Feng Yun wanted to withdraw his hand, but Ao Qi held it hard.


Her eyes were sharp and she warned coldly.

"Be careful. I'm your aunt."

Ao Qi's eyes were red, as if he didn't hear anything.

"But do you have uncle in your heart? Never, right?"

Feng Yun didn't know what to say.

"This is between your uncle and me. Besides, who told you that I don't have your uncle in my heart?"

"You just don't have it. I can see that you don't have anyone in your heart." Ao Qi lowered his hands and stared at him stubbornly. There was a coldness in his voice that Feng Yun had never seen before, piercing him like an ice pick.

"My uncle doesn't care about you either. You two are both heartless people, and neither of you took that wedding seriously."

Feng Yun's face changed slightly and he said nothing.

"I'm sorry." Ao Qi lowered his head, suddenly ashamed.

The destructive power that was born out of jealousy just now was suddenly released. The knife that stabbed her didn't hit her. Instead, it pierced his own heart, causing him inexplicable pain.

"I'm talking nonsense."

He wanted to destroy them, but he was unable to do so and couldn't bear to destroy them.

He was as conflicted as a child, hating himself for being childish and making childish mistakes in front of her again and again.

"I am incompetent and unwilling. I can't compare to my uncle in anything, so I would say such treacherous words to maintain my poor self-esteem..."

"It doesn't matter, maybe you are right."

Feng Yun calmly pushed his hand away.

"But one thing is, no matter what happens between me and your uncle, I will never be with you."

There was a smile in her eyes, and her eyes were shining. She did not stab him, but every word was like a knife, stabbing the young man's infatuated heart to pieces.

"Xiao Qi. Have you ever thought that maybe Mrs. Cui Si is a nice person and is a good match for you?"

Ao Qi shook her head, "My heart is full of you. No matter how good she is, what's the use? I don't want Mrs. Cui Si, but my parents' orders and the matchmaker's words mean that I have to marry her even if I don't want to."

He looked at Feng Yun with difficulty.

"Tell me, what's the fun in living like this?"

The young man's feelings are pure and persistent, but Feng Yun knows that they will dissipate.

One day, when his beloved wife and concubine are by his side, he will think of his past feelings and just smile away.

Ao Qi saw her silence and said in a hoarse voice, "I know you won't go with me, and I never thought of forcing you. I don't care if you take me to heart, but I will always take you to heart." superior."

Feng Yun frowned almost imperceptibly.

"Why are you bothering..."

"I like you. So much."

Ao Qi's eyes seemed to be filled with mist, and there was a lump in his throat. He forced himself to calm down, as if he had made a decision.

"You don't have to like me. But I will guard you and be your bodyguard for the rest of your life. I swear to God, Ao Qi will never marry anyone other than Feng Yun in this life. I will never marry him for the rest of his life. Otherwise, I will be struck by five thunderbolts from heaven. , don’t die well!”

"Xiao Qi." Feng Yun said sternly: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

"I am serious." Ao Qi said: "You will see, Feng Yun. My heart towards you has always been serious. I am not a child."

"I didn't think you were a child, but you can't let your hair grow wildly if you take a poisonous oath."

Ao Qi's eyes were red, "I've already sent it, and God has heard it. I have to count."

Feng Yun:......

Ao Qi looked at her and smiled, her voice soft.

"I have thought about it. I am younger than uncle. If uncle is ahead in the future, I will take care of you..."

Children really think a little too much.

Feng Yun: "Then I want to thank you very much for your uncle..."

Ao Qi was stunned for a moment, not hearing the joke in his words, and his heart was pounding with excitement, "I will do what I said, I will wait for you, keep waiting..."

Feng Yun looked at him like a fool and was speechless.


A low cough.

Wen Xingsu's voice came from outside, "Ayun."

Feng Yun glanced at Ao Qi, watching him take back his hand dejectedly, then turned to look at Wen Xingsu with a smile.

"Brother, look for me."

Wen Xingsu walked out of the back room, took a look at Ao Qi who was blushing, and said calmly:

"The envoy from Qi has arrived."

Feng Yun felt relieved.

The eldest brother could always see her embarrassment and show up when she needed him.

"Have you seen anyone?" Feng Yun asked.

Wen Xingsu nodded gently, "I just saw it at the door of the parliament hall."

In addition to Feng Jingting, the envoy from Qi also came with Shangshu Ling and Feng Yun's uncle Feng Jingyao.

Feng Yun pursed his lips, "What should I say?"

Wen Xingsu's eyes dimmed, "My family is unfortunate. My stepson is rebellious. What else can I say?"

At the end, he smiled again and said, "The minister ordered you to go by name and ask you to go."

Feng Yun could imagine how embarrassed Wen Xingsu was in front of them.

He must have been extremely embarrassed in front of so many envoys.

And all of this is because of her.

But Feng Yun does not regret doing this. She believes that the current difficulties will pass and it will all be worth it.

"It's okay." She smiled, as if conveying strength to Wen Xingsu.

"How they embarrassed you, I will help you get it back."

Wen Xingsu was slightly stunned.

He has always been the one to protect his waist.

When did it become a matter of protecting him with your waist?

Feng Yun had a sullen face and called Ge Guang over, regardless of Ao Qi's presence.

"Get ready to drive back to Shinshu."

Wen Xingsu asked: "Aren't you going to see your uncle?"

Feng Yun curled his lips slightly, "Tell the Feng family. Want to see me? Send a message and come to Xinzhou for a visit."

Wen Xingsu: "Ayun..."

He was very afraid that Feng Yun would be accused of being unfilial to his elders.

