Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 228: Bad People and Bad Things

After not seeing each other for more than a year, Li Sangruo missed him very much. As she watched the tall figure walk out with the Biyong sword in hand, her eyes flickered faintly.

The eyes of the ministers on the dock also fell on Pei Jue.

However, he stopped after two or three steps and saluted respectfully.

"Please ask the Queen Mother for instructions."

Li Sangruo was dissatisfied with his distance, and subconsciously curled her lips and gently pulled up her fur coat.

"Pei Aiqing, come forward and listen to your orders."

Pei Jue bowed his hands: "I dare not bump into your Highness with a sharp weapon."

Li Sangruo felt choked inexplicably.

Was he afraid that the sword energy would bump into her?

Or was he afraid that the bitch in his room would be unhappy?

"It doesn't matter." She thought about it, and in front of so many ministers, she didn't want to break the rules, so she said: "Take off your weapons and come forward."

Pei Jue was silent for a while: "I'm sorry that I can't obey your orders."

The crowd took a breath.

In front of so many ministers, Pei Jue dared to openly disobey orders?

The sky was gloomy and the surroundings were cold and solemn.

Li Sangruo couldn't hold back his expression and his voice became a little harsher.

"Is it my words that don't work anymore?"

"Your Highness." Pei Jue said, "The war has just ended, Xinzhou City is not peaceful, bandits are rampant, and there are many thieves. The Beiyong army has not taken off their armor or weapons. We dare not take it lightly. I hope Your Highness will forgive us."

Li Sangruo looked at him, his heart slightly choked, and he felt lonely.

He said it very logically, but it was all an excuse.

He didn't take off his armor, but he could get married.

He didn't take off his weapons, but he was absurd with Feng Shier Niang?

Pei Lang!

How can you be so cold and so attractive?

Li Sangruo stared at him silently for a moment, and changed his voice to be dignified and calm.

"The general is loyal and brave, and a good minister of the country."

The ministers echoed one after another.

Li Sangruo lowered his eyes and waved his hand.

"Go to Cuiyu."


Cuiyu is located on a small island near the river, surrounded by water on three sides, very elegant. This is the so-called temporary palace, which was temporarily arranged to receive Li Sangruo. Like Andu Villa, it was originally just a private house with gorgeous construction, which was requisitioned by the court.

Song Shouan and Wei Zheng came one after another to do this job.

It was past noon, and the cold wind was getting stronger.

On the straight bluestone road outside Cuiyu, Li Sangruo's carriage was moving slowly, and the ministers followed and protected him.

In the sound of rolling wheels, Li Sangruo looked at the tall back riding on the back of the snow through the curtain, and the ripples in her heart were magnified.

It seemed that all the desires for many years were concentrated at this moment.

She could see Pei Jue outside, but Pei Jue could not see her

This scene reminded her of the first time she saw Pei Jue.

That year he was sixteen and she was fifteen.

He was sweating profusely in the martial arts arena, and she was just like him now, watching him holding a spear and dancing vigorously in the blazing sun through a layer of gauze curtain. His muscles seemed to come alive, bulging out shameful strength. When he chopped the sword and stepped forward, his tight waist was bulging, and the loose clothes could not cover it, which was more conspicuous than anyone else.

In fact, she knew at that time that he looked very unusual, and was the kind of extremely talented man that the little sisters said.

That day after coming down from the martial arts arena, the little sisters heard that she would be married to Pei Jue, and they joked with her in private, saying that Pei was tall and strong, and she would suffer a lot in the future...

The noble ladies in their teens seemed to understand, but when it came to boudoir matters, they were all fresh and interesting, and they were not inferior to men at all.

She was still very shy at that time, and she was looking forward to it, but also afraid.

However, she waited for a long time to suffer, and even after entering the palace and giving birth to a child, she still did not taste the endless pleasure in the legend...

"Her Majesty the Queen Mother has arrived, open the middle gate."

"Yes." The roar of the thunder did not interrupt Li Sangruo's thoughts.

Her mind was a little wandering, and she looked at the man with blurred eyes, and her lips slightly pursed.

The guards stood on both sides of the gate. Seeing that the carriage was about to reach the middle gate, a dirty figure suddenly stumbled in.

"Her Majesty, help me..."

"I have been wronged!"

With a thud, the man was stopped by the guards who reacted quickly and fell to the ground.

But the man was restrained, but his mouth did not stop.

He struggled and shouted loudly.

"Master Song and His Majesty have a love affair. A day of marriage is a hundred days of love. How can His Majesty bear to watch him being framed and humiliated to death..."

Li Sangruo's mind suddenly went blank.

He suddenly pulled open the curtain, and in panic, he didn't care about his manners, and pointed at the man with a pale face.

"Where did this madman come from to talk nonsense? Shut his mouth for me!"

"Your Highness..."

