Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 226 Humiliating the Queen Mother

It was a foggy day in Andu County the next day, and the entire city was shrouded in haze, making it impossible to distinguish between humans and animals within three feet.

For this reason, the mission's trip was postponed by one hour.

Pu Yangyi lived in the post house and didn't sleep very peacefully at night. He wanted to lie back on the bed and take a nap, but he was woken up.

"Her Royal Highness the Queen Mother summons Pingyuan County Lord to come over and speak."

Puyang Yi was specially appointed to accompany the Queen Mother on this trip.

Firstly, it was because she had been to Andu County, and secondly, the eldest princess thought that it would be easier to do things with the Queen Mother by her side.

From the post house to the Queen Mother's Courtyard, Puyang Ripple gasped from the cold.

After entering the house, it became warm.

"I've met my aunt." She glanced at Li Sangruo and saw that her eyes were red, her makeup couldn't hide the fatigue, and she seemed to have been awake all night. She guessed that she was angry because General Pei didn't come to pick her up.

Li Sangruo said: "Sit down."

Pu Yangyi responded: "Here."

After sitting down, she raised her eyes and said, "My aunt doesn't look very good."

Li Sangruo smiled and asked instead, "I heard that your relationship with Feng Twelve Niang is okay?"

Puyangyi knew that Da Nei Ti Qi Si was pervasive and that Andu County was a place that repeatedly embarrassed Li Sangruo, so he would naturally send someone to investigate, sneering in his heart but smiling on his face.

"I can't say it's very good. I'm just greedy for the two acres of green vegetables she grew, so I often go there to eat them."

Li Sangruo hummed.

"A woman who takes care of the land. Is she worthy of your condescension?"

Puyang Yi smiled and said nothing.

Waiting for Li Sangruo’s next words.

Sure enough, she hesitated for a moment and said, "You will ride in my car later and come with me."

Puyang Yi's heart moved slightly, "Thank you, aunt, for your consideration."

In fact, the relationship between Pu Yangyi and Li Sanruo is not close.

Unlike her uncle, there was still a layer of separation between her, especially after the death of Emperor Xifeng, who loved her dearly. After Li Sangruo came to power, he gradually became arrogant in his behavior, which made the eldest princess very uncomfortable and often scolded her in front of her daughter.

But raising noodle heads is not uncommon in this era.

Not only is there someone in Li Sangruo's palace, but the eldest princess has been widowed for many years, and there are also many male favorites in her own palace, so she can't be mentioned.

So they responded to each other and maintained superficial friendship.

Pu Yangyi didn't know why Li Sangruo asked her to go with him, but he vaguely guessed that it was related to Feng Twelve Niang.

This aunt...

Really evil-minded.

Puyang Yi felt a little gloating about his misfortune.


When Chen time passed, the Jin envoys were waiting outside the other courtyard, standing in two rows.

Ao Zheng's group stood on the right.

Ruan Pu, the servant of the minister, and Cao Lang, Luo Ding, Dahonglu and Shao Cheng, the ministers in charge of foreign affairs, stand on the left side.

When the Queen Mother's car drove out, everyone saluted and shouted.

"Welcome to the Queen Mother."

The first time he saw the ministers holding the moon and complimenting each other in unison, Li Sangruo was still a little excited. Now that he is used to it, he didn't even bother to raise his eyelids or open the curtain. He just said lazily:

"Let's set off."

The Empress Dowager traveled with great fanfare, accompanied by palace guards and envoys. It looked like thousands of people. They passed through the middle streets of Andu County and attracted countless people to watch.

Someone in the crowd was whispering.

Li Sangruo was sitting in the car, thinking about the rumors that had spread in Andu County, and frowned again and again.

Suddenly, the car stopped.

Li Sangruo whispered, "What's going on?"

No one answered outside.

Puyangyi was awakened from her drowsiness, yawned, opened the curtain and looked outside.

I saw a large piece of red silk suddenly hanging from the pagoda opposite, with ink characters clearly written on it:

"A black mole, the size of a bean, with a long beard on it, small and drooping."

