Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 356 The Prince's Thoughts

When summer comes, digging lotus root strips has become a happy event in Zhuangzi.

The lotus root strips are deep in the mud. They are tender and crisp. They are delicious when stir-fried, mixed or salted. However, in order to ensure that the lotus roots grow up and have a good harvest, it is very important to dig the lotus root strips not too early or too late. You must also take care of the growth of the plant. Avoid hurting the lotus whip...

Xing Bing rolled up his sleeves and personally led the people down to the pond.

A group of tribes were shouting and cheering on the shore. Those newcomers to the village, who had never eaten lotus roots before, looked at everyone as if they were celebrating the New Year. Then they looked at Commander Xing, who was usually serious and upright, covered in mud, but as happy as a child. Novel and incredible...

"Are lotus root strips really that delicious?"

"That's natural."

Someone asked, someone answered.

"But it's not just for food..."

"Why is that?"

Last year, my wife moved them to Zhuangzi in Huaxi. There was a shortage of food and life was difficult. Because there were few people who knew how to eat it, the lotus roots in this pond were able to be preserved during the famine years. They filled their bellies and helped a lot. …

Those who followed Feng Yun in the early days all remembered this incident, but they could not explain why. They only said:

"Consider it a blessing from God."

The new people seemed to understand but the old people had smiles on their faces.

Suddenly, the shouting became even louder, and the whole Zhuangzi was boiling with astonishment.

Who wouldn’t want something that is both flower-viewing and edible?

People from the village came one after another and asked Alou for seeds.

Ah Lou said generously: "It's not possible right now. Come back after the beginning of autumn. If you want to plant, you can dig the pond first and raise the pond mud..."

The villagers knew that Mrs. Li Zheng's family had no secrets, and they immediately became overjoyed and asked about the cultivation of lotus roots.

Ah Lou scratched his head and couldn't explain a few words clearly, so he called Sister-in-law Xu.

"Sister-in-law Xu is responsible for all farm affairs in the village. If you don't understand anything, just ask her."

Sister-in-law Xu was watching her husband digging lotus root strips, and laughed when she heard the sound, "I am a village woman, and I don't know much. My wife taught me everything. You must learn later, and choose a day when planting seeds at the beginning of autumn." Come together, I will tell you..."

The villagers were moved.

Knowing that the child beside Feng Yun was the emperor, they did not dare to approach, but saluted and thanked them from a distance.

Yuan Shangyi was also very moved.

Holding Feng Yun's hand, he suddenly asked in a low voice:

"If the people under his rule are as happy as Huaxi, would he be a good emperor?"

Feng Yun was startled.

This question is difficult to answer.

When people don’t have enough to eat, all they want is to be full.

Everyone is full and has different pursuits...

She said: "There have been very few emperors who can do this since ancient times. If A Yuan can do this in the future, he is a good emperor."

Won Sang Yi nodded.

Soon, the child found his own logic.

"Then if you become the emperor, won't you be able to do that?"

Feng Yun jumped in surprise and almost blocked his mouth.

“How can governing a village and governing a country be generally equated?”

A child's eyes are pure and innocent, and of course he will not deliberately dig holes for her.

Feng Yun smiled and held his hand.

"The sun is getting louder, let's go back to the house."

There were many people outside, and Feng Yun didn't want to cause trouble.

Chun Yuyan smiled when he heard this and glanced at Feng Yun lightly.

"I'm just going to say this is a hot potato, right?"

Yuan Shangyi didn't hear what Chun Yuyan said that day. He didn't understand what Chun Yuyan was talking about, so he bowed obediently and left, letting Feng Yun lead him out of the wooden pavilion.

Feng Yun took a look at the guy who was watching the fun and not taking it too seriously.

"I will come to Yunzhuang later to settle the score with you."

A pun?

Chun Yuyan curled his lips, knowing that the settlement she was talking about was for Ao Zai's food expenses, and it was also because of Cai Cai's unscrupulous words, but there was no ambiguity at all, so he couldn't help but chew those two words over and over again...


He stood up lazily and looked at the slim figure.

The thin shoulders were straight, and the smile on his face was bright and moving in the rising glow. Every word, every action, every frown and every smile was just right. Before leaving, I did not forget to say goodbye to the villagers on the other side of the pond who were watching the lotus root digging.

