Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 275: Shameless

Feng Yun's joy seemed to be half a beat slower than everyone else's. She didn't burst out until she returned to Chunchung Pavilion and everyone's joy had subsided. She looked at Aozai who rushed out to greet her, ran over and hugged him tightly.

"Aozai, sister won."

"Won, won!"

Aozai had gained a lot of weight recently, and she could hardly hold him up, so they both fell on the wooden couch. Aozai seemed to feel her happiness, turning over his belly and rubbing his head against her...

The whole Chunchung Courtyard was filled with joy, and everyone was very excited. Feng Yun specially ordered the stove to cook a few more dishes to celebrate.

The servants followed their master and made a lot of noise, but Feng Yun slowly calmed down.

She took Aozai with her, brewed a cup of tea, sat on the lazy couch by the window, lowered her head and stroked Aozai's back hair, and was a little scary.

Xiaoman and Daman looked at each other.

"Madam, why are you unhappy?"

"Hmm?" Feng Yun looked up unexpectedly, pursed her lips and smiled, "I'm not unhappy, I'm just thinking about something, you guys go down, close the door, don't worry about me."

There were times like this before.

When they were just sent to the Jin army barracks by Feng Jingting, Feng Yun often did this. Sometimes she would close the door alone, looking unhappy, but when she opened the door, she was back to normal.

The maids left in order.

The door closed.

Feng Yun breathed a sigh of relief, lowered her head and rested her chin on Aozai's head, and said in a low voice: "Aozai, tell me, what should we do next?"

When things follow the trajectory of the previous life, Feng Yun will feel scared and panic. However, this uneasiness did not decrease when things were completely opposite to the previous life.

Change means that she can learn from less and less things.

The memories in her mind will become invalid. Not to mention the changes in minor details, even if it is a matter of fate, she can no longer make predictions based on experience...

Today in the council hall, she seems to be the most popular and has won a great victory.

But the tree that stands out in the forest will be pushed by the wind.

The two countries of Jin and Qi, Li Sangruo, Xiao Cheng, and the Feng family have all regarded her as a thorn in their eyes. She pushed herself in front of everyone, and also pushed herself in front of the enemy...

There will be no shortage of troubles in the future...

As she was thinking, the laughter in the courtyard suddenly stopped.

Then, she heard Xiaoman hesitantly calling her outside the door.

"Madam, the doorman came to report that the mansion, the mansion has an urgent matter to see..."

Feng Jingting did not come alone. He brought his youngest daughter Feng Zhen and youngest son Feng Liang, carrying gifts, just like visiting relatives, with a smile on his face.

The flower hall was covered with light gray mats. Feng Yun was also dressed in plain clothes, sitting and drinking tea, with a big cat lying at his feet. He did not greet his father because he came to the mansion.

Feng Jingting walked in and saw Feng Yun sitting still, his expression immediately froze.

It was wrong to scold, scold, and leave.

Feng Liang was young and not shrewd, so he shouted when he saw Feng Yun.

"Eldest sister is so rude, mother said that you are a child without mother's guidance, you just don't have rules..."

Feng Yun's hand holding the tea paused slightly.

The scolding that Feng Jingting had been holding in his throat finally had a place to burst out.

"Ah Liang, don't be rude!"

Feng Liang was very serious. When he was scolded by his father, his eyes immediately turned red, tears were wrapped in his eyeballs, and he pouted his little mouth and said stubbornly: "It's true, eldest sister doesn't respect my father, doesn't value filial piety, and is a wild child..."

Feng Jingting came today to seek peace. Even though he hadn't opened his mouth, his son had ruined his good impression. He was angry for a while and dragged him...

"You are disrespectful, who taught you to be like this..."

Feng Liang burst into tears and sat on the ground and kicked his legs.

"Father beat me, father beat me, I'm going to go back and tell my mother..."

"He's not wrong." Feng Yun finally spoke, stopping Feng Jingting from taking advantage of the situation, her voice was light.

"What's wrong with the child? He just listens to what the adults teach him."

Feng Jingting's old face flushed.

"It's the servants in the mansion who are not disciplined. They often talk nonsense in front of the young master."

Feng Yun snorted and laughed, not caring about it.

She looked at Feng Jingting lightly.

"Your Highness, you didn't come here today just to talk to me about filial piety, did you?"

She didn't ask Feng Jingting to sit down.

The maid in the hall didn't come forward to serve tea.

The atmosphere was extremely awkward.

Feng Jingting didn't want to stand and talk, pretending to ignore those eyes, coughed lightly, and took the two children to sit down by himself.

"The matter of Andu..."

