Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 164: Sudden Abnormality

The red tent was fragrant, and the room was still filled with the atmosphere of a wedding.

But it can't dispel fear. The horses neighed, the flags flew, the soldiers shouted, the people wailed, and Bingzhou City, which was about to be swallowed up by the rebels, pushed the emotions of terror to the extreme on the winter solstice.

"What should I do with the girl? What should I do?"

Daman and Xiaoman were so nervous that their faces turned pale.

"Why are you panicking?" Feng Yun's fingers were a little cold and he shook them a little, "Is it useful to be afraid of death?"

Maid shut up.

Upon seeing this, Ye Chuang said: "Without further delay, let's set off quickly."

If it was too late, he was afraid it would be too late.

Feng Yun only hesitated for a moment and nodded lightly.


At this moment she almost understood the key points.

The betrayal of Han, Chu and Hu was for Xiao Cheng to see. The Red Armor Army was not completely wiped out. In fact, they had been occupying Hongye Valley and guarding the passage between Bingzhou and Xinzhou. Pei Ran was not surrounded and had no way out. He wanted to The most important thing is to pull Xiao Cheng's main force out of Hengqu Pass to fight. Because Hengqu Pass has a natural barrier, which is easy to defend but difficult to attack. If Pei Madang attacks Hengqu Pass, he will definitely face the same problem as Xiao Cheng now.

If Qi's army cannot be eaten and Xiao Cheng cannot be beaten, Pei Madang will be restrained like a fish in his throat.

That's why he had this plan.

It's just that God's calculation is not as good as man's calculation.

Han, Chu and Hu pretended to rebel, but Deng Guang really rebelled.

At this time, Pei Madang, who was out of the city to meet the enemy, would not have expected that there would be a fire in his backyard...

Feng Yun asked Daman to clean up the belongings in the house and put his sandalwood box on the carriage. He also arranged for Xiaoman to notify Wen Xingsu, then took Xiao Rong out of the room and put them into the carriage together.

The sky was desolate, jackdaws were flying over, and the sky was dark and solemn.

At the entrance of Xingying Courtyard, the guards were waiting in full formation.

After a short while, Wen Xingsu arrived with his people. He had more than a dozen servants and guards, plus Shen Tujiong, Yang Qi and their entourage. Feng Yun also had more than 20 people on his side, which was considered a small team with fighting ability. .

Feng Yun and Wen Xingsu explained the key points in a few sentences.

"Brother, get in the car."

She always remembered that Wen Xingsu's leg had not healed.

However, tonight Wen Xingsu put on a suit of fancy clothes, and did not put the Zhanjiao up again. Instead, he held it around his waist, bowed his hands to Ye Chuang and others, then turned over and mounted his horse, standing on the black paint At the entrance of the painted courtyard, he stood straight and had a strong face.

"I must have forgotten that my eldest brother is also a soldier."

Feng Yun smiled, turned around and got into the carriage.

Xiao Rong was in a panic at the moment. After being imprisoned for these days, she was suddenly pulled out by Feng Yun. She was helpless and scared. She showed panic when Feng Yun got into the car.

"Feng Shi Ayun...where are you taking me?"

The eldest princess's tone has long since changed, and the arrogance from the day she was first captured is no longer traceable on her face.

But the stubbornness in her bones was still there, she bit her lip, and even though tears welled up in her dark eyes, she still refused to let them fall.

Feng Yun glanced at her and said, "I'll take you as a hostage and exchange it for rice. If I can't exchange it, I'll eat you."

Xiao Rong knew that the Qi army was attacking the city, and the nervousness on his face was visible to the naked eye, "You, do you want to take me to see the emperor's brother?"

Feng Yun glanced at her and said nothing.


Xiao Rong frightened her so much that she stretched out her neck and looked out with her hands tied.

"Brother Wen!"

Feng Yun pursed his lips and pulled down the curtain.

Xiao Rong's voice immediately sounded like she was crying.

"Poisonous woman, what on earth are you going to do..."

Feng Yun didn't say anything. When the carriage started to move, he chuckled.

"What can I do to you? Xiao Rong, look at yourself, what value do you have? He must have received the letter written to your brother, but does he have any idea to save you? Knowing that you are Even when the state was captured, he still attacked the city with a large army, without even considering your life or death. "

Those cold and stern eyes stared at Xiao Rong again, with a contemptuous smile.

"So, what do you think you can do?"

Xiao Rong's lips were trembling and she couldn't say a word.

Feng Yun, however, calmly brushed the folds on his knees and spoke lightly.

"The eldest princess thinks too highly of herself. In my opinion, you are just a moth that wastes food and is useless."

Xiao Rong had suffered all her life after being captured by Feng Yun. She was so stimulated by Feng Yun's words that she couldn't bear it. Her whole body was shaking, and she collapsed in pain. She closed her eyes tightly and cried silently.

Feng Yun glanced at her and opened the curtain to look at the street scene with an expressionless face.

Those words were meant for Xiao Rong.

In fact, I also told myself.

Don't think too highly of yourself. In the eyes of others, she is actually not that important. When the benefits are great enough, they can be given up. Especially for women during wartime, their lives are like straw.

Wen Xingsu didn't notice the movement in the carriage, or maybe he heard it and chose to remain silent.

He walked beside Ye Chuang, looked at the long quiet street at night, and asked Ye Chuang in a low voice.

"How many people did General Pei bring out of the city?"

Ye Chuang held his sword in his hand, tightened his horse's rope and stood beside him, and replied: "The general took away most of the soldiers and horses in the city, leaving only about five or six thousand people to defend the city. Most of them belonged to Deng Guang's Chenghe Army. , the general originally ordered him to respond on the spot..."

Wen Xingsu said: "So, Deng Guang will be able to control Bingzhou City very soon..."

