Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 199 The Dream

Xiao Cheng stared at Feng Yun for a long while, then raised his sleeves and bowed.


Feng Yun curled her lips, with a mocking light flashing in her beautiful eyes.

This is Xiao Cheng, who seems to want to save the relationship, but also knows very clearly what he wants, and makes the most appropriate and beneficial choice for himself. He will not offend Chun Yuyan, and will not turn against Chun Yuyan for her.

Xiao Cheng got up and left.

He walked very slowly.

But he did not look back at Feng Yun.

The curtain moved slightly, and the coldness came in, a little cold.

For a long time, Feng Yun sat there without moving, nor did he speak, and the smile on his face did not change, as if it was frozen there...

After a while, the curtain was opened again.

The person who came in was Sang Jiao.

He held a sandalwood box with a soft texture, walked in front of Feng Yun, and lowered his head slightly, "Qi Jun asked me to give it to the girl."

Feng Yun motioned him to put it on the wooden table.

The box lid was opened, and a faint fragrance spread out and penetrated into the nose. It was the kind of gentle and long-lasting fragrance that seemed to have precipitated some kind of history with elegance and dignity, not strong, but light and faint...

Inside was a pen slot, and in the slot was a brush.

"Made by Le Zhengzi", four words were engraved inside the box.

Feng Yun's eyes sank slightly.

Le Zhengzi was an old craftsman who made pens in Huzhou. He was about ninety years old, and the pens he made were highly praised by literati. After he got older, his eyesight became blurred, and he rarely produced works since then.

Most of the pens in Le Zhengzi's workshop came from his apprentices. Only those engraved with the "Made by Le Zhengzi" seal were his works, which were priceless.

The pen was new.

But the emotion was old.

Feng Yun was twelve years old that year, still wearing her sister-in-law's double buns, and had not yet grown into the graceful "most beautiful woman in the eight counties of Xuzhou". At that time, she had no biological mother, and under the overt and covert suppression of her stepmother, she became timid and cowardly...

On the 60th birthday of the head of the Feng family, Xiao Cheng sent a gift and brought an extra pen of Le Zhengzi.

The two families had an engagement, and Feng Yun knew that he was her future husband since she was a child, so when Xiao Cheng's servant sent the pen to the backyard and said it was a gift from the third son of Xiao to the girl, she naturally thought it was for her...

At that time, she even thought of Yue Zhong and Kong Yun'e accidentally meeting him when they went to Qingfeng Garden to appreciate flowers. At that time, she was telling Kong Yun'e that she was practicing "Ping Fu Tie" and couldn't write it well, and she only regretted not having a good pen.

She also mentioned that Le Zhengzi's pen was her dream.

The man kept her words in mind and sent the pen specially...

You can imagine how ecstatic she was at that time.

She had no time to think carefully, and picked up the pen case on the table in public, her face flushed with shame, and her heart beat like thunder.

"Put it down!" Before Feng Jingting finished speaking, Chen took the pen case from her hand.

"How can you be so unruly? The gifts sent by the guests must be put into the warehouse and arranged by the mistress. Has no one taught you?"

"But Brother Xiao San said..."

"Does he say it's for you? You may not be the only girl in this mansion? How unsophisticated are you? Are you so shallow? It's embarrassing!"

There are more than one girl in the Feng family.

But Xiao San's fiancée is only her.

Feng Yun was so ashamed of what she said, and she couldn't help but talk back and said a few offensive words out of grievance and self-pity.

Chen immediately took out the style of the mistress of the house and scolded her, but when she went out, she cried everywhere, saying that stepdaughters are difficult to manage, and they can't be talked to, scolded, or taught rules.

Feng Jingting naturally protected his stepwife.

If it wasn't for the birthday celebration for her uncle, she would have been punished to face the wall.

The mansion was full of Chen's people, and rumors spread that day that the eldest daughter of the youngest house secretly took a pen from Le Zhengzi. She was too petty. Such a shallow-minded girl was not a good match for Xiao Sanlang.

The noble ladies in Taicheng were the most idle, and they would gossip when they got together. At that time, Xiao Sanzi was the man of the noble ladies' dreams, and Feng Yun was the target of public criticism. The more the story spread, the more embarrassing it became. Later, it was said that Feng Yun stole the property of the mansion, did not listen to the mistress's scolding, was rude, talked back, and was arrogant.

The public's words could melt gold, and Feng Yun had no way to wash away the injustice, and she didn't get the pen...

Later, the pen was placed on Feng Ying's small table by the window. She used it to write those nonsense poems and essays, and then asked someone to send them to Xiao Cheng for his comments.

And all the bad reputation of Feng Yun was slowly accumulated by Madam Chen through such small things. She spent her whole life to wash away the dirt on her.

If it was at that time, Xiao Cheng stood up and told everyone in public that the pen was originally given to her. It was natural for his things to be given to his fiancée, and Feng Yun would be grateful to him for the rest of her life.