"My Lord." Feng Yun's face darkened, "I don't want to mention this matter, and you don't have to feel guilty. Because I am living a good life now."

The slightly indifferent voice, the clear and soft color, is no different from before, but it seems to have added some majesty.

Feng Jingting looked at her unconsciously.

Did God give her a new daughter?

He sighed and said shamelessly: "In Mingquan Town, I saw that Ayun was calm and defeated Mr. Yan, and I was very moved..."

Feng Yun smiled, "What are you moved about?"

Feng Jingting hesitated for a moment before saying: "Your mother is right..."

The smile on Feng Yun's face froze instantly, and he put the teacup down heavily, "Don't mention my mother, you don't deserve it."

Feng Jingting was struck by lightning.

Over the years, even if the father and daughter were not in harmony, Feng Yun had never said such serious words.

"Master Fu." She didn't bother to pretend to be in front of outsiders, so she refrained from calling him by his name. "I don't go to the Three Treasures Palace for anything. If you come to me, just tell me what you want."

Feng Jingting said: "Isn't there a peace agreement? You are also married, and my father is an official in Bingzhou. He comes and goes not far, so he will move around more..."

Feng Yun smiled coldly.

"Isn't it that simple?"

Feng Jingting was slightly frightened.

I used to think that this daughter was stubborn, a bit wild, not easy to control, silent when pressed, stubborn, and unable to turn around. I never knew she had such a domineering side.

It can be fierce and calm, but it can make people frightened.

"Then let me tell you the truth." Feng Jingting lowered his head and looked at Feng Zhen and Feng Liang, "Your younger siblings are at the age when they are eager to learn, but when my father arrived in Bingzhou and they followed him, it would be difficult for them to study at home. , being taught by others, I am worried as a father, I wonder if Ayun can teach his younger siblings arithmetic in his spare time..."

Not only Feng Yun, but also Daman and Xiaoman were shocked.

Dare Feng Jingting bring his children here, does he want the girl to be a free husband?

Feng Yun looked at the two younger ones. Feng Liang had a look of disdain, looking down on her as the eldest sister. Feng Zhen was younger and ignorant. She looked at her beautiful sister with an innocent face and didn't understand adults. The wit inside and outside the words.

"Have you never looked in the mirror?"

Feng Jingting was speechless for a moment, "Huh?"

Feng Yun smiled, and to everyone's surprise, he changed the topic and suddenly agreed again.

"It's not impossible for me to teach you. Father will leave the child here."

"How can that be done?" Feng Jingting refused without thinking, "Your siblings are still young and cannot live without their parents..."

"Then I can't live without my husband." Feng Yun said seriously, "Andu is so far away from Bingzhou, so I can't go to Bingzhou to teach."

Of course Feng Jingting would not leave the child with her.

Isn't that the same as leaving hostages?

He said: "Your uncle wants you to stay there for three to five months. When the home school in Bingzhou is built and you have a suitable husband, you can come back."

Then he said: "You haven't been home for so long, don't you miss it? You go back to your parents' house to stay for a few months, and you don't mind if my son-in-law comes over?"

Feng Yun narrowed his eyes and smiled coldly.

Her uncle is much crueler than this father.

How could the dignified Feng family in Xuzhou be short of teachers?

Is it because she became so famous in Mingquan Town that the Feng family finally saw her value and wanted to get her back? Or is it Xiao San's crooked trick?

"Master Fu, please go back." Feng Yun said: "I don't want to be at odds with the Feng family. This matter will be discussed with my husband and I will discuss it later."

At first, Feng Yun just wanted to have a stable place to avoid the tragedy of her previous life from happening again. But now that things have developed, she knows very well that if she hesitates to move forward, she will die. Therefore, she has to think further and go further. More stable.

It would really do her no good to be at odds with Feng.

There is no need to reconcile after the peace is negotiated, but a slap in the face and an occasional sweet date will make them think she is someone they can win over and be persuaded, which is better than being treated as an enemy by them.

Don’t say enough, but leave room.

Feng Jingting happily took the two little ones away.

Before leaving, Feng Yun asked someone to take out two bags of tea from the storage box.

"Try it, this tea is called Yuanhen Mianmian."

I hate you so much.

Feng Jingting chewed on the four words and felt that the artistic conception was very beautiful and that his daughter was filial. Although she still didn't feel good about it, she took her away happily.

Feng Yun smiled slightly.

I hate you so much.


"Daman." Feng Yun glanced sideways, "Follow me."

Daman looked at her and said, "The maid understands."

Sisters, see you tomorrow~~

Feng Yun: I'm not allowed to come out and say a few words today.

Erjin: Be good, go play by yourself, your mother is a little busy today

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