Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 384 Land Division

The moon sets and the sun rises. In the sky of Hermione, the sun shines brighter than usual, illuminating the earth brightly and cleanly.

Waking up from his rest, Ramses shook his groggy head. There were people guarding the Pharaoh's palace day and night, and he could not hear the annoying sounds of mosquitoes and flies outside. But as he gradually woke up, he always felt as if he had forgotten something.

"I'm still old, I can't remember my dreams clearly."

"Hu-Ra still hasn't responded to me. The Egyptians are still struggling in dire straits."

His face was calm. After waking up, he faced the cruel reality again.

If it were just one or two, or even one city and two cities, Ramesses felt that he could accept this loss.

Paying some price for the command of the god Ra is what the Egyptians should do, and everyone thinks it is natural. However, recent experiences have made the pharaohs of the Nineteenth Dynasty have some doubts.

Although the power given to each pharaoh by the god Ra is still with him, all the promises he once made to the Egyptians seem to have expired.

Oracles came from Heliopolis, and the incarnations of the gods who were said to have arrived never came to Memphis.

Although the envoy sent by the Pharaoh to the Holy City vowed to see Thoth, the god of wisdom and writing, where did he go? Shouldn't he come to Memphis and explain the will of Re in detail to the Pharaoh?

After all, whether they were Thoth or Pharaoh, they were actually ministers of Ra.

"...Tell me what you came to see me for."

Shaking his head slightly, Ramesses glanced at the minister who could not hide his fatigue.

They had been waiting for a while, probably because they did not dare to disturb their rest. Oh, everything is going wrong, but no one is smarter than me at this time.

Ramesses was waiting for their response, probably because he wanted to complain to him again and prove their incompetence with reality... However, as the minister told the story, the Pharaoh's face became more and more serious.

"What did you say? Are you sure what you said is true?"

"The resurrection of the dead...Are you blaming the gods, or are you blaming the beliefs of all Egyptians!"

"Not so, Your Majesty, I don't hope this is true, but the bones of the dead did crawl out of the graves, they gained new life, and then headed towards the place where the Hebrews lived."

Half-kneeling on the ground, the tall Egyptian looked bitter: "The same goes for those who died of the plague. They lost their lives one moment and were reborn carrying the plague the next moment."

"The family members of the deceased thought it was a miracle, that the god Ra gave the deceased new life, but it turned out..."

It's not finished, but everyone knows what will happen to a living person who is close to the dead.

Death is the only outcome, and even the new dead will become new undead. Anger rose in his heart again, and Ramses said one word at a time: "Resurrection from the dead... very good, very good!"

"Then tell me, what did you do during this period of time while you were waiting for me to wake up?"

"...Your Majesty, I..."

The answer, of course, was that he did nothing and was waiting to do Pharaoh's bidding.

However, before he finished speaking, suddenly, a huge earthquake came from the distance, shaking the entire palace.




The palace shook, and the ornaments and utensils fell to the floor. The guards quickly moved towards the Pharaoh, trying to resist this sudden disaster.

"Get out of the way!"

With a sharp shout, he refused to listen to the explanations of these incompetent people. Ramesses II pushed aside the guards and strode out of the palace.

At this moment, Pharaoh secretly swore that when this emergency was over, he would replace them all instead of letting them continue to show their incompetence!


Without any warning, there was another loud noise, as if the whole world was shaking.

Rameses stumbled on his feet, he tried his best to steady himself, and then strode out of the palace.

The sun was shining brightly, and the sky seemed unchanged. Standing at the entrance of the palace, the Pharaoh looked towards the place where the vibration came from in the distance.

The buildings in the city were lined up one after another, so he shouldn't be able to see anything. But for some reason, when the third vibration came, he felt as if someone was talking to him, telling him the source of the disaster.

There were cracks in the ground, and dark red liquid seeped out from them. The crowd who couldn't dodge fell into it without even a scream.