But he didn't.

Xiao Sanlang, who was always busy, always considered the overall situation.

Even if he knew, how could he offend Chen in public for her?

And now...

He gave her the dream of her youth again.

But she still didn't understand.

She never wanted a pen.

"My husband is like jade, and he has a deep pen. Is Twelve moved?" Chunyu Yan laughed lightly, with a bit of unknown jealousy, mean.

Feng Yun closed the box, turned her face away with an indifferent expression, and looked at him.

"Sir, can you tell me what benefit did Xiao Cheng give you to make you do such a sneaky thing for him?"

"If I say there is no benefit, do you believe me?" Chun Yuyan curled his lips, gently resting his fingers on the iron edge of the mask, and asked with a half-truthful smile:

"Don't you think this is very satisfying?"

Let Xiao Cheng hear Feng Yun's rejection with his own ears, let her words sharper than a knife pierce her painfully but she can't complain...

"Twelve, I'm doing this for you, let Xiao San give up from now on and stop bothering you, isn't it a happy ending?"

"Don't be too kind." Feng Yun sneered unceremoniously, "The prince will not do anything that has no benefits. And I am not someone who can be easily used by others. If you don't give me benefits, I will go to Pei Cong to complain, saying that I disappeared from Xinzhou and you kidnapped me for ulterior motives..."

Chun Yuyan raised his eyebrows and looked at her.

"You reminded me."

He waved away the maid, approached Feng Yun, looked at her without blinking, and smiled softly, "I finally got such an opportunity, I should keep you without anyone noticing. Cast an iron cage, lock you in it, and don't let anyone find you. From now on, you will only belong to me?"

What a pervert!

Feng Yun looked at his half-smile, cold light flashed in his eyes, his back stiffened slightly, and goose bumps appeared subconsciously.

"Mad man. Don't have such evil intentions."

"Why not? You know, I want you, even in my dreams..."

"I'm afraid your iron cage in Yunchuan is not enough for me to build." Feng Yun looked at him and shook his head, "You also reminded me. In the future, I have to be on guard against you."

Her voice turned cold, her face was smiling, and it was hard to tell whether it was true or false.

Chun Yuyan was the same. The two looked at each other, with emotions in their eyes, and they went back and forth in the sound of rain...

"Prince!" Yin You's voice suddenly came, with anxiety, interrupting the tense confrontation in the room.

"Prince, it's not good, Pei Jue is here with his troops..."

At this time, a burst of hurried horse hooves came from outside the manor, faintly heard through the dense rain, and the speed was extremely fast.

Chun Yuyan chuckled, "So soon?"

He looked at Feng Yun meaningfully, "It seems that you are very important in Pei Wangzhi's heart. Are you very happy?"

Feng Yun was a little surprised.

She calculated the time. Even if Pei Jue got the news and gave up welcoming the Queen Mother and returned to Xinzhou, he would not arrive until tomorrow.

At that time, she had been rescued by the troops "unhappily".

No one would know where she was hiding, and they would only blame Song Shouan for her disappearance...

Unexpectedly, Pei Jue not only returned to Xinzhou so quickly, but also found Chun Yuyan's manor.


Xiao Rong's method really couldn't be used.

This stupid move naturally carried the curse of failure.


Dark clouds gathered, heavy rain poured, and the sound of the whistling wind was like the roar of a beast. The earth was dark, and the blade reflected the cold light in the silent night, as if it was bloodthirsty.

"General, it seems that there are Qi troops ahead--"

Before Zuo Zhong's shout fell, Pei Jue had already ridden on the snow and passed by like lightning.

Chunyu Yan's manor was chosen very cleverly. There was a river in front of the manor. On this side of the river, Jin occupied Xinzhou, and on the other side of the river, Qi occupied Chunning. The river was used as a boundary to divide the two armies. At the moment of peace talks, the two armies usually faced each other from a distance and there was no conflict.

"What did the Qi army want to do by crossing the Zhuye River late at night?"

No one answered him.

Pei Jue's speed was so fast that it was frightening.

It was as if it was an invading enemy...

He rushed forward on his horse, and dense raindrops fell on him like a bucket. His face was frosty. The snow sensed the owner's emotions and neighed loudly, breaking the silence of the rainy night, and also made Xiao Cheng, who was parked at the ferry and ready to leave, look back.

"Your Majesty, please get on the boat." Jixiang saw the crowd in the rain and said nervously, "The Jin army is coming..."

The peace talks were imminent, but the two sides were still at war. It was risky for the emperor to cross the Zhuye River at night, and the guards were nervous. When they suddenly saw the Jin army rushing over, they were on high alert and urged the emperor to get on the boat.

Xiao Cheng did not move, took the umbrella from Jixiang and held it above his head.

"I'll wait for him." (End of this chapter)

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