Feng Twelve.

How do you combine charm and chic into one?

And himself...

On the other hand, my heart is itching to the core.

On the other hand, I wish I could peel her skin off, stretch her tendons, and bite off a piece of her flesh in order to relieve my hatred...

He chuckled softly, "I'll be fine later..."

Later, perhaps under the cover of candlelight, you can indulge your desires...

Not being able to vent for many days, he longed for a place to go.



As the summer heat subsides, the fragrance wafts out of the village.

With the little emperor present, Feng Yun had their meals brought to the south window of the study.

Here you can enjoy the wind from Huaxi River and see the roses all over the courtyard. Yuan Shangyi likes it very much.

"Is it delicious?" Feng Yun looked at the polite little emperor, his eyes full of motherly care.

In a place where there was no one around, she showed very little etiquette and gave all her motherly love to this motherless child.

Yuan Shangyi nodded, "I like it very much."

He liked it so much that he wished he had to go back to Yangxinzhai.

From now on, I will follow Princess Yonghuai...

But he didn't dare to speak.


Feng Yun personally served him food, "Just tell me what you want to eat in the future, and I will try my best to get it for A Yuan."

Yuan Shangyi looked at the crispy fried lotus root strips in the bowl, and felt an inexplicable soreness in his nose.

"Mother... son..."

He has never called me mother.

I really want to call out.

I dare not.

In the past, Concubine Duan raised her and never dared to claim to be his mother. Later, in order to lower Yuan Shangyi's status, Li Sangye asked him to perform a great ceremony and officially adopted Concubine Duan. He only called her mother.

Concubine Duan treated him well.

There was love and fear.

The feelings between them were a bit complicated.

Yuan Shangyi couldn't tell the difference before, but now that he had a comparison, he understood...

Love is different from love.

"What's wrong?" Feng Yun was stunned when he saw the child staring at him, his eyes were moist and slightly red.

"Why are you crying?"

Yuan Shangyi swallowed the food in his mouth.

"My wife treats me so well."

Feng Yun laughed, "Do you think it's good to give you something to eat? Foolish, don't trust others easily."

Yuan Shangyi shook his head.

He didn't say anything, but his eyes on Feng Yun became more and more fiery. It was the attachment that only children have to their mothers, which was hard to express in words.

Feng Yun: "Eat, dear."

The two of them enjoyed the first lotus stem meal of summer alone.

They ate slowly and talked a lot.

When leaving, Feng Yun sent Yuan Shangyi back to Yangxinzhai. Seeing the reluctant light in the child's eyes, she felt pity in her heart.

"I live over there..."

She pointed to the location of her bedroom and smiled:

"If you have something, just shout, I can hear you."

Yuan Shangyi's face was bright.

"Very close."

"Yes, very close." Feng Yun bent down and touched her head, "I'm by Yuan's side, I will protect you."

Yuan Shangyi nodded gently, raised his hands and bowed to her.

"My lady, go to bed early, I'm going back."

Feng Yun smiled and said, "Go in, I'll watch you."

Yuan Shangyi happily stepped over the threshold.

At the gate of the courtyard, Ms. Lin stood in the shadow of the flowers and trees, watching this scene, hummed softly, then smiled and went forward to meet the emperor.


Feng Yun stood in Yangxinzhai for a while, and then came out and called Alou to go to Yunzhuang.

Chunyu Yan clearly wanted to eat in Changmen today, and Feng Yun did not keep him because she did not want him to find an excuse not to accept the money for hosting Aozai.

One is one, two is two.

Feng Yun did not take advantage of him for nothing.

When she went to Yunzhuang, she asked Xiaoman to bring a basket of lotus stems.

That was specially left for this neighbor next door.

The stars were scattered, and the moon was like water.

Chunyu Yan leaned lazily against the window, bent one of his long legs, holding a wine pot in his hand, watching Feng Yun lead people into the manor gate, then he laughed softly, took a breath and pulled his collar.

Yunzhuang was exquisitely built, and he could see the path from Changmen to Yunzhuang from the window, but it would take Feng Yun a long time to walk to the manor.

So this road was particularly long in Chunyu Yan's heart today...

He seemed to have waited for a long time before he heard the sound of footsteps.

The person who spoke was Xiang Zhong.