The city of Memphis seemed to be being torn apart by the earth, and countless Egyptians were facing death... The voice in his ears seemed real and illusory, and Ramses felt as if he had really understood the rules of the cracking of the earth.

"They are chasing, chasing those who have resurrected from the dead. This taboo violates the rules of the human world. Is their existence offending the gods..."

Chest rises and falls, in Ramses' memory, the corpses of the dead are protected by the god Nephthys, and their souls return to the world after death. Anyone who violates the order of life and death will be mercilessly burned by the sun's light.

However, now, the sun seems to be turning a blind eye to them. Instead, the winding cracks in the ground seem to be chasing the traces of these dead people.

And the source of the cracking of the earth... Ramses is extremely familiar with it.

"Heh... Come on, let Merenptah lead people to the Holy City. I am already old. According to the consistent rules of the Nineteenth Dynasty, if something unexpected happens, then he will be the next pharaoh."

"As for you, prepare your car—no, just set off. You guys will go with me. No one is missing."

Holding the thousand-year-old staff belonging to the Pharaoh, Ramses ordered calmly. At this moment, he finally made up his mind.

"This, Your Majesty, you want to..."

"Of course, let them leave here and leave the land of the Egyptians."

Speaking lightly, Ramses looked at the minister who was speaking.

The Pharaoh's gaze made him shut up immediately. Even now, no one dared to question Ramses' authority.

"I should have done this a long time ago. Only God can fight against the power of God, not us. Egypt... does not welcome them to stay."

As if his heart was much lighter, Ramses felt that the fatigue brought by the awakening just now had disappeared.

He felt that his spirit was more active than ever, as if someone was whispering in his ear. Yes, he would go there in person to find the prophet who had rudely stepped into his palace and decided to lead the sinners away.

These people have brought enough troubles. As long as he can solve these troubles, the Pharaoh is willing to send them out of the country with courtesy.

As for this violation of the oracle...

If Ra appeared in front of him now, Ramses would be willing to admit his sin on the spot and prove his loyalty to God with his life.

Ra, who returned to the world, would definitely be able to solve all problems, but if Ra still did not make any direct intervention...

"In order for Egypt not to perish in my hands... As a pharaoh, I have no choice."

Looking up at the source of all light and hope, the supreme sun, Ramses actually hoped that the other party would come.

After all, he was old and would not live long anyway. But if the Egyptians lost their gods, that would be the biggest disaster they had ever encountered.




On both sides of the Nile River, in the desert and oasis, countless cracks in the ground were winding and cracking.

The rumbling vibration of the earth was like the heartbeat and roar of a giant, and red liquid flowed out of the cracks in the ground, just like his blood and sweat, flowing on the surface of his skin.

The perspective of mortals is biased after all. Even if the perception is inexplicably enhanced, Ramses' judgment is still wrong.

He thought the source of the earthquake was in the soon-to-be-built Sun City, and that it was the increasingly powerful prophet who caused all this. However, in fact, the ground crack in Memphis was not caused by Moses.

On the contrary, in the city at this moment, Moses held the scepter in his hand and touched the ground with it. He was trying his best to resist the shaking of the earth and reduce the damage it might cause.





Outside the city, the cracks in the earth were like frames from the mythological era, sending the dead from all over the world to the place where the gods wanted to destroy.

The riots in the city had just been suppressed, and what followed was the endless ocean of dead souls.

"This... How can we resist it!"

Some people exclaimed, some were desperate, as if it was a floating world painting, with all kinds of beings in it.

Standing with a sword, Aaron looked unusually calm in the panic of the people around him.

Among the dead who returned, he saw many gorgeous clothes, exquisite decorations, and rough linen, which showed the difference in their status in life.

However, now, whether it was the pharaoh or the nobles, the common people or the slaves, when they died and their gods made a decision, they all appeared here together.

Sure enough, in the face of death, all beings were equal.

"No, they are still unequal."

"There are gods, there is the afterlife, and even death has highs and lows."