The man was still struggling, but Wei Zheng strode forward, drew his waist knife without saying a word in front of the ministers, and slashed across the man's neck.

Blood splattered all over his body and face.

He put away the knife expressionlessly, turned around and clasped his fists towards the carriage.

"Your Highness, the traitor has been killed."

Li Sangruo was so angry that he almost rolled off the carriage. Seeing that the man was dead, he breathed a sigh of relief and slowly sat back.

"This kind of traitor will be dealt with by Wei Sizhu."

Wei Zheng promised and looked back.

The man looked at him with wide eyes in horror, not yet dead.

But he couldn't speak anymore, and he would not let anyone know that the instigator was the one who took his life.

Wei Zheng narrowed his eyes and signaled his followers.

"Carry it away! Clean the floor and don't let it offend the Queen Mother."

Outside the Cuiyu Gate, there was an awkward silence.

In order to prevent blood from rushing into the Queen Mother, Li Sangruo's ceremonial carriage entered through the corner gate.

The ministers followed in silence.

It was as if no one saw what happened just now.

After all these twists and turns, Li Sangruo was no longer interested in going to the reception banquet.

Even though she wanted to talk to Pei Ran alone, in such a situation, she was a little embarrassed and didn't dare to face it.

She didn't know what Pei Madang would think of her when he heard those rumors. Would he also think that she was a lost flower?

Most definitely.

That's why he was so cold to her.

Li Sangruo clenched his hands tightly, not daring to look at Pei Madang anymore.

She was afraid that she couldn't control it and would hug him in public and cry out about her grievances, the piercing pain she had endured since she learned she couldn't marry him, and the crazy longing for him over the long years...

Li Sangruo was extremely tired.

Simply tell everyone to disperse.

Wei Zheng was left alone.

"Who is that person today?"

Wei Zheng said: "Song Shou'an's confidants let this thief escape that day, but unexpectedly he hid here and ran to the Queen Mother to complain."

Li Sangruo was silent for a moment and lowered his voice.

"Song Shouan, are you dead?"

Wei Zheng raised his head, his expression unchanged, but his eyes were cold.

"Your Highness, this thief is still waiting to see Your Highness."


Cuiyu was originally built on a small islet in the water, which was damp and cold.

The light in the woodshed was dim and it was extremely cold.

Song Shou'an was tied to the wood pile in the woodshed like that.

In the brazier not far away, there was burning flame, but it could not warm him even half.

Li Sangruo stood outside the door for a moment before slowly walking in.

She knew that Song Shou'an was burned by the fire and was mentally prepared, but when she suddenly saw the face that became weird and ferocious after being injured, she couldn't help but gasp.

"Who is this?"

Wei Zheng calmly handed over his hand.

"The treacherous minister and traitor, Song Shouan."

Seeing his former love rival turn into what he is now, Wei Zheng felt very happy.

Especially Li Sangruo's expression of seeing a fly pleased him.

But he didn't forget what he had to do.

"Wei Chen was afraid of being discovered, so he kept the Song thief here, waiting for His Highness to come and interrogate him in person. It was easy to teach Fang Fu and he was convinced."

Li Sangruo glanced at him.

In the scorching light of the fire, her eyes were cold. She took the confession from Wei Zheng, frowned and sneered.

"You really look good on me."

She said this to Song Shou'an.

But Song Shou'an's head was lowered, his body was covered in blood, his messy long hair was hanging down, and he didn't react at all.

Li Sangruo: "Is he dead?"

She wished he was dead.

But Wei Zheng didn't seem to think so.

He walked to one side, picked up the bucket in the corner, and poured it in front of Li Sangruo's face.

Song Shouan moved.

Low moans, filled with pain and despair...

Until I saw Li Sanruo’s face.

Then he suddenly woke up and opened his eyes wide.

"Your Highness...Your Highness, save me..."

He struggled and shouted incomprehensibly.

But there was no mercy on Li Sangruo's face.

The person in front of her no longer had the same face, and she looked extremely disgusted.

But for such a rotten person, she actually pampered him for a long time, giving him high official power, wealth and splendor, but he was not satisfied and actually hung out with a prostitute.

Moreover, before he entered the palace to serve her, he was already dirty and even killed his first wife with his own hands...

Li Sangruo suddenly laughed.

I don’t know who is laughing.

Under the dim firelight of the woodshed, her pale face added a hint of cruelty.

"You said it was Fang Fucai who ordered you?"

Song Shou'an's eyes were ashen, and he had already collapsed and lost consciousness.

At this time, as long as someone can put him down from the torture frame, let him lie down comfortably, and let him die a good death, let alone testify against Fang Fucai, even if he is asked to testify against the Queen Mother, he will not hesitate... …


He was afraid that Li Sangruo wouldn't hear, so he nodded weakly.

