Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 300: Happy and harmonious

At noon that day, several members of the Pei family stayed for lunch.

Wen Xingsu came to accompany him, and the family drank and talked happily.

At the banquet, the Pei family members took turns serving wine to their uncle Wen Xingsu, and discussed the time to meet with the in-laws. They were full of sincerity.

Wen Xingsu was a gentleman and well-behaved, and he greatly helped Feng Yun.

Under the praise of Ah Zuo and Ah You, Feng Yun happily tried his best to prepare a lot of wine and food. Crispy braised pork, fermented glutinous rice pork ribs, stir-fried winter bamboo shoots, and a donkey rolling, which satisfied the taste of adults. We also made some snacks that children like, such as sesame dumplings, milk cakes, and bean cakes, which made the two little ones happy. Her ear-to-ear lips were longer than those of her aunt, and she wanted to stick to her body.

After dinner, Pei Madang and Ao Zheng went to the study to talk to Pei Chong. Ao Qi came to Feng Yun with Ao Zai in his arms.

"The roasted meat I had in Huaxi Village last time was delicious. I have never eaten anything like that before. I even boasted to my grandpa that my aunt is very good at roasting meat. If she could eat it again, it would be so delicious... …”

Feng Yun was thinking about what to eat for dinner. When Leng Buding heard Ao Qi's words, he opened his mind and looked back with a smile.

"Okay, let's make some roasted meat for dinner tonight."

A smile so brilliant that it struck Ao Qi's heart.

His heart beat wildly, his ears turned red, he swallowed, walked a few steps quickly, and Baba came close to her.


Feng Yun hummed and looked at each other calmly, "What's wrong?"

Ao Qi stared into her eyes, "Will Ao Zai be cold?"

Feng Yun's mouth twitched slightly. Seeing such a big turtle being picked up by him, he smiled and shook his head.

"It's not cold. It has a solid skin. It's not afraid of the cold."

After saying that, he looked away and called the cook to order the food to be prepared.

She looked delicate and delicate, but she was vigorous and resolute when doing things. Ao Qi looked at her busy, as if she had forgotten herself, and her eyes were a little absent-minded. He knew that he was not Zuo or Right, and he couldn't pester her like a child. People would gossip about her. He also knew that he should leave, and he could no longer stare at her.

I admire someone so much that I can't hide it.

When I didn't see her, missing her was like torture. When I saw her in front of me, I couldn't do anything. My body was weak and I was extremely flustered. Even though I knew I couldn't do it, I did it, but it didn't fade with the passage of time and the change of identity. Instead, it became more intense, and I couldn't wait to fall in love with it.

His lips were pursed tightly and his hands were stiff. Ao Zai felt a little uncomfortable and jumped down from his arms.

Only then did Feng Yun realize that he was watching from the side, and he turned around and was startled.

"Do you...want to eat anything else?"

Ao Qi's throat moved, as if there were caterpillars crawling on his back, and his whole body was itching.

He wanted to run away like Ao Zai, but his long legs just couldn't move forward.

"No...yes, just..."

Ao Qi blushed and didn't know what he was talking about.

"Can you put more... more salt in that roasted meat?"

Feng Yun narrowed his eyes suspiciously, "There was no salt last time?"

"Yes." Ao Qi was nervous subconsciously. He didn't do anything, but his face turned red as if he had been caught doing bad things. "I like salty food. Stronger taste is better."

He was originally a cheerful person, but because he had such immoral thoughts about his aunt, he felt embarrassed and uncomfortable, and his eyes turned red unconsciously.

"Actually, as long as it's made by my aunt, I like it."

A word is like a small stone thrown into a lake, neither light nor heavy, just creating ripples.

It’s hard for Feng Yun to understand...

"Ah You, is your eldest brother childish?" She lowered her head and touched Ah You's head, changed the subject, and then handed the two little ones to Ao Qi.

"You take them to play, I have to be busy for a while."

Ah Zuo and Ah You refused, pouting and complaining.

