Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 80 Breaking the Seal (Additional chapter for the first leader of this book)


Just as the two goddesses were fighting, in the distant starry sky, the battle between the weather god Crius and the sun god Hyperion was also going on. But unlike Theia's restraint, her husband was never a soft-hearted person.

Facing his actual 'grandson', the east wind god Orros crossed half of the battlefield under the blow of the sun god, flashed by the side of the sky light god Aether, and crashed directly into a small celestial body.

The difference in divine power made Orros unable to even turn into invisible wind to avoid damage. Under his impact, the body of a certain star god was instantly shattered.


Accompanied by a scream, a star god standing on the side of the sun god suddenly emitted light all over his body, then gradually faded, and finally turned into a shining stone.

In contrast, the east wind god just shook his dizzy head and crawled out of the broken celestial body.

Seeing this, all the star gods on both sides of the battlefield couldn't help but feel a sense of grief for the death of the rabbit and the fox.

This situation is not the first time that it has happened. Other true gods will at least distinguish between enemies and friends, but the sun god never cares about the existence of the star gods.

However, despite this, the star gods still dare not leave. This is the limitation of the regional gods. They are also innate gods, so they are immortal, but unlike true gods, they cannot obtain divine power from their priesthood continuously.

When the "region" on which they rely is destroyed, they will permanently lose the source of divine power, and the end of the exhaustion of divine power is eternal sleep.

If there is no other way to obtain divine power in the future, this star god will probably remain in this state between life and death forever and will never come back.

This is the case with the Father of Heaven. As the Lord of the Sky, even if he loses the throne of the God King, the priesthood of [Sky] will continue to provide him with divine power. But in order to avoid that terrible change, Uranus had to use every bit of newly born divine power to resist that change, and the consequence was that he was forced to fall into a long sleep when his divine power dried up.

In the past thousand years, there have been countless star gods who have slept forever. Even on earth, there are countless gods of mountains, rivers, and lakes who have fallen into this state that is no different from death, but no true god cares about this.

In their eyes, these gods without divine duties are no different from mortals and nymphs who have been given divinity.

Mortals can be killed, and eternal sleep is not much different from death for gods. The gods who can be "killed" by just destroying a celestial body have the same status among the gods as Ryan's "heavenly soldiers and generals" in his previous life.

Although they are also immortals in theory, everyone has always called them "heavenly soldiers and generals" instead of their own names.

"Why struggle, my brother, you are not my opponent. I heard that you and your child also fell out? Then we are really "suffering from the same disease" - hahahahaha!"

In the laughter, Hyperion looked at the God of Weather who was constantly dodging, and his body, like a body cast in gold, rushed directly towards the formation formed by the star gods.

The battle between true gods can easily determine who is better, but if one side delays the battle, it is common to fight for several years or even decades unless the gap is too big. Instead of wasting his energy on Crius, Hyperion might as well "kill" more of his rebellious descendants.

They dared to betray him and stand on the side of the God King to fight against him. This is simply unforgivable.

Thinking of this, the sun god shouted loudly, letting his voice echo in the star space.

"Astras (star gods), this is the consequence of your wavering."

"And you two. Crius, Rhea, you can't do it, let Kronos come in person!"

The humiliation of being forced to confess by Ryan, the grievance of having his wife held by Coeus, and the frustration of having to fight two alone, and the anger of retreating step by step for thousands of years, have all been vented by Hyperion on his enemies in recent years, and the star gods are the top priority.

He knew that even if he took back the starry sky, he would not be able to do anything to the Queen of Gods and the powerful God of Weather. But he swore that when the time came, he would send all the star gods who had betrayed him to eternal sleep one by one.

‘It’s almost time, Hyperion, I really hope you can still laugh later. ’

Resisting the anger in his heart, Crius did not want to delay for the sake of the star gods. Anyway, everything was about to end, and he did not care about the life and death of these regional gods.

It was just that the God King would have a headache for a while after the war. After all, the years of god wars had made the energy tide of the starry sky chaotic. If there were no star gods, the true gods would have to solve the problem themselves.


The powerful God of Weather chose to avoid, and the God of Skylight and the Goddess of Daylight with medium divine power also avoided.

They just wanted to gain a territory in the starry sky and stay away from those stupid brothers and sisters in the underworld, instead of really coming to fight for the God King.

So the Sun God, who had no opponent, killed the star gods and other weak true gods. The three wind gods turned into air currents, but they were still torn and separated under the light and heat. Prometheus, the creator of the bronze humans in later generations, was used as a ‘weapon’ to smash one star after another.

But several powerful true gods turned a blind eye to this. In this silent ‘tacit understanding’, time passed by minute by minute.


Until one moment, Hyperion, who was attacking wantonly, suddenly stopped. He looked back at the sun, and in that direction, he vaguely sensed that the seal he had left behind was touched.

That was the seal he used to imprison his eldest son Helios. The seal was with the sun, and even the peak of powerful divine power could not do anything about the shackles.

The gods controlled the priesthood, but they were not equal to the things represented by the priesthood. Even the original gods were no longer equal to their original bodies after being personified, let alone the Titan gods who were born later.

It was well known that the power of the sun was far stronger than that of the sun god, so Hyperion had never worried that his eldest son would escape from the imprisonment. But just now, reality told him that nothing was impossible.

Under a powerful force of order, the seal was pierced from the inside. The decree of the God King under the blessing of the [Code of Creation] was almost as effective as his words. The seal left by Hyperion did not last long and fell apart in a tremor.

"Kronos, it's you!"

It was unbelievable, but it was natural. Kronos still maintained restraint and did not do it himself, but the decree of the God King that he had prepared for a long time in advance was not compromised at all.

Except for Ryan when he was in the spirit world, there are only two gods in the world who have a high affinity with the [Code of Creation], one is Themis, and the other is the God King.

His authority can naturally be greatly enhanced by [Order] and [Law]. In the hands of Kronos, the power of this artifact is much more terrible than his sickle that once hurt the Father.

"Good, very good, is this your purpose?"

Laughing in anger, Hyperion's divine power suddenly erupted, and the surrounding celestial bodies shattered one after another. Although in the same field, the oppression of the strong on the weak will be more obvious, but once Helios escapes, he can still interfere with his control of the sun.

"It's useless. Unless he does it himself, even if you bring that rebellious son with you, you are no match for me."

"Since you dare to do this, then prepare to face my power!"

I originally planned to write 11,000 chapters on the first day, and finish this plot in two chapters tomorrow. As a result, I unexpectedly received a reward, so I posted what I wrote in the afternoon as an extra chapter for the boss. But in this case, I have to update at 6 pm tomorrow, and I will definitely not be able to finish it at noon.

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