Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 203: The host becomes the guest

The sky seemed to have opened a water box, and the downpour of rain washed down with silent power, drenching the two fighting men, primitive and primitive.

Chun Yuyan has been practicing martial arts since he was a child, and his moves are smooth and flowing, and his punches are very sharp. However, Pei Madang has been in the army for ten years and has rich fighting skills, and the fist-to-fist battle relies on strength. After a while, Chun Yuyan felt a little powerless...

Seeing him being pinned down in the mud and beaten by Pei Madang, Feng Yun suddenly made a sound.

"stop fighting!"

No one paid any attention to her.

The two men were fierce, with only anger in their eyes, as if they must kill each other.

Feng Yun hugged the half-wet blanket and said, "Sneeze——"

A sneeze was like opening a valve in a machine. The two men, who were fighting to the death in the rain, looked at each other coldly, stopped in unison, and looked at her.

Chun Yuyan retreated very quickly, shook the rain off his body, stood beside Feng Yun, pointed at Pei Ran and gritted his teeth.

"Pei Wangzhi, don't be ignorant of good and evil! If I hadn't helped today, Feng Twelve would have fallen into the hands of Tiqisi long ago. Waiting for you to come back to save people? It's almost enough to collect the corpse."

He clenched his fists to take credit for himself, and was so thick-skinned that he was invulnerable.

Feng Yun had just talked to him nicely, letting him lie without a red face and a heartbeat, and looked at Pei Mad with a cold and powerless look.

"Your Majesty just saved me, why is the general so angry? Is it because I disappeared and ruined your trip to Pingyang?"

Pei Ran: "You know I'm not."

Feng Yun: "If you don't tell me, how will I know?"

Pei Madang's face sank, his dark eyes were as thick as ink and as deep as the abyss on a rainy night, but he had no words.

Feng Yun thought of what he had just said, "I am the one who should be angry."

Then I thought of him saying, "You can follow him if you want."

After calming down and thinking about it again, these words were actually more pointed than before.

She asked: "If I had just chosen to leave with Xiao Cheng, would the general really not have stopped me?"

Pei Ran frowned, "I won't stop you."

"How generous." Feng Yun raised his chin and asked him coldly,

"Then why would the general show concern for me, beat up my friend who rescued me, and embarrass me?"

Chunyu Yan raised his eyebrows and smiled, feeling that his body no longer hurt.

Pei Ran looked coldly and remained silent.

Feng Yun didn't speak either.

The two people's eyes collided in the air, as if their language was blocked. Not to mention others, even Chun Yuyan, who was caught in the middle, couldn't stand it anymore.

He raised his eyebrows and said, "Don't be afraid of him, Twelve. If he treats you badly, just follow me back to Yunchuan..."

Saying such words in front of Pei Ran would be Chun Yuyan's fault.

Zuo Zhong and Ji You couldn't stand it anymore. They looked at each other and Ji You rushed forward, cupped his hands and said:

"The general learned that his wife was missing and came back from Pingyang overnight. He didn't sleep a wink on the way. He didn't eat anything in Xinzhou. He's still hungry..."

Feng Yun looked at the upright man in front of him. He was soaked to the skin. Raindrops dripped from the black hair on his forehead and flowed along his eyebrows to the cold outline. He stood in the posture of a thousand troops, refusing to lower his head or lose his spirit. .

Looking at Chun Yuyan again, her beautiful peach blossom eyes were slightly narrowed, her luxurious robe was ruined and she was standing beside her like a protector, feeling aggrieved no matter how she looked at him.

Feng Yun lowered his eyes slightly and saluted Chunyu Yanfu.

"I would like to thank you for your help this time. I would like to thank you for your kindness."

After that, she walked up to Pei Ran with no expression on her face.

"Let's go, let's settle our accounts after we return to Shinshu."

Chunyu Yan's lips curled up slightly and he smiled, his eyes filled with coldness.

She would firmly choose Pei Wanzhi at any time.

The light of the wind lantern fell on her fair and clear face, and a faint blush spread all the way to the roots of her ears.

Pei Ran reached out and clasped her waist, touching her forehead with his palm.

"Is there anything wrong with you?"

Feng Yun's body was cold, but the place next to him was sticky and hot, as if a ball of fire was coming fiercely.

But she shook her head firmly, not wanting to show weakness in public.

"No. Let's go and go back to Xinzhou. Brother must be very anxious if he can't find me."

She was in a hurry to go back, afraid that Wen Xingsui would worry her. She didn't know that her face was flushed, her eyes were like spring tide, and she could see something abnormal at a glance.

She is uniquely blessed. Even when she is angry, her eyes are as charming as smoke. They look clear and black. But at this moment, they are scorching and hot. Her charm is so chaotic and blurred that her disguised strength cannot hide the changes in her body...

It's not normal.

Others looked at it and thought it was a cold or illness.

Pei Madang understood what was going on with her.

He didn't dare to let her walk in the rain anymore, so he put his hand around her waist and tied her in his arms, blocking Chun Yuyan's sight.

"The heavy rain makes it difficult to travel. My wife and I will stay overnight at your mansion tonight. It will be convenient for the prince to travel..."

