Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 242: Charming

Cuiyu Palace.

The banquet was placed in the large flower hall, with Li Sangruo sitting at the head. The ministers from Beijing and local officials from Xinzhou knelt on both sides according to their official positions, each exchanging greetings and expressing their feelings.

After being invited to a banquet by the Queen Mother, the courtiers all took showers and changed clothes. They came early and did not dare to keep the Queen Mother waiting...

But there are two places at the lower left side of the Queen Mother. The dining table is empty, and the time has come and it has not come yet.

One is General Pei, and the other is Crown Prince Yunchuan.

Chun Yuyan had a surly and unruly temperament, and he always went his own way. Pei Madang was so outstanding that he had many conflicts with the court recently. On that day at the dock, he blatantly refused to show dignity to the Queen Mother...

This style is worth exploring.

Even though it's just two empty seats, it's not just a late arrival. In the undercurrent of the court situation, two empty seats are enough to create countless associations in people's hearts...

A quarter of an hour passed.

Two quarters of an hour passed...

The ministers gradually became impatient with the wait.

Li Sangruo smiled and said: "Let's have a banquet. The general and Crown Prince Yunchuan must have been caught up in something important. They are away from home and not in the court. My beloved ministers do not need to pay attention to so many etiquettes. They can talk and eat with the Ai family. Just drink and wait for them..."

After saying that, he glanced at Fang Fucai beside him.

Fang Fu got the signal and shouted in a high voice:


The neatly made-up maids filed out and walked between the tables carrying dishes.

Li Sangruo raised his cup and faced the ministers slightly, his voice and attitude were very kind and kind.

"The Ai family takes this lamp to wish the peace talks a success tomorrow. I also express my gratitude to all my beloved ministers for their support over the years and for recommending me to assist in the administration, to jointly manage national affairs, and to support the country."

All the ministers stood up and bowed to Li Sangruo.

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

"Your Majesty is young, and the Ai family is a female. Fortunately, all of you love your ministers to serve the people and serve the court, so that the government of the Jin Dynasty can be harmonious and prosperous. When the peace talks are completed, the Ai family will return to the capital to discuss their merits and deeds. reward……"

"It is the duty of all ministers to share your Majesty's worries, and I cannot accept such a great gift from His Highness."

Everyone is familiar with the process of saying some high-sounding words at a banquet, making the monarch and his ministers live in harmony and enjoying each other's lives happily. Everyone's face turns red and their ears are red when they say it, and they look like they are going to be furious, but no one knows what they are slandering in their hearts.

With the wine in his throat, Li Sangruo glanced at the empty table again.

It's almost half an hour...

He hasn't come yet.

"Fang Fucai." She gestured with a smile.

Fang Fucai approached, bent down and said, "Your Highness..."

There was a hint of coldness in Li Sangruo's eyes, "Send someone to see what's going on with the general."

Fang Fucai also felt puzzled. Normally, on a day like this, no matter how dissatisfied Pei Ran was with His Highness, he shouldn't be absent...

All he could think of was that the general was tripped up by something...

"The villain immediately ordered someone to investigate."

He retreated silently without anyone noticing.

Only Wei Zheng raised his eyes and glanced at Pei Madang's table like Li Sangruo did. Then he lowered his eyes and drank alone.

When he came today, Li Sangruo ignored him from beginning to end.

Wei Zheng knew in his heart that his behavior had angered the Queen Mother.

He was a little confused, especially when he learned that the "miscarriage" was just a trick that Pang Gui asked Feng Yun for help in desperation. He was actually upset and scared.

I offended the Queen Mother on impulse, what should I do next?

But when the panic in my heart passed, I felt relieved again...

He doesn't want to be the second Song Shou'an.

Death is not the worst thing, the worst thing is to die disgracefully and bring shame to the family...

He has a child.

If his children knew that he was the face of the Queen Mother who flattered the Queen Mother, and that he was the kind of villain who relied on pleasing his body to gain a place in the court, where would his face be?

Therefore, what he was afraid of was not that Li Sangruo would ignore him, but that Li Sangruo would call him to sleep with him again...

What excuse should I make next time?

As he drank deeply, he suddenly missed Luo Yue.

She has a lot of clever ideas, and if she were around, she could give him some advice...

"Your Highness, Your Highness..."

