Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 137 Struggle Struggle

Feng Yun opened his eyes, biting his lower lip, and his eyes were red with anger.

Pei Ran gently stroked her hair and said, "It's inconvenient today. The Qi army may make a sneak attack..."

Outside the city, Xiao Cheng was preparing for the siege and would attack at any time. As the commander-in-chief, at such a time, he really shouldn't act so absurdly.

However, Feng Yun became even more excited when he thought that Xiao Cheng was outside the city.

"That's good. Don't you want to piss him off? It's not just right."

She has long since stopped wanting to be a good person.

For his own pleasure, he wrapped himself around him like a water snake and dug his nails deeply into his arm.

Pei Madang made her choke her until she lost her temper, easily restrained her, and turned her over without hesitation, so that her legs were hung at her waist and she could no longer use her strength.

Feng Yun hated him for using force to control others. He was so angry that he said sarcastic words, "Didn't Xiao Cheng keep saying that I am his legitimate wife? Then he is attacking the city outside the city, and you are sleeping with his wife in the city." …”

Pei Ran's eyes sank, "Feng Yun!"

This was a warning to her not to talk nonsense.

In fact, Feng Yun is not that kind of person, but when he is like that, he doesn't want to be a human being.

"What does the general care about?" Feng Yun moved slowly, his voice as tender as water, "When the Qi army came to fight, they asked the guard to tell them that the general was busy appeasing their emperor's wife, and the battle was in full swing, so there was no time to kill them. , let them wash their necks and wait...well..."

Pei Madang hugged her to his body, biting her mouth like punishment, and his hands instinctively grabbed hard at the lush and lush part of her body that tempted him to fall, crushing her until she was deformed. The sudden roughness was angry and wild, bringing about an amazing gasp, both from him and from her.

Emotional outbursts of intense restraint.

His eyes seemed to be quenched with fire.

"Yunniang, who taught you to be so bad?"

These words were incomprehensible. Feng Yun hated her rudeness and stared at his eyes displeasedly. She leaned close to look at his pupils at a very close distance, "Didn't the general teach you bad things?"

Pei Madang grabbed her hand and pulled her closer, his voice hoarse, "I'm a commoner, don't tempt me."

Feng Yun was about to die laughing.

Is this still a common person?

This is almost like a great sage who is calm and stable.

"Didn't you agree?"

Feng Yun raised his head slightly and smiled.

"You and I put aside the fetters, each get what we need, and have fun together... The general is regretting it now because he thinks it's not worthwhile. Why don't you give me to Xiao Cheng in exchange for the city and a truce, right?"

Not mentioning this, Pei Ran's face looked better. As soon as the words came out, the terrifying face became slightly cold. He grabbed her waist and lifted her up. He placed her aside irresistibly and held a soft pillow against her.

"After the battle, I'll let you eat enough."

Feng Yun wondered if Pei Madang was abnormal in this life.

It was obviously uncomfortable to hold it in, but it still seemed like nothing had happened.

"You sleep." Pei Ran sat up.

His face was expressionless and calm.

Feng Yun squinted his eyes and looked at him, "What are you going to do, general?"

She wouldn't ask before, but now she has to.

He wouldn't say it before, but when she asked, he said it casually.

"Looking for Puyang Jiu..."

He stopped mid-sentence and added another sentence.

"Look at the wounded soldiers."

Feng Yun couldn't say why, but Feng Yun felt like he was holding back his breath. Every time he touched her, it was as if he was competing with himself when he lost control of his emotions. He was thinking crazily and rejecting crazily. Two different Pei Madangs were pulling at the extreme. …

Not what she was familiar with.

Did something happen to him that was different from his previous life?

Feng Yun calmed down and gently pulled his hand.

"Don't worry, let's talk about Xiao Rong."

Pei Ran was silent for a moment and said hello.

Then he moved her inside and sat down.

Feng Yun looked at him blankly, his tight jawline was very serious, as if he was some kind of human grass, and she was a lustful evil spirit who bullied men and dominated women?


She laughed out loud.

Pleasantly, without any artificiality.

"General, are you guarding me?"

She smiled and pulled him over, covering herself with the quilt again.

"Don't be afraid, I promise not to touch you."

Feng Yun was very satisfied with the role reversal. It seemed that the way the person she faced was related to her behavior. When she took the initiative, Pei Madang became more worried.

