Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 193 Nearly Despair

Song Shouan and his party came out of Huatang Qiuyue, facing the river breeze, walking slowly.

After drinking a few cups of wine, he was a little intoxicated, his heart was burning, and he looked like he was not satisfied.

The servant smiled and flattered.

"Master, what do you think of Xiao Taohong?"

Song Shouan said lightly: "Not bad."

After leaving Zhongjing, he didn't have to work under the eyes of that evil woman. Song Shouan was full of energy and everything looked good. He had a good-looking face. Riding a tall horse to Huatang Qiuyue, he would naturally attract many beautiful ladies to surround him. That feeling was wonderful.

Xiao Taohong was the most beautiful one among them.

But Song Shouan had the heart, but not the courage.

There were so many people and eyes, and he didn't know how many spies Li Sangruo had, so how could he dare to act rashly?

So he went in and sat for a while under the pretext of investigating the cause of death of Eunuch Chang. He drank a lot of wine and didn't even touch the girl's fingers.

As the breeze blew, he always felt that something was missing and he was not satisfied enough.

The attendant understood and smiled lewdly.

"Should I get someone for the Master?"

Song Shouan glanced at him.

"Don't do anything reckless."

"I know what's going on, and I'll make sure nothing happens..."

Seeing that Song Shouan didn't say anything, he continued to flatter her.

"The Master is a nobleman, and it's a blessing from heaven that he likes Xiao Taohong. After giving her some money, she still dares to talk nonsense? If the Master is worried, I have a way to make her shut up, so that the matter won't reach the ears of the Queen Mother."

The few people around Song Shouan were all brought out from his hometown by him. They are his confidants. Once he falls, they will have no face in front of Li Sangruo and will never betray him.

That's the truth. But when he heard "Queen Mother", Song Shouan couldn't help but feel palpitations.

"Shut up, don't talk nonsense."

The attendant responded, observing his expression, and said: "Your Highness is making a fuss this time."

They were sent to Xinzhou early to make arrangements, but what can be arranged in such a small place?

Song Shouan was obsessed with eating, drinking and having fun, like a bird released from a cage. Once he left the palace, the power in his hands was the real power.

Listening to the compliments of his attendants, he was a little carried away.

"After all, she is a woman, what knowledge can she have?" Seeing that Song Shouan was not angry, the subordinate climbed up the pole, "No matter how powerful she is, she still has to be under the power of the master? As long as the master has better means, she will listen to whatever you say?"

Feng Yun's carriage was moving very slowly, and the group behind him walked and talked, and soon caught up.

The road ahead was narrow, and Ge Guang was about to drive the car to the side to avoid it, but he heard Feng Yun whispered:

"No need to give way."

When Ge Guang heard it, he thought: Yes.

In Xinzhou City, who should his daughter give way to?

Besides, Song Shouan was not wearing an official uniform, so who knew who he was?

"The carriage in front, make way!"

Song Shouan was used to being flattered, and his followers followed suit. Seeing that the carriage was moving slowly in front and blocking the road, he roared impatiently.

When ordinary people met such a domineering person, even if they didn't know they were the imperial guards, they would avoid causing trouble and quickly make way to the side.

But the people in the carriage seemed to have heard nothing.

The carriage was still moving slowly.

Song Shouan frowned and motioned to his left and right.

The attendants took the order and rushed forward on horseback.

"Damn, you don't have ears, do you? Get out of the way."

"How dare you!" Ge Guang said in a low voice, looking at the two guys with greasy hair and powdered faces, frowning and saying, "Who are you, Xiao Xiao, how dare you offend my girl?"

The fragrance in the carriage lingered, drifting over with the night breeze. Song Shouan sniffed, and suddenly felt a little itchy in his heart. He took advantage of the alcohol to tease her.

"Which girl is this? She doesn't stay at home at night. Could she be out to meet her lover secretly?"

Across a curtain, Feng Yun stroked the hand warmer slowly.

"Fortunately, the voice doesn't sound like it."

Song Shouan was not as tall and strong as Pei Jue, and his voice was softer, sounding weak and powerless, far less attractive than Pei Jue's deep, magnetic voice.

"The little girl's voice is not bad..." Song Shouan didn't hear Feng Yun's words clearly, but the woman's voice was careless, not coquettish but naturally charming, very attractive. How comfortable it would be to press someone under her and listen to her beautiful voice moaning?

Song Shouan got the idea, and a wild fire burned in his chest.

In a dark place, he brought someone to sleep, no matter whose family it was, who knew it?

The small head began to think, and the big head on his neck was useless.

