Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 232 Late-night disturbance

The scout was pacing back and forth in the flower hall dressed in casual clothes, looking very anxious.

When Feng Yun appeared, he breathed a sigh of relief and turned around to salute.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you so late at night, madam."

Feng Yun raised his hand and said, "Speak directly about your purpose."

Seeing her like this, the man breathed a sigh of relief.

"The villain is Pang Gui, Chief Wei's eldest attendant. At nightfall, Her Royal Highness the Queen Mother summoned the master to Cuiyu Island and sent the villain out. The villain did not dare to go far and was waiting outside Cuiyu Island. At this hour, the master has not come out yet..."

Changsui is different from other Tiqi in Tiqi Division. He is usually a domestic servant in the mansion and will be particularly loyal to his master.

Feng Yun glanced at him.

"Then why did you come to me?"

Pang Gui cupped his hands, lowered his head and whispered:

"The master told the villain that he has offended many people recently, and he is worried about his life. He also specifically told him that if something unexpected happens to him, or if there is an emergency and he doesn't know what to do, he can go to Chunyu Pavilion to find Feng lady."

Feng Yun was silent.

Pang Gui held his breath and looked at her.

After a long time, seeing that she didn't move, he knelt down with a plop.

"Madam, please save my master."

Feng Yun motioned to Ge Guang to help him up, frowned slightly and said:

"Cuiyu is the Queen Mother's palace, no different than anywhere else. It's not that I don't want to save, it's that I can't do anything..."

There were tears in Pang Gui's eyes, and he was mumbling anxiously.

"Madam can't be saved, so how can life be can life be good..."

Feng Yun asked: "How are you sure something happened to your master?"

Pang Guidao: "My master usually visits the Queen Mother and comes out in an hour at most. It's late at night, and the Queen Mother should have rested long ago. There is no reason to keep the master overnight..."


Feng Yun's eyelashes twitched.

What did Li Sangruo call Wei Zheng for?

I couldn't wait to come to Xinzhou in advance. Shouldn't I be anxious to find Pei Mang?

When something goes wrong, a demon will appear.

Feng Yun was sensitively aware that there was something unusual in it.

Originally, she didn't like to meddle in such nosy matters.

But because that person is Li Sanruo.

Also because of Luo Yue...

She went back to the house and asked Xiao Man to hold the lamp, and found the box that Luo Yue Tuo Wei Zheng had sent from Zhongjing.

It's all Luo Yue's thoughts.

Food, things to use, things to play with, things to wear, and fun things, as long as she looks good, they are all brought to Feng Yun.

She fulfilled her promise when she left Huaxi Village, lived a good life, and never forgot Feng Yun's support.

The most interesting thing is that there is a pair of children's tiger-head shoes in the box. They are brand new and look very cute. At a glance, you can tell that they were prepared by Luo Yue for her soon-to-be-born child. I don’t know if he picked it up in the box by mistake or if he was deliberately showing off. Feng Yun looked at the little shoes and felt a little funny.

But at this time...

She picked up the tiger-toe shoes and looked at the light, but she couldn't smile.


Xiaoman shuddered when he looked at her solemn expression.

"What are you looking at these shoes for?"

Under the lonely lamp, the bright red tiger-head shoes and her pale face made the scene a bit scary.

Feng Yun looked slightly sideways.

"Go call Guard Ye and take me to see the general."


The group of people hurriedly left Chunyuyuan and went to Pei Ran's camp.

Unexpectedly, Pei Ran was not in the camp.

The guard said: "The general left at night and has not returned yet."

Ye Chuang looked at his wife's face and secretly broke into a cold sweat for the general.

"Did the general say where he went?"

The guard was confused, shook his head, looked at Feng Yun, and swallowed nervously.

"Didn't I go to see my wife? How dare I ask about the general's whereabouts..."

Ye Chuang knew there was nothing wrong with what he said.

But the lady's face was not good, so naturally he had to help her glare at him.

"Idiot! Remember to ask around next time."

The guard laughed bitterly, "Yes, yes, yes."

Feng Yun didn't bother to look at Ye Chuang's winking, he lifted up his skirt and turned around to go back to Chungu Restaurant.

As soon as the door closed, she asked Ge Guang to call Pang Gui over.

"You want to save your master, don't you?"

Pang Gui nodded vigorously.

Feng Yun asked: "Are you afraid of the Queen Mother?"

Pang Gui nodded again.

"Then what if you offend the Queen Mother in order to save your master?"

Pang Gui's eyes turned slightly red.

It could be seen that he was very nervous and scared, but he still shook his head.

"The villain is not afraid anymore."

"Okay. Let me help you." Feng Yun motioned for him to come closer, and then handed over the red tiger-head shoes in his hand.

"You go to Cuiyu immediately and say that someone from Zhongjing Wei Mansion is coming. Luo Ji's body is red and there are signs of miscarriage. Please see your master..."

Pang Gui seems to understand but not understand.

"What if the Queen Mother doesn't let the villain see her?"

Feng Yun sneered.

"It is a state law. Your master is an important minister of the Imperial Cavalry Department, not a slave in the Queen Mother's private residence. He can be beaten and killed whenever he wants. Even if Master Wei commits a capital crime, he should be tried by Dali Temple before being punished. You Do you understand?"

Pang Gui understood now.

The master was not convicted, and the birth of a child by concubine Ji was a big deal in that family. The Queen Mother had no reason to stop him from seeing him, let alone stop him from leaving.

"At least, we can explore the reality."

"I understand, little man." Pang Gui hugged the tiger-head shoes excitedly and kept bowing to Feng Yun.

