Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 147 Punishment Punishment

Feng Yun's face, as tender as white tofu, turned slightly red because of his abruptness.

She did not move.

She stared at him.

The weather was gloomy today, and the light and shadow in the room flickered, so she could not see the man clearly.

"If you want to anger Xiao San, this is the best strategy." Pei Jue grabbed her hand and put it on himself, saying hoarsely, "Don't you want to have fun with me?"

"This plan is feasible." Feng Yun could not struggle, so she opened her mouth and bit his neck, then smiled with satisfaction, her eyebrows and eyes charming.

"It's obviously a matter of your will, the general just needs to say it, why are you angry?"

She agreed readily, but Pei Jue's face was not happy, and his deep eyes became darker, as if he was holding a beam of light, like the netherworld fire on a rainy day, strange and unpredictable.

But it can be seen that his patience is running out.

"Are you really unwilling to enter my backyard?"

"Yes." Feng Yun smiled in response.

Pei Jue heard the sound and gently pinched her itch. The force was very subtle, like teasing and a little stinging, like a subtle electric current sliding through. Feng Yun was actually very sensitive. She moaned anxiously in her throat, and the man found the pleasure of a predator. He held her waist like a play, and when she relaxed, he moved her to sit across her and locked her tightly, touching her tailbone faintly.

"Dogs and women have sex, is this what Ji meant?"

"..." Feng Yun felt that the men in the camp really didn't care about meat and vegetables. Even if Pei Jue was a general, he would say a few rough words in private.

And a noble man like Xiao San, who abides by the rules, is also a tepid and elegant style even if he is very anxious, and he can't say it even if he suffocates...

"Miss Xiao San?" Pei Jue stared at her deeply, and noticed that she was distracted, raised his hand and pinched her face, facing him.

It was not very rude, but it was like a prelude to a storm.

Feng Yun wanted to bite him to death.

She didn't bite him, and he rubbed her so hard that her voice trembled.

"Don't worry, General. I won't regret it."

Pei Jue: "Got it."

Before he finished speaking, he leaned down and kissed her, looking down at her, and saw her two rows of long eyelashes fluttering, her face showing obvious tension, and without pausing, he easily took off her small clothes with just one hand.

Feng Yun's heart choked, and she grabbed his strong arm: "General..."

Pei Jue was silent, staring at her.

Feng Yun exhaled and let go, "Please do as you please."

After she was reborn, she was very spoiled with herself, and the materials used for her body were extremely good, slippery, and soft like light clouds and mist. Pei Jue moved quickly, so fast that she didn't have time to think or regret. He had already scattered her hair, which fell on her porcelain white and delicate skin, revealing half of her spring light.

The voluptuous beauty was right in front of him. Pei Cong threw away his hairpin, grabbed her hand and tied it behind her waist, then pulled her closer, lowered his head to look for the delicious food and sipped it, making a soft slurp.

Feng Yun's bones were numb and she began to panic.

"General..." Her tone changed, and she couldn't say a complete sentence. When she was nervous, her body trembled violently, as if she had been bullied.

Pei Cong was in a whim and flipped her on the couch without caring.

She moaned softly, and her ears were buzzing.

Trapped in his arms, she had no power to dominate herself at all. Pei Cong could easily twist her into a circle and flatten her. At this moment, she thought about many things in her previous life. With Pei Cong, with Xiao Cheng, and with these dog men, she kept taking deep breaths, and her eyes were red.

"What are you shaking for?" Pei Cong held her ankles and wrapped her legs around her waist. Seeing that she was shaking violently, he put them down again, and did not undress herself. He leaned over and stared into her eyes, and said in a hoarse voice: "Don't worry, I won't enter you."

He put her legs together and passed through them.

The beast-like back and the power of the swooping force made Feng Yun's back arch up. She opened her mouth but couldn't make a sound...

"Yaoyao... Is this considered a couple?"

He said he would only call her that when he was affectionate, and he really kept his word.

Feng Yun: "Yes."

If he said he wouldn't do it, he really wouldn't do it. Feng Yun couldn't tell whether she was more happy or disappointed, but it was hard for her to relax.