No names were called, no surnames were given, and no one even said anything. But the moment the red strip fell from the sky, officials and people all over the street saw it. Anyone who knew the alphabet immediately understood what it was talking about. Those who didn't know the alphabet saw it through the mouth. I understood it immediately...

The crowd became restless.

Someone chuckled, someone whistled.

Li Sangruo was so angry that his mouth was filled with smoke and his fingers turned white when pinched.

"That makes no sense."

Puyang Yi also heard about this matter. Looking at her appearance, she felt funny in her heart but had to comfort her.

"Auntie, please don't get angry. With your dignity as the Queen Mother, if you argue with unruly people, it will only encourage the fermentation of this matter..."

"You don't need to teach me!" Li Sangruo glared angrily.

She naturally knew what to do.

Others have the intention of irritating her and making her look embarrassed in front of others. If she stands up and gets angry at this moment, she is playing into the trap and playing into the traitor's plan.

"Fang Fucai. Where is Wei Zheng?"

She suddenly asked coldly.

When Fang Fu saw the banner, his body was covered in sweat.

After hearing the Queen Mother's inquiry, he took the opportunity to give Wei Zheng eye drops.

"Master Wei is busy with work and there is no news. He knew that the Empress Dowager arrived in Andu, but he did not come to greet her. I guess it is because there are some major cases on hand and I can't spare any time."

He is in a state of sourness.

How could Li Sangruo not know?

She snorted coldly, "Go back and ask Tiqisi to investigate for me. If no one can be found within three days, let Wei Zheng take off the black gauze and cut it off by himself. There is no need to come to see me."

"I understand, I know. That old man He Qia is in charge of Andu, and he has raised a bunch of unscrupulous people."

He said this to please Li Sangruo.

But there were people all around, and no matter how low his voice was, it still fell on everyone's ears.

The word "unruly people" caused an uproar from the crowd.

Although the common people did not dare to openly oppose the court, let alone insult the Queen Mother in front of the imperial army, they could boo.

One person's booing has little impact, but what about a group of people?

Thousands of people surrounded the Queen Mother's carriage and booed at the same time, with contempt everywhere. How could the imperial guards interfere?

On this day, Li Sangruo left Andu County amid the boos of the people in the city, boarded the ship at Shiguan Wharf and headed for Xinzhou.


When Feng Yun got the news, she was still bathing Aozi.

"Well done." She lowered her head, and Ge Guang couldn't see her expression clearly. "Tell Xing Bing that from tomorrow on, let the Queen Mother feel more of the enthusiasm of the people of Xinzhou."

Ge Guang bowed his hands: "I understand."

Feng Yun said: "Be careful and don't let anyone catch you."

Ge Guang: "I understand."

After the completion of the meeting hall, Feng Yun had some free time to take care of Aozi.

These days, Aozi has grown up quickly and looks two times bigger than the biggest cat. Whenever someone sees it, they will wonder what kind of cat it is.

Feng Yun rarely lets it go out.

Fortunately, Aozi didn't like to be active during the day. He would lie down and sleep at dawn, and would sneak out to look for food at night.

Ao Qi often caught fish to keep it in the mansion, but it had a big appetite and its appetite became more and more amazing. Perhaps he was afraid that Feng Yun would go bankrupt, so he would go out hunting every now and then. He would not eat it himself, but would occasionally bring back pheasants and rabbits to change the taste for Feng Yun.

Feng Yun was so happy to have such a treasure by her side. She loved it like her eyeballs, and secretly thought about storing some food for it.

When it gets colder and snows, Aozi will not be able to hunt.

She took care of Aozi like taking care of a child, washed its body, and when it smelled no more, she wrapped it in a towel and carried it into the house to keep warm.

"It's so heavy, the meat is not eaten in vain. If it grows longer, sister can't hold it."

Feng Yun put the baby on the couch with a smile, and Xiaoman smiled beside her.

Daman came in with a wooden box in his hand, "Madam, you have prepared all the herbs for making ointment."