Fang Fucai walked in hurriedly and approached with a tired smile.

"The general is here, here he is."

Li Sangruo tightened his hands, holding the cup and barely keeping calm, looking down at the door of the flower hall.

Soon, a tall figure was seen walking around the screen and striding in. A loose coat swayed slightly, and he was covered with a thick cloak, which seemed to be covered with night dew. As soon as he entered, the flower hall fell silent, cold and tense, and no one was talking or laughing.

"I am late, please punish me, Your Highness." Pei Ran bowed slightly to Li Sangruo in the palace.

"General, there is no need to be polite. Please take your seat." Li Sangruo smiled lightly, his face was very kind, his expression was subtle and gentle, but his eyes never left Pei Madang.

Watching him move from far to near, slowly walking closer to take a seat...

The earth dragon was burning in the house, which was much warmer than outside. When the courtiers entered, they took off their thick cloaks and handed them to the servants to take away. They would put them on again when they went out.

Pei Madang didn't.

He sat down calmly, as if nothing happened...

But Li Sangruo was very close to him, and when he brushed aside his clothes and sat down, she still noticed the clues.

Not to mention the wrinkles on the undress, there were fresh traces looming on the neck. She could also use her knees to think about what Pei Madang had just done with the woman before coming to the banquet.

Li Sangruo's eyes turned green and he frowned involuntarily.

After a moment, he slowly let go and picked up the wine glass to signal Pei Mang.

"General, you're late. Can you punish yourself with a drink?"

Pei Jue lowered his eyes to look at the wine in the cup, raised his sleeves and drank it all.

Li Sangruo watched his Adam's apple bulge, his eyes slightly half closed.

"My wife didn't come with you?"

Pei Jue bowed, "Your Highness is thoughtful. My wife is not feeling well and cannot travel."

Not feeling well? Li Sangruo looked at him and chuckled, "I heard that the general's wife was showing off her power in Longming Town today. Is she feeling unwell now?"

Her tone was neither light nor heavy, but it sounded like a heavy drum to everyone's ears.

All the ministers turned their eyes to him.

Pei Jue said calmly, "My wife was upset in Mingquan Town, so she felt unwell."

Li Sangruo stared at this handsome face with a hint of coldness, her eyes were burning, she smiled, but it felt like there was a knife in her heart, cutting her flesh one by one.

He said this "wife" so intimately and naturally...

Did he really regard that bitch from the enemy country as his wife?

For the first time, Li Sangruo felt that the status of the empress dowager was not as high as that of the general's wife.

Just like the dishes and wine in front of her, they looked delicious, but tasted tasteless.

"Call her." Li Sangruo raised the corners of her lips, and her eyebrows and eyes were full of smiles, "I have been curious about this general's wife for a long time. It's a rare opportunity to see her, and I can't wait."

After that, she didn't give Pei Jue a chance to refuse, and called Fang Fucai.

"Go and take the general's wife to Cuiyu, and tell her that I invite her to the banquet."

Fang Fucai bowed his head: "Yes."

Pei Jue was silent, with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

Li Sangruo turned to look at him, "I think this arrangement is good for the general?"

Pei Jue: "Thank you for your kindness, Your Highness."

Li Sangruo smiled and almost bit her silver teeth.


After Pei Jue left, Feng Yun lay on the couch for a long time before she recovered a little strength, propped herself up, and called the maid to prepare water for bathing.

Her body seemed to be falling apart, soaking in the wooden barrel. Her fair skin was full of traces left by Pei Jue. Xiaoman blushed and complained to Pei Jue again.

Daman turned his face away and looked down.

The movement just now was more severe than the last time. You don’t need to see how much strength the general used. Even a big and strong man could be broken by him, let alone a girl with delicate skin and tender flesh?

“Next time, girl, take care of the general and don’t let him succeed again.”

Xiaoman was daring because of Feng Yun, and she was not soft-hearted when she made up stories about Pei Jue.

Daman tried hard to wink, but she couldn’t see it.

Feng Yun closed her eyes and lay in the warm water, her cheeks flushed, like a fairy who had absorbed yang energy, with a lazy bun, a fragrant face, and a surprisingly good complexion.

She didn’t listen to the maid’s complaints.

She was thinking, what would happen to the man who was rushing to the palace at this time, when he saw Li Sangruo?