"Come down."

Song Shouan came forward with the smell of alcohol and slapped the car body fiercely.

"Come out and let me check to see if you are a whore?"

Feng Yun smiled.

Slowly lifted the curtain and looked at the face closely.

The light was very dim, but she observed very seriously.

From eyebrows to eyes, she tried to find traces of Pei Jue on Song Shouan's face.


It was unbearable to look closely.

At this moment, she could even understand why Li Sangruo had such a man, but was still reluctant to let go of Pei Jue.

"How are you going to check?" She asked softly.

Song Shouan was stunned.

There was a lantern in front of the carriage, with a hazy light.

Looking at the beauty under the lamp, he suspected that he had encountered a fairy from heaven. He stared at Feng Yun with bated breath, and it took him a long while to squeeze out a sentence from his throat.

"Are you the girl from the He family?"

The voice has softened, without the presumption just now, and if you listen carefully, it is still a little gentle.

Feng Yun curled his lips and smiled lightly.

"From the Pei Mang family. What do you want, Master?"

As soon as he heard Pei Ran's name, Song Shou'an was sober from drinking. He immediately changed his face and took two steps back.

He is a nymphomaniac, but he is not bold enough to dare to touch a crazy woman in Shinshu...

"Young Master, don't you believe it?" Feng Yun smiled slightly, his voice was light and his emotions could not be heard, "Do you want me to speak out, call the people from the Beiyong Army over, and confirm it to the Young Master?"

"Misunderstanding." Song Shouan was so excited that he quickly handed over his hand.

"It turns out it's the general's wife, she's so abrupt."

Who else could be such a bold and beautiful woman in Xinzhou besides Feng Twelve Niang beside Pei Madang?

Song Shou'an didn't dare to make another mistake, and he was a little glad that he didn't directly reveal his identity just now, and there was still room for change.

"I just recognized the wrong person. I thought it was my little lover, so I made some rude remarks and made a joke. I hope you'll forgive me, madam."

Feng Yun smiled disapprovingly, motioned to Ge Guang to put away the knife and lower the curtain, "Let's go."

The carriage moved forward slowly, but Song Shou'an stayed where he was, his body covered in cold sweat and letting the breeze blow, making him shiver.

No wonder Pei Ran doesn't want Li Sangruo, and is trying to fight against her to marry this little lady...

Qingcheng Qiao smiled like a flower face, which really shocked the heavens and humans.

Song Shou'an looked at the carriage going away and touched his mouth. He had sobered up from the wine, but the fire that the girl had stirred up could not be extinguished.

"What did you just say..." He looked at the attendant, "Is Xiao Taohong good?"

The attendant was stunned for a moment and understood immediately.

"Let's do it now, little one."


The carriage hadn't gone too far when Ge Guang heard Feng Yun sigh.

"Guang, I still can't see that face."

Ge Guang responded, a little worried, "What should we do?"

Feng Yun said: "Follow me and have a look."

Ge Guang knew that his girl was wild-minded and responded: "Here."

Song Shou'an was originally a potter, and the people around him were all promoted by sycophants. Few of them had real talents, and it was okay to bully others. But when it came to practicing masters, they would not be able to take on big posts.

Ge Guang followed closely, but no one noticed them.

When they entered the small courtyard facing the river, Ge Guang was about to go back to resume his life, when he saw a small sedan being carried over and dropped off in front of the door.

A gorgeous woman was helped down and entered through the corner door.

"This is interesting."

Feng Yun was very happy when he heard the news.

Speaking of which, Li Sangruo was actually not stupid. While making great fanfares, he asked Pei Madang to take over, and at the same time, he sent someone named Song to take the lead in setting up a layout in Xinzhou. He was very clear-headed.

such a pity……

As a queen mother, she still makes the same mistakes as ordinary women. She believes in the loyalty of the person next to her and thinks that the man she is with is hers. She didn’t expect that she has such a brave face. Even if she doesn’t handle her errands well, she still dares to betray her. He sleeps with flowers and willows...

God-given opportunities are a waste if you don't take advantage of them.

Feng Yun felt that the battle in Xinzhou could be more exciting.

"A Guang." She motioned to Ge Guang to listen.

After saying this and that, Ge Guang raised his head in surprise and saw the girl's gentle smile.

"Don't be afraid. We have the opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. We have to make a prompt decision."

Ge Guang didn't understand what killing two birds with one stone was, but upon hearing the order, he immediately accepted the order, "I understand, little man."


Zuo Zhong did not go to Pingyang with Pei Ran. He ran errands in Mingquan Town in the past two days and rested in the guard camp. It was time for him to take a bath.

