Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 168 General's Emergency

Guanqi's voice was extremely excited.

Feng Yun immediately ran over and asked him across the courtyard wall, "What are you so happy about?"

Guanqi was extremely excited, as if he was in a hurry to finish his words, and his speed of speech was amazing.

"My lady, with the help of General Guo, General Meng, and General Shang, the eldest son called on more than a thousand soldiers to guard the city and seized the control of the South Gate and the West Gate from the rebels... It was also confirmed that Guard Ye had left the city from the South Gate last night to find the general..."

Feng Yun's eyes lit up.

"Good job, brother."

Before Guanqi finished speaking, a group of guards rushed towards him.

Draw a knife to kill, "You, where are you from? Are you talking nonsense here?"

Guanqi rode on the horse, pulled the reins and retreated, shouting loudly into the yard.

"My lady, the eldest son asked me to come back to report the news... and let you know by the way. Be careful of Deng Guang's desperate behavior..."

Across the courtyard wall, Feng Yun heard it clearly.

The roars and the sound of swords being drawn were also heard.

"Guanqi, be careful, I know. There is nothing to do now. Go quickly..."

One person is certainly no match for the defenders.

Guanqi responded, and just as he was about to speak, he heard a sound of horse hooves coming from the direction of East Street.

His face suddenly changed.

At this moment, the remnants of Deng Guang were still resisting at the South Gate and the West Gate, and Dalangjun was completely unable to spare his hands.

Then the people coming must be Deng Guang's men.

Guanqi shouted, "Girl, be careful, the rebels are coming. I will report to Dalangjun immediately and will come to support soon!"

Before Guanqi finished speaking, he rode his horse and galloped towards the South Gate.

Feng Yun looked out through the hole in the wall and saw a group of rebels, who seemed to be about hundreds of people, approaching the villa. It was actually led by Deng Guang himself.

Deng Guang waved his hand, and the crowd split into two, spreading to the left and right sides, tightly surrounding the camp villa.

Deng Guang shouted at the gate.

"Girl, have you thought it through? Do you want to confess the truth and surrender to Deng?"

Feng Yun said, "Thank you General Deng for your concern. I have thought it through. Betraying your master for glory is like being a beast. How can I associate with a beast?"

"Girl, since you don't know what's good for you, don't blame me for being cruel." Deng Guang snorted coldly while riding on his horse.

He was dark and burly, and had a strong aura. Of course, if it weren't for this, he wouldn't have been favored by Pei Jue, and he wouldn't have thought highly of himself, thinking that he was worthy of having everything a general had, including military positions and women...

At the gate of the other courtyard, there were two majestic stone lions, and the red lacquered gate was tightly closed. Deng Guang rode forward and drew his sword to signal.

"Knock on the door!"


The sound of a log hitting the gate spread into the other courtyard.

Everyone in the courtyard was a little nervous.

Feng Yun squatted on the ladder, leaning against the courtyard wall, and pursed his lips.

"Greet him to death!"

On the eaves above the gate.

Cold water suddenly poured down.

The rebels who were carrying logs to knock against the door were caught off guard and were soaked.

Curses were heard everywhere.

Feng Yun had no expression on his face and asked people to continue carrying water, lifting buckets of water placed on the ground one by one to a higher place and then pouring them out...

The cold water falling from the sky in the middle of winter was hard to prevent, stop, or avoid. This was already deadly, and Feng Yun also mixed dirty water in without hesitation.

Slop, night fragrance, and stinky water from the gutter were all given to the rebels.

The most primitive weapons often have great lethality.

There were loud curses outside, and the water was almost used up.

Feng Yun waved his hand.

Baskets of charcoal ash and wood ash began to be sprinkled out from the wall in an orderly manner.

The ash attached to the wet faces and clothes as soon as it floated over, and the rebels who were close to them couldn't even open their eyes.

Then, the guards leaned against the wall and lined up neatly to smash stones outside.

The person who was hit on the head fell down on the spot, and screams came from outside the courtyard...

Someone tried to climb up the courtyard wall, but was knocked down by the guards who had been prepared.

Deng Guang was furious.

This was not the way a man would fight, but a shrewd trick that a woman would use when scolding on the street.

"Villain behavior."

The person who knocked on the door increased his speed, and the courtyard was filled with shouts, scolding and shouts of killing, as fierce as a small battle.

"Girl!" Xiaoman slid down the wall tremblingly, squatted on the ground and vomited.

"I, I seem to have killed someone..."

She practiced martial arts and often did rough work, so she was very strong. A pile of stones hit the man's head.

This was Xiaoman's first time killing someone.

Feng Yun saw that she couldn't vomit and was gasping for breath, so he approached to comfort her.

"If you don't kill him, he will kill you. You are just protecting yourself, you are not wrong."

"Kill!" The shouts of killing were a little more intense than before.

Deng Guang was going to attack.

They seemed to have discovered the weak south wall, so they sent more soldiers to the south wall, and climbed up one after another.

Feng Yun glanced at it and then called a few guards.


Why wait until now to shoot? Because the weapons and arrows are limited.

She had to use it when the enemy was furious, so as to affect the enemy's judgment.

Feng Yun took out the trumpet again. Although there were only a few people, she showed the momentum of thousands of troops.

"Archers team one."

"Archers team two, get ready!"

"Archer team three!"

"Shoot all those thieves into sieves!"