"Prince, the princess came to the mansion and said she would pay for Aozai's food. What should we do?"

Chunyu Yan's eyes darkened slightly, and his voice was light.

"Let her go!"

Xiang Zhong screamed.

It was as if someone had choked his throat, and there was no follow-up.

Then, Feng Yun laughed softly.

"I wanted to thank the prince in person and be more polite. Since the prince refused to meet, I will leave the money and leave."

Chunyu Yan's back stiffened, and he sat up.

Why didn't Xiang Zhong say that Feng Twelve was outside?

Feng Yun had no expression, motioned Xiaoman to put down the lotus stems and money, and turned to leave.

Chunyu Yan's sneer came from behind.

"Try to take another step?"

Feng Yun frowned and looked back.

The light in the room was dim, and the silver moonlight fell on the half-open door. Inside was a slender and tall figure...

It seemed that he was not wearing a mask?

It was too far away, and she couldn't see clearly.

"Hello, Prince." Feng Yun bowed lightly.

Chunyu Yan let go of the hand holding the door and relaxed his voice.

"Come in! I have something to say."

This moody temperament is really annoying.

Feng Yun sighed in his heart and walked over slowly.

Chunyu Yan was the only one in the room.

A single lamp.

The light was dim and misty, falling on Chunyu Yan's smooth and almost flawless face. At first glance, he was shocked by his beauty.

"The prince is not wearing a mask."

Chunyu Yan was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

"You are willing to come in just to confirm this?"

Feng Yun did not dare to admit that she did have such a thought.

Everyone has a love of beauty. If you want to talk about a good face and good skin, it is the Yunchuan prince who wears a mask all day long. No one can compare.

"Today, I understand why the prince covers his face all day long."

Her words suddenly surprised Chunyu Yan.

"Oh, what do you think?"

Feng Yun smiled, "It's hard to maintain skin when there is sunlight. Isn't the prince's delicate skin maintained in this way?"

Chun Yuyan looked at him silently.

He wanted to pinch her neck and drag her over to have a good talk with her.

"Sit down." He raised his hand slightly, sat down on the bamboo mat himself, and reached out to pour tea.

Feng Yun didn't sit down, "Son Yang will come to my farm later to talk about the locust treatment. Prince, please make it short."

What a good sentence to make it short.

Chun Yuyan's face turned cold involuntarily.

He was friendly with everyone and gentle and friendly to everyone.

But he was treated like the murderer of his father?

"Prince?" Feng Yun frowned, his eyes full of confusion.

Chun Yuyan was very wrong today.

She glanced at the wine bottle on the wooden table.

"I went to Xinyi, what happened?"

Chun Yuyan chuckled and narrowed his eyes, "The Imperial Censor of the Southern Qi Dynasty gave me two beauties from the Western Regions."

Feng Yun was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

"Then congratulations to the prince. I have always heard that the Western Regions are rich in beauties, and they have the ability to capture people's hearts. When men see them, they are all fascinated..."

Chun Yuyan almost laughed out loud.

"Where did you hear these remarks?"

"It's in the book." Feng Yun said excitedly, "I have been curious about the beauties of the Western Regions for a long time. They are tall and graceful, and they are charming and charming. The crown prince Gui Ji must be one of the best. If I have the chance to meet her, I will be happy."

Chun Yuyan was almost mad at her.

"I refused."

Feng Yun: "Why?"

There was disappointment on her face.

I originally thought I could take advantage of it and take a look at the exotic scenery...

This son of a bitch is too wasteful.

Chun Yuyan looked at the regret on her face and slowly stood up and walked over. Feng Yun frowned and took two steps back...

"do what?"

When Chun Yuyan took a step forward, she would take a step back.

Chun Yuyan suddenly stretched out his hand, closed the door forcefully, and stared into Feng Yun's eyes.

"Feng Twelve, do you really don't know why?"

Feng Yun raised his head involuntarily, his eyes as black as paint filled with doubts.

"Still pretending?" Chun Yuyan stared at her, reached out to brush away her hanging hair, gritted his teeth and pinched her shoulders, his voice sounding like exhaling.

"Did I tell you that I..."


When Ah Lou and Xiao Man saw the door closing, they felt something bad in their hearts. After a short pause, they yelled.

"There is the sound of horse hooves outside. Is there news from the king?"