"Brother is disgusting and wants to steal my aunt from us..."

They felt that they were having a good time, but when their brother came, their aunt stopped taking them, so they muttered.

It was an unintentional remark, but Ao Qi was frightened and looked at Feng Yun subconsciously.

Fortunately, Feng Yun didn't seem to pay attention and only chuckled.

"Don't you want to eat eight-treasure ice cream? You are here, what should I do? Go quickly."

Ao Qi finally got the two little ones away.

Feng Yun glanced at the backs of the three brothers and sisters and shook his head.

After she arranged for dinner and went back to change clothes, the maid pursed her lips and told her.

"Mrs. Ao is here, waiting for you."

Feng Yun felt helpless and said, "Please order some tea and fruits."


In the flower hall, Mrs. Ao was still looking at it.

Feng Yun was not a person who would treat her badly, and Wen Xingsu was extremely generous to her. He brought everything good into her house. The residence in Chunyu Guan was full of exquisite carvings and gold, and everything made by skillful craftsmen. Even the most luxurious family in Zhongjing is nothing more than this.

"Ma'am, what do you want from me?"

Feng Yun served the tea with his own hands and was very polite.

Mrs. Ao was polite and said thoughtfully: "I watched Ah Lang grow up. My mother passed away early. If we say that a eldest sister is like a mother, my younger siblings won't think I'm overstepping my bounds, right?"

Feng Yun smiled and said: "I know that my sister takes good care of her husband."

Mrs. Ao shook her head and smiled bitterly, her eyes filled with kindness.

"It's a pity that they have grown up now. I want to take care of them anymore, but I can't do it anymore."

After spending half a day together, her view of Feng Yun had changed a lot, but the panic in her heart had not diminished.

If Feng Yun was really a witch with no knowledge and skills who could only seduce men, she believed that her son would wake up sooner or later even if he was confused for a moment.

But Feng Yun is not useless except for his beauty.

She is so outstanding.

There are not many people in the world who can match him.

In front of her, Cui Zhi was afraid that he would have to flee within three rounds...

With Zhuyu in front of her, how can Xiaoqi regain her heart?

well! Mrs. Ao rubbed her aching forehead.

"You and Ah Ran are married. We are a serious couple. I won't hide some things and talk to you openly and honestly..."

Feng Yun nodded, "Sister, it's okay to just say it."

"I saw it just now. Xiaoqi likes you as an aunt very much."

Feng Yun hesitated for a moment, pursed his lips and said nothing.

"Every mother in the world has the same heart. She just hopes that her children will be healthy and happy..." When Mrs. Ao said this, she laughed helplessly again, "You may not understand what I am saying. I will wait until you become a mother in the future. , you will understand the heart of motherhood..."

Feng Yun said warmly: "Sister, do you want to talk about the marriage between Xiao Qi and Lady Cui?"

Mrs. Ao did not expect that she would be so calm, and there was some hesitation on her face.

"I can't control my son, and I want you to make an idea for me."

Feng Yun's eyelids drooped slightly, "What ideas can I make?"

Mrs. Ao glanced at Feng Yun and said, "I'm not afraid of your jokes. I'm a mother who loves her children very much. If the person in his heart is not someone he shouldn't think about, be it blind, lame, ugly, or whatever. , I will not stop him, as long as he is happy..."

Feng Yun smiled, not knowing what to say.

Mrs. Ao stared at her for a moment, with a look of frustration on her face, "I came to you to tell you this, but I am actually shameless and don't know how to behave. But it is really helpless. I hope my brothers and sisters will not blame..."

Feng Yun smiled, "I'm afraid I can't be of much help."

Mrs. Ao's eyes were complicated and she said to herself, "In any case, I don't want any unpleasantness to happen between them. Ah Ran didn't say it, but he knew it in his heart. He left me some dignity. Sister, you can’t pretend you don’t know anything…”

Feng Yun's expression did not change, "What do you want me to do?"

