Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 272: The sassy and graceful

A great master of mathematics lost to an unknown young boy, and lost Xinzhou because of it. If the truth is so, Yan Buxi really has no face to live.

For people like him, reputation is more important than life.

When he was excited, he burst into tears and refused to admit defeat.

"There are mountains beyond mountains, and there are buildings beyond buildings. There are always stronger people among the strong. Mr. Yan, I am willing to accept the defeat." Feng Yun suddenly walked out of the crowd.

She was wearing a thick fox fur coat, and her small face was lined with fur collar. She looked beautiful and delicate, but her face was light, and a casual smile would jump out of her eyes, making her look valiant.

"Mr. Yan, why don't you compete with me in public?"

Yan Buxi was concentrating on solving the problem just now, and didn't know what happened. Then he realized that Feng Yun was the mastermind behind the scenes.

But even so, he still didn't accept it.

Xing Dalang's arithmetic ability far exceeded his cognition and imagination. Although Feng Shier Niang was extremely intelligent, it was not an ordinary arithmetic problem. It took time to calculate the solution even if she knew the solution. If she didn't know the answer, how could she do it so quickly?

"Okay. I'll test your weight. If you have the ability, you can make me lose with conviction!"

Yan Buxi stood up.

He bowed to Feng Yun, a little angry.

"Since it is the girl of the Feng family who calls out, I dare not disobey. Prince Chunyu, please invite Mr. Qu to ask questions on the spot."

Qu Ding was watching from the side.

If he hadn't seen Feng Shier Niang reject the "good intentions" of the prince last night, I'm afraid he would have suspected whether Feng Shier Niang and Xing Dalang cheated.

Yan Buxi's suspicion was also his suspicion.

You know, when he asked questions, he took out all the things he used to brag about. A little kid like Xing Dalang could actually do so many...

Especially calculation questions.

They were incredibly fast.

Qu Ding chuckled, looked at Chun Yuyan, and stepped forward with his hands clasped, his eyes full of probing.

"Prince, are you going to answer this question or not?"

Chun Yuyan's expression was cold, with a slight smile on the corner of his lips, and his voice was indifferent.


He just wanted to see what this Feng Shier Niang was capable of.

He also wanted to see who was the traitor around him, who was bought by her...


No wonder Feng Shier rejected him last night.

It turned out that he knew the question from someone else.

Chun Yuyan stared at Feng Yun's calm face, smiling.

"But you can't answer this question."

Qu Ding had already stepped forward, but when he heard this, he shrank back.


He wanted to say something, but seeing Chun Yuyan's eyes smiling, he knew he couldn't open his mouth anymore.

"Yes." He bowed and retreated.

Chun Yuyan walked to the front of the crowd slowly and said loudly:

"Since some people suspect Yunchuan of cheating and leaking the questions, let this prince and Qi Jun jointly set the questions. Five questions each, how about that?"

The surroundings immediately became quiet.

Xiao Cheng did not move.

Sitting upright and steady, under countless inquiring eyes, he said softly:

"Okay. Thank you, prince."

Chun Yuyan said nothing, walked to the table with his wind cloak brushed lightly, and in front of everyone, he rolled up his sleeves and picked up the pen, dipped it in ink and wrote.

Xiao Cheng's face did not change, and he also asked people to prepare the pen and ink. His elegant face was calm and peaceful, and there was no anger at all. Compared with Yan Buxi's hysteria, his demeanor was admirable.

There was complete silence.

Prince Yunchuan was going to set the questions himself. Let alone his level, just looking at the numbers he wrote down casually, they were not something that could be easily memorized. Moreover, with Xiao Cheng's five questions as the pressure, neither side could cheat.

Chun Yuyan said: "Whoever does more questions within one stick of incense will win..."

The incense for counting time was lit.

Ten questions were handed to Feng Yun and Yan Buxi respectively.

Yan Buxi put one hand behind his back and took the questions confidently.

At a glance, his old face changed color.

Feng Yun was also a little surprised.

What kind of questions are these?

The questions asked by Qu Ding were at least intelligent and required thinking. Chun Yuyan was different. They were all simple and crude large number calculations mixed in with strange questions. It was very likely that he himself did not know the answer...

Of course, this did not stump Feng Yun.

The counting method taught by my mother could easily handle any large amount, just a little time-consuming...

But the questions asked by Xiao Cheng were much more difficult.

All of them required thinking and IQ testing.

Yan Buxi was slightly satisfied and raised his chin to look down on Feng Yun.

"Ms. Feng, please!"

"Mr. Yan, please."

The two of them saluted each other and sat down opposite each other.

Beside Yan Buxi, as usual, stood a servant who grinded ink and handed out paper and pen.

Feng Yun did not ask others to serve him, but called Xing Dalang.

"Watch and learn, and ask if you don't understand."

Xing Dalang smiled happily and bowed his head respectfully.

"I understand."

So, one was concentrating on calculating, and the other was concentrating on watching. If Xing Dalang asked for advice when he didn't understand something, Feng Yun would stop and explain it to him in detail.