Aaron was not afraid when he glanced at the crowd showing all kinds of beings, because he probably knew that he didn't need to kill all his opponents, he just had to try to survive to the end.

At that time, the 'messenger of God' would naturally show the 'miracle' again and clear all the enemies on earth.

"Red water gushed out of the earth, like the blood of foreign gods."

"They flowed into the Nile River, like blood flowing in it."

"This is the eighth punishment God has brought down on Egypt. It should be recorded and passed down from generation to generation."

Perhaps because of the continuous death of the gods, some things that were originally difficult to see have become clearer. Aaron felt vaguely that he could see a giant bleeding in the sky.

The whole world seemed to be sad for his pain, but it was powerless.

From top to bottom, from inside to outside, it was like a piece of porcelain that was pieced together after being broken. At this moment, the land of Hemenu was so fragile and tough.


Spiritual world, fifth layer.

The center of the world, unprecedented peace and tranquility.

Just like the sea surface before the storm, endless undercurrents are hidden under the bottomless abyss.

Black and white correspond to each other up and down, and the four-color light rings are constantly rotating.

The east is sky blue, the west is dark blue; the south is fiery red, and the north is yellow-brown.

It is not that they appear in the corresponding direction, but in the fifth layer of the spiritual world where time and space are chaotic, they anchor the directions of east, south, west and north, just as the positive and negative energy interface anchors the "up" and "down".

Like a rotating rhombus, but there is some interaction between them. Everything seems so orderly, but if you go deeper, you can clearly see that the light spot in the north is much darker.

Unexpected, but also reasonable.

As long as the cycle is formed, theoretically, the earth, water, wind and fire can grow and decline, and finally reach a stable concept.

At that time, the sudden surge in the power of one side will not cause any problems, it will only slowly return to balance under the effect of the cycle.

However, that is all after the cycle is achieved, but the current earth, water, wind and fire...some places seem to be insufficient.

Set, the god of war, desert and storm, the metal underground is his skeleton, and he is the most powerful among the gods.

As the nine pillars of Egypt, even in some later records, he briefly reigned on the earth, and the power he possesses is undoubtedly powerful.

But the "earth" contained in the divine power of [Desert] is more than one level lower than the other three.

Therefore, at this moment, the cycle between earth, water, wind and fire is imposed by external forces, and they did not start the spontaneous first rotation. The core of the fifth layer of the spiritual world is therefore not stable enough, and it has been unable to complete the final evolution.

But this is only temporary, because the nutrients sent from the outside world...are far from over.


The sound like water flow sounded again in the dead void, like a surging tide, beating along the "river channel".

At a certain moment, a dark red mist like blood suddenly appeared in the center of the fifth spiritual world. It circled in the void, and then quickly flowed towards the yellow-brown light spot like a whale returning to the sea.

In an instant, the other three flashing light spots shrank, and their power began to compress and sink.

The space-time barrier covering the core of the spiritual world disappeared without a trace, and countless eyes in the entire fifth spiritual world also looked in this direction.


"That's... the core, can I enter there?"

"My kingdom of God is shaking... Fortunately, there are still the layers of support to help me stabilize the kingdom. If I rely on myself alone, I'm afraid it would have been torn apart long ago."

"This feeling of oppression, I don't know what changes have taken place there. When it stabilizes, maybe I should go and have a look..."

"There is a new movement... I have to send down the oracle quickly and pass on the movement here."

"It's better not to affect me. I just raised the kingdom, how could I encounter such a thing!"


Curious, avoiding, happy... For a time, the vast and boundless five-layer spiritual world was tense because of the sudden change.

No one knows whether this change is good or bad. Some people see it as an opportunity, and some people see it as trouble, but in any case, it will not change because of the attitude of the viewer.

They just silently accumulate strength and accept the power from the void.

Until the last stream of light sank in, as if the accumulation reached the extreme. At the core of the spiritual world, the four-color light spots exploded.

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