"It was... Eunuch Fang... the person who killed... Eunuch Fang... asked me to deceive Her Majesty the Queen Mother..."

Li Sangruo had just heard what Wei Zheng had said, but she didn't care much about what Fang Fucai had committed.

She just wanted to end this matter quickly.

"How injured is he?"

It would be best if Song Shouan died.

However, Wei Zheng gave her a disappointing answer.

"Before I came to Shinshu, the general was treating his injuries. Except for the ruined face and... lower part, everything else was fine. It was just a skin injury. It doesn't matter."

Li Sangruo didn't hear clearly.

"What did you say? Where is it ruined?"

Wei Zheng glanced at her, picked up a small porcelain jar from the torture rack, and held it in front of Li Sangruo with both hands.

"The general gave it to me. I asked the minister to hand it over to the Queen Mother..."

Li Sangruo still didn't react, "What is it?"

Wei Zheng glanced at the half-dead Song Shou'an and said, "Song Shou'an's things were cut off by the general. They were pickled with salt. This god must not be broken..."

There was a bang in Li Sangruo's head.

Her gaze slowly fell from Song Shou'an's face to the jar. The salted substance changed color and became particularly ugly...

The nausea came over me like an overwhelming force.


She suddenly covered her chest, vomited twice, and stretched out her hand to Wei Zheng.

"Help the Ai family out, quickly! Help the Ai family out."

Wei Zheng held her arm and looked back at Song Shou'an who was struggling and sobbing on the torture rack.

"How to deal with this thing?"

Li Sangruo gave him a hard look without looking back.

"Throw it to the dogs."

Wei Zheng smiled coldly in his heart and whispered: "What about the man named Song? He colluded with Fang Fucai to deceive the Queen Mother, which is a heinous crime..."

"Let him die. Let him die." Li Sangruo gritted his teeth. He was so disgusted that he refused to stop even half a step, leaving Song Shou'an to roar in pain.

The door was slammed shut again.

Wei Zheng said: "According to what I said, the Song thief cannot die yet..."

Li Sangruo suddenly raised his head and stared at him.

"What did you say?"

Wei Zheng said: "I thought that the Song thief was an important witness in Fang Fucai's case, so he should not die."

Li Sangruo never wanted to touch Fang Fucai.

From the beginning, Fang Fucai was loyal to her and easy to handle. She didn't care about the little money that Fang Fucai was greedy for. Who is not greedy? Another person would not be as useful as him, and might be even more greedy.

Secondly, Wei Zheng and Fang Fucai had been fighting each other for more than a day or two. They were just competing for favor. She had seen too many cases of frame-up and accusation. She didn't want to really suppress Fang Fucai and make Wei Zheng proud.

They bite each other, which is what Li Sangruo wants.

There is no absolute loyalty, but there are absolute enemies. They hate each other, so she can hold the balance in the middle...

She learned this principle from Emperor Xifeng.

Otherwise, how could Emperor Xifeng, who was sick and weak, influence Pei Chong and Pei Madang to fight for him?

She learned a lot from the man who died young.

It was all taught by him, all...

Li Sangruo walked very fast, his arms a little stiff, as if there was a ghost chasing him behind him.

"I will talk to him about Fang Fucai's matter. You don't have to worry about it anymore. Leave it to me. The most important case in Tiqisi right now is to find out who is behind the unruly people in Andu County... They ruined me. It will also damage your reputation..."

When Li Sangruo said this, he seemed to realize something suddenly and pursed his lips coldly.

She was the only one those people attacked.

Even the affairs of Wei Zheng and Luo Yue were picked out...


She chuckled twice and gave Wei Zheng a dark look.

Doubtful about him again.

Wei Zheng didn't seem to notice, holding her cold arm, still trying to persuade.

"Your Highness, small evils persist, but big evils are difficult to cure."

"Do you want to listen to you or me?" Li Sangruo became impatient, his face as white as a ghost.

Only then did Wei Zheng realize that she looked very bad.

"Your Highness, is there any discomfort? Would you like the imperial doctor to come?"

"No need..." Before Li Sangruo could finish his words, his chest and abdomen began to churn again, as if someone had put his hand into his internal organs and stirred them up.

Every time Song Shou'an's thing flashed through his mind, he felt even more nauseated.

After vomiting again, she regained her breath.

"That's all, go and send the order from the imperial physician."

This chapter is quite long~~mua~

Thank you sisters for your support.

Feng Yun: I didn’t even show up today, and I was called a bitch. Mom, I don’t accept it!

Wei Zheng: It's okay. Your brother-in-law will help you treat her.

Pei Ran:? ? ?

Chun Yuyan: Where did this big-faced monster call himself brother-in-law? Did you ask me if I agreed?

Ao Qi: The face is bigger upstairs.

Xiao Cheng: I have a pretty face.

People: The faces upstairs are huge!

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