Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 145 The Birth of the Divine Tube


Puyang Jiu had so much to say that he wished he could kneel down and hug Feng Yun's thigh, calling him "auntie" and begging her to take away that monster Pei Wuzhi.

It's a pity that he was just called over by Pei Madang to beat him up, and he didn't dare to say a word...

That’s all.

Puyang Jiu gave a smile that was uglier than crying.


"No? Then why are you looking at me thoughtfully, hesitating to speak?"

Puyang Jiu's lips moved,

"Just...Feng Ji is so beautiful that I can't help but look at her twice."

Feng Yun smiled slightly and suddenly leaned toward him, staring straight at him with watery eyes, "Does the Puyang medical officer want to look more carefully?"

She wanted to force Puyang Jiu to tell him that he and Pei Madang were in love or had sex, but Puyang Jiu was staring at her so hard that his scalp went numb, his heart beat fast, and half of his body went numb.

He is a normal man.

How can one stand such stunning beauty and tenderness?

Friends and concubines are not to be played with!

Pu Yangjiu recited it silently three times in his mind and finally managed to control his emotions. Yu Fa felt that Pei Wanzhi's self-control was amazing. If it were him, he would pounce on him in less than three rounds.

cough! Puyang Jiu took two steps back, saluted with his hands, and bowed to her.

"Please let Feng Ji go, I won't tease you."

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"Don't worry, I won't compete with you. But I don't like being caught in the middle. So, it's better to make it clear."

Rob, rob who?

Puyang Jiu showed curiosity.

Feng Yun laughed softly and said: "There are no other people here. The Puyang medical officer does not need to avoid anything. I am not the kind of person who talks nonsense..."

She pursed her lips, "I don't care who the general is in love with, but I care that he wants to be with me after he's done with someone else..."

Puyang Jiu listened to her words and understood every word, but when they were together, he had no idea what she meant.

"Who is the other person Feng Ji is talking about? Is it in you have other lovers?"

Still pretending to be with her?

Feng Yun didn't want to expose other people's privacy. If Pei Madang hadn't touched her again in front of General Xie's grave, she wouldn't have bothered to ask. But if she didn't ask clearly now, it would be a mess. She didn't want to share her man with another man, and she didn't want to accept Pei Gou playing both sides.

"I heard that the Puyang medical officer and the general took a bath together for an hour, but the truth is..."

She said it tactfully, but Puyang Jiu was also a seasoned veteran, so he understood everything at once. He immediately blushed and looked at Feng Yun in disbelief.

"Do you doubt me? Have an affair with Pei Wangzhi?"

Feng Yun smiled slightly and said, "Medical officer Puyang, don't get me wrong. I just want to find out the truth. I don't care..."

"I care!" Puyang Jiu was so excited that his eyebrows stood up, "I'm not good at manliness, and Pei Wanzhi has no Longyang habit. The two of us are innocent..."

"Are we innocently locked up in a room and bathing together to discuss military affairs?"

"We are at-"

what are you doing?

He is a doctor, what military situation is he discussing?

Puyang Jiu was speechless and his head was confused with anger. But no matter what, we can't let Feng Ji misunderstand this. His brother's crotch is about to explode. Is this misunderstanding still possible?

Puyang gritted his teeth and risked his life.

"Feng Ji, listen to my explanation." He bowed to Feng Yun, stepped aside, and lowered his voice.

"Pei Wangzhi comes to me every time for consultation."

Feng Yun was shocked, "What's wrong with the general?"

Puyang Jiu said very carefully: "I am a doctor, and I cannot talk about the patient's privacy. Anyway, you believe me. Pei Wang's thousand-year-old iron tree rarely blooms, but it is still a real baby chicken. You are good and collect him quickly. For To eliminate harm to the people..."

After bowing and thanking him, Puyang Jiuzhen bowed to Feng Yun as if he were an ancestor. Then, without waiting for her to answer, he rubbed oil on his soles and ran away.

"Faster than a rabbit."

Feng Yun was a little tired today and didn't have the energy to figure out so many things. When he got back to his room, he asked Xiaoman to prepare water and incense, and prepare to have a good sleep before going to watch the loudspeaker.

Pei Madang had already gotten up. It could be seen that he had slept well last night. His eyes were dark and his shoulders were straight. When he saw Feng Yun, he asked, "Is the artifact ready?"

Feng Yun hurriedly went to wash up and hummed softly.


The answer was very perfunctory, a bit like Pei Madang's previous attitude towards her.

