Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 109: Best Friend

Feng Yun held the letter and was silent for a long time, his heart beating for a long time, and then he got up to wash up.

Outside Zhuangzi, there is a vast white mist.

It’s the beginning of winter and the weather is starting to get cooler.

On the field ridges far and near, there were villagers going to the fields. Seeing Feng Yun, Sister-in-law Wang from Dr. Yao's family came over with a smile.

"Ms. Li Zheng, have you ever seen chickens hatching?"

Feng Yun was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that the eggs he gave him last time were said to be used to hatch chicks, so he became a little curious.

"Hatched out?"

Sister-in-law Wang said excitedly: "You come and take a look?"

Feng Yun nodded and followed her.

The two families are less than ten feet apart, so coming and going is very convenient.

The door of the Yao family is a bamboo fence, and vegetables are planted inside and outside. However, Sister-in-law Wang obviously has little experience and the vegetable seedlings do not grow very well, so Feng Yun gave some advice.

Sister-in-law Wang is very helpful.

"Next time, I will do what Mrs. Li Zheng said..."

Doctor Yao was busy in the room and was startled when he saw Feng Yun. He quickly wiped the dust off his clothes, stood up and held his hands in his hands, "Li Jun, please take a seat."

Feng Yun smiled: "You're welcome, Doctor Yao."

Mrs. Wang smiled and scolded him, "Neighbors, Lao Yao, why are you doing this? It makes Madam Li Zheng feel uncomfortable with her politeness."

Then he took Feng Yun to a grass nest built in the corner, "Come, come and see, it's inside..."

Feng Yun hummed and wanted to turn around and salute Dr. Yao, but she happened to see him letting out a long sigh of relief. She caught her and smiled nervously and awkwardly.

That expression seemed like... he had done something wrong.

Dr. Yao was not like this before.

Why would a frank doctor do this?

Feng Yun came out after seeing the nest where the chickens were hatched, and quietly asked Mr. Wang: "Is there anything weird about Dr. Yao recently?"

Wang was stunned for a moment, "Weird? No..."

Feng Yunqing didn't say anything and stopped asking, but Wang didn't give in. He pulled her and asked nervously: "Did Lao Yao do something to be sorry for me?"

Feng Yun was slightly stunned and laughed.

"Sister-in-law, where did you think you were?"

Mr. Wang's eyes squinted, "Girl, don't blame me for not keeping my mouth shut, and what I say is not pleasant to the ears. You said that all the beauties in your village look like they grew out of that painting. You said that our old Yao, how could he Not jealous..."


Feng Yun said: "You have really wronged Dr. Yao. He usually follows the rules when he comes to see you. He never looks or asks too much. He is honest."

Mrs. Wang said: "I don't think so. The two times I came back from your home for medical treatment, he looked like he was out of his mind. I think he was probably confused by some beautiful concubine..."

These two times Dr. Yao went to Zhuangzi, it was to treat Chun Yuyan.

Chunyu Yan is beautiful, but she is wearing a mask. Doctor Yao is not a person who has never seen the world. How could he forget his duty just because of a noble man wearing a mask?

Unless Chun Yuyan himself put some pressure on him...

Feng Yun vaguely felt that there was something fishy, ​​but since Dr. Yao refused to tell her, she couldn't ask. She just chatted with Sister-in-law Wang for a few words, looked at her crops, and then went back to prepare for the pick-up at Shiguan Pier.

Two days later, she went out before dawn.

Xing Bing hitched a bullock cart and took a dozen people with him to accompany her.

Ye Chuang heard that she was going to Shiguan County to pick someone up, so he picked a few elite people to follow her and did not dare to neglect at all.

Jin and Qi are at war, but no matter what era, there are always some capable people who can open up passages in the war zone. What's more, Wei Li can definitely pass safely in Qi, mainly because he is afraid of trouble on the Jin side...

So he asked Feng Yun to pick him up.

Once they arrive at the Shiguan County Pier, if anything happens, it will be Feng Yun's own business.


Shiguan Pier.

This wharf, which was busy before the war, is now deserted.

When Feng Yun arrived, it was just dawn. She sat in the bullock cart and asked the Ge brothers to wander around, but found nothing unusual.

It's very foggy by the river.

When Wei Li's ship docked, it was interrogated by the Northern Yong Army.