"Lie down. If you're tired like that, it'll be more comfortable if you lie down and talk."

Pei Madang's pupils flashed slightly, and he leaned in as if compromising.

Feng Yun glanced at him and said more seriously, "With Xiao Rong in hand, the general can make a big fuss."

Pei Ran frowned, "How to do it?"

Feng Yun said solemnly: "Xiao Cheng only has this sister, and she is pampered like jewels. As long as the general is willing, he can ask Xiao Cheng to withdraw his troops."

Pei Madang said: "Taking women and children as hostages is no different from animals."

You are so righteous, General.

Feng Yun looked at his cold and ruthless face and thought to himself silently.

He didn't act like a beast, but he accepted the concubine who presented him as a beast?

Therefore, Feng Yun doesn't quite believe that Pei Ran really thinks so...

But his actions have always been unpredictable. Now that he has said it, Xiao Rong really wants to give up on this game.

She doesn't force it.

"Okay, if you don't want to be a beast, I'll do it."

Pei Ran glanced at her but didn't respond.

Feng Yun came over, stretched out his hand from the quilt, and put it on Pei Man's body. Seeing his dark eyes tighten, he couldn't help but laugh.

Is she a scourge? Afraid of this.

Feng Yun silently took his hand, slowly passed it through, intertwined his fingers, and rubbed them slowly, until his eyes turned red and his breath became unsteady, and then he said softly and slowly:

"When I was writing the analysis of the enemy positions last night, I had a doubt in my mind that I couldn't figure out. I wanted to ask the general to answer it."

Pei Madang was slightly absent-minded, his dark pupils were shining, "Say."

Feng Yun clasped him with one hand and wrapped his other hand around his armor, stroking it from top to bottom. "It is very risky to go deep into Bingzhou. It is definitely not a good strategy for the Beiyong Army. If it were me, I would definitely defend Xinzhou. Guard Wanning and Andu behind you, guard the victory of this war, then sit down and negotiate with the Qi army, give them a good deal to celebrate the New Year, and fight again in the spring..."

With every word, she moved her hands up and down, and was very amused to see someone's expression extremely distorted but still calm, and his voice was even softer and smiling.

"Unless the general has some way to win, it is unwise to send troops to take risks, and it is not like the general's behavior."

Pei Ran grabbed her hand and asked, "How am I doing?"

Feng Yun said: "Plan the strategy and plan for a thousand miles."

These words may have reached Pei Ran's heart, and his eyes softened a little.

"I must fight to annex the state."

Feng Yun said: "Why?"

Pei Ran suddenly reached over and grabbed her.

"Do you know where Bingzhou is?"

Feng Yun thought for a while, "It's adjacent to Hengqu Pass, a military strategic point."

Being able to say this, Feng Yun is no longer a simple woman.

However, this was obviously not what Pei Ran wanted to hear.

He looked down and stared into Feng Yun's eyes.

"The war you talked about when you were young took place in Bingzhou, do you still remember it?"

Another person came to remind her of this.

Feng Yun's unprovoked anger emerged like this.

When she was angry, she didn't want to spare him.

So he sat up without saying a word, stared at him fiercely, then pressed his hands up, and sat up with force, ignoring General Pei's astonishment, and torturing the ferocious beast in the hinterland of the restricted area. Don't show any mercy, let alone care how uncomfortable he will be.


Seeing that she was ignoring her and looking crazy, Pei Madang grabbed her waist and lifted her up. He could obviously control her easily, but his hands were weak. There was a slight flash of light in his black eyes, hidden in his restrained expression, and his voice was helpless. Husky said, "Don't mess with me, you can't stand it."

Feng Yun felt suffocated.

Many memories came to mind.

He was right, she knew how powerful it was.

She has suffered a lot, she really has suffered a lot, but once the process is difficult, she will be very satisfied. She often misses this body that was tempered in the battlefield, with a rough and ruthless will with vigorous vitality, which makes people feel Crazy, it also makes people crazy, and it makes people unforgettable forever.

She smiled and pressed his arm.

"As soon as the general said that, my legs became weak. What's going on?"

His eyes were soft and affectionate, but his gaze was extremely sharp, as if the armor on his body would be cut open in the next moment.

Pei Madang grabbed her and said, "Speak carefully."

He obviously wanted to reprimand, but his voice was a little weaker for no reason. He clearly wanted to pull her away, but that thin body seemed to weigh a thousand pounds at this moment.