Feng Yun did not even raise his head, "Put it there."

Daman asked, "Madam, don't you want it?"

Feng Yun said, "Let's talk about it after the peace talks. This is very time-consuming. The recipe alone is not enough, the craftsmanship is very particular."

He turned back and glanced at them.

"Don't move. If you make a mistake, your face will be rotten."

Daman was shocked.

Feng Yun said no more, concentrating on helping Aozai wipe his body, and the corners of her lips lifted up involuntarily.

What she didn't figure out in her last life, she finally figured out in this life.

Madam Chen is really a piece of shit. She raised Feng Jingting's illegitimate daughter under the name of the steward Jin Zhitong, and used her biological mother to threaten her.

Feng Jingting is of course a beast. He watched his biological daughter being tortured and did nothing.

She felt sorry for her mother.

Daman is sixteen, one year younger than her.

Feng Ying was fifteen, two years younger than her.

That is to say, he had never stopped having affairs with women, even with more than one woman.


Daman's voice suddenly came from the quiet room.

She hesitated, looked at Feng Yun, and suddenly knelt down in front of her.

"The maid is guilty."

From the moment she called her Madam, Xiaoman felt something was wrong. Seeing this, her face turned pale with panic. She called her sister and knelt down hurriedly, looking at Feng Yun's expressionless face, and then at Daman.

"What's wrong with you? Sister, what did you do wrong?"

Daman bit his lower lip and shook his head.

Xiaoman became more anxious, "What did you do wrong? Tell the girl quickly, the girl will forgive you."

"Xiaoman, go down first." Feng Yun handed the half-wet towel to Xiaoman, then sat on the wooden couch on the side with Aozai in her arms, and sipped the tea lazily.

Xiaoman pursed her lips and went down nervously.

Her eyes were full of requests.

Feng Yun smiled and looked at Daman's drooping forehead.

"You are a smart person, and I am not stupid. So there is no need to hide anything, just tell me what you have to say?"

Daman knelt down with his eyes down, his hands on the ground.

"Jin Guike's recipe was copied by Jiang Da."

"Oh." Feng Yun lifted her eyes lightly, "Just that?"

Daman looked up and looked into her eyes, suddenly feeling guilty, with cold palms and sweat on her back.

She chose to confess because Feng Yun was now so smart that no one could match her, and she thought she could not escape her eyes.

However, she lacked the courage to openly betray Mrs. Chen and confess everything.

She didn't know what the outcome would be if she said it out.

Would it be better or worse.

Feng Yun was a little annoyed, and she stroked her hair lightly and spoke lightly.

"Do you know why I keep you by my side? And why I have kept you until now?"

I have never responded to readers' questions before, such as "How can Li Sangruo enter the palace when she has a black mole on her body?" Yesterday, I wrote about the black mole and another reader mentioned it. Here is something to say: Not every dynasty's emperor selection is so strict, and not every dynasty's concubines will be stripped naked and wrapped in quilts to be sent to the imperial palace. Our history is very long, and there are all kinds of styles, haha.

This article is set in a society where aristocratic families are in power. Aristocratic families have great dominance over the royal family. In such a society, it is not uncommon for emperors to choose concubines at will or even look at the faces of aristocratic families.

Therefore, Li Sangruo was able to become the emperor's wife not because of the selection, but because she has a strong family background.

Li Sangruo: Damn it! The author is too much. He wants to let everyone know that I have a black mole on my chest. It has been spread for so long, but he still refuses to let me go and singles me out. Come on, drag me away... and find two handsome men to serve me!

Erjin: Hehe, am I so easily bribed?

Fengyun: Mom, you are.

Pei Jue: ...

Chunyu Yan: Mother-in-law, I am rich enough to rival a country. I have all the handsome men I want. As for the male lead... consider me?

Ao Qi: I can catch fish.

Xiao Cheng: Come on, the country is yours.

Pei Jue draws his sword!

Reader: Fight, fight, and make it hurt!

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