"Mrs. Laofeng, I will go immediately."

Feng Yun nodded.

"Wait for your news."

Pang Gui went out.

Feng Yun called Ge Guang and whispered a few words to Xiaoman, who then dumped the extinguished charcoal ash in the hand warmer, replaced the charcoal, and covered herself in the quilt, and then she felt a little warmer.

She was very afraid of the cold in winter.

But the person who warmed the bed, I don't know where he went.

Pei Wangzhi!

Don't let her down.

Otherwise, she might have to bury him with her own hands.


Cuiyu Warm Pavilion.

Li Sangruo had her black hair loose, revealing her curves. She took a deep breath of the faint fragrance of "Hezhi". In the full and decadent taste, her eyes were half closed and she was intoxicated, but she bit her lips tightly and dared not spit out the name.

Wei Zheng was not Song Shouan.

She couldn't call Pei Jue in front of him.

But if she didn't call Pei Jue's name, the desire that was stuck in her heart would never be soothed, and she couldn't reach it. It was like a silk thread hanging, hanging her and swaying, and it was difficult to comfort her.

She simply closed her eyes.

In my heart, I kept calling for him...

I thought of Pei Jue's face, his tall body, and the bulging penis I saw in the martial arts arena...

Inside and outside the room, there is no better man in the world than Pei Jue...

"General..." She grabbed Wei Zheng's arm and called him softly, as if she had already got that man, completely got that man, and finally satisfied to the extreme with her imagination.

Fortunately, it was not inappropriate to call Wei Zheng General.

She gasped and entangled him with sweat on the crest of the tide...

"Master, Master!"

A sharp voice came from outside the warm room, tearing my heart apart.

"Please, let me see our master..."

"Master! Urgent news from Zhongjing."

"Luo Ji is bleeding and is going to have a miscarriage!"

The last sentence was shouted out to the warm room by Pang Gui at the risk of his life, with the two eunuchs blocking him, sharp and high-pitched.

Wei Zheng's body froze and suddenly stopped.

Li Sangruo looked at him with dissatisfaction.

The man's face was flushed. It was the first time he had tasted the taste of "Hezhi". Obviously, he was not as accustomed to it as she was, and his expression was already confused.

But the words of the slave made him stop.

Li Sangruo frowned.

"What's the noise outside?"

"Return to Your Highness." The servant outside the warm room had a trembling voice, "The Tiqi Division came to find Master Wei, holding a pair of tiger-head shoes, saying that Master Wei's concubine had seen blood and was about to have a miscarriage..."

What's the big deal about a concubine's miscarriage?

Li Sangruo was a little irritable.

People from the Tiqi Division could walk in the inner palace, so her good thing was disturbed by a slave.

"Hurry up and pull him down."

After she said that, she pinched Wei Zheng's shoulder.

"Wei Qing, what are you thinking about?"

Wei Zheng didn't move, as if he was seriously thinking about what was said outside.

Li Sangruo hummed in dissatisfaction, wrapped her hands around Wei Zheng's neck, and pressed him tightly and slowly pushed forward twice, whimpering weakly.

"Don't listen, don't listen to that slave's nonsense, nothing happened...Aren't you very comfortable...That's enough..."

"Luo Yue." Wei Zheng's eyes were dazed, and he held Li Sangruo's hand, finding a trace of clarity in the chaos.

Luo Yue was going to have a miscarriage.

Their child.

His first child.

He had been looking forward to the arrival of the child so eagerly.

Now Luo Yue was going to have a miscarriage, what was he doing?

Wei Zheng seemed to be hit hard by someone suddenly, and his body was stiff as if struck by lightning. He slowly pinched Li Sangruo's waist and forcibly pulled her away. Without waiting for her reaction, he pulled out and hurriedly got off the bed.

"I deserve to die."

He bowed deeply to Li Sangruo twice.

"Something happened in my house. Your Highness, please allow me to leave."

Li Sangruo widened her eyes and looked at her in disbelief.

"What did you say?"

At this moment, she was lying there naked. Would a man who was in the middle of sex leave because of a word?

Even if you are ruthless, you will still have desires. No man can resist such temptation.

Unless the woman is really unbearable.

She is the unbearable person right now.

Li Sang was so angry that her breathing was tight and her eyes were red.

"Wei Qing, have you thought about it?"

Wei Zheng's face was full of anxiety, "Your Highness, I, your humble servant, I will take my leave. When I come back, I will apologize to your Highness."

He did not wait for Li Sangruo to agree. He quickly put on his clothes, almost without looking at her, and turned around and left. His speed was as fast as a ghost chasing him.

Li Sangruo was the ghost.

A ghost who was crazy and wanted to kill people!

Her face, which was still flushed just now, gradually faded.

She sat empty and dull, with a face full of pain and disbelief...

The fragrance of the incense came lightly.

It was still the same smell.

She suddenly gritted her teeth like crazy, pounded her belly hard, choked, and looked like a madman...

"Damn dog!"

"Go to hell, go to hell!"

"Bastard! You bastard!"

Feng Yun: I accidentally disturbed the good things of Her Majesty the Queen Mother, what a sin, what a sin.

Luo Yue: I knew that this relative was not mistaken at the beginning.

Feng Yun: It's this man, do you still want him?

Luo Yue: Beat him up, pick him up and keep him for another two years, try it? Wait until the child grows up and gets a name, then kick him out?

Wei Zheng: The author misled me! What Hezhixiang, it's all its fault.

Luo Yue: Shut up, don't think I don't know, you just coveted the Queen Mother, and finally let people taste it, you are so comfortable.

Wei Zheng: To be honest, not as good as Luo Ji...

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