Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 270 Psychological Game

The Jin State sent a servant to participate in the third round of the competition, which was shocking.

Everyone's eyes were on the Zhongba field, wanting to see who the sacred person was, but unexpectedly it was a skinny boy of thirteen or fourteen years old.

He had an ordinary face and did not look like a young genius.

The Jin envoys closed their eyes and sighed.

The Qi envoy was polite. He said that heroes do not ask about their origins, but he could not hide his smile.

Who doesn't want to see the opponent make a fool of himself?

The gong sounded.

The game was about to begin.

Xing Dalang walked past Feng Yun and clenched his fingers nervously.


Although the fourteen or fifteen-year-old boy had gained some experience with Feng Yun during this period, he was still young and had never seen such a big world. Looking at the dark imperial guards and envoys from the two countries, and facing the famous Confucian scholars of the contemporary era, it was inevitable to be nervous.

"Don't be afraid." Feng Yun looked at him calmly, lowered his eyes, and said a few words in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

"Go ahead. Don't panic."

Xing Dalang relaxed his tense body, took two breaths, and then walked to the competition field.

He bowed deeply to Yan Buxi of Qi.

"Old sir, I am from Xingzhou, please give me more advice."

Yan Buxi snorted and ignored him.

In his opinion, Jin sent a young boy to compete with him, knowing that he could not win and insulting him. He did not get angry on the spot, which showed that he was broad-minded.

Xing Dalang did not have any emotions because of Yan Buxi's cold reception...

Because he was a great man, he was able to compete with Yan Buxi here because of the girl, so how could he dare to object...


The gong sounded.

Chun Yuyan glanced at the incense sticks on the sidelines.

"The third round begins."

The barrier built by Qi Fang is a simple bamboo fence, about half a person's height, winding and erected on the middle dam, like a maze.

Xing Dalang and Yan Bushi, each on one side, walked to the middle at the same time. There is a small door at each corner, with questions sealed with wax hanging on it. You need to open it and read the questions first, and then write down the answers.

At each level, there is a Yunchuan attendant waiting, and they have the correct answers to the questions in their hands.

If you answer correctly, you can pass the level and move forward.

After the last question is finished, you can get the prize.

Maybe Xing Dalang was a little nervous, and he silently recited the formulas taught by Feng Yun in his mind. He didn't expect that the new question would stump him.

"There are four bridges on Shagang River, three high and one low. Last year, Shagang had three floods. The three high bridges were submerged three times, and the one low bridge was only submerged once. Why is this?"

This doesn't seem to be a math problem.

Xing Dalang was so anxious that sweat broke out on his forehead. He couldn't help but look at Yan Buxi's side. He subconsciously felt that this question would not be difficult for him.

And he...

His experience was not as good as Yan Buxi. If it was just the kind of calculation for accounting, he could be very fast, but this kind of...

Xing Dalang racked his brains to think, and the more he thought, the more panicked he became. His mind was blank and he was very upset.

On the other side, Yan Buxi quickly passed the level.

Seeing that the young boy was still hesitating, the crowd watching the game talked a lot.

"What else is there to say? He can't do it."

"He is really a fool. He pretends to be a math genius. Is this to coax the Queen Mother Jin to reward him?"

"How could he give birth to an ignorant child to compete with Mr. Yan..."

"It's a joke."

The discussion in the crowd was faintly heard.

Xiaoman, Daman, the Ge brothers, and several people stood beside Feng Yun, their palms were sweating, and they were very worried about Xing Dalang.

Puyang Yi looked at Li Sangruo's changing face, and her palms were sweating with nervousness, and her heart was about to jump out of her throat.

She patted her chest and promised this in front of Queen Mother Li, praising Xing Dalang as a mathematical genius, unprecedented and unparalleled, and said that General Wen was inferior to him...

Wen Xingsu also expressed his affirmation on the spot.

Who would have thought that he couldn't get through the first hurdle?

She stood behind Li Sangruo and kept winking at Feng Yun.

But Feng Yun didn't have any expression.

It was as if he didn't see the thrill of the scene at all.

Puyang Yi couldn't help it, ran over secretly and asked Feng Yun.

"Madam, is this kid really good? Don't lie to me..."

This competition is of great importance, and she will become a sinner for all time if she is not careful.

If she hadn't heard Wen Xingsu personally confirm that Xing Dalang was talented in mathematics last night, she would not dare to make such a heavy bet even if she was tempted by male beauty.

"I thought he would lose, but it would be too embarrassing if he couldn't answer any of the questions."

"Wait for him for a while." Feng Yun didn't look at her, but looked at Xing Dalang on the field, speaking in a light tone, as if he didn't take it seriously.

Puyang Yi was almost worried to death.

Over there, Yan Buxi reached the fifth barrier checkpoint.

He seemed to be stumped as well...

"I know." Xing Dalang suddenly shouted, "Bring paper and pen."

A servant followed him throughout the whole process and offered paper and pen.

Xing Dalang was so excited that his hands were shaking, and he quickly picked up the pen and wrote.

"The high bridge will be exposed after the flood recedes, so it will be flooded again when the next flood comes, so it was flooded three times. The low bridge has been below the water level since the first flood, so it was only flooded once."

His handwriting has improved by leaps and bounds in the past few months, and the answer is written in a very decent manner.


The attendant guarding the gate shouted.

The bamboo fence door opened in response.

Xing Dalang couldn't wait to walk in, and then read the next question. With the idea of ​​solving the first question, it would be easier to encounter such sharp turns in the future.

After the third question, he gradually got better.

He already has a talent for arithmetic, and he is familiar with the formulas and formulas taught by Feng Yun. He knows how to use numbers to replace calculations. When faced with arithmetic problems, he is as fast as lightning, reaching the fifteenth mark in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, Yan Buxi was still at the tenth pass.

