Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 330: In Equipment and Technology

When Chun Yuyan came over, Feng Yun was busy in the study.

This study was just tidied up a few years ago. The window faces the south, and now it can be considered as greedy for that warm sunshine.

But Feng Yun did not rest. Instead, he knelt down on the cotton mat in front of the table and told Sister-in-law Xu about spring plowing and planting.

Sister-in-law Xu comes from the countryside, and Zhuangzi has experience in planting this area, but she knows what to do, but often doesn't know why she does it.

Xiao Man listened with curiosity, and asked from time to time, "How do you know that this year's harvest will not be good before the seeds are planted?"

Sister-in-law Xu said: "Because it's already March, it's too late to prepare the land and plant seeds again."

Xiaoman still doesn’t understand, “If you sow seeds late, why won’t the harvest be good?”

After asking several questions in a row, Aunt Xu slapped her thigh and said with a smile: "Oh my aunt, the rules passed down from our ancestors, when spring sowing is about to be done, I don't know why..."

Feng Yun smiled and saw Chun Yuyan standing motionless at the door. He nodded and saluted, inviting him to take a seat.

Then he turned to answer Xiaoman.

"The first is the ground temperature. The seeds are sown late, and the seedlings are not strong. There are many root diseases and insect pests. They are greedy for green and late maturity, and the yield is reduced when frost occurs. The second is the time. The early spring crops are delayed, and the spring crops cannot be planted quickly. The farming season is messed up, which affects more than one season. "

Sister-in-law Xu was all smiles.

"Yes, yes, that's exactly it."

Xiaoman looked up in admiration, "Madam, how come you know everything? Is there anything in this world that you don't understand?"

Feng Yun glanced at Chun Yuyan who was sitting lazily, with a smile on his lips.

"You guys go down."

Chun Yuyan saw this subtle movement, touched the mask, snorted secretly, and said nothing.

Xiaoman said happily: "The maid will serve tea to the prince."

Chunyu Yan sat coldly, noncommittal.

It took him a long time to sit in, but he didn't even get a look from Feng Twelve.

If you are so busy, why should you ask him to do it?

Feng Yun was not sincerely snubbing him, but it was because his family business was so big that he was too busy.

In this regard, she admired Chun Yuyan very much. Although he looked lazy and carefree all day long, he never slacked off and took care of his property very well.

You have to have someone under your command.

Someone who is trustworthy and capable.

Feng Yun felt that he was still a little behind, so he put on a smile, called "Your Majesty", and was about to speak...

The door curtain opened.

Ah Lou put his head together and came out.

"Madam, Feng Xiaolang is crying and making a fuss. He dislikes our humble residence and wants to go home."

Changmen is in Huaxi Village, which is of course not as convenient as Bingzhou City. It is also a strange place for Feng Liang. No one is pampering him, so naturally he will not get what he wants anywhere.

Feng Yun said: "Tell him that after dinner, he will go to the village school to attend classes. If he is late, he will get slapped by the teacher."

Ah Lou was in a dilemma, "Feng Xiaolang refused to eat."

Feng Yun said: "It's okay if you don't eat. I'll send you to the village on time to learn how to beat the stick."

Alou's eyebrows were so worried that they were twitching.

"Feng Xiaolang doesn't go to the village to learn either."

Feng Yun said: "I will starve him in the small woodshed for a whole day."

Ah Lou.

Seeing that Feng Yun's expression was calm and he didn't look like he was joking, his whole face fell down.

It's difficult for them to serve because these two are the wife's younger siblings.

The young Feng Zhen is okay, girls are easier to coax, but Feng Liang is simply a devil in the world, he can't be beaten or scolded, and no one can deal with him.

Feng Yun frowned, "What are you doing standing still? Go ahead."

Ah Lou then responded and sighed. Mrs. Chen was really willing to give up. Did she really want to send her pampered son here to study hard, or was she too determined to make things difficult for Feng Yun?

Ah Lou went down.

But Chun Yuyan found it interesting.

"Aren't you afraid of ruining your Feng family's precious baby?"

"I have a sense of propriety." Feng Yun said calmly and glanced at him, "If you imitate me, your precious brother of the Yunchuan family will not dare to be arrogant in front of you."

Chunyu Yan snorted, gently smoothed his collar with his hand, and said slowly: "Let's get down to business."

There was a smile on his lips, but there was a sinister look in his eyes, and he clearly did not want to mention the two concubines who were favored by King Yunchuan.

Feng Yun didn't chat with him and said with a gentle smile: "The snow has stopped and the weather has warmed up. I'm going to find someone to go up the mountain to mine graphite."

Chunyu Yan lowered his eyes and spoke sarcastically.

"I knew you came to me for nothing but business."

Feng Yun did not answer.

She stared at him lightly, her eyes clear and calm.

Her silence was like an invisible low pressure, making Chun Yuyan purse her thin lips tighter.

Reason told him that there really was nothing else to talk about between them except business. Feng Yun should have done this. She did not speak or reply, which had left him with dignity, but it was extremely difficult for him to do so emotionally. Accept it, Feng Twelve is so indifferent to him, and he has known him for so long, but he doesn’t have any affection at all...

