Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 129: Stay with me till the end

Feng Yun clicked.

"Prince Chunyu is really funny. I, a three-year-old child, am talking nonsense. Even if I accidentally hit the mark, why should I feel guilty?"

"Three years old? No wonder no one believes you."

Chun Yuyan touched the coldness in those beautiful eyes, curled up the corner of his mouth, and said lightly: "Then do you remember General Xie Xian? He was the general of the Qi army who fought in the battle of Bingzhou fourteen years ago. After the defeat in that battle, Xie Xian died in battle, and then more than seventy members of his family were executed..."

Feng Yun's face turned even darker.

That battle was not only a disastrous defeat for the Qi army and the destruction of the Xie family, but also the source of tragedy for her and her mother. The tribe's dislike of her began at that time, and her mother's death also laid the root of the disaster...

I don’t want to think about it anymore, let alone say anything.

She stared at Chun Yuyan coldly.

"I'm too young to remember anything."

Chun Yuyan thought about it and said: "The general of the Jin army who fought against Xie Xian at Hengqu Pass was named Pei Chong. He was Pei Madang's father. He was seriously injured in that battle and became disabled. He can no longer go to the battlefield."

Feng Yun asked: "What exactly do you want to tell me?"

Chun Yuyan chuckled: "You and Pei Wangzhi, one knows that it cannot be done but does it, and the other knows that there are tigers in the mountains and prefers to go to the Tiger Mountains. I also want to know, if you have to go to Bingzhou, what are you doing?"

Ah! Feng Yun said: "We can go wherever we like, what does it have to do with you?"

Chun Yuyan smiled, maybe because he was used to being hit by her. Not only did he not feel angry, but his expression seemed to be quite happy: "That's good, since idleness is idle anyway, Feng Twelve, why don't you predict Bingzhou again? How did the war end?"


She discovered that Chun Yuyan was deliberately looking for topics to delay time and prevent her from going to Bingzhou...

The prince Yunchuan, who traveled to many countries, was an enemy or a friend all based on his mood. Feng Yun could not guess what his intentions were, and he had no time to deal with him.

Seeing that there were more and more people on the Ghost River Beach and the atmosphere was getting heavier, she became impatient.

"Ask me one last time, will the prince give in?"

Chun Yuyan: "It's not that I won't give in, it's that I can't give in."

Feng Yun held the soft whip in his hand tightly, whipped out a loud bang in the air, and then pointed the whip handle at Chun Yuyan.

"If the prince is trying to embarrass you, don't blame us for being rude."

She didn't believe that Chun Yuyan would really fight with them, but unexpectedly, when the lunatic saw that she was about to use force, a smile appeared in his eyes.


The expression was like a bloodthirsty fox, light and indescribable.

"Either you die or I die. I love this trick the most."

Feng Yun was about to get angry,

A horse suddenly galloped over from afar.


It was Sang Jiao who was sent by Chun Yuyan to explore the way.

His voice arrived before the person arrived.

"Your Majesty, the Han, Chu and Hu rebels are intensifying their encirclement and suppression of Hongye Valley. It is said that Emperor Qi gave a death order. By nightfall, the road to Hongye Valley will probably be blocked... Everyone, please leave as quickly as possible!"

Once Hongye Valley is blocked, the final passage will be closed. The Qi army will completely complete the encirclement of Bingzhou. Xinzhou will no longer be able to rush to rescue grain, grass and military equipment. The soldiers and horses in Bingzhou city can only hold on until the Jin army's reinforcements arrive. out.

Bingzhou will become a real isolated island...

It was originally a piece of flying land occupied by the Jin army, and it was surrounded by Qi troops. Not to mention whether the Jin Congress would send people to help, even if it did send people to come, I'm afraid it would be too late...

Going to Bingzhou at this time is no different than sending yourself to death.

Chunyu Yan narrowed his eyes and looked at Feng Yun, "Feng Twelve, come back."

Feng Yun looked at the people stealing on the beach, ignored Chun Yuyan, turned his horse back to the carriage, and said to Wen Xingsu:

"Brother, take the people back to Xishu as soon as possible."

Now Xinzhou City is still in the hands of the Northern Yong Army, with Andu as its back, so it is still very safe.

She didn't want Wen Xingsu to follow her into danger.

"You are waiting for my news in Shinshu."

Wen Xingsu chuckled lightly, straightened his clothes loosely, and his eyes were full of gentleness: "I'll stay with you."


"No need to say more." Wen Xingsu said, "Right now, there is no other way for you and me, brother and sister, to go."

Qi cannot go back.

If Pei Madang is defeated and dies in Bingzhou, he won't be able to stay in Jin...

How could he leave Yaoyao and return to Shinshu alone at this time?

"Okay." Feng Yun condensed for a moment and nodded to him, "We will go to Bingzhou together, and we will be together whether we live or die."