Mrs. Ao stared at her and said, "Please advise Xiao Qi. Let him give up and marry Cui Zhi."

"Sorry." Feng Yun thought for a moment, "I can't do such a thing, nor can I say such words."

Pursing her lips, she waited for a while before speaking.

"He should decide for himself which woman he wants to spend his life with."

Mrs. Ao was stunned, and just as she was about to say something, Ao Qi came over, walked quickly to Mrs. Ao, and saluted the two of them with a serious expression.

"Mom, I have something to tell you."

Mrs. Ao was a little embarrassed for a moment.

She actually came to Feng Yun with no ill intentions, but the little wolf's eyes were filled with anger and dissatisfaction, as if she had said something unpleasant.

Feng Yun hurriedly stood up and said with a smile: "I'll go take a look at the stove while you guys talk."

Mrs. Ao returned the greeting politely, and when Feng Yun left, she immediately lowered her face and looked at Ao Qi.

"What are you going to do? Are you afraid that others won't know? You're so ungrateful. Be careful of your uncle dealing with you."

"What am I afraid of?" Ao Qi stared at her, "Uncle is not like you. He thinks about giving me a girl all day long, but when he is done, he is worried and never cares whether I want it or not."

"You..." Mrs. Ao's head hurt even more, and she lowered her voice and said, "Who am I doing this for? It's not just for your own good. Do you want my uncle to get angry and skin you?"

Ao Qi looked at her.

Looking at it, I suddenly burst into laughter.

"If that's the case, that's fine. My son won't have to struggle anymore."

The young man was handsome, with dark eyes. He bowed to his mother and strode away.

Mrs. Ao looked at the tall back and unruly posture, feeling angry and anxious. When she found Ao Zheng, she scolded her head and face.

"Look at the good son you taught. The upper beam is not straight, and the lower beam is crooked. Now it's better, and nine oxen can't pull it back."

Ao Zheng and Wen Xingsui had two drinks at noon. They were worried about Pei Madang's affairs and choked each other when they heard the sound.

"I knew everything would be my fault in the end."

The couple had a huge quarrel behind each other's backs and wanted to kill each other.

When they appeared in front of people, they looked like a loving couple, taking Ah Zuo and Ah You, eating the roasted meat carefully cooked by Feng Yun, and praising them as if nothing had happened.

In the middle of the night, the Pei family left happily.

As soon as the car left the Chunyu Pavilion, news from countless spies flew in all directions.

No one knows what they said and did in the Chunyu Pavilion. Whether they persuaded Pei Madang or not.

But the next day, Pei Chong's confession was handed over to Cuiyu and in front of Jin Empress Dowager Li Sangruo.

He wrote a long paragraph eloquently, to the effect that he was injured and disabled on the battlefield, and had not been involved in family matters for many years. He was not strict with his son and could not restrain him, so he was indebted to the emperor.

"It's all nonsense!" Li Sangruo was a little annoyed and extremely disappointed.

She wanted Pei Chong to convince Pei Mang, but anyone with a discerning eye would know that his words were perfunctory.

"I see that he is clearly ambitious and unwilling to be subordinated. That means he is disabled. If his legs and feet were more flexible, I'm afraid he would have rebelled long ago and wanted to replace him!"

Tang Shaogong took one look at her expression and said, "If you give the order to add nine tins, you will know what it means."

Li Sangruo gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

"Everything depends on my father."


New Year's Eve is coming soon, sisters, let's celebrate the New Year happily, read novels or not, and spend more time with your family. Compare your heart.

Feng Yun: That’s right, don’t imitate me. Those who celebrate the Chinese New Year still want to see the little wolf cub in heat and cause trouble for me.

Ao Qi: ? ? Who is the little wolf cub, who is in heat? The word choice is inappropriate, it is admiration, admiration.

Chun Yuyan: Humph, this is nothing, it's New Year's Day, and no one has thought about me who is guarding the Daming Lake in the bitter wind and rain...

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