Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 65 Punishment

Before Ryan stepped out of the Land of Eternal Night, the spirit of the West Wind God was unprecedentedly focused.

The Land of Eternal Night, which had been peaceful for hundreds of years, was once again volatile, a sign that someone had walked out of it. But no one knew who would come out of it.

Maybe it was a black dress, or maybe it was just a nymph fairy.

Under Zephyros's nervous gaze, a wave flashed, and Ryan and Hypnos walked out one after another.

The fluctuations of the night gradually subsided, and after waiting for a while, the West Wind God finally breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that there was no third person.

Just now, he had been thinking in his mind, if he was caught by Ms. Ye, how long would he have to hold on before confessing the existence of the God King. In fact, this idea had appeared many times in the past hundreds of years. But fortunately, reality did not give him the opportunity to make a choice.

"The Lord of the Spirit World is back, so I can report to the God King first. But why have I never seen the god next to him?"

Somewhat puzzled, but soon Zephyros thought of the unknown goddess of the moon and the [Star Spreader] who had appeared in the starry sky.

No matter where the other party came from, he just had to wait for Ryan to return to the spirit world and then report to the God King.

The position of the head of the four wind gods was in sight, and Zephyros was already impatient.

"Hmm? What sound?"

Suddenly, the God of the West Wind felt that his mind was a little fuzzy. Faintly, he seemed to see a gray feather falling from the void.

He should be alert, but he didn't know when his thoughts had become slow. The pleasant melody sounded in his ears, and Zephyros' eyes gradually closed.

The invisible wind returned to its original form, and the God of the West Wind fell to the ground. In a face-to-face encounter, this weak true god silently lost his resistance.


Beside Ryan, Hypnos put away the flute.

Just now, the melodious lullaby was slowly played by him, and the power of sleep spread in all directions along the sound.

The later sun god Apollo also had a lyre, which he could use to play a tune that was enough to confuse the gods. But in the hands of the real god of sleep, his flute is undoubtedly more powerful than the lyre given to Apollo by Hermes.

Accompanied by the melodious tune, Hypnos lightly fluttered his wings. On the light gray wings, illusory feathers fell quietly and sank into the void.

The music is "sleep" and the feathers are "dream". Without any signs, Zephyrus in the sky just felt a wave of sleepiness, and then lost consciousness in relaxation.

If the spirit is tense and alert at all times, the power of the god of sleep will be greatly reduced. But obviously, the god of the west wind did not expect that he would be discovered, let alone understand the power of sleep. So without any resistance, he was taken down by Hypnos directly.

"Father, how do you plan to punish him?"

Flying into the sky and capturing Zephyrus who had returned to his original appearance in the dream, Hypnos asked respectfully.

Like him, the god of wind also has a pair of wings behind him, but they are slightly short. In Chaos, although such winged gods are rare, there are still many of them, and they are also regarded as part of the mainstream gods.

"God of the West Wind."

Looking at the unconscious Zephyros in front of him, Ryan hesitated. He originally planned to take him into the spirit world and seal the immortal god, but in a moment, he gave up the idea.

Seal a true god, which requires a constant consumption of power to offset the power he obtained from his priesthood. Although this is nothing to the spirit world, it is also meaningless.

As long as the god cannot be killed, Ryan feels that any purely physical punishment is meaningless.

"Some gods let the God of Sin hold up the sky forever, and some gods let him push the boulder, repeating the cycle, never ending."

After making a decision, Ryan reached out and gently touched Zephyros' forehead.

"Since you like to peep so much"

"Then as a punishment, I will make you the worst peeper."

The power flashed, and the 'wisdom' of the God of West Wind was missing a corner. Although he could still think, any idea from him would have omissions.

At the same time, the uncertain fate silently enveloped Zephyros. In the dark, a change quietly occurred.

From this moment on, when the God of West Wind hides his body, he will definitely have flaws due to inconsideration. And even if the flaws are not discovered, all his actions will lead to an unknown ending under fate.

If the original result is bad, there will be no change. If the original result is good, then start over.

On the side, Hypnos, who was watching, folded his wings and watched the scene quietly. His expression was still respectful, but his heart was chilled.

For the evil god who was born with indifferent emotions, he didn't care about physical punishment. In contrast, this method of affecting wisdom and fate made him feel more afraid.

"Let's go."

Lian threw Zephyros to the ground and ignored him. He drew a line in the space in front of him, and a silver-white light gate emerged. He stepped in, and Hypnos hurriedly followed.

The gods always thought that the moon was the entrance to the spirit world, so the king of gods sent the wind god to monitor the underworld, but in fact, the moon is at most a front door.

In the entire Chaos world, any place covered by the spirit world can directly enter and exit the interface. But because Ryan has never opened the access to the spirit world to the living world, no god has ever discovered this in the past.

In a few steps, Ryan passed through three layers of space-time barriers one after another. The Sinai Mountain was not far away, but in the third spiritual world, Ryan stopped.

Until hundreds of years ago, there were no concrete things in the third spiritual world. Time and space were mixed, life had no basis for existence, and only the angels of the spiritual world occasionally passed by.

But at this moment, it was not the case where Ryan was. On the surface, they were standing in the sky next to a small hill.

Seeing Ryan stop, Hypnos also stopped. He looked at the surrounding environment. The space here was very small, with a total range of less than 100 miles. A few humans lived in the distance, and on the hill, a divine figure with a glowing body was talking to a mortal on the ground.

"This is the third spiritual world, and it is also your new home in the future."

Slowly speaking of his arrangements, Ryan did not intend to bring Hypnos to his own temple.

In fact, if Nyx had not come to him, Ryan would have cultivated a true god who controls dreams. But since he had it ready, he gave up his original plan.

Now that Hypnos was born, it was time to start working. Although he was only a day-old being, he was a god after all, so he probably wouldn't care.

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