Pei Madang watched the delicate figure disappear into the curtains. He stood holding the knife for a moment and then slowly turned around.

Feng Yun was in the clean room, separated by a curtain, the sky was beautiful, and the silhouette of a beautiful woman was faintly exposed.

Xiaoman asked: "Do you want to have breakfast before going to bed?"

"Need not."

"I heard from the left guard that the general didn't eat either and was waiting for the girl to come back."

"That's because the general is not hungry." Feng Yun yawned. His voice was lazy and tired. It was completely different from the soft and gentle voice in his arms. It was like a different person, very refreshing.

"When you are hungry, you will eat. Who will wait for whom..."

Her voice was not loud, and could even be called light, but Pei Ran was born with extremely good ears and was the best at identifying voices on the battlefield. By chance, he could hear her words clearly along with the charm of her words.

He frowned and turned away.


At noon, someone from the woodworking workshop came to notify him. Hearing that Feng Yun was sleeping, he didn't want to disturb him. He waited outside the house for half an hour and waited for Feng Yun to wake up before reporting that the loudspeaker was ready.

Feng Yun turned over and looked at Xiao Man angrily.

"Why don't you wake me up?"

Xiaoman pursed his lips, "The general ordered not to wake the girl."

Daman said: "The general also said that the girl should eat first and then go to the carpentry workshop. Anyway, she has been scolding her for two days, not less than this moment."

It seemed that Pei Madang really didn't care about the infamy.

To seize his wife Pei Gou...

Feng Yun still wanted to laugh a little while thinking about it.

"Then just do as the general tells you."

Breakfast is useless, this will be lunch. Feng Yun washed up and put on his light armor and came out. He saw Pei Madang sitting in front of the case, sitting upright and expressionless, as if he was hiding some displeasure, but Speechless as usual.

"General, are you waiting for me?" Feng Yun has a gentle demeanor, the arc of his smile is perfect, and his delicate and beautiful face is inimitable, making it impossible to fault him.

Pei Man's lip line tightened slightly, "Yeah."

Feng Yun came to him, knelt down and served him food first.

"Keep the general waiting."

What a thoughtful etiquette.

"Let's eat." Pei Ran picked up the chopsticks and was about to carry the bowl when his eyes suddenly fell on Feng Yun.

She leaned forward slightly, her posture was elegant, revealing her exquisite curves, and her narrow waist led to bulging peaks, which was very eye-catching.

"Ji has not bound her breasts?"

Feng Yun looked down and said, "Yes."

She responded softly, lowered her eyelids and served the soup to eat.

Wearing light armor and men's clothing was to make it easier to deal with the soldiers in the camp, but wearing a cloth belt was too uncomfortable and her breathing was tight. She didn't want to wrong herself.

I persisted for one day and then gave up.

He lowered his head and ate in small bites. He didn't hear Pei Ran speak for a long time. Feng Yun looked up, as if he had just noticed his expression.

"The general doesn't like it?"

Pei Ran's brows relaxed, and there was an imperceptible dark light in his black eyes.


You are clearly not happy, yet you still deny it?

Feng Yun was very happy that he didn't hear such commanding words as "Tangle with him" from Pei Ran's mouth, so he stopped arguing with him and said with a genuine smile:

"General, just don't worry. There is a loudspeaker today. The soldiers are all looking at it. No one will pay attention to me."

Pei Ran showed no expression, "Yeah."

This is tacit approval.

Feng Yun felt slightly relieved.

Pei Ran doesn't like to force her to do anything, unlike Xiao Cheng...

Suddenly thinking of that person, she frowned almost imperceptibly, and like an ordinary couple, she said to Pei Ran in a warm voice:

"The cooks in the camp are good. They can make the same bowl of noodle soup with such a good taste that I don't get tired of eating it for two days..."

The girl is by your side, and the fragrance is lingering.

Pei Madang's eyes couldn't help but fall on the prosperous place.

Too eye-catching.

The soldiers in the camp were out on an expedition, and they were all as greedy as wolves. For such a pretty girl to stand there would shake the morale of the army...

A cool breath brushed across his face.

"General, eat."

Pei Madang looked at the dewy lips, opening and closing, then stretched out his hand to pinch the narrow waist...

Before exiting, Daman came in happily.

"Girl, the gentleman is here."

The only person they called Da Langjun was Wen Xingsu, and in Feng Yun's eyes, that was her real relative.

Feng Yun's face suddenly smiled.

The bright color in those eyes was dazzling.

"Please quickly."