Wen Xingsu's eyes had a slight flicker of light, but unfortunately, Feng Yun didn't see it. She didn't wait for Wen Xingsu's response, then turned to look at Ye Chuang and other soldiers from the guard camp.

"Bring the medicine and let's walk to Ghost River Beach..."

It's not far from this slope to Ghost River Beach. Chun Yuyan can stop the carriage, but he can't stop people.

Ye Chuang was moved and his eyes were filled with difficulty.

"Girl, we will take the medicines there, and you and General Wen will return to Xinzhou."

They are Pei Ran's confidants, and it is their duty to go to Bingzhou at this time to be loyal and loyal, but Feng Yun does not have to take this risk.

Ye Chuang's eyes were genuine, with an indescribable sadness.

"If Ao Qi was here, he wouldn't let you be in danger."

When Chun Yuyan saw the two of them like this, he narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"That's very well said. Feng Twelve, listen to my advice. Go back quickly..."

Feng Yun looked at Ye Chuang, then suddenly turned to stare at Chun Yuyan, and smiled, "I will make another prediction today. In the battle of Bingzhou, I bet that Pei Mad will win."

Chun Yuyan raised his lips, his eyes dark and cold.

Ye Chuang's eyes turned red, "Girl..."

"Move things!" Feng Yun didn't want to delay any longer.

Wen Xingsu looked at the girl who had made a decisive decision, her face seemed to be shining, her pursed lips moved, and she walked down slowly, holding on to her knees.


"Everyone, hurry up."

The guards and servants were all busy.

Feng Yun asked Daman and Xiaoman to go over and help.

Chun Yuyan looked at her quietly, watching the guards take the medicine out of the carriage. His back molars felt inexplicably itchy, but he was helpless.


Feng Twelve.


He sighed lazily, "Make way."

Feng Yun calmly turned to look at him and held his hands from a distance.

"Thank you very much, Your Majesty."


Looking from a distance, the Red Leaf Valley at dusk looks like it is covered in a blood-stained coat, it is really red and dazzling.

This is a good time to see the red leaves. If it weren't for this war, it would be a beautiful thing in the world to invite a few friends to climb the mountain to enjoy it.

Feng Yun carried his luggage onto several docked sculling boats, and put all the remaining medicines on the Beiyong Army's cargo ship carrying grain, and sailed down the Ghost River.

Feng Yun looked back at the long and narrow valley going further and further away, as well as the busy ferry, with ups and downs in his heart.

Chun Yuyan's bullock cart is still parked there.

There are also some people carrying food and goods, preparing to transport them to Bingzhou as soon as possible...

In Feng Yun's mind, Chun Yuyan is a "merchant prince" who puts interests first. There has never been a war in Yunchuan. He travels around the world, is both good and evil, neither an enemy nor a friend. He relies on the word "profit" to make friends with others. . This is caused by the environmental geography of Yunchuan Country, and also influenced by his own growth.

In short, this person is not a very evil person, but when it comes to compassion, he obviously does not have it.

He was kind to her beyond Feng Yun's knowledge...

"Yao Yao." Wen Xingsu walked to her side and sat down.

"What are you thinking about?"

Seeing that the red leaf valley was getting further and further away, Feng Yun withdrew his gaze, glanced at Wen Xingsu's legs, and saw that he was sitting firmly, then he smiled faintly, "I was thinking about the Battle of Bingzhou."

Wen Xingsu hesitated for a moment, "Do you really think Pei Madang will win this battle?"

Feng Yun chuckled, with a hint of ridicule.

"Perhaps Pei Ran himself doesn't dare to agree with this sentence? He said that the battlefield is constantly changing. There is never a victorious general, and there is no sure-win battle..."

Wen Xingsu nodded.

Feng Yun asked again: "In my opinion, how is this battle going?"

Wen Xingsu was silent, his expression a little solemn, "The winning rate is not high."

Feng Yun said: "Brother, will you blame me?"

Wen Xingsu shook his head calmly, with a gentle look in his eyes, "I am willing to go with you. Life and death are God's will. Why should I blame you?"

The two looked at each other, Feng Yun smiled relaxedly, suddenly grabbed Wen Xingsu's hand, and pressed the back of his hand against his face before letting go, just like when she was a child, every time she was uneasy or nervous. No matter what kind of grievance she suffered, Wen Xingsu just needed to pinch her face and pat her head, and she would feel better again.

"Big brother is the best to me."

Wen Xingsu looked at her playful smile, leaning on the board with his shoulders hunched, his hair in a loose bun, and his knees slightly bent. He looked as carefree as a young man, but there was a hint of fatigue and sadness between his eyebrows. The beauty was lazy, Inflicting pity on people.

He felt inexplicably sad.

"Actually, I've been thinking, will my waist blame me?"

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows and smiled indifferently.

"What do I blame you for?"