She could clearly distinguish the man's outline in such a entanglement. Such a beast made her waist numb even through a layer of cloth.

At this moment, she wished she was a piece of wood.

But she was not. She was conscious and aware. Under his crazy grinding, her hands grabbed the wooden couch out of control, and her body reaction was completely uncontrollable. This posture was very strange, and I couldn't say what was embarrassing or what was expected.

She wanted to escape, but he pushed her back.

"Call me." The low voice was cruel, and it was a bit uncomfortable to listen carefully, as if he was experiencing the burning and torment of the devil's fire in hell. He was panting, and the voice was very nice.

Feng Yun's ears trembled when she heard it, and she felt an unbearable itch, and her bones and body were flooded. She couldn't utter a word.


She spit at him, and despised herself.

Pei Jue turned her face straight, "What did you call me?"

Feng Yun knew his intention. At this time, men always like to hear something good to get what they want.

She understood, but she didn't get used to him.



"Pei Gou?"

"Say it later."

"Pei Gou Pei Gou Pei Gou... Dog..." Her tone was broken by the collision, and it turned into a suppressed low cry.

He didn't make any more abrupt moves, and didn't force it, but the speed was faster than before. The thin fabric couldn't stop the heat from expanding like that. Feng Yun's body was weak, and her hands were weakly supported on his shoulders. The sound of her trembling throat was unclear.

Pei Jue slapped her on the buttocks, as if he was gritting his teeth to strangle her to death.

"Call me husband!"

Feng Yun refused to scream, and hung on him.

She bit her lip and looked at him with wide eyes.

This was a view that others could not see.

General Pei on the couch looked completely different from the one in front of the soldiers in the camp. His breath was unstable and he was wantonly stretched. His handsome features were like a god. Through the cloth, one could see the bulging muscles of his shoulders and arms. He was strong and vigorous, and his black eyes were even brighter.

The curtain moved without wind, and the inner room was so quiet that no other sound could be heard.

There was only breathing, mixed with low and heavy panting.

The window was transparent, Feng Yun half closed her eyes, her long neck like jade snow slightly raised, she couldn't help but wanted to open her mouth, but swallowed it back.

If she didn't call her husband, he would be anxious, so she refused to call out that word, watching him increase his strength and cross the jungle again and again, the cloth covering him was useless, the rain was silent, she trembled like a flower, and panted heavily.

"General, are you done? Hurry up."

He didn't say anything, his eyes were surprisingly bright and fierce, the corners of his eyes were red, and he rubbed her roughly like a cannibal. Several times she felt that the layer of fabric was about to be rubbed and melted by him.

The beast would come in more than the beast had come in, and the beast wandering at the door was more frustrating. Her scalp was numb, and her nerves were tense until pleasure suddenly rushed up her tailbone to her brain...

She was blank, dizzy, and she pinched Pei Jue's neck tightly. At this moment, she couldn't tell the past and present life.

"General, uh..."

Pei Jue seemed not to hear.

Holding her, not giving her a chance to breathe, his waist was crazy like a phantom, and the whole inner room was full of lewd atmosphere...

In a trance, Feng Yun saw the small wind chime on the window.

It swayed, and a subtle bell sounded in the wind. There was also a "Fu" paper-cut hanging on the window. Some of them are old and have lost their original colors. They should be left by the owner last year.

At this time, it is unknown where the original owner of the house has gone...

This is the troubled times.

Today is yours, tomorrow is his.

This is the general who holds a large army in the troubled times.

Now it is hers.

"My husband..."

With a groan like a kitten, Pei Cong took a deep breath, pressed her lower back like crazy, and then pressed against her and groaned.

"General, get out of the way. You are suffocating me." Feng Yun's panting was accompanied by his slight tremor.

Calling him General again?

His black eyes were full of cruelty and desire.

Feng Yun guessed that Pei Cong often wanted to kill her.


After noon, Bingzhou began to drizzle...

The Beiyong Army, which had a loudspeaker, was very proud for a long time, and produced many talents in scolding. They made up rhyming sentences and shouted to Hengqu Pass in different ways.

