Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 322 Wolf Ambitions

When Feng Yun came in, the painter and the piano player lowered their heads.

To prevent the cold wind from entering, a thick curtain was hung in the room.

The atmosphere was suffocatingly quiet.

Wen Xingsu's "waist" sound was particularly clear...

Feng Yun thought he saw her, smelled the smell of wine in the room, frowned, walked over and sat on the soft wooden couch she had arranged herself, signaled Pinshu to bring the water, wrung out the handkerchief, and wiped it with her own hands Wipe Wen Xingsu’s face.

"Chun Yuyan is just a lunatic. Why should I pay attention to him, brother? He is toasting you with wine. If you don't want to drink it, just don't drink it. There is no need to give him face."

A soft voice could be heard faintly, and there were blurry shadows in the light. Wen Xingsu half-closed his eyes, opening them and then closing them in a dreamy trance.

"Go away quickly...I am not a gentleman..."

His throat was dry and his voice was a little hoarse.

Feng Yun was stunned, laughed out loud, then bent down to see through the veil and ordered Xiao Man.

"I'm so drunk...go ask Zao Shang to cook a bowl of sobering soup for Da Langjun."

There was a faint woody fragrance in his nose, and Wen Xingsu was sure that he was not dreaming.

The waist is right in front of you, taking care of him who is drunk...

Wen Xingsu stiffened and pulled the quilt to cover his body.

"You go watch the fireworks and don't worry about me."

Feng Yun opened his hand and raised his lips with a smile.

"You are my brother, I don't care about you, who cares about you?"

Feng Yun lifted the quilt that was pressed against his collar, wiped his neck, and said:

"Drink the hangover soup and then take a shower, and you will feel better. If you still feel uncomfortable, ask Dr. Yao to come over and take a look. His medicine will not make you feel uncomfortable after taking it."

"No need..." Wen Xingsu watched the hanging tent move slightly, and his eyes were full of Feng Yun's shadow.

The little hands rubbed against his skin from time to time, and the evil energy jumped up in waves, and the flames of lust seemed to burn from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.

His hands were helpless as he pulled the quilt, his black eyes were as deep as ancient wells, he controlled his breathing, his Adam's apple rolled along with it, and he sighed vaguely.

"Brother is causing trouble for you."

Feng Yun didn't like him being such a heretic.

Looking into Wen Xingsu's eyes, he felt that the drunk eldest brother's eyes were particularly deep and charming. He couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth crazily.

The eldest brother is a humble gentleman, always speaks and behaves in a moderate manner, and will never let anyone see him lose his composure.

In all his life, this was the first time Feng Yun had seen him drunk like this.

"I know you feel uncomfortable."

Feng Yun sat on the edge of the couch and stared at him.

"I also understand why you accompany Chun Yuyan to go crazy."

Wen Xingsu felt a pain in her head, which made her stare at her almond-shaped eyes like water mist, her heart was racing, and her emotions were particularly difficult to control.

Sure enough, drinking wine can easily lead to daydream...

Just like a person who has been trekking in the wilderness for a long time and is extremely thirsty, and suddenly sees a clear spring, his blood is screaming, and his emotions are so impulsive that he can hardly control himself.

Several times, he wanted to hold that soft white hand, pull her into his arms, and express his love for her.

"On New Year's Eve, every family is reunited. You, me, Chun Yuyan, the three of us...we have been together for the whole New Year, but we are also homeless. My eldest brother is pitiful that he is alone and misses his family..."

Feng Yun didn't notice the change in Wen Xingsu's eyes, he spoke in a low voice and smiled again.

"This is also my first year."

"Waist..." Wen Xingsu held her hand, his palms slightly wet with sweat, and his dark eyes were a little scarlet.

Feng Yun smiled bitterly, pushed his hand away, bent down, and wiped away the fine sweat that had appeared on his forehead again.

"Brother, there's no need to comfort me. I haven't finished my words yet. Although it's my first time to celebrate the New Year by myself, I like it very much. I feel more comfortable every New Year's Eve in Feng Mansion than after my mother left."

Wen Xingsu rolled his empty palms.

"It's my brother who didn't protect you."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" When Feng Yun wiped his sweat, he noticed the heat on his body and pushed the quilt aside.

"The Kang is too hot here. If you feel uncomfortable, can I change your room for you?"

"It's very good here." Wen Xingsu's back was dripping with sweat.

He knew very well that the heat in his body came not only from the kang, but also from the obsession in his heart that he couldn't get what he wanted.

Wen Xingsu hesitated for a moment, looked at his exposed hand, slowly retracted it, covered it with the quilt, and held it tightly.

Everything has been finalized.

He couldn't let this hand break it himself, exposing his wolfish ambition...

The two talked for a while. Wen Xingsu's eyes were red and he was a little stubborn. Feng Yun waited for the servant to bring the sobering soup and asked Wen Xingsu to drink it. Then he asked Nong Qin and Si Hua to take him to take a bath, and he and Xiao Man were together. walk out.