Feng Yun didn't care at all, "No need to persuade me. They are doing the first year of junior high school, and I am doing the fifteenth grade. They can do it, why can't I?"

This time, she wanted to let the Feng family see enough of her face.

Ao Qi watched her explain these things, and her heart seemed to be filled with heavy emotions.

This is the kind of girl he likes.

How about the Feng family in Xuzhou?

If she wasn't happy, she could just ignore them and give them power.

What is the secular saying?

She doesn't care, as long as she lives happily.

A girl is so brave, how dare a man refuse to marry her?

A good man should stand upright and act with integrity. Love is something you can't ask for. When he grows up to be as stalwart as his uncle, Feng Yun will naturally look up to him.

Ao Qi suddenly rushed up to Feng Yun and bowed with all his strength.

"Thank you girl. I know my future path and how to go."

He bowed to Wen Xing again.

"General Wen is laughing at the joke. Take your leave."

Before the voice fell, the person had already strode away.

Feng Yun had no idea that his words in a moment would have such a big impact on a young man.

She was confused and asked Wen Xingsu.

"What did he thank me for?"

Wen Xingsu smiled gently, looking at Ao Qi's back, he felt some sympathy for himself who was trapped in a worldly prison.

The young man is passionate and daring.

Ao Qi is much stronger than him.

Wen Xingsu smiled absently.

"Let's go, I'll take you out."

Feng Yun pursed his lips and said, "Brother, you are so kind."

No matter what decision she made, no matter how shocking the world was, Wen Xingsu would not say anything. Even if he was the enemy of the whole world, he would still say, "I am by your side."

Her whole body relaxed.

On the way back to Xinzhou, I closed my eyes and thought a lot.

What can she gain from the Shinshu Peace Conference?

What she wants is not as simple as buying some land and opening a few shops. She wants more. Enough to protect myself, no longer like in my previous life, being manipulated by others and unable to say no.


Li Sangruo sat in a daze.

After a long while, I asked the palace maid.

"Is Lord Wei here?"

The palace maid said: "The chief has not yet..."

Li Sangruo was a little nervous. He was silent for a moment and then asked Xiao Huangmen to go out and take a look.

After a while, the little yellow door came back.

"Come, come, Master Wei has arrived at Cuiyu."

Li Sangruo stroked his cheek gently and looked at himself in the bronze mirror.

"You all go down and let Master Wei come in alone."

She was pregnant with a child, and the old man Puyang Li said that her body was weak after giving birth, and if she was forced to take strong drugs to have an abortion, her life would be in danger.

After much deliberation, I couldn't think of any good solution.

She remembered that a doctor had said that sexual intercourse should be forbidden if the fetus was unable to sit firmly before three months.

In this case, sexual intercourse will cause the fetus to abort naturally...

She caressed her still belly and watched the palace maids put down the gauze curtains and file out. They slowly turned around and faced the door with their backs, stroking their loose black hair bit by bit with a gloomy look...

Can't blame her for being cruel.

This scoundrel should never have come.

The empress dowager who came to court in such a dignified manner was pregnant after the death of the late emperor. It was really unbearable for word to spread.

The father could not tolerate his grandson, and when the emperor grew up, it was impossible for him to tolerate a younger brother and sister from the same mother.

She had to get rid of it without anyone noticing...

The sound of footsteps came, getting closer and closer.

Li Sangruo leaned on the embroidered pillow and looked into the mirror in a leisurely manner.

"I have an audience with you, Wei Zheng."

The man was outside the door and there was a sound of landing.

Li Sangruo's eyes turned red and suddenly burst into tears.

Wei Zheng was not the man she was looking forward to.

What she wanted was Pei Ran.

But Pei Man would not enter her room, let alone have sex with her.

She couldn't get what she longed for, and had to accept one man after another she didn't want.

She was extremely wronged. From Emperor Xifeng to Song Shou'an, and then to Wei Zheng, from aggrieved and seeking perfection to actively seeking love, she seemed to have changed, but in fact she had never changed. None of them were what she wanted,

"Ah Lang." Li Sangruo murmured in a low voice, as if in a dream.

"Her Royal Highness the Queen Mother?"

Wei Zheng didn't hear the response and called softly outside again.

"The door is open." Li Sangruo breathed in, suppressing his emotions and said calmly: "Come in."

Wei Zheng pushed open the half-open door and looked at the slender figure with loose buns and a lazy posture, and was stunned for a moment.

There was no one else in the room, and the aroma was overwhelming.

The smell amplified the beauty.

Wei Zheng is well-informed, how could he not feel the ambiguity?

If it had been before, he would have jumped on it with joy. Isn't it sweeter than eating honey to win the favor of his sweetheart?

Today, Wei Zheng is a little hesitant.

He didn't know what he was hesitating about. His feet felt like they were nailed to the door, unable to cross the threshold.

Li Sangruo turned around, "Why don't you come in?"

Wei Zheng said: "Wei Chen is investigating the affairs of Andu County. I just got some insights... I wonder what your Highness's orders are?"

It was okay not to mention that matter, but Li Sangruo became even more angry when he mentioned it.

"It won't be long before now." Her voice was soft, as if she was half-dead, and her tone had become fragile, without the majesty she had before the court.

"Come in and talk to the Ai family."

Ao Qi: Uncle, don’t worry. I will take good care of Feng Yun after you die.

Pei Jue: Thank you.

Ao Qi: No need to thank me. She has already thanked me for you just now.

Feng Yun: …

This child is really honest. He can’t tell the difference between good words and bad words.

Ao Qi: I really can’t tell the difference. I saw that many readers are calling for Ao Qi to eat better!

Reader: ? ? ? ? Seriously?

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