Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 160 Beautiful Flowers to Pick

On the way back to the camp, Feng Yun's steps became much brisker.

The afterglow of the setting sun reflected this ancient city, which made her feel so open that she felt as if she had given birth to wings and could fly freely without restraint. This emotion was very encouraging, and she couldn't wait to reward herself.

A chicken sent by Qin Dajin had yellow skin and yellow feet and looked delicious.

Feng Yun couldn't wait for a big wedding, so she asked the cook on the stove to chop the chicken into small pieces, find some dried mushrooms, simmer them with old wine, throw in two slices of ginger and add some salt to the pot to stew. The aroma wafted out, and she started to salivate before it was even out of the pot.

So fragrant.

Just smelling it, the gravy and broth seem to explode on the tip of your tongue...

Lack of fuel and water in his stomach, Feng Yun thought it would be a good idea to hold a happy event, which would satisfy his craving for at least half a month.

Eating meat makes you feel good. After the chicken soup was simmered, Feng Yun sent someone to bring a bowl to Wen Xingsu. He used some for himself and left the rest on the stove waiting for Pei Madang to come back.

It will be night by this time.

She asked Xiaoman to mix some warm water, wash herself and then went to bed.

There was a faint fragrance in the air. When Feng Yun lay down, he noticed that it was not the fragrance of laughing lotus, but the fragrance of plum blossoms on the snow. He was silent for a moment and asked:

"Who lit the incense?"

Daman said outside the tent: "Girl, it's me."

Feng Yun asked: "Where did it come from?"

Daman said: "I found this when I was packing the incense table. It looked like a good thing at first glance, and it smelled very comfortable. The girl couldn't sleep well, so the maid wanted to try some..."

After not hearing Feng Yun speak for a long time, she asked tentatively:

"Don't you like it, girl? Do you want the maid to change it?"

"No need." Feng Yun said, "I like it."

There has been no sun these past few days, and she always feels that the quilt is damp, and the quilt is not as comfortable as the ones she set in Nagato. She has really not slept well these past two days.

The weather was getting colder, and there was a charcoal stove burning, but I still felt cold on the soles of my feet. I huddled up under the quilt, thinking about Ao Zai, and smelling the plum blossoms on the snow. My consciousness drifted away in a daze, as if I was in a dream, and I returned to the past. …

In the General Mansion in Zhongjing, the weather is bright and warm on a day when peonies are in bloom.

The maid said that the general was back, so she hurriedly packed up and went out to greet him.

Unexpectedly, he was in vain. The guard said that the Queen Mother was here, and the general took her to the garden to see the flowers.

Feng Yun walked over thoughtfully and saw two silhouettes - Pei Madang was beside Li Sangruo, and the guards and maids were far away and did not dare to get close.

The two of them didn't know what they were talking about. Li Sangruo looked up at Pei Man, his cheeks flushed. The peonies embroidered on the skirt seemed to come alive, and they were even more beautiful than the flowers bloomed by the centuries-old Peony King.

Feng Yun did not dare to go over and saluted from a distance.

"I've met Her Majesty the Queen Mother, and I've met the General."

Li Sangruo turned around and saw Feng Yun. The humble concubine did not even dare to get close.

She raised her chin slightly, her smile arrogant and full of satisfaction.

Feng Yun stared at Pei Ran.

Pei Madang was also looking at her, his eyes were dark and deep, like the ancient well in the mansion, and it was impossible to see through them.

The man was too tall. Li Sangruo was half a head shorter than Feng Yun. In comparison, Pei Madang was taller than her. He was tall and petite, and looked surprisingly harmonious.

"Xiao Tao, cut off the most beautiful one for the Ai family."

The most beautiful peony blooms at the top, dominating the other flowers. At first glance, it is the most noble and beautiful. Li Sangruo must have felt that this peony was worthy of her honorable position, so she started to pick the flowers.

But the peonies were raised by Feng Yun.

How can I bear to visit three times in one day?

She didn't dare to say a word, just looking at Pei Madang, her heart felt like needles pricking her heart.

That is not a flower, but her dignity that can be trampled on at will. But Concubine Ji has no dignity. She can't even open her mouth to stop Queen Mother Li from asking for the most beautiful flower in her garden.

Finally she couldn't bear to look any further and turned around and left.

Passed by the maid holding scissors...

Later, the peony was not cut.

After the Queen Mother left, Feng Yun learned about this and was very considerate and gentle towards Pei Madang. He was so grateful that he didn't know what to say. He even hinted that he could do it twice more at night. Unexpectedly, Pei Madang said with a cold face. .

"It has nothing to do with Ji. Even the King of Heaven, I cannot take the things in my house if I want them."

Those words made Feng Yun blush with embarrassment.

He was not defending her and supporting her.

It was just because that peony belonged to his house and was the King of Flowers that he loved very much, or maybe he and Li Sangruo had a disagreement and he didn't want her to get her way.

No matter why, it's their business and she can't get involved.

Later, Feng Yun poured the peony to death.

She didn't know why she dreamed about this, and even saw what happened after she left the garden.

When the maid came to cut flowers, Pei Ran made a sound.