Feng Yun watched quietly. Wei Li pointed in her direction. Several Beiyong soldiers turned back to look at Feng Yun's ox cart, then carefully searched the ship and let it go.

"Girl, I've been waiting a long time." Wei Li stepped forward with his fists clasped, dressed as a merchant.

Feng Yun opened the curtain and looked at the woman beside Wei Li who was holding the child and wearing a green cloth on her head. He thanked Wei Li and suddenly called her with red eyes.

"Yun Niang..."

Kong Yun'e hesitated for a moment and called weakly:


Feng Yun got out of the car, opened his arms towards her, and hugged her deeply for a long time, then pretended to wipe away his tears, and then looked down at the child next to her.

"Is this Hengyang? He's grown so big."

After that, he stuffed a bag of jujube paste cakes that he had prepared long ago.

"Good boy, my name is Aunt Yun... there are snacks in the car, you two go up and sit and talk."

Kong Yun'e didn't say anything more and looked back at Wei Li.

Feng Yun observed the words and smiled: "Thanks to Wei Jun for helping me this time, otherwise we don't know when we, the sisters, will be able to meet each other..."

Wei Li looked at the two of them, laughed and returned the favor.

"It's okay, it's just a passing incident. You don't have to be polite, girl. If you need anything in the future, just ask."

"I will come back to bother Mr. Wei again." Feng Yun said with a smile.

The two of them bowed to each other and said goodbye beside the bullock cart.

Feng Yun led Kong Yun'e into the bullock cart and left with his entourage.

As we were far away from Shiguan Pier, we stopped smiling.

"Did it go well all the way here?"

Kong Yun'e lowered her head and nodded, with an unspeakable awkwardness on her face.

"Ayun, I never thought that after so many years, you and I could still see each other..."

Feng Yun chuckled, "Yes, back then I regarded you as my sister, but you turned to Feng Ying and secretly tried to harm me. I thought you could get some benefits, but you ended up like this..."

Kong Yun'e's face showed a hint of helplessness, and she hugged her skinny son tightly.

"Why did you bring me to Andu?"

Feng Yun frowned and looked at the three-year-old child in her arms.

Calmly, say two words.

"help you."

"Why do you want to help?" Kong Yun'e asked: "I have harmed you. Have you forgotten?"

"I'm a nice person." Feng Yun looked at her gently, "Didn't Mr. Wei tell you about me?"

"I told you something. Ayun, you have a hard life too."

Hearing her sad words, Feng Yun couldn't help but laugh.

"Do you think any poor person is like me? He has food, clothing, fields, a farm, a husband to love him, and servants to serve him?"

There was a touch of sarcasm in these words, which made Kong Yun'e's eyes turn red and tears almost rolled down her face.

"If Ayun really lives a good life, I will feel at ease..."

Thinking of the desolation of his own family, he smiled bitterly and said: "My husband's family was wiped out by thieves, and my parents' family also regarded me as a disaster star. It has not been easy for us orphans and widowed mothers these years..."

Feng Yun glanced at the child in her arms.

The child seemed to sense the adult's emotions and clung to his mother, nervous, confused, and scared.

She said: "When you come to Andu, you can follow me without any worries."

Kong Yun'e looked at her familiar yet unfamiliar face, "They said that Ayun is following, following..."

They talked about Pei Ran in private, and those words were unpleasant, so she didn't know how to address Pei Ran in front of Feng Yun.

Feng Yun smiled knowingly, "Yes, follow that King Pei who drinks blood and kills people without blinking an eye."

Kong Yun'e's pupils shrank and he almost didn't dare to look into her eyes.

"Ayun, do you still blame me?"

"What's your fault?"

"You are Xiao... His Majesty's wife. If I hadn't listened to Feng Ying and caused you to misunderstand, you would be the one enjoying the glory and wealth in Taicheng at this time..."

Feng Yun laughed out loud.

"There has never been any misunderstanding. Besides, I am now called Ronghua Fugui, thanks to your help."

Kong Yun'e couldn't figure out for a moment whether she was telling the truth or an irony.

Because back then, Ayun told her personally how much she loved Young Master Xiao, and she would never tell her in this life.

It's a pity that such a dazzling husband is not only loved by Feng Yun, but also by Feng Ying. Countless girls in the capital are flocking to Xiao San, and the incident of throwing fruit into the car has happened more than once...