Wen Xing discussed the etiquette and knew that Feng Yun was dining with Pei Madang. He did not come over rashly, but waited outside.

Feng Yun saw that Pei Ran was silent and silently finished the food in the bowl, then stood up and went out, walking briskly.


Wen Xingsu put down the tea cup and smiled at her.

"Did you bother me to eat?"

"No." Feng Yun didn't like him being polite to her, so he walked over with a smile. Just as he was about to speak, he saw Wen Xingsu getting up from the low desk and bowing in her direction.

"I've met the general."

Pei Ran raised his hand calmly and said, "General Wen, there is no need to be polite."

Wen Xingsu is considered an idler at the moment. He came to Bingzhou entirely because of Feng Yun. Therefore, his identity is not so much a general in the camp as a family member of Feng Yun. Fortunately, he has an excuse for being injured, and there is no one. Make irresponsible remarks.

"Wen heard that Yao Yao has made a magical weapon for fighting, so he came over to take a look."

He is a gentle and honest Confucian general who is hard to dislike in his words and deeds.

Pei Ran said, "Please do it."

After that, he glanced at Feng Yun and strode away.

Feng Yun breathed a sigh of relief, "Let's go too, brother."

I don't know why, Pei Ran didn't say anything just now, and he had no hostility towards Wen Xingsu, but when he saw the two of them facing each other, Feng Yun felt nervous. That invisible pressure came from Pei Ran, and also from Wen Xingsu. body.


Without Pei Madang around, she felt much more comfortable talking to her eldest brother.

On the way to the carpentry workshop, Feng Yun and Wen Xingsu explained in detail the application of the loudspeaker. Wen Xingsu was also a leader in the war and was very interested.

Five giant wooden speakers are placed outside the door of the carpentry workshop.

The shape was very unique and attracted crowds of neighbors.

Feng Yun stepped forward to inspect it carefully and asked people to carry it to the towers. There were four towers in the southeast and northwest, and the extra one was placed in the direction facing Hengqu Pass.

"Come on, come on! Here comes the loudspeaker."

The trumpet was so huge that it required two soldiers to put on hemp ropes and use poles to lift it up. For the sound transmission effect, Feng Yun also asked the carpentry workshop to make a base for it, which is just higher than the stacked walls to facilitate the transmission of sound.

A group of people gathered around, looking at this new thing with great curiosity, and surrounded Feng Yun asking questions.

"Feng Ji, big head facing out, or small head facing out."

"Big head!"

"What is this arc used for?"

"Sound conduction."

"Guide? How to guide?"

Feng Yun smiled, "You'll find out later."

Feng Yun faced doubts and inquiries with ease. She was not shy or embarrassed when surrounded by a group of men. She carefully placed the wooden trumpet and then looked back at Pei Jue.

He stood in front of the parapet wall without saying a word.

Feng Yun guessed that he didn't like her close contact with the men in the camp, but she had said that she would be a counselor, and she couldn't go back on her words after changing into men's clothes. He was probably not in a good mood at the moment.

So she behaved particularly docilely to give him face.

"General, come closer and take a look."

Pei Jue glanced at her and strode closer.

Feng Yun pointed at the big trumpet, "General, try it?"

Pei Jue observed the strange thing for a moment, "How do you use it?"

Feng Yun smiled and moved closer, winked at him, "Look at mine."

Pei Jue silently stepped aside and looked down at her flushed cheeks.

The soldiers also gathered around, and their curious eyes fell on Feng Yun and the big trumpet. She approached the curved round hole of the trumpet and shouted neither lightly nor heavily.

"Xiao Cheng, you incompetent rat, coward, come and fight if you dare!"

A clear female voice with amplification effect came out of the city.

"Good stuff!"

After two days of scolding the Qi army, the soldiers' throats were almost broken, and they were still very angry. The girl didn't use much voice just now, but her words were heard from a long distance, as if shaking the sky.

With this "magic tube", will they still be afraid of being scolded?

It's amazing.

Praises came one after another.

Feng Yun's face was full of excitement.

That sense of accomplishment is indescribable.

Pei Jue stared at her clear eyes, and the corners of his lips slightly raised.

Feng Yun turned around and smiled when he met his sight, "General, come and try."

Pei Jue walked over, bent down to the tube eye, opened his mouth...

No sound.

Everyone was wondering, and saw their famous general slowly turned his head and looked at the girl beside him.


Pei Jue: I only know how to kill people, not scold people.

Feng Yun: Do you want me to do it myself?

Xiao Cheng: ...My heart is broken, has anyone picked it up?

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