Wen Xingsu's eyes flashed slightly, his brows furrowed, and he seemed to be in a very unhappy mood.

"Andu City was destroyed, and I was unable to rescue them in Xinzhou. After they fled to Xinzhou, I learned that they gave you to Pei Ran... The purpose of doing this was to let Xiao San marry A Ying... …”

This was a shameful thing for Wen Xingsu.

Because both he and Feng Yun knew that this was not Feng Jingting's idea alone, and Mrs. Chen's instigation was indispensable.

That was Wen Xingsu's biological mother.

It is an inseparable flesh-and-blood relationship.

Therefore, Feng Yun never said much about it in front of him.

She had been a mother before and was unwilling to slander a son's mother in front of his son, even if that person was Chen.

But Wen Xingsu took the initiative to bring it up, and she didn't shy away from it.

"I have resentment, but not towards you. You, the elder brother, are not the only one who can make the final decision on marriage matters, so what's the use of me blaming you? In my heart, they are them, and we are us..."

Wen Xingsu is Feng Ying's eldest brother, and she is Feng Ying's eldest sister. They have a half-mother and a half-father. They are both related to Feng Ying by blood, but they are also aliens in the family...

In those dark days after her mother's death, Wen Xingsu was the only warmth in that family.

She could blame herself, but not him.

"Brother, don't worry."

Wen Xingsu breathed a sigh of relief and smiled bitterly to himself as he listened to the sound of the river.

"Who would have thought that you and I, brothers and sisters, would be delivering medicine to the Jin army on the battlefield of Jin-Qi today?"

Feng Yun also laughed, "Regardless of Jin and Qi, they are all the same people. It was the war that separated the north and the south, not the common people."

After a pause, she asked casually: "Brother, do you know why I like Pei Madang's fighting style?"

Wen Xingsu pursed his lips slightly, "Why?"

Feng Yun: "He has a bad reputation, and the world reviles him for being cruel and easy to kill. He drinks blood like hair and blood, and never defends himself. The advantage of this is that before the enemy goes into battle, the enemy will be frightened by the news. If there are fewer resisters, fewer people will die. Fight quickly. Decide quickly to reduce casualties between the enemy and ourselves..."

Wen Xingsu looked at her, his eyes gleaming when he mentioned Pei Ran.

When he was in Taicheng, there was Xiao Cheng.

Now there is Pei Ran.

And he...can only be the elder brother.

Wen Xingsu felt heavy in his heart. He avoided her sight and calmly put away those thoughts that shouldn't have been there. He retreated to his brother's bottom line and analyzed in a gentle voice:

"I'm afraid it won't be a quick victory this time. Xiao San has devoted all his strength to encircle Bingzhou. Pei Cong has no way to retreat. However, it has been difficult to attack a city since ancient times. Bingzhou has a moat that is much wider than other cities. Although Pei Cong has only 50,000 soldiers and horses, as long as there is enough food and grass in the city, it is not easy for the Qi army to easily take Bingzhou..."

Feng Yun nodded and agreed with his opinion.

"The current situation in Qi can't afford a long-term war. Xiao San also wants to fight a quick battle and capture the king first. Xinzhou is backed by Andu Wanning and defended by Jin State. It is even more difficult to take it. The bones can only be picked up first. Victory Bingzhou, take Pei Cong, and then sit down to negotiate with Jin State. At that time, his voice will be louder at the negotiation table..."

Wen Xingsu looked at her talking freely and smiled softly.

"Yaoyao has changed a lot."

Feng Yun's eyebrows relaxed and she smiled quietly.

"When you grow up, you will always change."

It's not that she grew up, but that she suffered.

When he was away, Yaoyao suffered too much bullying and suffered too much.

Wen Xingsu watched the little girl who had accompanied him since childhood grow up into a sassy girl who could stand on her own. He felt relieved and melancholy.

He gathered his sleeves slightly and took out an oil paper bag from them.

"Do you want osmanthus cake?"

Feng Yun's mouth shrank, and she couldn't help laughing, her eyes full of joy.


That was what Wen Xingsu brought from Xinzhou.

He always thought of her delicious mouth, and brought food for her wherever he went.

"Eat slowly." Wen Xingsu said: "It uses this autumn's osmanthus, which is particularly sweet and sticky. You can only eat one piece."

Feng Yun laughed.

Do you still think she is a child?

"Brother is so handsome!"

She blinked, stole another piece of cake from his hand, and took a bite of it before Wen Xingsu could stop her. She ate it with a lump in her throat, which made Wen Xingsu laugh and cry. He quickly moved over to pat her back.


Helpless doting, since childhood.

Feng Yun finally managed to calm down, but saw Wen Xingsu's smile faded slightly, and his face changed as he looked at the river.

Then, without waiting for Feng Yun to express her surprise, he stretched out his long arms to embrace Feng Yun, pressed her to his chest, and raised his sleeves to cover their faces...

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