She sat on him.

Look provocative, like a queen.

Pei Ran's hard bones were worn to a crisp by her. Seeing the malice in that full smile, she finally regained her sanity.

"Does Ji remember the Battle of Bingzhou fourteen years ago?"

"I don't remember." Feng Yun was annoyed.

Pei Madang made her unable to bear the grinding, and suddenly became violent and pulled her over to hold her down. Feng Yun couldn't break free, so he pulled his fingers. If he couldn't pull away, he gently stroked them, slowly stroking the clearly defined joints...

Pei Ran took a deep breath.

"You don't want to say it?"

"No." Feng Yun smiled, "I am very forgetful, and my experiences before the age of nine are all very blurry, let alone three years old? How can a three-year-old understand that?"

Pei Ran asked: "Why nine years old?"

Feng Yun glanced at Pei Ran's eyes and felt that he knew the answer.

But he asked because he cared.

"My mother passed away."

Feng Yun said in a low voice, with a plain expression, and he didn't even look sad. At the end, he added, "Die for me. So, I am a disaster star. People who are good to me will not die well." Those who hurt me will live well."

Pei Madang's eyes fell on her emotionless face, and he slowly let go of her arms. He picked her up without saying a word and put her back in bed. This time he was very gentle, caressing her gently like an adult patting a child. her head.

"Go to sleep. When you wake up, I will take you to a place..."

Feng Yun had been tired for so long. Seeing that he was still so serious, the energy in his heart stopped. He was tired, and his emotions were completely destroyed. He gave a gentle hum, then turned around and looked back. Turn your back to him and stop talking.

Pei Madang sat on the edge of the couch for a long time.

"Are you angry?"

Feng Yun did not look back or answer.

Who can't pretend to be dumb?

Pei Madang didn't move, looked at the back of her head and closed her eyes.

Listening to the familiar breathing, Feng Yun felt sleepy for a moment...

The wind blew through the window lattice.

It's broad daylight.

Pei Ran lowered his head to look at her, very attentively.

No matter how calm he is, no matter how cold his face is, he can't stop the long sword from its sheath, which is unstoppable and sharp. He couldn't sit still anymore, made sure she was asleep, got up, picked up the weapon, opened the door and walked out.

Daman stood outside the door and saluted, "General."

Pei Ran: "Don't wake up your master."

Daman glanced at the general's cold face and lowered his head in panic.



Pei Cong did not go to find Puyang Jiu.

He went to wait next door and asked Zuo Zhong to call him.

Puyang Jiu was busy, and when he heard that the general was looking for him, he knew what was going on. He did not delay, and came over with the medicine box, and brought him some food by the way.

"Looking for me in broad daylight, are you provoked by Feng Ji again?"

Pei Cong's black eyes narrowed slightly, and he did not deny it.

"I know you!" Puyang Jiu was a little disappointed, disgusted and helpless. He couldn't understand it. Hugging a beautiful woman, even if it was a lump of ice, it should be melted.

He didn't melt, and had to twist it.

Puyang Jiu looked at this cold face, scolded him, opened the medicine box to take medicine, and suddenly thought of something, and looked up in confusion.

"Wangzhi, have you forgotten? I gave you all the medicine for this month as soon as I arrived in Bingzhou."

When he didn't hear the answer, he suddenly pressed the medicine box.

"Did you finish it all? Are you going to die?"

Pei Jue said: "No."

"If not, why did you ask me to come? How can I help you?" Puyang Jiu was a little excited. He pointed at himself and then at him. Only then did he realize that... the tall body was too stiff, and the sitting posture was not as usual, a little strange and awkward.

He was dumbfounded, "You didn't... go down?"

Pei Jue was silent for a moment, "Is there any way?"

God! What a sin.

Puyang Jiu was so angry that he wanted to kill him directly. His tone was extremely irritable, "Don't you know that you are sick? If you don't want to do it, why are you tossing with her? You, you, tell me, how can you ask your brother to help you? Do you want me to risk it?"

It's really uncomfortable to be sick.

There are typos, sisters are welcome to correct them.

Love you, may there be no illness in the world.

Pei Jue: ...Mom, what disease did you make me sick with?

Er Jin: Son-in-law. Be good to my daughter, or you won’t be cured.

Feng Yun: My dear mother! ! ! !

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