Stepping out of the tunnel, Kronos took a quick look at the situation.

Liquid like water splashed out from the sun, spilling into the starry sky, the ocean and the earth. Chaos's sun is not made of 'fire', it is more of a special existence between solid and liquid.

Just like Chaos' stars, they are not distant stars, but some special luminous celestial bodies with inner cores, and many of them do not even have their own star gods.

As part of the sun fell to the ground, a Jedi with distorted environment appeared. The God King also noticed that some of them flowed into the ground along the cracks in the earth, some turned into magma, and some flowed into the lower place, which was the location of the underworld.

They formed a lava lake, like the Styx, at the gate of the underworld, becoming one of the obstacles separating the two worlds.

Watching all this, Kronos sighed. Although his goal was achieved, and the most core star gods of the solar system were also 'sent away' by Hyperion himself, the mess he left behind also needed the God King to deal with for him.

"Theia, my sister, I hope you understand that I didn't mean to go this far."

Putting aside the matter of the sun, the God King explained to the Goddess of Light while standing in the starry sky.

Things have already happened, and the consequences cannot be reversed. Although this is all Hyperion's behavior out of self-esteem, other Titans may not think so.

A main god destroyed his own body and shook the symbol of his divine office. If Kronos forced Theia to live in seclusion in the starry sky again, he didn't know whether it would cause other consequences.

Maybe, maybe not, but since he has won now, he doesn't plan to make trouble. Moreover, compared to the sun god who coveted the throne of the God King since they were locked up in the womb of the Earth Mother, Theia has never cared about these things.

As a goddess, she is not as ambitious as her husband. If she is not standing on the opposite side of herself, the God King is actually very happy that the starry sky is controlled by such a god.

"Stop pretending, Kronos. You won. What are you going to do with me? Will you put me in the abyss?"

The voice was cold. Although she knew what Kronos said was true, Theia did not appreciate it.

". You worry too much."

Shaking his head, the God King knew that the other party was just talking in anger. In fact, the other party also knew that he would not do anything to her.

Looking at the moon goddess Selene and the dawn goddess Eos hiding aside, the God King made a decision in his heart.

"At this point, the star field around the sun has been destroyed to this point, but during the movement of the moon, all the star fields in the path still belong to you and your children."

"But I hope, Theia, you will not oppose me again like Hyperion in the future."

"Hehe, instead of worrying about me, you might as well think about your unborn child. I am not interested in your throne, but they may not be."

Leaving a cold word, the Mother of Light took her two daughters and flew towards the moon.

As for the eldest son Helios, she knew that the God King still needed to solve the problem of the sun with him. Besides, if she watched her husband imprison him, he might not want to leave with her.

".Helios, how do you feel?"

Watching the goddess of light leave, Kronos was not very angry, but turned around to ask another sun god.

If it was before, the God King might still feel anxious about it, but after learning that he was born first, the goddess, he was relieved a lot.

"Your Majesty, my father is still in there affecting the sun, and now I can't judge whether I can control it."

After a little sense, Helios said helplessly.

"I know."

Nodding to the young god beside him, Kronos turned his eyes back to the sun.

The key to solving the sun's rage is to solve the sun god inside first. Weaken his influence on the sun and let Helios replace his existence.

Of course, if the new sun god has other ideas in the future, he can also release Hyperion and then watch the dispute between the two sides.

But now, the God King wants to seal him up first.

"Hyperion, until now, you are still fighting against order. In this case, as the God King who rules the world, I hereby declare your crime:"

The authority of the God King echoes with the [Code of Creation], and order, law and kingship are naturally compatible. At this moment, Kronos felt that his power was madly raised. In terms of power alone, he has even stepped into the realm of great divine power with half of his body.

This is the realm that the Father once reached with the power of the God King, but Uranus still has [Sky], and Kronos does not have the matching power.

But this is enough.

"Privately imprisoning the Titan gods and preventing them from performing their duties is the first crime."

"As the supreme being of light, you caused the stars to fall and the sun to turbulent. This is the second crime."

"Your words and deeds are inappropriate and you insult the God King. This is the third crime."

Indistinctly, Kronos seemed to be able to see the figure inside through the sun. He made the final judgment lightly:

"I will imprison you here in the name of the God King. It will take effect now. The sentence is forever."

The next moment, the endless chain of order was drawn out from the void and went directly into the sun, locking the figure inside. At the same time, Kronos's breath also dropped directly, and it was no longer as terrible as before.

Sealing a god is not something that can be done casually. True divine energy continuously obtains power from the priesthood, so if you want to seal a god, you naturally need to invest a steady stream of power. From this moment on, approximately 35% of the divine power equivalent to Hyperion's heyday was stripped from the God-King to maintain the permanent existence of this seal.

This is why the giants were imprisoned in the abyss instead of just finding a place to seal them up. Because the gods imprisoned there will be handled by Tartarus on their behalf, without any additional consumption.

"Well, Helios, your father has paid the price for his actions."

Turning to look at Helios, the young Sun God quickly bowed and saluted, expressing his loyalty to the God King.

The sudden burst of power from Cronus just now was really terrifying. For the second-generation Titan who had never seen his heavenly father, it was already terrifying beyond his imagination.

"From today on, the sun will rise and set because of the God King, Your Majesty. However, I just sensed it again, but the result was not wonderful."

Facing Cronus' gaze, Helios said helplessly: "After God Father's previous stimulation, the sun has become even more violent. Although Father God has been sealed now, I still cannot control it with my power alone."

"I need your help to fulfill my duties as the sun god. Otherwise, although I can make the sun move, I cannot guarantee that it will not deviate from its orbit."

".I see."

He had a headache and was dissatisfied with Helios' incompetence, but Cronus had to solve the problem.

If the starry sky, which has become a little restless due to the absence of the Star God, cannot be stabilized and the sun's movement returns to normal, then even if the starry sky is gained, it will not be able to increase the power of the God King.

But regarding this problem, it’s not that there’s no solution, it’s just that some of the newly acquired starry sky needs to be distributed.

After all, if it doesn’t work, just borrow the [Creation Code] for a while. With the assistance of this artifact of order, Helios should be able to barely move the sun.

And without the suppression of Hyperion, the new Sun God can quickly complete the accumulation of divine power. When he becomes a medium-level divine power, he will be able to perform his priestly duties more easily.


‘Sun, it’s better to be weaker. ’

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the young god who looked heroic but seemed a bit reserved due to being imprisoned for many years. Cronus didn't care about the obedience he showed.

God's thoughts will change with the power of control. No one knows whether Helios will be the same as he is now when his divine power reaches its peak.

Maybe, maybe not, but the God King doesn't need maybe.

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