Fifteen to ten, the atmosphere on the court was extremely tense.

Pu Yangyi almost jumped with excitement.

However, Xing Dalang stopped on the field, as if encountering difficulties, and looked back frequently.

Puyangyi became nervous again.

"What's wrong, what's wrong, what kind of problem is he encountering?"

Feng Yun said: "Among the twenty questions, there will always be ones he can't solve."

Puyangyi was stunned when he heard this.

"What should we do?"

As long as the last moment is not reached and the prize is not won, no matter how fast the calculation is, it will be useless and it will not be considered a victory.

She suddenly asked Feng Yun: "Can you do it? Ayun?"

In desperation, the names changed and they became much closer.

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows and said, "I want to see the question, maybe I will."

Puyangyi was stunned.

I was surprised and admired at the same time.

"You really can?"

Feng Yun curled his lips and said to Pu Yangyi: "Go and tell Empress Dowager Li that you will grant me the title of First-Rank Lady, and I can help solve the problem."

Li Sangruo's mood at the moment was similar to that of Puyang Yi, with ups and downs.

At first, he thought he had been fooled by Pu Yangyi, and he was so angry that he wanted to kill someone.

Seeing Xing Dalang emerging and surpassing Yan Buqi, all her doubts were gone and she didn't even bother to hide the pride on her face.

"An ordinary servant can defeat the great scholar of Qi State. The so-called celebrities and talents of Qi State are just bragging..."

I thought the victory was determined, but unexpectedly, Xing Dalang was stuck at the fifteenth level and never made a breakthrough.

Until Yan Buxi caught up with him and reached the fifteenth level and started solving problems, he still had no idea.

"Auntie." Pu Yangyi walked over silently and said in a low voice: "There is something I was nervous about last night, so I didn't dare to tell you clearly."

Li Sangruo frowned and stared at her.

"What's the matter?"

Puyang Ripple chirped, aiming at Xing Dalang who was breaking through the field.

"This Azhou is actually from Feng Twelve Niang..."

"What?" Li Sangruo actually had doubts in his heart when he saw the young man talking to Feng Yun.

It's just that I thought it was because men from old to young love to rub themselves against vixens...

"Pingyuan, you are so brave." Li Sangruo gritted his teeth in anger and his voice changed, "How could you deceive the Ai family like this?"

Puyang Yi had already thought of a countermeasure.

When she finished speaking, she immediately bowed her head and admitted defeat.

"Auntie, what Pingyuan did was all for the sake of Jin Dynasty."

Pu Yangyi glanced at Xing Dalang on the field.

"Auntie also saw it. Azhou is really a math genius. At the age of fourteen, he finished the first fifteen levels before Yan Buxi..."

Having said this, she looked up at Li Sangruo again.

"Could it be that my aunt would disregard the destiny of the country because of a little personal grudge? Pingyuan guessed that with my aunt's magnanimity, she would definitely not do it. Only then was she bold enough to kill first and then report later."

Li Sangruo was already riding a tiger with difficulty.

You can't give up the game just because Xing Dalang is Feng Yun's man, right?

She suppressed her anger and squeezed the handkerchief.

"That's all, if he can win this round, the Ai family will not pursue the case..."

Before the voice fell, Puyang Ripple was heard speaking weakly again.

"But aunt, Azhou seems to be stumped..."

Li Sangruo said coldly.

"If he is a waste, the Aijia will punish you as well."

Puyangyi bit her teeth and found it difficult to say the following words.

After rehearsing it in my mind several times, I finally took a breath.

"Feng Twelfth Mother said that she has a way to solve the problem."

Li Sangruo couldn't believe it, "Her?"

Pu Yangyi nodded, "Feng Twelve has been known as a child prodigy since she was a child, and her mother Lu Sanniang is a famous talented woman in the world. The Xuzhou Feng family is also a century-old family... The most important thing is that this Azhou is her disciple. , was trained by Feng Twelve Mother. If the apprentice is like this, where can the master be?"

Li Sangruo was angry and resentful.

If she hadn't given her hope at the beginning, she might have resigned herself to defeat, but Xing Dalang's successive kills just now had aroused her competitive spirit.

The civil and military people of the Jin Dynasty looked at her.

Father looked at her.

Everyone in the world is looking at her...

If you can defeat Yan Buqi with just one servant, your reputation will spread far and wide and be passed down through history...

Also, Xinzhou was defeated by Pei Madang.

If it were lost from her hands, what would Pei Madang think of her? Will there be another incident that cannot be settled?

Li Sangruo needed this victory so much.

Feng Yun kept her emotions in check until this moment before making his move, which she simply couldn't refuse.

"Hmph!" Li Sangruo saw that Xing Dalang was still in the same place, but Yan Buxi had passed the fifteenth level and was doing the sixteenth level questions.

She was anxious inside and gritted her teeth and said:

"Okay. Then the Ai family will rely on you one more time."

Pu Yangyi's eyelids twitched, "Auntie, Feng Twelfth Mother has one more request."

Any more requests?

Li Sangruo sneered.

"I knew she wasn't that kind. Tell me, what's the request..."

Puyangyi lowered his head and whispered.

"Feng Shier Niang said that she would ask her aunt to make her a first-class lady of the state..."

There is a problem with the keyboard touch today. It is too sensitive and stupid. It is killing me... See you tomorrow.

Feng Yun: Mom, is there no small theater?

Er Jin: I have nothing to say...

Chun Yu Yan: Then tell me, when will you give me some benefits?

Er Jin: What good things are you thinking? There is no name.

Pei Jue: I will buy a keyboard for my mother-in-law.

Chun Yu Yan: I will buy it, I have money.

Ao Qi: Uncle, I will draw the sword for you!!!

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