Just right.

He didn't have much affection for her either.

Let's talk business, let's talk business.

"Coal mining is not as simple as you think. You can't just find a few villagers and pick up two hoes and dig up the mountain. If one fails, someone will die..."

Chun Yuyan raised his chin slightly, and the angle of his slanted gaze made the mask on his face more angular, his eyes darker and colder, and even the two lips that opened and closed appeared sharper.

"So, Feng Twelve, mining technology is the foundation."

He twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "I think it is unreasonable to share the interests equally."

Feng Yun narrowed his eyes slightly and asked him with a smile, "What does the prince think is reasonable?"

Chun Yuyan said: "The so-called investigation of things to gain knowledge, the root of mining lies in the machinery and technology, not in whether there is coal in your Huaxi Village mine. Therefore, I should take the majority and you should take the minority."

Feng Yun laughed softly, "I thought the prince would say that now that the Great Jin is divided into two, Andu is no longer under the control of the Li father and daughter, so there is no need for the prince to show up again to accept this favor. The prince is ashamed of what he has earned and is willing to give up part of the profit..."

Chun Yuyan looked at her watery eyes and said softly: "Feng Twelve, what are you dreaming about? Unless you are willing..."

"Okay." Feng Yun interrupted him, "According to what the prince said, I agree. The root of mining lies in the machinery and technology."

She seemed to have been prepared. She took the flowchart paper and production tools she drew from the table and handed them to Chun Yuyan.

"Prince, please take a look."

Chun Yuyan's eyes changed slightly, and he slowly raised his head and looked at her, motionless.

Neither Taicheng nor Andu had graphite mines.

He could be sure that Feng Yun had never seen a mine.

But the drawings and texts in front of him detailed the design plans from well digging, development, to excavation, from coal mining to transportation, as well as underground ventilation and drainage.

In terms of mining skills, Yunchuan is undoubtedly the most sophisticated in the world. Many of the techniques were brought by an old craftsman, who said that he was instructed by a master and never passed them on.

But Feng Yun's drawings clearly showed that she knew how to use logs for support, use a windlass to lift, use a bucket to suck water, and understand the principles of vertical shafts, inclined shafts, inclined lanes, and horizontal lanes. Even many designs that were not in Yunchuan mines appeared in this picture...

He couldn't believe his eyes.

The room was so quiet.

Feng Yun looked at Chunyu Yan's eyes and felt a little funny. He tapped the paper with his fingers.

"Wait two days, when the farm tool workshop starts, I will first make these iron drafts, hammers, and wedges. When the snow on the mountain melts, they will be almost ready. What we need now is an old craftsman to explore graphite and roughly estimate how many cubic meters of storage there are, and whether it is worth using such a large project to fill it..."

Her white fingers flickered in front of her eyes.

She moved the paper on top and showed the drawings below to Chun Yuyan. Her bright and beautiful little face was extremely serious.

"I plan to place this kind of artificial windmill in the ventilation shaft to exhaust the poisonous gas underground..."

She talked freely, humbly, and calmly, without any retort or mockery of Chun Yuyan's disrespectful words just now.

Chun Yuyan's cheeks gradually became hot and burning.

This woman slapped her face silently, but it hurt so much!

"Feng Twelve, don't you say anything else?"

He waited for her to say that she had all the machinery and skills, and she would suffer if the benefits were divided equally, and she wanted to take the lion's share.

Unexpectedly, Feng Yun pursed her red lips slightly and stood up with a smile.

"Prince, will you have dinner here tonight? I'll ask the stove to prepare some wine and food."

Chun Yuyan felt relieved and was about to agree when he saw Feng Yun raised his eyebrows happily and smiled to himself:

"My elder brother left on the fifth day of the first lunar month. I just got back today. I have to reward him well."

It was like a basin of cold water poured over Chun Yuyan's head.

Chun Yuyan's just-ignited blood was instantly drenched.

Looking at the hot and dazzling sunlight outside the window, he suddenly felt bitter in his mouth.

"It's up to you."

"Then Prince, please be busy. I'll send someone to call you when dinner is served. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

Feng Yun bowed to him and left.

Her sleeves fluttered and she walked out with her shoulders straight.

Chun Yuyan's eyes were behind her, watching her disappear in front of her eyes, and then quickly appear in the courtyard outside the window. After passing several strong and sturdy soldiers, they bowed their heads to her and showed filial piety. She was also kind and walked steadily in the sun...

There was no earth-shaking noise and majesty, no servility and slavery, but she seemed to stand above thousands of people.

The sky was full of rosy clouds and brilliant light.

From time to time, a few laughs came from the manor, men and women cheering and jumping for joy. Their joy came from the heart, full of longing and yearning for the future. This was rare around him.

Beside him, even the smile was fake.


Xiang Zhong's gentle call made Chun Yuyan come back to his senses and realized that he had lost his composure.

"Let's go."

Turning his head, the shadow went away, but his heart seemed to have countless dense ants crawling, itchy and tingling, but he couldn't scratch it...

The taste is the most difficult to describe.

The second update will be in the evening, hug~

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