The fireworks are almost gone.

Everyone in Nagato was very happy.

Everyone's face was filled with joy.

Chun Yuyan is missing.

She asked Xing Bing, "Where is the Crown Prince?"

Xing Bing said: "The prince said that he was not interested in watching, so he went back to rest."

Feng Yun nodded slightly, feeling suffocated for a moment in his heart.

Prince Yunchuan was so arrogant and pampered that he had everything he wanted, but his family was never happy.

But in such a world, how many people can seek perfection?

Heaven and earth are unkind and regard all things as stupid dogs.

Feng Yun raised his head and looked at the flying snow flying in the sky under the night light, and the secret message from Luo Yue came to his mind.

The letter didn't say anything else. Feng Yun didn't know the source of the information, but Luo Yue dared to take such a big risk and block the future of the child in her belly and Wei Zheng's future by telling her this. It must be true...

The problem is that Youyi's journey was delayed by the heavy snow, and it might have happened at this time.

With so many obstacles, it's too late for her to do anything now...

But half an hour ago, she still called Lin Zhuo and gave him a warning, asking him to return to Beijing as soon as possible...

"Prince, Prince..."

A shout suddenly came from behind.

Feng Yun turned around and passed by the figure standing under the eaves, and was slightly startled.

Chun Yuyan came over again without knowing when, wearing a long brocade robe and fur coat, tall and slender, with delicate features covered by a mask, looking a little weird, but the pair of androgynous beautiful eyes, like the exquisite carvings of a painter's pen, stained with a decadent atmosphere in the night light, and the slightly pursed corners of the mouth were even more charming and strange.

"It's fun to talk about people behind their backs."

Feng Yun looked at him and was stunned for a moment before she reacted.

Chun Yuyan was scolding her.

But shouldn't Chunyu Yan know what she just said to Wen Xingsu?

Unless, he or his people are hiding under the window behind Wen Xingsu's house...

Feng Yun smiled and didn't bother to deny it.

"Prince, you don't sleep at night and listen to the corner?"

"I don't bother to pay attention to you."

Chunyu Yan's voice was lazy, dragging a long tail tone, and then he brushed his sleeves heavily, turned around and left, leaving Feng Yun with a meaningful look, which was extremely cold. If it weren't for the festive atmosphere on New Year's Eve, the mask would scare people sick.

Feng Yun touched his tight throat, bowed to him from a distance, and smiled:

"Prince, take care."

This gentle voice was like a gentle spring breeze, and Chunyu Yan's back tightened.

He paused and walked away again.

Feng Yun breathed a sigh of relief and said to Xiaoman: "Let's go back to the house."

The two walked away one after the other.

Not far away, Jiang Yin, who was setting off fireworks with Nan Kui, turned around, and her stiff body didn't relax until Nan Kui pulled her.

"Here it comes."



Snow was flying all over the sky.

On the night of New Year's Eve, Li Zongxun adopted Yuan Shuo, the eldest son of the King of Runan, who was only four years old, to the name of Emperor Xifeng. He knelt down and called Li Sangruo "mother", performed a great ceremony, and recorded it in the family tree.

He was so fast that he didn't even wait to discuss the posthumous title of the young emperor Xinghe who had just passed away.

Li Sangruo sat in the hall and weakly received tea, and returned to the back hall to cry again.

"She has a biological mother. Today she recognizes me as her mother. Tomorrow she will grow up and start a business. Who will she be filial to..."

She was very angry.

Tang Shaogong watched as usual, and waited until she finished her anger, then asked: "Does your highness have any other way?"

Li Sangruo stared at him, her breath was weak.

Without her biological son, she really had no better way. If she didn't recognize Yuan Shuo as her son, she would have no support at all...

"I just don't want to make wedding clothes for others."

Tang Shaogong said calmly: "Don't worry, Your Highness. In the cold winter, the Princess of Runan who lost her child may become sick with worry."

Li Sangruo stopped looking and looked up at him, her lips twitched, revealing a weird smile.

"Uncle Shaogong, you are really a cold-blooded person."

Tang Shaogong had a blank expression on his face, "Your Highness doesn't like this arrangement, I can think of other ways."

"No need." Li Sangruo lay down lazily, staring at the top of the tent with his eyes open, "How are you going to deal with Pei Lang?"

Tang Shaogong looked at him strangely.

"Your Highness is still thinking about him?"

Li Sang snorted faintly, "I have to know what fate you have arranged for him?"

Tang Shaogong said: "The Prime Minister has his own ideas. Your Highness is still weak, take good care of him."

On the fifth day of the New Year, the wind and snow had not stopped, and the beams and roofs were all covered with snow.

Before dawn, a horse galloped through the long street and braved the wind and snow to rush into the inner city.


"The Northern Rong Tribal Alliance is invading the northwest of Dajin!"

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