Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 55 Civilization

It seemed that they did not notice the arrival, nor did they seem to care. The sacred poetry still echoed in the hall, but this time, Cohen heard it clearly.

It was not the language used by the gods, nor was it the language simplified by humans after listening to the divine language. Cohen had never heard such a tone, beautiful and mysterious, but not like the sound that could be produced by vocal cords. He felt that he was undergoing a baptism, and his soul seemed to become transparent and holy.

Faintly, a sense of longing from the heart came. Different from the yearning for beauty, it was more like a desire for "completeness".

But as a masterpiece of God, Cohen did not know where he was incomplete.

"May God forgive me."

Kneeling on the ground, Cohen prayed devoutly.

Although it was the first time he heard it, Cohen easily understood the meaning of the poem of the creature in front of him. She was praising a supreme being. He made July rise from the west mountain and let the spiritual light shine through the underworld. He is a great man who transcends time and is an eternal king.

After a while, I don't know how long it took, the empty hall fell silent again as the last byte fell.

In the silence, Cohen heard footsteps coming from far away. He raised his head, it was the mysterious existence who chanted poetry before.

He had never seen such clothes before. The white robe was woven with unknown things, not like the stems and leaves of plants at all. The hood was slightly drooped, covering the appearance of the visitor. Although Cohen didn't think he had any appreciation ability, he still thought it was better than the clothes of the gods on the sacred mountain.

This idea shouldn't have been there, but thinking that the other party might also be related to God, Cohen convinced himself again.

God, naturally can do better than another god.

"Are you human?"

A soft and distant voice came from under the hood. It was still the strange language before. Although he had never heard it before, Cohen could understand the meaning.

In his feeling, this language seemed not to be "heard" by his ears, but conveyed to his heart in another way.

"I am, Your Highness." Cohen respectfully responded to the inquiry in front of him. Although he didn't know whether the other party was a god, he still used the honorific for God.

"Your Highness, I didn't mean to break in here. Just now, I just wanted to rest-"

"I know."

The man in white in front of him interrupted Cohen's explanation.

"You came here through dreams, human. Seven hundred years ago, the Lord brought sleep to the creatures on earth. At first it was plants, then animals, and then you humans."

"In the end, even the gods will gradually learn to sleep. And you, as the first intelligent life to enter the dream, are allowed to cross the seven layers of the spirit world and step into the temple of the Holy Mountain."

"- God will also sleep?"

He was stunned at first, and then a little horrified. Cohen's attention was completely attracted by the first half of the sentence. He really couldn't imagine that gods would be forced to enter the 'dream'. This was something incomprehensible.

"It's not what you think."

Shaking her head, Evangelin glanced at the mortal in front of her and explained:

"Just like water, food and breathing, they are an indispensable part of mortals, but gods can choose to accept or reject them, and the same is true for dreams."

"I understand, thank you for answering my questions."

Cohen said respectfully, his emotions calming down a little.

God can refuse, which is in line with the simple logic of the golden humans. As for whether the other party lied to him, humans at this time did not know what deception was.

"I don't know your name yet, Your Highness. I was summoned by God to come here to meet him. When I return to my tribe, I will definitely build a temple for you and your 'Lord', so that humans can sing praises to your greatness day and night."

Cohen did not look up, but he felt that under the white hood, a pair of eyes looked at him for a while.

"I am Evangelin, an angel who sings for the Lord and the embodiment of the music of the spiritual world. As you think, according to the definition of the outside world, I am indeed a 'god'."

Shaking her head gently, Evangelin said lightly:

"But the Lord does not need you to build a temple, nor does he need your faith, and I don't need them either."

"If you want, then do something for me."

Slightly startled, Cohen did not expect to get such an answer. But since God has a request, as a golden human, he will naturally do it as it is.

As for not having faith, Cohen accepted it easily. In fact, due to the defects of the golden human soul, the meager power of faith is not noticed by the gods. In this case, some gods do not even want mortals to sacrifice them.

"Being able to serve you is the meaning of my existence, Your Highness."

Just like every time he accepted the oracle in the past, Cohen responded respectfully.

"Okay, what I want you to do is very simple. Go forward and write down what you can remember, that's all."

After the cold voice fell, Evangelin pointed to the stone slab on the central stone platform.

Following the direction pointed by the ‘God of Music’, Cohen clearly saw that in the middle of the hall, there were two sculptures with wings on their backs kneeling on the ground, with their hands raised high, holding up a stone platform together.

Above the stone platform, an ancient stone slab was floating there. Between the ups and downs, Cohen vaguely saw that there seemed to be something written on it, but when he looked closely, he couldn't see it clearly.

For some reason, Cohen vaguely felt that the faceless god in front of him seemed very similar to the stone statue. If the two beings holding up the stone platform folded their wings and covered their hoods, the figure of the one on the left would be exactly the same as her.

".As you command, Your Highness."

Putting away his thoughts, Cohen stood up and slowly approached the stone platform. At first, he felt as if he was doing useless work, because no matter how "close" he was, he still couldn't see the content on the stone slab. Time passed by minute by minute, until a certain moment, he finally saw the two symbols on the stone slab.

It was a kind of text he had never seen before, changing constantly, swirling up and down. But for some reason, Cohen understood its meaning.

'.Civilized years? '

The next moment, endless knowledge poured into Cohen's heart, and he almost lost his mind in the torrent of information. Some he could understand, some he couldn't understand, and when these were mixed together, he felt that his soul was about to be torn apart.

It seemed like a moment, but it also seemed like a long time had passed. In a trance, Cohen felt himself jumping in a colorful tunnel, and then suddenly woke up from the tree.


Subconsciously covering his head, Cohen found that the indoctrination of knowledge had stopped. Unsystematic things were mixed in his mind, but Cohen still found a lot of useful things from it.

"Civilization, what is it?"

Silently reciting the words that the stone tablet first printed in his mind, Cohen knew about 'years', and it was said that it was the great power of the God King and God Queen. But 'civilization' was something he had never heard of.

"King, what's wrong with you?"

"Nothing, just a little uncomfortable."

Cohen's abnormality was seen by passers-by, and in the face of other people's inquiries, Cohen dealt with it casually.

Today's experience is really unforgettable for him, but thinking about the knowledge in his mind, maybe that is the treasure given to him by God to spread to all mankind.

So Cohen stood up and walked towards the temple under construction.

Before, he was shocked by the magnificence and exquisiteness of the temple, and felt that it was the pinnacle of human skills.

But now, he felt that he had not done enough.

God gave him knowledge, and he would not keep it for himself. He would sort it out one by one and teach it to every golden human. Only skills from God can better serve God.

Walking on the road compacted by mud, Cohen was a little excited. However, what he didn't know was that at this moment, the king of the gods who had once given him an oracle to build the temple was watching him on the top of Mount Odilus.

From before falling asleep, during falling asleep, and after waking up, the king of gods had been watching him silently. He watched Cohen excitedly tell the humans around him about his previous experiences, teach them all kinds of knowledge, and talk about the mysterious stone slab.


"So, what do you want?"

Shaking his head, Kronos turned around and returned to his bedroom.

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