After only half a day, the Qi Army was unable to scold.

They thought the loud speaker with amplification effect on the tower was amazing, and its sound effect was much greater than the horn in the camp. They also learned from the triumphant shouts of the Beiyong Army that the thing was made by the Feng girl.

Surprised and angry.

The Qi army was full of various voices.

On the contrary, Xiao Cheng, who was slapped in the face by Feng Yun, was the calmest.

"Today, anyone who urinates in front of the battle will be caned fifty times."

When the emperor's punishment just came down, the soldiers in the camp were not convinced.

But when they knew that the woman was Feng, the future queen of the Great Qi, they were silent.

Deserve to be beaten.

Fifty military sticks is a mercy for doing such a thing to your majesty's woman.

The night was in the sky, and the drizzle covered the inside and outside of the hall with inexplicable darkness.

The lights could not illuminate Xiao Cheng's face.

He calmly arranged military affairs, calmly discussed the war with Xie Congguang and Kou Shan, and calmly defended Feng Yun.

"Twelve Lady is in the hands of the enemy and has no choice. What she does and says now is not her original intention. The two generals should not bother with her."

Xie Congguang and Kou Shan said that Pei Gou was abominable, forcing Feng Twelve Lady and sowing discord. But in their hearts, they felt that the legitimate wife of His Majesty did not seem to be as loyal to him as the rumors said...

Those who heard those words on the tower said that the girl was full of disgust for His Majesty.

The girl had already thrown herself into Pei Gou's arms, but he still couldn't see through it.

The two generals sympathized with Xiao Cheng and rushed to ask for a fight in front of him.

"Your Majesty, we can't delay any longer."

"If we don't attack the city, we will be scolded by the Beiyong army and our morale will be demoralized..."

Xiao Cheng was silent for a moment, "Let Yan Buxi enter the city tomorrow and ask for peace talks again."

He knew that the other party was waiting for him to attack the city, and he also knew that the morale of the Qi army camp was impetuous today, but the more it was at this time, the more he couldn't act rashly and fall into Pei Jue's trick.

"The soldiers in the camp should appease the soldiers, and I will send troops."

Xie Congguang and Kou Shan were a little impatient, but the emperor's calmness convinced them.

After all, they were veterans who had fought on the battlefield for a long time, and they soon understood.

"Pei Cong made a sharp weapon to humiliate me, and this is definitely not what he wants."

"Keep the troops in place and surround Pei Cong to death in Bingzhou City."

Xiao Cheng nodded, slowly raised his sleeves, and took out a few pieces of paper from the table.

"From tomorrow, you can't curse at the city gate, but you can persuade surrender in unison."

One person's voice is too small, as long as there are many people, isn't it a loudspeaker?

Xie Congguang took the yellow paper and looked at it.

Some words were said to the enemy soldiers.

"We are comrades in arms in life and share the same parents in death."

"What's the joy of victory, what's the regret of defeat."

"Don't laugh at Yelang in troubled times."

"Put down your swords and guns, and you can go home."


There are also a few sentences that sound like songs, and I don't know who they are said to.

"The brocade quilt is no longer warm, and the robes are getting wider. Looking at the high platform for a long time, who is playing the strings?"

"If you don't see me, the swallows are flying on the old Taicheng road. I miss my nest at night and hope to return home. But if you don't see me, the emperor has marched his troops for thousands of miles, and has an empty bed and a miserable journey..."

Xie Congguang saw that the following sentence was too touching and not suitable for persuading surrender.

Looking up in embarrassment, he saw the emperor's face darkened.

"We have military musicians composing and singing."

Xiao Cheng: What the hell kind of poem is this? I’m also very embarrassed. (covering face)

Erjin: The author is at this level. The poor writing is due to the author's low level and has nothing to do with your personal ability as the number one scholar in Southern Qi. Besides, do you think Pei Madang can’t write?

Pei Ran:? ? ?

ps: The heroine is the author's own child. I never wanted her to be perfect. She has many flaws and shortcomings. I hope you can forgive her.

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