When they were young, they didn't understand why those people would exclude and hate Feng Yun for no reason. She was so good-looking and gentle, she smiled at everyone, and wished she could stoop down to interact with others, but she was never likeable... …

Only when I grew up did I gradually understand...

It was not Feng Yun that they disliked, but Feng Yun, the fiancée of Young Master Xiao.

That identity never brought any benefits to Feng Yun, only endless nightmares...

Don't say she behaves with her tail between her legs, even if she kneels down and behaves, no one will like her.

In Taicheng, a circle where noble ladies from the capital are rampant, just the word Feng Yun will attract countless malice and jealousy, not to mention Feng Ying's instigation and mischief...

Feng Yun and Kong Yun'e seriously regarded each other as the best sisters ever.

Kong Yun'e didn't have a biological mother either, so she suffered a lot from her stepmother at home. The two girls, who were suffering from the same problem, had endless conversations since they were children in Crescent Moon Alley beside the Zhuque Bridge. They even had an affair in front of the Bodhisattva. We swear, "we share the hardships and enjoy the blessings together."

When he was young, Feng Yun would tell Kong Yun'e anything that touched his heart, and he would never hide anything...

The past events were still vivid in her mind, and Kong Yun'e bit her lower lip: "Ayun, I was... very helpless at that time."

She hugged her still-unfamiliar son and said in a low voice: "I have learned a lesson. Now these things... are probably God's punishment for me."

Feng Yun smiled faintly.

"It was not easy for you to dare to be friends with me back then. As for what happened later, I have forgiven you..."

Kong Yun'e looked at her in surprise, as if she didn't believe it.

Feng Yun didn't say much and brought a piece of fruit to Kong Yun'e's son.

"Yun Niang, there are many things that I figured out later. There is no use in lowering your head to please others...Truth and falsehood, right and wrong, must be proven with fists."

Kong Yun'e stared at her, unable to express her mood, and nodded silently.

Feng Yun asked with a smile: "Wei Li took my letter and asked you to go with him, and you left?"

Kong Yun'e hesitated for a moment, looked at Feng Yun's eyes that seemed to have understood the truth, and lowered her eyes.

"They asked me to come, I had no choice."

It is self-evident who they are referring to.

The person Wei Li took orders from was Xiao Cheng.

The helpless orphans and widowed mothers have no possibility of resisting even if they have concerns.

Kong Yun'e added: "I guess His Majesty is still thinking about you."

Thinking about her, why hasn't she died yet?

Feng Yun couldn't help laughing, "Then I have to thank him very much."

Kong Yun'e looked at Feng Yun's face and felt that her original appearance was getting blurry.

It was clear that she was still the same Feng Yun, but Feng Twelve Niang, who was as bright as before, seemed to be a little different.

She couldn't tell what Feng Yun was thinking.

"Why did Ayun ask me to come to Andu?"

Feng Yun smiled: "Did they ask you to ask?"

Kong Yun'e shook her head, "They just said that you were not doing well recently, and asked me to accompany you, but they didn't tell you anything else."

This was a little beyond Feng Yun's expectations.

She reached out and touched the child in Kong Yun'e's arms, put her hand on his head, and said lovingly: "Don't you want to find Hengyang's biological father?"

Kong Yun'e's face turned pale immediately.


This is her deepest and most painful secret.

No one in this world knows that Hengyang is not the direct blood of her dead ex-husband.

Why does Ayun, who came to Andu early, know everything clearly?

Kong Yun'e's fear is obvious.

Feng Yun smiled slightly, with a bit of weird expression.

"Don't be afraid, I won't tell anyone."

Kong Yun'e's voice was trembling, "Ayun is really a prophet?"

Kong Yun'e knew everything about Feng Yun from childhood to adulthood. Feng Yun was very lively when she was young, and she often said shocking things and weird things that others didn't know.

Her greatest feat was predicting a battle in which the whole army was annihilated. Since then, the girls from the noble families in Taicheng have been poking her in the back, calling her a monster and a disaster. Even the adults would avoid her, as if she was the initiator of the war and it was she who caused the soldiers to die on the battlefield.

Of course, the incident with Kong Yun'e happened later, after Feng Yun returned to Qi from Jin State, and she would not have known about it at that time...

After being reborn, she naturally knew it.

"Just take it as it is."

Feng Yun neither admitted nor denied it.

It's not a bad thing to make Kong Yun'e afraid of her.

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