind you, God King."

"A wise man who can spy on fate will not spy on his own fate, because that will only put himself under fate and let it control him. The punishment of fate will only be delayed, and it will never disappear."

"It is up to you to decide what kind of fruit you want to grow, as long as you can afford the price - and I am only responsible for handing it over to Typhon."

"Of course, I know."

Nodding, Zeus reached out to take the seed.

He looked at this strange object formed by the thread of fate between him and Typhon, but he couldn't see anything special. It seemed so ordinary, and only something special could make it react.

After looking at it for a long time, Zeus gave up the idea of ​​studying it. He was going to inject his own "price" into it according to what Atropos said, but then Zeus stopped his action as if he thought of something.

"I remember... you said 'the power to defeat it' before, not 'the power to kill it', and Typhon doesn't seem to be immortal, it just has a very high degree of immortality - so, can't I kill it?"

The cave was quiet for a while, the God King and the Goddess of Fate looked at each other, and after a long time, Atropos looked away.

"...Of course, God King, but if you want to break this powerful immortality, you have to bet on your own 'death'."

"Will the gods die?"

"No, so in theory, 'death' is not a chip you can bet on, because you can give up your divine power and your throne, but even if you want to, you can't give up your life..."

"But I feel," the God King interrupted lightly: "I can bet on my own death-and, even if I bet on it and fail, I will never die, because this is something the world cannot tolerate."


"In that case, then I'll do it."

"Anyway, this price is only valid when I intend to kill Typhon, right? If I don't kill it, then this is a non-existent agreement."

In the cave, seeing that Atropos stopped talking, Zeus smiled and then planted the seeds in the ground.

So the next moment, the seed that absorbed the God King's 'price' took root and quickly grew into a tree. The only fruit was produced on its top, and then it was picked off by the old arm, and the whole tree turned into dust.

"...As you can see, God King. I will send it to Typhon, but it is up to him to decide whether to eat it."

Putting the fruit into her sleeve, Atropos turned around. She glanced at Zeus, who was still staring at the place where the trees disappeared, and then walked out of the cave.

"After that, we sisters will find a place to live by ourselves and will not disturb Olympus... But I advise you again, Your Majesty the God King."

"The price you think you can avoid will be paid one day... and those who try to play with fate will also be played by fate. This is an unchangeable truth, even the God King is no exception."

The voice like a night owl gradually faded, Atropos and her sister left, and with the departure of the goddess of fate, the cave became quiet again.

It seemed that he did not pay attention to the other party's warning for a while. It was not until a long time after the figures of the three goddesses disappeared that Zeus finally seemed to come back to his senses and straightened his clothes.

He looked at the small pit where the fruit tree grew, the place where fate bore fruit, and then showed an expression that he did not know what it looked like. He strode out of the cave, and the next moment, the cave that witnessed everything today turned into ruins amid the whispers of the God King.

"Haha, fate cannot be played with... I know that of course."

"But I am the God King... Atropos, and haven't God Kings always been played with by fate?"

Three generations of God Kings, all like this.

Since it is destined to be in debt, why not for Zeus to have more debt?

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