Xiaoman also shouted excitedly.

"The maid also heard it. Yes, there was the sound of horse hooves. Would you like to go back to the village, madam?"

Horse's hoof.

From far to near.

Chun Yuyan's voice was interrupted, lifeless, but he regained consciousness.

What's the use of saying that?

She won't take it seriously.

Either Pei Lang or Xiao Lang had completely forgotten what he said.

Besides, it’s not a matter of face for a man to be unable to be hard on other women. On the contrary, it strengthened her ambition and allowed her to be unscrupulous and control herself in the future.

Chunyu Yan smiled coolly, and withdrew the hand on Feng Yun's shoulder with force, then slowly released it, and let out a sentence from between his teeth like a bite.

"How can I, as stunning as I am, take advantage of a woman from the Western Region?"

He glanced at Feng Yun again, laughing and joking.

"If Feng Twelve is willing to be obsessed with me, I can devote myself to you now."

Feng Yun said nothing.

Chun Yuyan looked at the person in front of him.

Even though he didn't do anything, the heat in his chest kept burning and couldn't be driven away.

That is the desire that has been suppressed for countless nights...

As fierce as a wolf.

His eyes deepened.

There is fine sweat on the forehead and tip of the nose.

"Feng Twelve, can you take care of me..."

Chunyu Yan got closer and closer, but Feng Yun had no way to retreat.

As long as he is willing, he can reach out and scoop her into his arms, break her wings, drag her into a sea of ​​lust, and hold her until death...

No one in this world can control him.

But even though he was drunk, there seemed to be a magical power in his body that bound his hands and prevented him from doing anything out of line.

He didn't dare.

I'm afraid that we won't even be able to be this close in the future.

"Feng Twelve."

He called softly, his voice low and charming.

"Can you touch me?"

He tried to pull Feng Yun's hand.

Feng Yun avoided it.

Staring at him coldly, without scolding or speaking.

When their eyes met, Chun Yuyan felt a faint feeling of suffocation.

"You really don't want it? If you don't take advantage of it, it's still Feng Twelve?"

"Thank you." Feng Yun glanced at him coldly and glanced at the wine bottle on the wooden table again.

spoke suddenly.

"Can't Jiang Ji do the same?"

Chun Yuyan didn't expect that she would ask this suddenly.

It turns out that she remembers everything...

Those beautiful eyes were extremely sharp, forcing Chun Yuyan to have nowhere to hide. He didn't know whether he should be ashamed or crazy, his thick ink-like eyes were full of violence.

He lowered his head slightly, looking embarrassed and a little cruel.

"You try, can I do it?"

Feng Yun sighed thoughtfully, "Moody. It seems that this time I went to Mingquan and met Jiang Ji. Didn't she agree? Or did she show your face?"

Chun Yuyan's pupils shrank slightly, and his handsome face turned frighteningly pale.

"Are you crazy? You, Feng Twelve, how dare you look down on me?"

Feng Yun said nothing, "Your Majesty, please drink less. If you say such nonsense, no wonder Jiang Ji refuses to follow you..."

With that said, she blessed Chunyu Yan.

"Feng Yun retires. Your Majesty, please go to bed early. Jiang Ji will come back from Mingquan in two days, so you can have a nice talk."

she left.

Chunyu Yan's eyes were heavy, and he stood quietly at the door, watching her go away with her servants.

The night breeze was slightly cool, and the heat that had been scorching all day long had dispersed, but every inch of Chun Yuyan's skin seemed to be soaked by Feng Yun's gaze...

This woman...

You humiliated him like that, and now you don't care about him at all, causing him to end up like this. Do you think you can make up for it by finding him a concubine?

Don't even think about it!

He slowly sat by the window and watched Feng Yun's figure appear on the path. Suddenly he raised his sleeves and the lights in the room went out.

He pulled open the light robe with force.

The moonlight shines through the window and falls on the fair skin.

His fingers are cold, and there is no warmth.

After a while, he sighs and gives up.

Two chapters in one, thank you for your support.

Pei Jue: My letter came just in time...

Chun Yuyan: Are you a dog? Your sense of smell is so obvious, you almost dug the wall down...

Pei Jue: Who told you to touch my things?

Chun Yuyan: Who touched your things? I just... touched my heart.

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