"The flowers are too good to be broken. Your Highness, please be careful."

Li Sangruo was obviously unhappy, and his eyes showed a bit of coquettishness.

"The Ai family made a special trip to the General's Mansion just for this purpose. Could it be that the general wants the Ai family to return empty-handed?"

Pei Madang cupped his hands and said, "I don't dare."

He glanced at the direction Feng Yun was leaving, as if he had no intention of adjusting his clothes. After saluting, he straightened up and accidentally revealed the two paw prints hidden on his neck - he was going to be very cruel last night, and was accidentally caught by Feng Yun. scratched.

Pei Ran's face was expressionless, "Ai Ji is delicate and loves this peony very much. If the Queen Mother cuts off the flower king, it will be difficult for the minister to explain it later and he will be punished again."

Li Sangruo left in anger that day. The cat-like scratch marks on her neck were obviously made by a woman, which showed how crazy he was on the bed. Pei Jue also tried his best to protect Feng Yun in his words, even at the cost of being humble.

That was the first time he supported Feng Yun in front of Li Sangruo.

Pei Jue never mentioned this matter, but after Feng Yun killed the peony, he often felt guilty about the flower.

She felt incompetent and hateful that she let the Peony King be buried with her just for her own selfishness.

Unexpectedly, the dream changed and she dreamed of the Peony Fairy coming to claim her life. Her skinny claws trembled and touched her face. Her black hair fell from her face, and her facial features could not be seen, but the gloomy breath seemed to grab her heart...

"Give me a drop of nectar, so that you can enjoy the love of fish and water, and you must not hurt my flower spirit again from now on..." Before the Peony Fairy finished her voice, Feng Yun felt like something was pressing on her body, heavy, and she couldn't breathe. A raging fire rose almost instantly. She was entangled in the fire like torment, cold on one side and hot on the other. The nectar was bestowed upon her, and it was slippery...

"No... I'm not sincere..."

Feng Yun sobbed as if struggling.

"I was forced to do it. It was the Queen Mother who... forced me."

She wanted to explain to the Peony Fairy, but her mouth was not smooth and her words were intermittent. The Peony Fairy smiled grimly, suddenly raised her hand, and poured the full bottle of Yangzhi Ganli down, splashing her head and body...

Feng Yun screamed softly, rolled over, and regained consciousness...

Only then did she realize that the stove was too close to her, and she was sweating all over.

"Awake?" Pei Jue's voice.

Feng Yun opened her eyes and found Pei Jue sitting beside her, staring at her deeply.

Feng Yun was not sure if she had shouted in her dream just now, and nodded sleepily, "What time is it?"

"It's past midnight."

"Oh." Feng Yun thought of the weird and absurd dream, and sat up in a daze and asked him.

"General, have you eaten?"

Pei Jue hummed and looked at her, "Are you hungry?"


"I heard it."

The stomach growled at the right time and responded to him. Feng Yun's ears felt a little hot. During dinner, she waited for Pei Jue to come back and saved her stomach for a few bites. Now she was awakened from a nightmare in the middle of the night and was indeed a little hungry.

But the two of them talked like an ordinary couple, and she wanted to laugh.

"General, aren't you hungry?"

"I am."

"There is chicken soup on the stove, so why don't we use some..."

Before she finished speaking, Pei Jue lowered his head and blocked her mouth. The light came from the side and shone on his body like a cheetah hunting. It was fierce and without any signs, and Feng Yun was panting.


She remembered that Pei Jue didn't like such intimacy before, and rarely took the initiative to hug and kiss. More often, he looked for her purely to vent, at least in her opinion.

But it might be her initiative that led to his change. After getting some benefits, the general tasted the taste and liked this kind of tenderness.

She didn't resist, and was hugged tightly and airtight, closing her eyes and letting him take it.

After a long while, she stopped, met his eyes, and said breathlessly:

"General, I'm hungry."

"Where are you hungry?" Pei Jue's hand fell along her spine, holding her hips and pressing them against him.

"..." Feng Yun laughed angrily.

She said it was wrong to be hungry, and it was wrong not to be hungry?

The same sentence always had ambiguity with Pei Jue.

Of course she would not admit defeat. Losing the game was enough, and if he overshadowed her, what would happen in the future?

With the resentment left in the dream, smelling the elegant fragrance of the plum makeup on the snow, she smiled slightly, leaned close to Pei Jue's ear and exhaled warm breath, "Belly."

Pei Jue's eyes were heavy, "I'll have someone bring the chicken soup to the room."

Feng Yun said, "I'm very hungry, that little chicken soup may not be enough to fill me up..."

She really knew how to kill herself. Before she finished speaking, the man grabbed the back of her head and kissed her fiercely and fiercely, shocking her so much that she quickly held on and shouted no.

Pei Jue's throat was stiff, "Aren't you hungry?"

"Hmm..." The panting sound fell on her neck, she shivered, stretched out her hand and pinched him hard.

"General, don't be like this, we are fighting. My damn husband is still outside the city... waiting to attack the city and take me back..."

Pei Jue:...

She knows how to have fun.

This crazy woman.

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