Chun Yuyan's lazy smile froze on his face.

He had been beaten to death just now, and his clothes were not dry yet. How could Pei Wangzhi have the nerve to say this?

He sneered, "It's okay to stay the night, sleep together?"

He is shameless and lawless.

Regardless of how Feng Yun and Pei Ran felt when they heard this, they added a sneer.

"This is for your convenience, for Twelve's sake."

As if he didn't hear it, Pei Madang motioned to the guards to take Chun Yuyan's umbrella and put it on Feng Yun's head, then bent down to pick her up and turned around to order Zuo Zhong.

"Be on guard."

Zuo Zhong responded: "Here."

No one would disobey the general's order, but even Zuo Zhong and Ji You, who were closest to Pei Madang, couldn't figure out why the general did this.

They said it was inconvenient because of the rain, but they came here in the rain in the first place.

Unless, I am afraid of inconvenience to Madam...

Pei Ran looked down at Feng Yun's face, frowned, and quickened his pace.

When Chun Yuyan saw that he had turned his back on guests and led people directly into Zhuangzi, he was so angry that he cursed people.

"Pei Wanzhi, you just caught me and picked me up, right?"


The rain tonight was a bit strangely heavy, with no intention of letting up. It poured down the eaves, seeming to be even heavier than before.

When the group returned to Zhuangzi, Chun Yuyan ordered his servants to boil hot water and serve food. He politely threw all Pei Madang's attendants to the side hall and placed them there.

He just didn't want to talk to Pei Ran himself.

Pei Madang ignored him and carried Feng Yun into the house with a cold face.

"Where do you live?"

Feng Yun's soaked clothes gradually heated up under his fingertips, his waist became numb, and his expression was full of charm.

"Side yard. Ah Zhi..."

She was feeling extremely uncomfortable at the moment. She was alternately cold and hot, and her breathing became somewhat turbid.

"General, go get something to eat. Don't worry about me. Let the maid take me back to change my clothes. I'll be fine after a nap."

Pei Man lowered his eyebrows and stared, holding her as he walked through the long wind and rain corridor. When he saw that she was shaking violently, he suddenly spoke.

"Now that you are out of danger, why didn't you go back earlier? You know they will be looking for you everywhere."

Feng Yun calmly said goodbye and did not meet his burning eyes, "I'm afraid that the people from Xinzhou who infiltrated Tiqisi will repeat their old tricks. I cherish my life..."

"Is that just that?" Pei Ran stared at her seriously, with a faint glimmer of suspicion and scrutiny in his eyes.

Feng Yun pursed his lips slightly.

Liufengyuan set fire, and then used Ye Chuang to warn Zuo Zhong, and used the accident to recall Pei Mang from Pingyang to Xinzhou... She did this out of selfish motives.

She didn't expect that Pei Madang would come back so quickly, which would lead to many loopholes and make it impossible to steal the chicken but lose the rice.

He wanted to frame others, but instead exposed his own ambition and ruthlessness.

Another change was that the bastard Chun Yuyan summoned Xiao Cheng over and let Pei Ran get into trouble.

"If the general suspects anything, you can tell him."

She hugged Pei Madang's neck unhurriedly, as if she had nothing to care about, her eyebrows were arrogant and she was smiling.

"Anyway, I can only be a chess piece at your mercy. Life or death depends on people's faces. Even if I save myself, it is wrong."

Her fiery gaze was raised, looking at the face so close at hand. It was calm and indifferent, pale and deep, and for some reason, she felt a little angry.

"If the general is unhappy, he doesn't have to come back. As you can see, I am still living well without you..."

Pei Ran asked: "What will you do if I come back later?"

Feng Yun smiled slightly, "If the general comes back later, I will make a better layout to prevent you from seeing any flaws."

If she couldn't hide it, she wouldn't hide it anymore.

Of course, resurrecting her life and trying to change her destiny would not be smooth sailing. She was risking her life anyway, so it didn't matter that Pei Madang thought she was a ruthless and vicious woman.

Because Pei Madang has always been on guard against her and never truly trusted her, why should she be hypocritical?

"Why do this?"

Feng Yun looked at that cold face and said, "The first reason is that he is teasing me, and the second reason is that he has a face similar to the general's."

Her face turned red, but her eyes were cold, "Whenever I think about this face being in love with the Queen Mother, I feel sick."

"well said."

Pei Madang tightened her waist, forcing her body to be close to him, lowered his head and kissed her.

"It's not worth my hard work to come back."

The kiss was lingering and gentle, and the breath was hot, like a loving couple reunited after a long separation, eager to find a place to hang out, so he walked very fast.

Feng Yun was already feeling uncomfortable, her body was getting hot and cold, and she couldn't bear his sudden enthusiasm. She shrank and struggled like a fish in his arms. Pei Man almost made her fall, and he patted her soft buttocks with a heavy face. a slap.

"Be honest."

Feng Yun was already weak, so he almost screamed after being hit like this.

"What are you doing? Are you in the Prince's Zhuangzi?"

Pei Ran: "Wouldn't it be better to piss him off to death?" (End of Chapter)

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