This was her purpose of getting him before Pei Jue went to see Li Sangruo, and she was looking forward to it...

"Xiao Man." She said: "I will inform Xiao Rong later and ask her to pack her things. Maybe the general will take her to the council tomorrow."

Xiao Man responded, waited for Feng Yun to lie down, and obediently brought the ointment.

"Girl, let me help you apply it?"

She thought that this ointment was for those marks on her body.

Feng Yun didn't say much, just looked at her.

"Leave it there, you all go down."

Xiao Man said, "Why are you so mysterious, girl?"

They are personal maids, what's wrong with applying ointment?

"It's not convenient for the master to apply it herself..."

Da Man pulled her and signaled her not to dawdle.

But Feng Yun suddenly looked up, "Da Man, stay."

Xiao Man was stunned. Didn't the girl always tell her? Why did she suddenly trust her sister more recently and often stay to talk privately. Did she do something wrong?

Feng Yun didn't know what Xiaoman was thinking. After she left, he called Daman over.

"Does Mrs. Chen have any news?"

Daman shook her head. "Today in the meeting hall, she did give me a look, indicating that I should hold the girl, but I just pretended not to see it."

Feng Yun smiled, "What do you think of the farce in Mingquan Town?"

Daman's eyes trembled, "What does the girl mean?"

Feng Yun said, "Is this Feng family the Feng family you want in every possible way?"

Daman's body suddenly tensed up, and he lowered his eyes and said, "What Daman wants is not this Feng family, but an identity given by the Feng family, and it is also my mother's wish..."

Feng Yun nodded and said slowly, "Go down, you will get what you want."

When there was no one in the room, Feng Yun took off her forced dignity, took a bronze mirror, took off her clothes and applied medicine for herself.

The medicine given by Puyang Jiu was really good. It slowly melted when applied. It was cool and thin, and a little strangely warm, which was very comfortable.

She was very shy before and never looked at herself seriously. Now she has a thick skin. When she applied the medicine, she observed it carefully twice and found it very magical.

She was really talented in this aspect. No wonder Pei Gou called her a goblin. Not only did she eat such a terrible thing, but he had just left for a short time. She took a hot bath and slowly recovered. If she applied some more medicine, she would be back to normal the next day, as if she had never been touched by anyone. The good thing is that it does not hurt the body and can enjoy the good fortune. The bad thing is that every time it is like the first time, it is as difficult as going through a catastrophe. You have to toss and turn to succeed...

It's too difficult.

Feng Yun applied the medicine and took out the soaked cloth strip from under the pillow, mixed it up and threw it away with the waste paper, for fear that Xiaoman would see it and ask questions...

I have to prepare a new one.

As she thought about it, she thought of the box that Luo Yue brought.

There seemed to be a silver tray inside.

But that was because the man was not confident enough and used it to please the woman, and what she wanted was just the opposite, to stop him and not get hurt.

After doing all this, she called Daman and Xiaoman into the house again.

"Please change my clothes for me."

Xiaoman was stunned, "It's dark, and the girl still wants to go out?"

Feng Yun seemed to be waiting for something, and said lightly: "Dress up and go to see the general?"

But the general went to the palace?

Daman and Xiaoman looked at each other, a little confused.

When Fang Fucai sent someone to invite her, Feng Yun had just put on her clothes, painted her eyebrows and eyes, and applied lipstick. She was wearing a moon-like loose dress, which made her lips red and teeth white, and her demeanor was charming.

Xiaoman was stunned.


Then he let out a long breath.

"How did you know that the queen mother would send someone to invite?"

Feng Yun smiled, walked past them, and did not answer.

In the previous life, the first time Feng Yun and Li Sangruo met was also at a banquet in the palace.

Pei Jue didn’t bring her along. Halfway through the banquet, Li Sangruo sent Fang Fucai to invite her.

The difference is that in her previous life, she was not the general’s wife, and the palace for the peace talks was not in Xinzhou, but in Andu.

Puyang Yi: What did Madam eat to keep her skin so good?

Feng Yun: Cannibalism.

Puyang Yi: So good? I’ll find someone to eat too.

Feng Yun: …

Li Sangruo: So angry, so angry, so angry! ! ! !

Feng Yun: Then… bury her.

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