Before he could finish his voice, the sound of horse hooves suddenly came from ahead.

At this moment, in Bingzhou City, the people closed their doors and there would be no one else except the soldiers guarding the city at night.

Wen Xingsu frowned, "Here he comes."

As soon as he finished speaking, a roar came from the front. "Who is coming?"

In the quiet dark night, a fire suddenly burst into flames.

Feng Yun's heart tightened, and he slightly opened a corner of the curtain, and saw Deng Guang's dark and ruthless face among the crowd of people coming on horseback.

They quickly gathered around and blocked Feng Yun and his party in the middle of the street.

Ye Chuang asked loudly: "What is General Deng doing?"

Deng Guang looked at the driver in front of him and asked with a sneer:

"It's late at night, where are you going, girl?"

He didn't call Feng Yun his wife like others, obviously he didn't acknowledge the wedding.

But he didn't immediately turn his back and arrest anyone. Apparently he didn't want to expose his selfishness right away.

Feng Yun half-lifted the curtain and stuck out half of his face.

The lights on both sides of the street were dim.

Feng Yun couldn't see Deng Guang's expression clearly.

She smiled softly and said: "General Deng, I heard that the war is not going well, so I am going to go to the north of the city to take shelter..."

Deng Guang looked at the beautiful face behind the curtain and squinted slightly.

"Girl, don't be afraid. The city of Bingzhou is now completely under Deng's control. Even if the Qi army fights until dawn, they may not be able to get in. With Deng protecting the girl, nothing will go wrong..."

Feng Yun frowned.

Deng Guang's remarks would be too ambiguous if he was speaking from Pei Ran's subordinate.

Everyone must have heard it.

Ye Chuang had an angry look on his face, while Wen Xingsu remained silent.

Feng Yun smiled, "How are General Deng going to protect me?"

Deng Guang felt a little itchy in his heart when he heard that lazy and arrogant voice.

Beautiful girls and concubines are the spoils of war.

Of course, Pei Madang's concubine is no exception.

An hour ago, Deng Guang was still hesitating.

Life, death, fate, one step off, may lead to catastrophe...

He thought a lot about whether to betray Pei Ran, but when he was making the most critical decision, the scene of Feng Yun walking out of the room that day flashed through his mind for no reason.

Snow-skinned and jade-faced, her beauty is alluring.

He can have such a concubine as long as Pei Madang dies...

What is the purpose of a man's meritorious service?

Don't you just want to be free and unrestrained? A true man should not look forward or backward when acting.

"Girl, there is no need to panic." Deng Guang noticed Feng Yun's suspicion, but did not take the lead in breaking the window paper. He said calmly: "Someone, please drive the girl back to another courtyard."

He bowed to Feng Yun again, which was very thoughtful.

"The war is in chaos, so it's better for the girl not to run around."

Feng Yun smiled slightly.

He didn't know how Deng Guang was able to communicate with people under Pei Ran's nose. He only knew that she couldn't escape unscathed.

Deng Guang led a large group of troops and was heavily armored.

There are less than fifty of them in total, and they may not be able to escape even if they fight to the death.

"Okay." Feng Yun weighed the pros and cons and said with a wry smile, "I will follow General Deng's arrangements."

She is very flexible.

Deng Guang's ears felt numb when he heard the laughter. He waved his hand and signaled his soldiers to escort Feng Yun and others back to another courtyard.

Along the way, I saw many soldiers coming out of the city and camp.

Most people didn't know what was going on and were hesitant and confused.

For ordinary soldiers, obeying the orders of their superiors means that it is difficult to make decisions on other matters...

The wedding curtain was still hanging in the courtyard, as if nothing had changed.

However, Feng Yun came back again, but his identity was different.

Deng Guang stopped in front of the door.

Seeing Feng Yun about to drive the carriage in through the side door, he shouted as if he suddenly thought of something.

"Wait a minute."

Feng Yun lightly lifted the curtain to look at him.

"General Deng, do you have any other orders?"

Deng Guang rode over.

When he was still ten feet away, Ye Chuang pulled out his sword and looked at him eagerly.

Deng Guang sneered, stopped, and held his hands towards Feng Yun.

"Please, madam, hand over the hostages to me."

Feng Yun smiled.

What a beautiful thought.

When the two armies went to war, she could use Xiao Rong to save her life if she advanced, or she could use Xiao Rong to threaten Xiao Cheng and obtain greater benefits when retreating. Why should such a useful chess piece be given up to others? What's more, she has yet to figure out who is behind Deng Guang.

"General Deng, please forgive me for not obeying your order."

Feng Yun's voice was very slow, gentle, even gentle.

"The eldest princess and I have been close friends since childhood, and her life is my life. How could I abandon her?"

Xiao Rong moved his hands, opened his lips slightly, and looked at her without saying a word.

Deng Guang saw this.

The beauty in the curtain is pitiful.

He suddenly smiled.

"Girl, you'd better be obedient."

Feng Yun said: "Is General Deng trying to make things difficult for others?

Deng Guang looked at her calm face, pursed his lips, and had a wolfish light in his eyes.

"Even if Deng forces you to do something difficult, so what?"

Feng Yun's hand holding the curtain tightened slightly, he glanced at Deng Guang, then saw more and more soldiers from the Northern Yong Army coming towards this side, and suddenly smiled.

"You deserve it?"

Deng Guang's face changed, and he suddenly heard Feng Yun's deep voice.


The sudden high-pitched sound was extremely loud.

She sat in the curtain, motionless, looking at the people behind Deng Guang with a cold voice.

"My little girl, it is not a pity to die, but you are the iron-blooded men who follow the general in front and behind the horse, brothers in life and death. Why do you think that the general will not fight back to Bingzhou and kill the traitor general?"

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