They were not nervous about the competition at all.

The people in the field were surprised.

Xing Dalang had just become famous.

Who doesn't say he is a young genius?

But such a mathematical genius was just a servant in front of Feng Yun...

In the tense atmosphere, the world seemed to be still.

No one spoke, only the rustle of pen on paper.

The cold wind blows, and Feng Yun's clothes sway slightly. When he is sitting upright, his appearance is like a piece of peerless jade. He blends in with the people around him, but is different from the people around him. Each stroke is so gentle. It tugged at the heartstrings.

Not far away, in the crowd.

Pei Madang stood quietly.

Like everyone else, looking at the girl in the spotlight.

Ji You was also dumbfounded and remained motionless.

Zuo Zhong frowned slightly and asked in a low voice:

"General, what should we do now?"

Just before this competition, the Beiyong Army was already well prepared and ready to fall out with the Qi Army at any time. Just when Chun Yuyan announced that Qi had won and Xinzhou belonged to Qi, they were about to take action...

Who could have expected that things would suddenly turn around and spring would bloom.

It was Jin who won.

Pei Madang looked at the pretty figure. There was a complicated light in his dark eyes, but there was no change on his face.

"Everyone is on standby, don't act rashly."

Zuo Zhong responded, "Here."

Ji You breathed a sigh of relief.

"Madam is such a talented woman. She actually defeated Yan Buxi. If she loses again, she will have to call her daddy..."

He was speaking to Pei Ran, but the place was so quiet that his whole body almost swelled, and he didn't know how to restrain himself at all. The louder the voice, the more people listened.

Someone in Qi Fang immediately laughed out loud.

"Who is a talented woman if she wins by cheating?"

Ji You looked over and saw two Qi army guards.

"Ignorant children, you won't accept the defeat. I think you are also in need of father's discipline."

The two guards became furious.

"What did you say? Can you say it again if you dare?"

"I wonder if you are missing a father. You are so pitiful that you have probably never even heard of arithmetic, right? How about I reluctantly accept you..."

"Shameless thieves!" The guard said as he drew his sword and was about to burst into anger. The people around him held him back, but after a moment of agitation, both guards were ready to move.

Originally a hostile master, he could easily provoke anger with just one word.

No one is willing to give in to anyone, and conflicts can happen at any time...

"Back off!"

"Everyone, stand down!"

Two low shouts sounded almost at the same time.

It's Pei Madang and Xiao Cheng.

They looked at each other.

Xiao Cheng waved his hand and the guards stepped back, their faces still unconvinced.

Pei Madang didn't move much, his face was calm and he only said one word.

"Whoever dares to talk too much will have his tongue cut off."

"Yes." All the guards responded in unison.

The noisy crowd immediately stopped.

Not only did the guards of the Jin army obey, but even the guards of the Qi army shut their mouths.

Obviously, General Pei doesn't want anyone to interfere with his wife's homework...

Not only that, he also had great confidence in his wife and believed that she would definitely win, so he did not allow others to talk too much...

The desire to protect his wife is clearly revealed.

Li Sangruo's face looked extremely ugly.

People say that Pei Lang is unkind and ungrateful. Who knew he would protect a woman like this...

She felt a rush of blood and gas in her chest and abdomen, and a fishy smell rushed from her throat. She covered her chest and stood up. She hurried down without waiting for the results of the competition.

As for Feng Ying, her face half-covered by the curtain hat looked indescribably sad...

Ever since she was a child, who didn't say that she was better than Feng Yun?

Now, Feng Yun pressures her into everything...

Even in major peace negotiations, he can actually steal the show.

The moment Feng Yun stopped writing and raised his head, he happened to see Li Sangruo leaving the table with a pale face.

"Qi Jun, Her Royal Highness the Queen Mother, Prince Chunyu, our wife has finished."

"Our wife has finished all ten questions!"

Xing Dalang picked up the answer from the wooden case.

When he addressed Feng Yun as "our wife," his face showed visible pride.

When everyone in the audience looked at him in surprise, he felt that his fourteen years of life had reached its climax at this moment, and he was much happier than just breaking through the barrier while sweating profusely.

Tomorrow Erjin will go to Singapore to participate in an event, and will return to Chengdu on the 29th. It will be quite busy when he is away from home, and he will be on the road for two days. I will try my best to ensure updates. If there is a delay, I will apologize here first and don't blame. If you really want to blame it, blame Feng Yun for not acting!

Feng Yun: My biological mother, really my biological mother! They arrange test papers and homework for me every day, and ask me to write endless questions, but they refuse to give me some entertainment. Why is it so difficult to get the antidote...

Reader: Please provide the antidote, give it to her, give it to her!

Chunyu Yan: I have it, I have it.

Reader: Go away.

Xiao Cheng: Me too.

Reader: You don’t deserve it.

Ao Qi: I actually have some, fresh ones...

Reader: Please tell me your uncle is dead.

Pei Ran:? ? ? Where is the hero you promised to love?

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