The rebels who were facing the enemy in front saw the arrows flying towards them as if they had eyes, accompanied by torches poured with tung oil, falling from the sky, and they were so scared that they retreated straight away.

They didn't know how many troops were in the courtyard.

In order to avoid those attacks that were not weapons, and to prevent cold arrows, they were in a mess...

Deng Guang had truly commanded thousands of troops, but he didn't expect to be beaten like this by a little woman, and he was angry for a moment.

"Those who retreat will be killed!"

He drew his sword and moved forward.

"If you can't take the courtyard in a quarter of an hour, you will walk with your head between your crotch."


The rebels shouted in unison.

Feng Yun's heart trembled.

She was able to strike Deng Guang head-on just now because of two advantages.

First, Deng Guang wanted people, not her life.

Second, his moves were tricky and unexpected.

But the rebels were numerous, and they were regular troops that could fight and kill. Her people and weapons would soon be used up, and the advantage she had at the beginning would soon end.

If she dragged on, she would definitely fall into the hands of the thieves before Wen Xingsu came back.

Feng Yun had a cold face, lit a torch, climbed up the ladder, and held the torch high.

"General Deng! Do you really want to force me to perish with you?"

Deng Guang looked at the pretty face under the firelight, and was in a trance.

Her eyebrows and eyes were like a painting, and she was vivid and charming.

How could there be such a beautiful girl in the world, even if she was angry, people couldn't get angry.

If she really burned to death in the courtyard, it would be a pity.

"As long as the girl is willing to surrender, Deng swears to the sky that I will treat you well in the future..."

Ha! Feng Yun had seen enough of such faces, smiled coldly, and squinted at the layers of houses and streets outside the courtyard wall.

"I also swear here that as long as General Deng takes a step into the courtyard of the camp, I will burn myself here..."

At this point, she suddenly looked far away.

"General! The general is back!"

As soon as she spoke.

Everyone in the yard was happy.

"The general is back."

The roar shook the sky.

Deng Guang's face changed.

They stood low and couldn't see far away.

There was a commotion in the crowd.

But after waiting for a while, Pei Jue didn't appear.

Deng Guang gritted his teeth, "You're playing tricks on me again."

He was no longer polite, "Kill them! I want this woman alive."

"Girl!" It was not Deng Guang who shouted at Feng Yun, but Xiaoman on the north wall.

Xiaoman's surprised voice overwhelmed Deng Guang's shout.

"General! Girl, the general is back..."

Feng Yun looked back.

Xiaoman nodded, "It's true."

This time Deng Guang didn't believe it anymore.

Feng Yun did.

Xiaoman didn't lie.

She walked over with a torch.

She saw it.

On the long street, a "Pei" flag fluttered in the wind, fluttering in the cold wind, stepping on the snow and rushing towards the camp annex with a soaring posture.

The weather was gloomy and there was no sunshine, but Feng Yun had an illusion that he couldn't open his eyes because of the scorching sun.

It was Pei Cong.

The living Pei Cong.

Stretching his four legs and running bravely through the snow, Pei Cong's tall body came closer and closer, and the wind cloak behind him seemed to be flying into the air. The long team came like a dark cloud, unstoppable...

"The general is back!"

The shout became louder and more intense.

Feng Yun did not move, as if her throat was stuck.

"Girl!" Daman came to hold her up, and she just woke up from a dream.

"He's back. The general is back."

Daman and Xiaoman were so happy that their faces were flushed.

Feng Yun wanted to smile, but then she realized that her cheeks had been tense for too long and her muscles were stiff.

"It's good that you're back."

Deng Guang did not surrender, but he did not struggle for too long.

All the soldiers who came to the camp were his personal soldiers, but in the face of Pei Jue's absolute dominance, their natural suppression made them helpless. In less than a quarter of an hour, some died and some surrendered...

Deng Guang wanted to escape on horseback, but Zuo Zhong and Ji You entangled him from the left and right, and soon he fell off his horse. A group of people rushed over and pinned him to the ground with long spears, making it impossible for him to escape.

The crowd knelt on the ground, begging for mercy.

Pei Jue did not say anything, did not get off his horse, and walked straight to Feng Yun who was on the wall.

"Open the door."

Feng Yun had a smile on his face.

"It can't be opened. General, wait a moment."

The big stone against the door was not easy to move. The guards were exhausted from dealing with Deng Guang just now. Now they were safe, and they couldn't move it even after using all their strength.

Pei Jue stood in silence, and the two looked at each other across the courtyard wall.

Feng Yun suddenly whispered, "Is the general injured?"

She was shorter than Pei Jue, and rarely had the opportunity to look down at him from such a high position. Unexpectedly, the first time she saw him was a general Pei who looked like he was injured in the battle.

There were scratches on his face, his eyes were red, and even the stubble on his chin had a broken look. But strangely, there was no trace of embarrassment on Pei Jue. His dark eyes were deep and his nose was high, which highlighted his male strength to the extreme, making her want to kiss him, hug him, or bully him...

Feng Yun was fascinated.

The guards who were carrying the boulder were panting.

But they couldn't move it.

I don't know if the desire in her eyes was sensed by the man outside the courtyard wall, or if Pei Jue was impatient to wait. He suddenly sheathed his sword, pulled the horse rope back a distance, and then galloped over. When he was about to reach the courtyard wall, he stood on the back of the snow and flew up. With a light tap of his toes, he jumped onto the wall...

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