He was a serious and well-behaved man, and he lay down to sleep as soon as night fell.

When he heard the noise outside, he thought it was Geng Shan from the next door room who had returned, and remained silent until someone knocked heavily on the door.

"Guard left, someone from the Chunyu Pavilion said that my wife is missing."

Zuo Zhongji sat up and asked, "Who spread the word?"

"It's Ye Weiwei. Ye Weiwei sent someone here."

The man's tone could be heard being nervous even through the door panel.

Zuo Zhong didn't care about anything else, he quickly got up and dressed, picked up the knife and walked out, "Tell me clearly, what happened?"

The person who came was Lin Zhuo from the guard camp. He was originally arranged by Pei Ran to be with Feng Yun. When this happened, he was very anxious and briefly told the story of Feng Yun's disappearance.

"It was near Hedi Street. Ge Guang was the only one accompanying the girl at that time. We found the carriage in a small alley, but the girl was missing..."

Lin Zhuo hesitated for a moment and then said:

"We suspect that Liu Feng Yuan did it."

Zuo Zhong was stunned.

Those who came in and out of Liufeng Garden were Ouchi Tiqi from Zhongjing.

Song Shou'an thought he was doing it secretly, but as Wei Zheng said, it is difficult for a potter to become a national weapon, so he was not of great use. On the first day he arrived in Xinzhou, he was targeted by the Northern Yong Army's scouts.

"Diao Yu and I were on duty tonight. We were going to follow the girl, but the girl said she was going around the city and wouldn't let her follow, so we stayed far away. On Hedi Street, we saw Song Shou'an stepping forward to block the way, but soon He just let the girl leave and didn't come forward. How could he have expected that this would happen? "

Zuo Zhong listened to his narrative.

"So, it's the traitor surnamed Song who was determined to steal the girl. After the conflict, he used a trick to take the girl away..."

"What should I do?" Lin Zhuo was a little anxious, "Guard Zuo, please come up with an idea quickly..."

Zuo Zhong said: "Adhuo, you rush to Pingyang overnight and inform the general. I will take the guard battalion to Liufeng Garden..."

"But there is no order from the general..."

They knew very well who Danetiqi was.

If you offend these lackeys, it's okay if you find them, but if you can't find them, you will definitely get into trouble.

Zuo Zhong patted his shoulder, "If something goes wrong, I will take full responsibility and ask the general for punishment. There is no time to lose, you leave immediately."

Lin Zhuo clasped his fists, "Okay. Take care."


Song Shouan had a little too much fun tonight.

He had been exploited by Li Sangruo in the Jiade Hall for a long time. Not only did his dignity as a man disappear, but he could never be his true self. Who can have a good experience doing that kind of thing in the name of a substitute?

He didn't want to be a cheap bone.

At this moment, he was like a prisoner who had been imprisoned for a long time and was suddenly released. Not to mention the pleasure, the psychological satisfaction brought by the beautiful woman kneeling in front of him and letting him play with her at will was indescribable.

The tricks of the beautiful women in the brothel are not comparable to those of the palace ladies like Li Sangruo. After several rounds of lovemaking, Song Shouan almost forgot his last name...

"Beautiful lady...My dear..."

"Hiss...Twelve Niang, come and try my tricks..."

"Submit or not...Do you submit or not..."

He is Li Sangruo's tool for sexual release. Whenever Li Sangruo makes love with him, she calls him "General", "A-Jiang" and "Pei Lang". He is disgusted with her, but at this moment, Feng Yun's face appears in his mind, and he can't help but become the person he hates the most.

"Twelve Niang...My dear, how can you be so beautiful..."


When Zuo Zhong heard the sounds of men and women making love and Song Shouan's wanton and crazy shouts outside the window, his blood was reversed and he was almost desperate with fear...

He dared not imagine what terrible consequences would happen if Song Shouan bullied Feng Yun.

The sky of the Jin Dynasty is about to fall. What about the peace talks in Xinzhou and the friendship between Jin and Qi? I am afraid that the general will attack Zhongjing tomorrow...

I had a stomachache today and ran to the toilet all morning. Ah, it was really torture...

Pei Jue: This is the result of abusing this general.

Feng Yun: ...Who are you talking to?

Pei Jue: Mother-in-law, I am being rude.

Ao Qi: Uncle, please pay attention to your integrity...

Chun Yu Yan: You are a great general, but you have no integrity. I should call you mother-in-law...

Xiao Cheng: It is cold, mother-in-law, please take care of yourself.

Readers: Get lost!

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